Situational Update, October of 2003:
As older men have not performed that marvellously,
an Amendment to the Constitution has opened
the Presidential Office to Youngsters.An American by way of Illinois, yet a representative of all of Earth,
Tyronne Union Star Power is the first World Politician, a fourteen year old
independently bidding for the 2004 nomination.At eleven years of age, Nicolet Cottles is his running mate;
most of their Cabinet has already been selected:Teddy Fibre as Attorney General
Just Businessman Economic Advisor 'Let the buyer beware?
Let the seller be sure.'
dDitto Cruciform Secretary of StateJosef Mohawk Press Secretary A quick wit & naughty tongue,
that is sometimes too truthful.Chad Star Power Tyronne's older brother by two years;
his Campaign Manager.Overall Total Chief of Accounting
Jet Bubbles Vice Presidential Advisor; Nicolet's oldest friend.
Cleopatra's Soul Spiritual Advisor
Having announced their entry on All Saints Day of 1999
after taking second place in the dance contest that was
The One World Apocalypse BallTyronne & Nicolet's campaign is a veteran one.
No need for ballot, Write In.
Lattice Veneer, of The Holywood Vines Press Corp,
"What are you prepared to do?"
Tyronne Union Star Power, "What must become.
A Coalition of Forever."<><><>
Cleopatra's Soul
Stump Lines & Philosophies:
'Every Star, Freedom is Fifty Strong.'
Tyronne'Fifty Issues Showing Every Light eight year blueprint to the end of the Mayan Calendar,
we're running for two!'
Nicolet *****
One of the Earliest Characters: Unnamed EarthAirMoon Spirit
Tyronne, "Rainbows come true, if you believe in every colour."
Nicolet, "Black & White Rainbows."
'We are all individual lights.'
Teddy Fibre
%%'It is the size of the heart that makes the flag.'
Tyronne Union Star Power
'Fly the flag from your heart.
The stars are why.'
'Promises dear as rust--it's time to sharpen the shine, by getting done.
Promises keep themselves, if they are true.'
Teddy Fibre
'It is a dream until it happens, and then it's true. Then it comes true.'
Tyronne Union Star Power
'Here we go, 'cause it's now.' Nicolet
'You have to actually, and then it's not pretend. Vote.'
'Big as belief! Vote.
Lightning needs to strike, or it is but the boast of thunder.'
Josef Mohawk'The Eleventh Towers'
Burned in our memories, only if we accept the scar.
Terrorism winning, only if we live in fears,
trust in false securities
...and lose our freedoms.Tyronne Union Star Power
10:11 PM EST
Josef Mohawk
'Big Sis to Nicolet: Ty's Press Secretary' Skip The War & Go To Future Issues
WORLD WAR SOME The 19th of March, 2003
As we go it alone, with only our staunchest ally in reluctant tow--
Tony Blair hanging like Guy Fawkes Dixie Chicked--
Jr. trying to erase his Father's mistakes.Intent upon smaller game,
we missed the best window of opportunity to take out source evil.
If war was inevitable, as it now seems it always was:
we would have headed a world coalition;
had we announced a state of war on
September 12th, or October the First at the latest:
bombing to commence New Year's Day of 2002
if the bad man not retired, or been forcibly removed by his own.There would have been no need for an underground government,
had our Commander In Chief brought Air Force One down earlier.Damning protocol and descending to earth,
shouldn't he have been in The White House,
in timely address to the nation.
Was the CIA expecting thousands of bomb laden Arabs
swarming the White House lawn?
Churchill braved the ruins of London, did not hide his life and leadership.
Churchill wrote his own heart, would not have circled his capitol
while the appropriate speech was being manufactured.Tyronne Union Star Power
One does not lop limbs top downwards,
before destroying the roots,
and felling the tree.
Chad Star Power***
Churchill also painted, did not know cocaine in his 40's.
World War II was in the 1940's
Teddy Fibre's
Allegedly-Inferred History Lesson***
Drum Shorts/Stacatto Pants
WW I Orphan|||||||||||||||||||
'The game is over & now it's war.'
Jr. trying to erase his father's mistakes--
with sound bite realities; a puppets script.God Bless America, may others be killed.
Our long weekend--basketball brackets & war!!
We needn't exhibit the glee of Romans,
from our flat-screen Coliseum living room seats.Feeble foresight? A-Z, Arizona Wildcats..& The U. S. win it all.
War must begin before tomorrow's games,
on the 50th hour,
if not 48th.
Pity Our President couldn't have made his St. Patrick's Day speech at 5:00 P.M. EST,
then he could have made the tip-off prime time.Or will he wait for the for the moment of twin tower impact;
America waking up for a reversed Thursday morning,
eighteen months and nine days later?UnFixed Betting Lines:
Most hope it is the swifter, less cautious overkill of Desert Storm II
which has a final resolution, fatal scene:
no Bush III
('cause then a woman would be President).Some feel the trapped rat will bare biological teeth;
a very legitimate fear.Some want them to, so we may excuse the use of nukes.
Intense hand to hand fighting in Bagdad? sporadic snipers.
--loyalties not nearly as intense as with Tojo or Hitler.I shall leave the future open, not deign to make unsacred guesses.
Weasels petting their own skin,
we can only hope turncoats within his regime,
dangle Sadaam like a used Mussolini;
before we have to collaterally damage too many innocents,
have a real war in which many Americans perish.Josef Mohawk
The Press Secretary With Her Own Mind***
***Post September the Eleventh:
our intelligence failures have been a boon
to the business of security,
internal spying.Growth market opportunities for the disicples of St.. J. Edgar Hoover:
one of the sickest, snoopiest,
cross-dressing and double-dealing
blackmailingest/blacklistingest men ever.With double agents and triple X's and missing laptops,
everybody's an insider in the know--except ordinary us.
Why must our party lines be listener-ined?
Roseanne Rossanna Danna--
the local operator no longer just a friendly gossip,
the interest less convivial.Just Businessman
Drop the bomb on Bagdad, until it's a stinking filthy hole!
Five million for five thousand!
Why try to kill the queen cockroach with a fly swatter.
Pretty soon you just gotta fumigate the &%$!@#'s.Terrified Thumbstick
Why didn't we nuke a little island fishing village,
or a remote town on the edge of the plains?
if we wished to show our new power at human cost.
There was no need for Hiroshima, certainly not Nagasaki.
Master Key Space*
Josef "Time to upload, on the 44th Hour." 4:44 P.M. EST
March 19th, 2003
World War Some March 31st, 2003
I've read your opening day opinions of the war, and most strikingly
agree with the part where Tyronne said that the Republican's predetermined war
should have commenced on January 1st of 2002.
Waiting for the CIA to gather exact proof of Sadaam's
involvement was such a silly ruse.
Searching for the forest in Iowa (incompetence stabbing at misinformation)
including our intelligence in any timetable of preparations is sadly delicious.
Searching for the forest in Iowa,
they can't tell a cathouse from the Chinese Embassy.
Is Iraq a quagmire of Evil?
Do they fund terrorism? Let's rephrase the quandary.
Will greyhounds chase only mechanical rabbits
--doesn't a dog always win those races?
Aren't bears mythological messengers of God
--does a pope shit in the woods?
Why rely on figment clues?
Some answers are given--perhaps it should have been then or never.
Maybe we wouldn't have bothered Iraq at all,
had the demise of Bin Laden gained enough glory
to secure the 2004 election.Horrid Little Obligato
World War Some (cont.)April Fools
Oh-oh. Will our 'Police Action' turn into a real war? I think we thought
we'd get away with a few hundred casualties and two months of intervention.
Perhaps we still will, once we resupply and drive to Bagdad...should they
become demoralized.
The jokest joke is anyone believing there will ever be more than one
democracy in The Middle East. There can be no further Colonialization, we
will never preside over our own private oil pool.
Speech writers do not make it real. A thousand points of fire will never
subjugate another people. Initial victory can never assure victory.
We should have never promised a crusade against terrorism on
September 16th, 2001. It sounds like open season on anything Arabic.
A holy right to do as we please.
The moral high ground of a bully. The right to assume.
Cleopatra's Soul
World War Some Sunday, April 6th
To paraphrase Bobby Knight on rape:
'If war is inevitable, enjoy it.'Magnus Pages
It's called neo-Colonialism. It's Evil and it's off-skew.
Downy Afficinado***
Attempting to get in touch with parts of myself, I was doing the Walden Pond thing during the first two weeks of the war. With no television, computer or internet access, I only managed to catch hourly radio updates:
Two separate two day events pinpointed the nature of modern war.
Number One:
Such tension, those two sandstorm days when the ferocious column of a thousand armoured vehicles roared South from Bagdad, bent upon attack. They just kept coming, hour by hour, advancing under Allah's protective veil. Now they were almost upon our forces--would the storm last just a little longer, was their God stronger than ours? Would it be a ground to ground clash, our air no longer superior.
But lo', when the sands subsided, the column of a thousand was no more; the impetus and hoursglass once more ours.
(Surely a miracle, the magical removal of a vile enemy--or another testimony to the reliability of the CIA.)
Number Two: the questioning whining of the media as we stopped to resupply for two days. Momentum had surely been lost; were there enough troops in the field? was the enemy tougher than surmised? Then the peevish administration replies that everything was going according to plan, that it was unpatriotic if one did not walk lockstep, deigned to doubt. Adamant assurances that there would be no brokered peace terms, no half-measures, as there had been with Sand War I.
(Idiots all; so easy to realize, to explain that even Patton's nimble armour had to pause for resupply.)
When I began my retreat on St. Patrick's Day, I thought the intervention would last somewhat shy of a full moon. World opinion would not stand for us bombing Iraq into oblivion. This victory must be swiftly and conclusively achieved.
Militarily, other than the friendly fire incidents, it seems as if it will be a rather concise victory, complete within the week. A tidy, if expensive, conquest; should the remaining Iraqi leadership realize chemical attacks would be both fruitless, and insanely criminal.
Morally, a loss; especially if we do not swiftly establish a fair government, swiftly leave. Yes, we will have toppled a repressive regime; yet we have supported this, and will continue to favor many other such leaderships. It is our history. 'Remember The Maine.'
Crusades may be adventurous fun while we bask in starlight conquest, the safe comfort of television exposure. Occupation and retribution's aftermath are likely to be less glorious.
A holy war? Is any. Least of all those in The Middle East.
Four dead devas, the corners of the Earth,
Jesus might agree--we are taking angels away from a baby's manger.Teddy Fibre 7:18 PM EST
Ty's Attorney GeneralWorld War Some Wednesday April 9th, 2003
The statue has been toppled, may the man be found.
Where could he go.
No where near as deep as Bin Laden.
It is the end of The Three Weeks War.
May Reconstruction be 1000% purer,
than our own Civil War.Tyronne Union Star Power
4:47 PM EST
<><><><><><><><>World War Some Thursday April 24th
Who thought The Bad Man would pull a Houdini, Elvis, Bin Laden;
manage to evade even the efficiancy of our CIA. My guess is he's been cooling out with some old Nazi in Argentina since the second week of the war. Or he could have been facelifted into Wayne Newton.
Or Olivia Newton John; any of Vegas' unretireable lounge lizards.Anyway!!
Is this to be yet another doorway domino in World War Storm?
Since we couldn't get the top Al Queda, we had to topple King Iraqui.
Lacking trophy pelts (merely occupying countries) will the new Evil have to be North Korea, their strongman adorning our Den Wall.The big re-election is only eighteen months away and dead Lacey Peterson
has already knocked Iraq onto the second page. Who needs ratings bombs when there's court TV? Dang! if we could only broadcast a Nuremburg. I bet some secret top officials are disappointed our boys and girls hadn't been bio gassed. (With acceptable losses of course--after all, we have a long history of testing on our own.)Horrid Little Obligato
4:01 PM EST==============
Readers Reply:
'Dear Press Secretary With A Mouth of Her Own':
You show an unparalelled abuse of position: a Press Secretaries only purpose is to be an official mouthpiece! Who would wish to hear anything you may deign to say. You can not ever spell Saddam correctly!
Goody Kind'If our President, and his father can mispronounce the name of a foreign leader,
I take my literary errors to be a right of citizenship in these United States.
That's United States!! sweet Goody.
Not Police State!'
Josef Mohawk*****
Back To War's Beginning=========
'The Spider Cat'************************
'Undefeated, unafraid...New Hampshire is not fatal,
just a temporary setback.'
Chad Star Power
'Elephants surround & clowns abound, mules stubbornly refuse to do
--vote World Politician.'
dDitto Cruciform()()()
Evolving Blueprint for the year A.D. 2004:
Fifty Stars of Freedom, Thirteen Planks of Platform.
The First Five Stars of Freedom concern The Environment:
#1 Bioengineering This must be the Pandora's Box mythology warns about.
If Monarch Butterflies don't like the neo-flowers, will we bear the fruit
--subsequent generational mutations rubric's cubed?!#2 Rain Forest Dote & Anti-Dote,
Poisons & Herbs: Did God not make the world in perfect balance?
Why haven't more research projects concentrated upon natural mysteries?
Is it because Dow Chemical, etc. would see a decrease in unnatural profits.#3 Ozone Layer Economic slowdowns if we pollute less?
Current greed versus our futures.
The world is too old, too soon.#4 Water Purity & Conservation Dry out the wetlands!
#5 Packaging Must we consume two ounces of portable pudding
and discard one ounce of plastic?
Whatever happened to the efficiency of 'Dinnerables?'1 of 50 Why is it provident to gorge our rich on Tax Cuts,
and burden the future with deficits? by stealing from children.
Totally Fine Fesque
1930's Orphan
1 of 50 Public Service Ads Who decides the content? division of budget?
Because life is never purely black & white; and has
shades of moral quandaries more complex than
The Ten Commandments & 'Just Say No' (Reefer Madness!!)
it is hereby proposed that all PSA monies be open to assignment:
contestants to be judged by an independent board of review.1 of 50 Sex Education The birds & the bees need not be left to the discretion
of street corner whispers, happened rumours.1 of 50 Triple Damages, etc. International Copyrights on Creativity; esp. w/
regard to Chinese bootlegging.1 of 50 Media Restraint Need every story be treated as car chase serial with hoped
for deaths at the end? We are acting like Coliseum Romans.
Murderer collectibles? Marriage proposals while in jail?
Must every famed parole hearing be treated as a happy ghoulish anniversary.
When Lincoln's assassins were hung, a Northern newspaper wrote,
'It took them more than five minutes to die.
We want to know their names no more.'1 of 50 Truth in Advertising
Natural Male Enhancement; Bust Development; Baldness Cures;
Drugs To Mend Every Occasion...So little true.
Radio Ads proclaim: 'As seen on TV!' as if biblical certified. TV runs anything.1 of 50 Tax Religions With spiritual and religious lines so blurring into social and political
realms; profit and non-profit; taxed.1 of 50 Open the UFO books: Every Investigation.
1 of 50 Home Made Possibilities: Volunteerism
1 of 50 Campaign Reform
Tyronne, 'I expect the bill to be settled by Inauguration Day.'1 of 50 No Offshore Tax Shelters No Swiss Bank Accounts
Clean Accounting as guaranteed by Overall Total,
Individualized Serial, Quantum Dwarf, etc.A Flat Line Justice, In & Out the Only Halves of the Ledger.
In & Out Tax Reform: Flat Line 50 Steps, 2%sSecret Swiss Bank Accounts:
After Poindexter, and his TIA, our records are bare, why not theirs.'--you clothed your honesty in turtle.' Overall Total
Overall suggests an Opportunity Cost Tax: 20-30% Off the The Top of Revenues
The Only Tax!!: Don't s'pose we can do that tho',
put half the accountants out of business.No Corporate Welfare
1 of 50 Blue Collar Prisons For White Collar Criminals
'Clean Crime Need Not Be Conferred Country Club Halo'
'Let Them Sit The Dirty'
'Untouchables? The White Collar Police:
Didn't they catch Al Capone w/ an Accountant's Trail?'
'Money laundered is dirty as crime.'1 of 50 In order to remove the temptation of graft in our justice departments,
to eliminate gangster, gangsta's, Soviet, Afghani, Iranian, etc. power bases
--all drugs, should be legalized; duly taxed and regulated.
(Merely allowing the Devil his due, Prohibition never works.
There are too many opportunities for intermediate evil.)
Education and rehabilitation increases will make for a purer world;
deglamourize the cool of illegal use.
{It may be more feasible to begin with the legalization of marijuana and cocaine.}1 of 50 Beside reminding of our governments ceaseless concern for the safety of her citizens,
what is the purpose of the Terrorism Colours Warning System,
when our worried vigilance will have no effect on the outcome?
This is not The Battle of London, with a necessity of a Home Guard to binocular
Stukkas--but fear mongering, Republican Guard PR.
As forever in Israel, Terrorism is a fact of life we have to learn to live with.
We do not have to live it.
A Midieval1 of 50 Streamline the Bureaucracy of Charity
1 of 50 Reduce The Governmental Bureaucracy:
Weren't computers supposed to do some work?
Since when are Republicans noted for the creation of new monstrous bureaus.
A bloated Homeland Defence fripple effective--an excuse for Poindexter to resurrect
J. Edgar Hoover and pry into every mettle.1 of 50 The Estate Tax Remember the crushing weight of the Roman Oligarchy?
The unwieldy influence of Robber Barons? As insurance against Vested
Personal Trust, the tyranny of the many by the few, estates must be taxed.
Where is Teddy Roosevelt when you need him? We have Teddy Fibre.1 of 50 The Next Great Constitution:
Updates Incorporating A Swifter Pace of Life1 of 50 Anatomy of A Bill: Why are yearly eye check ups tagged on to the cost of new
glasses. Is an ocular prescription a 'controlled substance', or a successful effort by
Optometrist and Glaucoma Insurance Lobbyists.
Exactly when & how & why did this piece of legislation become law?
A question that may be asked of many bills.
Windswept Maypole
1865 Orphan, The First Orphan Lady
1 of 50 Military: One Joint Chief of Staff The trimming of top fat;
especially the extraordinary retirement benefits.
We must finally admit The Cold War is over; speed the capabilities of our strike forces.1 of 50 Social Security was meant to be a safety net for the poor,
not a bonus rebate for the wealthy.
The drive and zest of the upper crust certainly contributes to the vibrancy of America,
but society has helped create their opportunities for success; and is reward enough.1 of 50 The Right to Privacy: Individual Freedom
Shades of J. Edgar Hoover! why is the convicted felon John M. Poindexter
in charge of the Total Information Awareness System,
a soon to be brought to life provision of the pending Homeland Security Bill.
Doublespeak underscored--won't it be a dilly, as fashioned by the former
National Security Advisor who brought us 'Contra I Ron.'
They couldn't even process the pre 9-11 info they had;
1984--2002; the Pandora's Box of the Devil.1 of 50 No Telemarketing: an invasion of privacy; why is it sanctioned?
Do Not Call Lists should be a technological lock on the front end.
Why do Unlisted Numbers cost money?1 of 50 Regardless of age, High School Seniors should be given the Right to Vote:
infiltrating youth, mock elections should be encouraged.
Cooler than drink, tobacco or dopes, Vote.1 0f 50 Unions Why are the AMA & ABA the only effective unions?
More doctors; lesser wages and stress--isn't prestige part of the
compensatory package? Nurses should be given more responsibilities.
More Judges; swifter cases (of more import).1 0f 50 Education
Vouchers merely defray the expense of rich children in private schools.
The poor can not afford to use them.1 of 50 Who pays for all the Faddish Research Projects? Why do we believe them?
80% of all health problems are traced to a lack of water.
Drink it.1 of 50 Prostitution Legalized (& Taxed)
Again, prohibition does not work.
By eliminating dirty pimps and middlemen, the furtive Joans & Johns,
we encourage healthier habits, less guilt.1 of 50 Announced to the Minute Movie Times
no more than 5-7 minutes of previews No commercials allowed.
No Commercials Desecrating The Skies (Unless it's biplane smoke.)
Television & Radio Commercials
are not allowed to be louder than the program.
Light Breeze
1970's Orphan*** ***
A n Documentary
Note: This poem is about church,
when the Earth still believed.used to smile
just to keep light around
used to dream of you
all the women kept tears,
and pockets in their pursesEach Sunday was.
1 of 50 Religious Freedom May each believe in their own aboves.
Downy AfficinadoPrayer P.S.
P.S. Prayer:fast asleep,
wishes upon brow,
in God we above
1 of 50 Useless Holidays (For Government Workers Only, i.e.).
Banish, or at least unpaid downgrade Columbus & Presidents Day.
(Recently, it's not if any of them have earned such munificence.)1 of 50 National Health Care
Ergonomics: A lower mouse stool/caddy to lessen pressure on shoulder
and forearm. Left handed/rotating mousage to be encouraged.1 of 50 What Happened to the Pensions? How?
1 of 50 Phase Out Dated Military Programs
IMMEDIATELY ...such as Seafarer/Elf, Star Wars, etc.1 of 50 Income Tax Simplification
What happened to the last attempt; did the H & R Block lobby undo?
Simple formulas will reduce annual stress; greatly reduce health costs.1 of 50 Even moreso than the military, the CIA & FBI are ineffectual and bloatedly top
heavy with circuitous decision makings.
Only the cutting edge should be retained:
one new lean nose-to-the-earth team to be created; less spy satellites peering at angels.1 of 50 Star Wars
An out-moded techno-insanity only alive due to the virulent force of
contractor pipelines.
{In an age of satchel nukes and dirty bombs,
wouldn't it be more practical to have 'earthworm missiles'.}Once a base of prudence has been set; Sstorms are to be revelled in.
It is our Civilization, and we can little or Big C.--let's hope we all have it within us.
Post Script:
Before the campaign truly gears up on October 1st of 2003, the final fifty main
issues need to be finalized before The Last Election.Feel free to submit opinions and proposals.
Every Light: Fifty Stars of Freedom Must Be Earned
Cartoon Themes & Captions
(Artists & Additional Theorists Needed)Captions & Corner Character Comments:
'Fly the flag from your heart, and not your ads.'
SUV Dealers
'Moneychangers In The Temple Of Patriotism'
(& The Contracts For The Reconstruction of Iraq)
The Politics of Envy!
Class Warfare?
'Don't Bother Waging Class Warfare:
The Rich Always Win'
'asp mad'**
'--comb over notions!' (on Cheney)
(oily hair)
'--suckling at a shoelace.' (oil)
aka The Patriot Act I & II
Patriot Act II aka Domestic Security EnhancementPaul Revere rides wildly; there are Lanterns of 1 & 2, signifying they are coming by land and sea, a hot air balloon #'ed 3 portents the air, moles #'ed 4 burrow upward from underground (the largest mole eerily resembles Poindexter, Head of the TIA.
Captions: 'Hide your Library Cards: The Patriots Are Coming!'
'1776: Patriots fought for freedom; not the Invasion of Privacy'Corner Characters: 'Patriot Acts terrorize our Bill of Rights.'
'TIA=Fascism. Heil Poindexter!'
'The Modern Patriot: J. Edgar Poindexter'}{}{}{
Mirror Image Poindexters sit in a library; one pours over a book on a desk, another is an old time telephone operator:
Captions: 'Your Librarian & E-mail Operator? J. Edgar Poindexter.'
'The Need for Total Information Awareness? They couldn't Process 9-11.'}{}
The Library of Congress is on fire, the stars of the flag little flickers of flame.
A large red, white and blue Ladybug flies about.Caption: 'Ladybug, ladybug fly home, your freedoms are burning.'
The Moon holds the face of William Casey. Snoopy gizmo-satellites fill the skies,
a few stick figures with magnifying glasses and Sherlock Holmes hats stalk the tiny earth below.Caption: 'Disband the CIA, start anew.'
Corner Character: 'Satellites vs. Grass Roots.'
Underdog & Snoopy are dressed as Congressional sleuths.
Caption: 'D.C. Intrigues...common as dog days in August.'
There are two pie charts of Bush's proposed 2004 Budget: 726 Billion in Tax Cuts, the hugest slice going to the rich, small slices to other portions of the economic strata.
Proposed cuts include $14 Billion for Veterans Benefits; $13 Billion in Food Stamps, School Lunch and Nutrition Programs $6 Billion, Medicare...
As the Education President To Be, Candidate Bush states: 'Leave no child behind.'
As a National Guard Warrior he proclaims, 'Support our troops.'Corner Characters: 'Ketchup is a fruit.' 'Let them eat Conservative Theology.'
'Support our long as they're useful.'{}
Famous Perjuries: 'Figments of Non Fiction'
Reagan: 'There were no arms for hostages.'
Bush the Elder; Ex-CIA Chief: 'I was out of the loop.'
CIA: 'We did not finance Contra guns by selling coke in America.'
Poindexter: 'Hassenfuss did it. Blame it on the rabbit stew.'
Bush II: 'I won Florida.'
Corner Characters: 'Retroactive; impeach Ronald & The Georges.'
'Delete the CIA.'{}{}{}
Political Theological Clusters: You know there are only two sides!
(Tho' one may be varying anything on each separate issue.)Conservative Orthodox
Liberal Progressive
To be American may be an individual, or Corporate Thing.
'--feast grown wild.'
'How can they watch Jimmy Stewart as Mr. Smith,
and imagine they too,
uphold Washington ideals.'
'--nothing is an excuse for anything.'
"--the best future is time, invest in it. Reduce the defeceit."
'Golden style
with a tinhorn heart.'
on The Reagan Years<>
'Evidently Evidence'
'It's the
Charge of the Light Calvary
without heroism.
A puppet President
smart as diction.'<>
'The flag is our symbol,
not our God.'Josef Mohawk
Miss Nomer's Cat
'--attacking ruffles, kittens on a pillowcase.'
(The Senate & Congress tackles the problems of the world.)
with the corner character PATOIS PIECEMEAL saying, 'Little purposes, tiny baby steps.'
All State insurance ad parody
'SomeState' the uninsured: big events in little hands.'
Colin Powell as 'A Knight in Binding Armour'
The Secretary of State needing to use an over bloated military to
confirm the wisdom of half a century of build-up.
'Will they ever state the whole purpose of the rigmarole' UFO's, etc.
Bush II 'Purely Relative, A Relic of Fate'
stitching wisdom to ignorance
cross purposes(underclass waif line)
'--a little slice of the dream, just want the part that's mine.'
'--extraordinary times call for feared measures.'
Castrog Delomain
Evil Solar Mage of Atlantis 11,001 B. C.
Cartoon Themes & Captions (cont)
A Slightly Altered Mount Rushmore:
From the pages of history, the stones still speak.
Eisenhower: 'Beware the military-industrial complex.'
Socrates: 'All wars are fought for money.'
Lincoln: 'Corporations have been enthroned...'
Will Rodgers: 'There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.'Einstein as a Corner Character: 'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.'
The House, Senate & Congress dressed in tutus
as they dance about The Fifty Stars of Freedom,
banter about the same tired tug-of-wars that are School Prayer,
Abortion, The Pledge of Allegiance & Campaign Finance Reform.'--wide restraint skirting the issues.'
Chad, on the refusal to discuss all fifty issues*****
'Corporate divvys!
Lobbyists & the spoils of war...reconstruction, crooked as a saw.'
Haliburton, et al.***
UNDER DOLLARS A Corner Character
acting like cream
illusions tenderfat
old men kissing wars Always.
Election's aftermath:
stark furtive
shadows flit
as if never existPaintbox Shoes, 1969
()()() ()()()
Trickle Down, In The Guise of Stimulus
*****'--yea, 'bezzled it. Quite a bit.' ample pastry adorning enormous cleavage
her carriage amorphous
()()()P.P.: Post Peace
Setting: In the springtime of Late Winter of 2003, a field of white crosses in France.
Caption: Yellow Among The Daffodils()()
In scuba gear and armed with spear guns,
The Joint Chiefs surround a pond shaped like Iraq.Caption 'Desert Storm II might have been like
stalking polliwogs with a spear gun...
but it's the occupation which'll be a bitch.'()()
'riding on a wind which had no beginning'
Bush on a magic carpet flying over Florida
dressed in New Year's Boy garb, he tosses down the 2003 hourglass crying,
'Code red yellow green!'
'Terror & Five Terrorists! Be afraid, be very afraid.'Subtitles: 'Chicken Little' 'Swami Do-Do' 'Remember to be, The Land of the Cowed'
'The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Everything.'><><><
The End of Cartoons (To Be) & Captions:
Feel free to audition: Artists, etc. needed.
No Diamonds Allianced as of June First.
The earliest facets sure to be fiscally polished;
campaign warriored. Chad Star Power
Tyronne's Campaign Manager
1865 Baby Orphan
Teddy Fibre on 'Meisters of Spin:
'--fat with factuality, if not actuality.
It's just how you put those notions together.
Faux statistics, fake fur.'<>
Josef on Doublespeak: 'Stirring the ruse--it's just restructured bluster.'
as an old saying says, 'When the mice rewrite history...'***
Nicolet '--reasons never dream.'
'The Best Way To Consumer'
The Buyer's Bible
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'New World Order' & 'Homeland Defense'
"--why do the Bushs insist on Teutonic nomers?
Heil This!" &%^!rude gesture!<+(*&
Josef Mohawk;;;;;;;;;;;;
International Corporations '--F the dwarf, if he's small.'
@--off the /////////dwarf,!@".com############
dDitto Cruciform (wryly) '--wisdom positioned to begin.'
'Open for business & the fusion of answers.'
Just Businessman|||||||
'As long as God's alive, I won't believe in you.'
Bobby to Castrog
TimeDreamer & Orphan of Life
As Eleven: Inside Nicolet; A Girl's Life
astride the sky, the clouds her white chargers
'Childhood Keeps'
holding her heart full of wishes
perennial clubhouse
the seams of my spilled pillow, feathers white and grey, safety pinning, many safety pins
'--don't want to want too much.'***********
World War Some
fate dust transparent
fingers flawless as printParis naked before the storm
City of Light darkens
peace like fairy tale endstwo wolves, Roman
empty gods fallen
death at birthIronclad Watercolours, 1914
branding blame, Teddy Fibre revisits a history lesson:
Act I: Guns for hostages opened Reagan's Inauguration. Shrinking from 'malaise',
we favoured an administration which negotiated behind American's back.
Weapons to Iran bought little integrity; ground worked nefarious pattern.Act II: imported cocaine was sold on our streets, then turned into guns
for right wing
tyrants in Nicaragua.
Who did it? Hassenfuss! surely not the CIA. Rabbit stew!!Who knew? Inattention to detail or early Altzeimers disqualified the President,
and tho' the Veep once was Head of the CIA,
he was certifiably 'Out of the Loop'.How could we not impeach after seeing such naked arrangements?
Why did they receive full credit for the destruction of Russia's Evil Empire?
?--Radio Free Europe
and advancing freedoms of communication; fiscal realities and natural decay would have
accomplished the same thing in a few more years. Yes, the close of the Cold War was hastened,
but the moneys spent on the largest peacetime military build-up ever could have been used to
rebuild our bridges and highways; to hire more day care workers, teachers and tutors.The Berlin Wall would have fallen soon, sure as Humpty is fated egg, sure as the Emperor
wore no clothes.Our 1980's modernization of the military merely buttressed the old. We already had ten or
forty times enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world; but we had to build more arms,
so we could manly twist the negotiations.As with the threat of Y2K to our precious computers,
was the Soviet threat to the American Way of Life grossly overstated?
for selfish power, purpose and interests.--who reaped, reaps? graft and mismanagement? and gain?
Think how lean and effective our present military would be if yesterday's leaders had been more
futuristic; and not merely concerned with short term elections and contractor demands?
More Rangers, less mechanized infantry
--specialists, faster than theirs, our own special killers
--it is The Times for Specialists.Egg shells of statesmanship...for half-a-century-forever, we let nuclear sledgehammers proliferate;
the future strapped with the task of safe disposal.Materials falling into most evil hands?
Someone. Who? will pay.Epitaph: Little Boys Parading Big Toys
Judgmental Post Script:
A sixth face on Mount Rushmore? Even as a name on a D. C. airport?
No, merely the flat pages of the imperial fairy tale, Contra I Ron.---------------
PostNotes: A Peoples History by Howard Zinn, goes deeper than the standard texts. is the home site of
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: The National Media Watch GroupIn a less bland world, Doonesbury has so much more bite. In the First of June's
script, Ari's answer to every question until the 2004 Election is '9/11.'
Which begs the question: 'Will they ever let Bush speak, and not speech.'
Pomp Drama
Random Opinions 'It's fine if it's an opinion, as long as it's your own.'
Jet Bubbles notes:
Albert Einstein's nightmare; Retooling Vegetables Menuu: did you notice,
Archer Daniel Midlands/ADM, once advertised:
'Archer Daniel Midlands, the Nature of the Future.'
Instead of usurping God's prerogative, prudence improved the slogan to,
'ADM: The Future of What is to Become!'***
'Isn't it time to fight for the environment's future?
Now they'll be drilling in the Alaskan preserve.
Taking every little loss with a grain of salt will leave us one big tear.'====
Early April PostScript: The Inside of What Happened, How & Why The Preserve Is Safe?
Do they now believe we have Iraq's oil; Alaskan tid-bits unnecessary?
The world wonders.
May the cock crow,
so we may recognize the blueprint,
when the next need to preserve arises.***
Nicolet 'The Ninth Inning--it has to happen, if it is to become now.'
'Whom Among the Senate'
"The last liberal in the Senate;
now that Wellstone's gone, who will read A Cry of Angels, by Jeff Fields?"
Nicolet Cottles*
'Duty is moot, if not done.'
Teddy Fibre*
Butter Compillation
(the Real Administration's Secret Press Secretary)
to Presidential speech writer,
'Softer gist, don't you want to pad that?'*
Chad chides Butter Compillation,
"Spin--raw statistics are but opinions you mould any way you want.
For example, 'I like wind, but only if it's calm.'"*
What happened to live press conferences? The give and take of real questions. Impromptu? Puppet-speak, mouthpiece strings, Bush II only does off the cuff in tightly-collared tux.
Linchpins, stickpins & cufflinks beat his heart.
He must be told what to speech.*
Dandelion Egos on Elizaabeth'Standing on stood, that's been my position all along.'
Nebulous Political Integrity**
Ty stump reality, "There are no fall back positions, we must flow forward."
Cemented in the present, aiming toward the next election,
it is more than disappointing that virtually every politician is so busy carving out bits of reality.
Soothing constituencies,
they forget what is supposed to become,
for an entire nation,
the complete world.'Teddy Fibre
Gee, I'm still fatigued from the insistent voices yammer-hammering at me
from now to the 60's when I protest for peace. From Vietnam to Some Desert Storm,
War is agression. Who proposed it; who benefits.?
Now I reply, to those who would abrogate free speech,
'--if you don't like the ways it is in America, you go to Russia.
I doubt you'd miss Our Freedoms at all!'Baby On
A Proud Protestor, 1960's & Now
1880'S Orphan
'The Copper Age'
A renewed Age to be keyed by the discovery of a free energy source.
One of Tyronne's Cabinets is 'Seven Continents':
Seven UnderSecretarys, Antarctica's to be non biased.
Overall Total, proprietor of 'Clean Books'
"--the tally came up total!"
OIL! From WW II to now, the Oil Companies have gouged the public in times of war.
It is the refineries, not the gas station owners who benefit;
a skewed kind of patriotism.
Couldn't our insider leaders have put a halt to such practices;
or did they favor high prices as an urgency toward war?
General Concensus***
Teddy Fibre on Corruption:
"Winning smiles; open palms. --fat aftermath.
Riding drive to the bank."
Fat Anum the god of lobbyists.
nicknamed 'Per' or 'Pun Anum' the Cat Goddess of Graft*
& The Spoils of War!!
How is it that an obscure Federal Rule allows cozy insiders to co-opt the reconstruction of Iraq?
No bids necessary, plumply contracts--Cheney's Halliburton a prime recipient.***
Chad advises, "Vulnerable as a position, with no room for evolution,
they've staked themselves out."
Nicolet Cottles '--it's simple as possible. We shall do.'
Nicolet, on the rock ribbed necessity of planks platformed
'--there's gotta be some fibre somewhere, there's gotta be bones!'
Entries to the Public Service Ad Contest:
'--if we read, stories will happen again.'
Similie Thimbles<><>
"--mornings are nicer, when the evenings are pure.
Save your drinks for the weekend."
Hipflask Silver
'--the wisdom fizzes; alcoholic bubbles.'
'The edge is tippsy, if you spill it.'
(Boosomy blond crutchingly gushes a margarita glass.)
Baby On
'Rent may be necessary, if it your home; perhaps a car leased.
However, it is never wise to rent an appliance,
unless you wish to remain underclass.
Try The Pennysaver, yard sales, etc.
Second-hand true is much more economical than unearned pleasures;
the most advanced technologies.
It may be quite a step down from flat screen DVD, but radios are cheaper.
It isn't poverty, when you can't afford to eat out, or burn extra electricities.
Poverty, is homelessness and hunger, not the necessity
of preparing one's own food.'
Married Miss Trite Overload<><><>
'Better than intentions, reality. Feel Free to Vote.'
'--every candle well's a wish. Light your vote.'
Flame Shotfire<><>
2004 Orphan*************
Smoke & Her Battlefield
Too often. Too pretty.
She was the kind of girl
who only wanted
blues skies,
the marvels of snowstorms in full sunshine.Now wasn't time:
too fast for purpose, past afar
swept in the future of years
monsters herd monsters at playRunning past the edge of fast
sno' won't go away
coke your flame. Too always,
empty road takes nowhere home
Time brings sin's burning edge nearer: headstone awaits.
voices stir netherlands
ivory scarecrow
running as if fast, tho' not
breath grows up
and you leave coffin lean
coke skeletonfate assassin of ersatz bishops & cats
Living down side of street
Living down side of street,
can't drink steam with a spoon.Shadows grow.
coke cocaine|||||||||||||
The Best Way To Consumer: Purchasing Expertise & Budgeting Exercises
On Advertisements: 'Remember, they all want you to do something you don't have to.
Consume wisely.'If you ever hear, 'Guaranteed Money Back!' Do not order.
Ditto, 'Scientific Studies Show!' or 'Surveys Say!'
Don't rely on your heart or your head, but bothe together,
before purchasing.
Just Businessman()()
'Drugs & Sex--every year is a further step toward adulthood.
Decisions don't have to be made, until they are.
Older is sometimes wiser. It often pays to wait.'
Fast Cocoon()()
PSA Critique: 'Bacon Fat for Children' & 'Watered Down Milk' & 'The Asthmatic Moose'
& 'Parent's Speak Rite'
'The Artless Boring Son' courtesy of the 'Art Deprivation Council'
as the best radio PSAs
Boy Beyond Owl, Death anonymous
God Blesses all of the Earth, yet America Must Lead:
While the future may not be rigidly planned or formed, possibilities must be explored
--we need an eight year plan before the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012.Conventions should not merely deliver positioning intentions: prepaid plans.
We need 50 Freedom Debates before the next shallow platforms rubber stamp the obvious;
the same eight or nine tired planks
so quickly forgotten once ballots have been tallied.Our part?!
Addressing the fifty most real issues,
setting the stage for decision, *****
May We Bless All That Be.
The Stars Ides, When Civilization Ends
The Wake of Light
Let our lightning be the
love of light; development,
the free energy source.If we are not free of dino-fuel
before the year 2012,
destiny may be martyred to fate.Tyronne Union Star Power