World Politician (Page Three)
Union Star
are running for the
& Vice Presidency of The United States Of America.
Current Notes
: November 4th, 2008 A.D.
to: Page One : Page Two
A few recent highlights
Page One & Page Two
Final Presidential Debate
Position Papers as of January 1995
The original World Politician
column, as frozen in Thirty Seven Cent Cup Of Coffee . Com
on July 5th of 2003.
of Tyronne's Cabinet has long been in place:
Teddy Fibre
Attorney General
Businessman: Secretary Of Commerce 'Let the buyer
beware?! Let the seller be
Secretary of State
Mohawk Press
A quick wit & naughty tongue,
that is sometimes too truthful.
Chad Star
Tyronne's older brother by two years;
his Campaign Manager.
Overall Total
Chief of Accounting
Vice Presidential Advisor; Nicolet's oldest friend.
Spiritual Advisor
Cleopatra's Boyfriend
Freelance Writer
Pinpoint City
Freelance Writer
Sergeant At Arms
Kismet's Boyfriend
Head Librarian
Lattitude Book's Boyfriend
Chocolate Marshmallow
Morrow Futuristic
Totally Fine
Fesque Secretary
Of The Interior
October 15th, 2008
Jeeps, Obama goes out fast & shakes hands w/ Bob Scheifer,
intercepts McCain & doesn't let him get at his right
elbow; as the shorter man did before.
McCain's 11 million homes or more: The Third Round; First Punch.
The people are angry & there must be a short-term lynching for
Fannie & Freddy Mae!
9:09pm 'We're talking about Joe The Plumber. Ha, ha.'
Specific examples of nothing.
W/ Sarah's Joe Six-Pack, they've consolidated the Joe vote.
Would Little Joe, of Bonanza, have voted for either one.
-- so says ![](0bobby13.jpg)
'Puke, let Joe the Plumber keep his wealth. Yea, & the execs
deserve Platinum Parachutes!'
McCain peeks & grins & pretends to right some tit for tat
He's coming off worse than Richard Nixon.
Holy Rabble Rousing All of my Riff Raff is Patriotic.'
9:32 PM or so. 'A truculent Jimmy Cagney pretends he really
rubbed grapefruit in The Arab's eye.'
Death Breathy
judges Jon McCain. 'He ain't Abel, could never do the hit,
another Barry Goldwater.
The truculent fruit campaign, a joke of a bad tough guy, only third
generation of a naval
family forced a jerk-off student to crash a few planes & get shot
--maybe his campaign is just about a suck-off biography seduced into
limp politics.
Fuck McCain, he aint a President.
9:37 PM
Elixir Love
believes John is just saying talking points.
He came in next to last in his Naval Class.
Five years of 'daily' torture/cards w/ the commandant?
Hogan's Heroes spun to an 'unfemminent' end.
He's spun a false faux worm.
9:52 PM 10/15/2008 A.D.
Paintbox Shoes says,
'Now John's claiming if we only sucked up to Columbia, we'd create a
few American jobs.'
Snap Opinion: by ![](0buckaroojody.jpg)
'He's a Hoover!' Jon CainAble a vacuum at Barak.
Buckaroo Jody thinks people should work for their labor with sweat
rather than paper turnovers.
Your speculation was rigged gambling; I think the men
Cherry picking,' Joe you're rich, don't
wnnaanna get American Health Insurance.
Which may be taxed, will be plated, ga-ck 5,800 dollars.
Puke o' dial 1-866-Desperation.
Senator Governent: Babble
JHoe Joe JoeYou to do the Job.
Jimmy Steweartrttatttt would not approve....10:04 PM
Promising: Old Money's
only doll.
'I wanted the old guard, used too like John McCain's profoundly are not true.'
He voted against the true life against any termo-abortion fetus
extrusion alive not take perfect deeee...
--it was something to do about Roe V.s.s. Wade.
HodgePodge Fatty: The
Alone Orphanage (circa 1997)
'Those damn fat kids!' says, I wanna give Joe a guaranteed boy-man that
$5,000 Health Coupon!
--you can't rape the Public
School for Charters.
It's that God awful fucking
blessed kids...
Throwing money at the problem
is the answer...troops the steal the best teaachhrs & screw the
Do full student loan w/ the
meat even chopper.
Dandelion Egos thinks,
'You would be crazy to vote for anyone but Tyronne & Nicolet.
The best couple. The most tested.
They took first place in the intial One World Apocalypse Ball.
'--and Cindy & your wife.' 10:22 PM\/ That One ReDux,
the truculent boy who bitchin'
Let's reform the Gifted & Talented while we freeze the retards!\/
How will wallets & hearts do so find out the mytery of retard
reorm, but fund...but VOUCHERS.'
Jay Pinstripe thinks
The Devil Rays will be World Champions.
'An awful, slack-lipped loosenss which banters on the manic frivousous.
He was the Republican Man in 2000, until South Carolina screwed him.
Bush did, no one want to let that third generation nothing serve.
Bow out, & go away.'
Infinity Pan
Brooks thinks McCain is toast: PBS is the stellar news.
It's 10:34 PM
He Killed!
-bye Barry Goldwater II-
'Who am I?': Guess
Do you remember me?
I'm a for=sale
Dwarf Barcode
the world is tainted, purports-truly, a Baby Imp.
[Dwarf admires Karl
Rove, believes he is passe`.]
[Fox News is bogue.]
'Smooth cool...' says Spider
'His answers were
Miss Japan (below)
October 16th, 2008 A.D.
Josef Mohawk
Tyronne's Independent Press
Mostly her words are his; rarely
Tether Nightspoon
'--believes Donna DOW's real
base value is 776; base your retirement on that.'
'401 K's are not 14 K'
As Overall Total says, 'Spend less. Pay for now
& yesterday; anchor tomorrows.
Be thrifty Americans & pay for your Father's sins--your Mother's
got you into this.
Live for your children; your neighbor's kids.
Pensions used to be sacred; praying won't pay for Healtlh Care==don't
we all deserve it.'
'Vote for Tyronne, I'm Tether Nighspoon.'
17th, 2008
Josef Mohawk notes:
'--as with his Vice Presidential choice, Samuel the back-tax owing
non-plumber is bogus.'
Overall Total
notes the root of catastrophe, '--a personal and national greed
of spending the future.
'The money, your children's money, wishing your pocket was not quite,
so loose.'
[It's nice to see a business requiring, "A little each week lay away; your to pick
up just before that magical day."'
Book Velvet
says, 'The world would be brighter if more people read novels intead of
mortal biographies;
more politically true if readers check-out Time & Newsweek instead
of dining on gossip mags.'
Little Alcoves
'--Nicolet is so much better than Sarah.'
October 21st-[;'/, 2008 A.D.
Deeds Gun
PSA/Public Service Wisdom Ads: 'Wish quits, if you don't vote.'
October 21st, 2008 A.D.
The Wee Willie Keelers: The four Fingered Catcher
'Sarah is not the only daughter of America;
John not 'The Original Patiot'.
DrUm Shorts/Stacatto Pants
'McCain has no beat.'
October 25th, 2008 A.D.
Just Businessman
is featured in today's Notes
-Josef Mohawk believes this is pivotal last
gasp--that--There will be--
Future MOvie Reel Notes--10/25/2008: at a campaign Stop in America!!
'his wife's skirts
immodestly exposed!
In The Evening Press: 'You
notices she choked on that one word before
Duty, Honor & God-:ike.
Like, John McCain, 5 & 1@2 yrs.
of evil torture obviate...a plan, even temperment to
Tyronne Union Star Power Re-Endorses Barak Hussein Obama
b. & may he live to guide three more Administrations.
Overall Total reiterates: 'We need to pay for the age of second
a hot buy!: 'The Presumption
of Assumption. Com'
It took a Marshall Plan & A Real Eisenhower to solve the aftermath
of World War II.
'Would you trust him with The Second Great Depression?'
--Just Businessman
Pierre Monsieure: Diplomat to France wishes to Cock's
Crow Knowingly Note:
Sar-cozy so scooped you. And Tony Blair's X-successor totally
America trying to sell crude oil; Jett Rinc.
'Russia is closer to France than Sarah's Back Yard Garden.'
[Never Trust America for Foreign Policy.]
Pierre Monsieur
Baby Vanilla Queen
'Sarah Palin in high heels is much lower than Dan Quayle.'
Horrid Little Obligato
happens to spycho-psychology wonder!! '--if he were alive, or
voting in Chicago.
'--I wonder if his drunken dead admiral dad would vote for 'The
Pandering Veteran.Com ' bitcho
over the cool smooth of Barak.'
In Way Of
Editor's Note: 'Horrid is inveigeled in to offering his nightly
opinion; only once in awhile are they
cyber published, or even noted.'
n Leaf
October 26th, 2008
Natty Rumple
Natty won't blink when it comes to gay marriage. Natty opines:
'Burn the ballot issues among states of oppression!
It is the nature of things for ten percent of humanity; let it be.
...& you say you won't legislate from the bench; dictate the law.'
'Who could ever live with your choice. Why are hick opinions
Beefcake Carved
'--unleash the we.'
Baby On
believes in doing.
'Vote for freedoms.'
[Tyronne Union Star Power is The World Politician to vote for.]
believes Donna was DOW(n) in '87
Cadaver since: just believe your retirement is half of what was.
'Get on with the bedrock.' The Orphan Of Life offers fiscal advice.'
'6713 is the bottom,' predicts Milky Potpurri. 'Donna DOW(n)
--We are innaugurating a second FDR.'
Vote for Tyronne & Nicolet, Their OverFull Cabinet:
since 1984, running on experience.
An African-American by way of Illinois & a seven year old white
girl from Baltimore:
--they took second place in the first One World Apocalypse Ball.
--told the second to last Bedtime Fairy Tale to The Orphans of Life,
Bobby & Azurite.
Don't they deserve to be Pres & Vice President.?!
Vote now, before, or on November 4th.
The most important Tuesday.
27th, 2008
Noe Immortal
'Men have always voted for flesh & wardrobe...were the ballot on
voice only,
Sarah Palin & Elizabeth Hasselbeck would come in no place.'
Teddy Fibre notes,
'No Maverick, McCain would merely be Corporate Bondage's saddle.'
Corporate Bondage
rebutts, 'What is good for
business is good for me. Lower the corporate taxes,
abolish capital gains levies and let our hard earned paper work capital
Deregulate deregulation.'
Twilight Nevers
'It is the eve of forever.'
Twist Prescriptions
believes, '--their is no sulfa for Donna DOW(n).'
Overall Total long ago predicted, & I believe him,
'--6713 is the magic benchmark; just place retirement expectations at
that. Plan ahead, relax now.
February 2oth, 2009 baseline.'
'--that's my prescription for the stock market.'
On another note: 'There is Medicaid, etc.: juxtaposed with
lessons from our north.
NAFTA w/ Candada: Oil, Health Care, Wheat, Drugs & A Bit of
'For Today, that's what I say.'
Twist Prescriptions
Twist Prescriptions
wishes to further note: as observed tonight.
P. P. S.: 'TheirThere is no congruency...6713 is the election
base reality FDR II should run upon.'
As neither major covers it totally as my Cabinet & Me:
vote One World Politician.
Stature Mansions
'--it is a given, the rich should not be taxed.'
'Do not Tyronne, World Politicians will skim money from you
richest! Quelle the unrest. Quell!'
P.sS.: 'I approve of Sarah Hasselbeck.'
Who is the character above?
A: Comet Jupiter
The Yellow
Mati Hari Flower (in spirit form).
Comet in her physical form (circa 1945)
Tricycle [spins the DOW: Donna Dow(n)]
'Don't bother to worry, Harpsicord winds eight...'
Josef Mohawk rebutts, ![](0josefmohawk12.jpg)
'--paralyzed lies!! You just know they are not true the moment
hears them.'
'Joe the Plumber doesn't have a liscence to drain; owes back
taxes. UnPatriotic rich Welsh/
Taffy was a Welshman/ Taffy was a thief...the rich always intend to
vote the poor.
Chorus: rape the poor.'
Why should I pay, earned money more-skillfully than my neighbor.
Skinhead Purchase/Buy
This: Better Than The Next American. Com
Pure White Truth . Com Niggling Bitch-o
::::::Buy this, forget about gold...order within the next ten seconds,
may get free shipping.
Buy Republican, not World Politician.
Vote with your pocketbook, not with your soul.
Screw the fortunes of the $250,000 Joe!
(who was Vetted twice as well as Sarah Palin).
I am Buckaroo Jody, and I know how to drive a nail.
My woman always orgasms.
I drive Money Comes...
Baby On
Camaro Blond
...I affirm a bachlor's charms.
I also love
Mix testifies: '...I am going to vote my heart for Tyronne.'
is sick of Joe's Smorgasbord; his skinhead fascism;
that fake plumber
who's confrontation stood up to the presumptive half black man.
29th, 2009
Married Miss Trite Overload
of The Holywood Vines
Press Corp,
is very worried that her home state of Georgia is endangered,
'Once true red, it is tinting purplish blue!'
She believes, 'We need Sarah Palin even beyond John McCain & his
foul campaign.
Some are calling her a 'Diva!' now that she is going her
own way.
I have it from unscrupulous sources, that her code name is now 'Rogue Bitchess'.
So believes in Corporate
Bondage! 'Vote for him.'
Halloween of 2008 A.D.
'Elizbeth Dole knows God
better. Vote for her.'
sponsored by Tar
Heels Cleaner Than Dirt.
'I approve of this message!' adds
[The Only Child of Schoolboy's Sorrow & Miss Nomers]
Parisian SandsNNovNoember
'The Ivory Aging Mati Hari Flower'
'Oui, even whites must vote black. Tyronne Union Star Power so
World Pol to tiny McCains.'
believes '--the rich should be daintily taxed.'
[Hates The Death
Tax, as she stands to so inherit from her progenitors Stockroll, Sr.
& Bitsie
November 1st, 2008
Gene Misconstrue
'Does not wish to clone humans...* I approve of everything
stem sell
else tho'.
[I have most of the patents.]
[And my partner has the approval of God!']
Corporate Bondage
He approves of my message; vote Me & HIM.
2nd, 2008 A.D.
Hangshadow Curves
is wryly
'How sexist! No one has dared require Sarah Palin to release her
medical records.
Did Geraldine Ferraro? Has any male VP candidate refused to
medicals & mental traits?
ManikenDoll, such a scripted little dark Barbie talker.'
3rd, 2008 A.D.
A FEW NOTES by Pillow Foray,
who has been listening to AM Radio.
Rush Limbaugh swears '--the Messianic Complexed Obama
gave the finger to McCain while scratching
the middle of his face.'
[This during his condolence speech on McCain running a tough race.]
Glenn Beck said a few days ago, 'The third most listened to show on the
radio he claims.'
So funny--'--the carved B in her face should be the top story on every
mainstream media!'
funny, that night I saw a bit on NBC, Brian Williams noting it was a
hoax, 10 seconds.
Sarah Palin thanks God & McCain for him being so perfect...Ohio
there is only one man in this campaign
who fights for you.'
Dar Sarah, we look forward to you spending your soul mate night w/ old
John in Phoenix, Arizona.
Totally Fine Fesque: Secretary Of Interior
'--vote for Tyronne & Nicolet, or I will not be.'
'Drill Baby Drill!?' Save it for our children!' says World
'God bless the World, Our Universe.'
discourses more.
One of Fifty Stars Of Freedom: Most of them associated Earth.
Many Fire, Air & Water & Ether.
endorses Tyronne Union Star Power
'--orange arms; he has the best health care plan.'
voted for Howard Taft, twice.
Late Breaking News: No Longer
Tomorrow's he's pulling the trigger for Obama.
--sure hopes Tyronne & Nicolet take Florida.
(Osage-Seminole, he walked the Vale Of Tears in Oklahoma Oil.
Lost Cherokee GrandMothers...)
'How can one not vote McCain.'
Smokytop Shade: 'I'm
from North Carolina Obama...Tyronne & Nicolet in 2012.'
'--no sad goodbyes to Eliz.Dole.God.'
Earth Annopolis
believes,'World Politician may lead 21st-st Century
Election Day, November
4th, 2008 A.D.
'True Rumours from The Land Of Maybe!' claims Married Miss Trite
Overloadof The Holywood Vines Press Corp.
Go To Page Four_____________________