World Politician

Tyronne Union Star Power

Most Current Notes:                                    
Go to:  tHE eND oF tHIS oPENING pAGE


A few recent highlights include:
June 5th:  Pasteurized reflects on RFK's Assassination.August 27th: 
May 29th:  Pincushion Hats speaks from the past...
     April Fools:  Many notes...         
March 29th:  As Hillary will never be VP; dDitto Cruciform plugs Mario Cuomo as S. of State. 
March 28th:  Trent Overcoat reports on Iraq; Nicolet kudos Bloomberg.
March 25th:
  Spider Blues roasts sniper fire on the twelfth tarmac anniversary. 
Easter Monday: March 24th:  A host provide notes on Bush's War on PBS.
Easter Sunday:  Hodgepodge Fatty lays some eggs; a cartoon McCain as Joe's talking dummy.
March 19th:  5th Anniversary of Global War On Terror
A few reactions to Obama's Philadelphia Race Speech
Saint Patrick's Day 2008:  Trent Overcoat offers a 'Mission Accomplished' Cartoon.

      For Older Entries, Scroll Below

Press Release:                                          

Press Release:   

Officially announcing his candidacy for Presidency of The United States Of America,
on this day 3.3.2007 A.D. at 5:55 PM EST:

Tyronne Union Star Power
*          *
                 has promised to create a new (informal/unpaid) holiday March Forth
to take place each calendar year upon...The Fourth Day of March.
'It is to be a day to fire new personal initiatives...'
proclaims Tyronne, adding that he will additionally increase bureacratic efficiency
  and save big money,
 by abolishing two paid 'White Collar' holidays:  Presidents Day & Columbus Day.

Noting that he has been preparing for The Presidency since earliest childhood,
  Ty hopes to infuse new light into
  our modern echo-shadow/mirror world of politics as commonly embodied
by his main competitor, Corporate Bondage.


dDitto Cruciform

Situational Update:                           
In A Purer World;
--in 1999 A.D.                  
it was decided:


  'As older men have not performed that marvellously,
                         an Amendment to the Constitution has opened
                                                        America's Elective & Appointed Offices to Youngsters.'

              An American by way of Illinois, yet a representative of all of Earth,
       Tyronne Union Star Power is the first World Politician, an nineteen year old
                           independently bidding for the 2008 nomination.

Running on 13 Main Planks of Platform; his Most Prominent Issues are
50 Stars of Freedom.



At fifteen years of age, Nicolet Cottles is his running mate;
                      most of their Cabinet was selected Long Ago:

Teddy Fibre
as Attorney General

Just Businessman:  Secretary Of Commerce  'Let the buyer be sure?!  Let the seller be pure.'

dDitto Cruciform        Secretary of State

Josef Mohawk     Press Secretary              A quick wit & naughty tongue,
                                                                                                         that is sometimes too truthful.

Chad Star Power                              Tyronne's older brother by two years;
                                                                                               his Campaign Manager.

Overall Total                Chief of Accounting

Jet Bubbles                        Vice Presidential Advisor; Nicolet's oldest friend.

Cleopatra's Soul                                                    Spiritual Advisor

Isis Romeo          Cleopatra's Boyfriend

Los Angeles Oceans             Freelance Writer

Kismet Mortal                                 Sergeant At Arms

Seven Egypts            Kismet's Boyfriend

Book Velvet               Head Librarian

CandyCane Lattitude      Book's Boyfriend

Totally Fine Fesque       Secretary Of The Interior


Public Service Ad:  '--if we read, stories will happen again.'
                                  --Book Velvet


...lobbies for the Land Of The Privileged  . Com

Totally Fine Fesque (circa 1928)
                                 --Old Monied before The First (Stock Mkt.) Fall.

Circa January 9th, 2008 Atlantic Standard Time:

'--his ghostly fast-market tip?  'You know it's overvalued by a full 55%.'
                                         '--why else would gold be up to $8oo.'
'It shall only take a Democratic Populist win, or a saved-up
terrorist score to pull the crippled Donna Dow Down.


True Notation:                                            

   Having announced their entry on All Saints Day of 1999,
                    after taking second place in the dance contest that was
                                       The One World Apocalypse Ball

                     Tyronne & Nicolet's campaign is a veteran one;
               this is their third effort.


              No need for ballot, Write In.



Lattice Veneer, of  The Holywood Vines Press Corp,
interviewed the tender couple on All Saints' Day of  '99:

                                                            "What are you prepared to do?"

     Tyronne Union Star Power, "What must become."

               Nicolet Cottles             "A Coalition of Forever."




Book says,                                                     
'Kids must read more than web blips, picture captions.'
'Novels...more real than non-fiction. 
                       Imagination truer than pretend.'


)Attorney General()




Ides Of March Eve:  Teddy Fibre Reports '07

Alberto!  It was all your Chief Of Staff.!
The well-precedented strategy of the
'Out Of The Loop'
mea culpa is currently
hanging another sacraficial subordinate.

[Scooter pardoned the day after '08 elections--
my boy 'berto undoubtedly a chief lobbyist by '09.]

FOOTNOTE:  Bush Sr. was 'Out of the loop...'
when it came to the trilateral sale of arms, hostages
& cocaine in the Contra I Ron scandal.

As the Vice President and former head of the CIA;
was this testimony not perjury & treason?
Shunted aside for a 'Higher Father', he has found
a perfect level as Co=Head of Katrina Relief.
FOOTNOTE P.S.:  Why did Fitzgerald even bother efigy-ing
Cheney w/ Scooter?
Piddling with the pee-wees, scared of the shooter...
marbles to universes;
the boy-games Washington has come to charade;
not even purely played.
Josef Mohawk Footnote Ammends:  Why did the in-Mexico Bush, Jr.
claim it was merely a matter of Alberto's mis-explanation?
Spin can not communicate non-deeds.


3.19.07       Dawn Wan...Don Juan admits, 'Mistakes were maid.'


Guest Opinion:                    

On the 4th Anniversary of The War On Terror
(as embodied in Iraq)
how is it that no reporter has asked the President exactly how it is that we are keeping
the Terrorists pinned down in the Middle East
by providing a convenient backyard playground
which encourages boys and men to become Terror Warriors?

We have become an excuse for any Jihad.

The 'Devestating Consequences of the Future!' which Bush, Jr.
promised if we fail in Iraq belie an unchanging reality:
The Bible's apocalypse flashing midpoint did not need America
added to the dynamite of Arab & Jew.
We are needless nitro, sweating nitro...

By elevating Al Queda into ArchEnemies,              
the neo-cons have sped us into a Punch & Judy neverending War On Terror.
We have had none of the stoic dignity exhibited by The English during WWII.
The only thing we have to fear is fear ourselves.

Ed:  Prelude 20th Spring

'--two halves of none/nothing make no one.'  CHORUS
When handing out the ultimate subsequent prize.
ever let your Vice Presidential picker pick himself.
Never agree with the Fascist foot forward.
FFF's how you took it from Dick.
Bush Cheney'ed.
It's sick, it's sad--fuck off & go away--nothing rhyming or cute to your limmerick.'

'An Pseudo-Irish Goodbye to Northern Ireland.'

Thursday, April 12th, 2007  '--the dog ate Rosemary Wood's eMails!'
The Pretty Press Secretary can't lie as well as the older boys.

Thursday, April 19th, 2007     Verbally Visioned Cartoon
Our Attorney General's Testimony:

SPECTRE:  "How many fingers am I houlding up?'
(Raises 5 & 1.]

GONZALES (Wearing American Flag Patch & AG Button on Chest)
"I do not recall."

                       --as reported by Josef Mohawk

Perjury scarcely more subtle than,              
                 'I did not have sex with that woman.'

Should attorneys of any sacred districts be allowed
selective memorys.

An unholy war, treasonous all!


'I do not recall...'   The miasma of SPIN.           
              Spellchecking 'fuck', cautiously creeping.

                   --as reported by Horrid Little Obligato


Earth Day, 2007:  Green is Blue.
Cutting Edge Nouveau//Sulfide Mining on Lake Superior scoops
The Rain Forrest.
Northern Michigan could use real lights...You-Two & Bono.
--don't let 'The Eagle Company' sink Acid! in Michigamme.

April 25th:  PBS & Bill Moyers finally open the Media Complicity
of The Charge To Iraq. by the Administration kissed up too.
Sadd...Will & Saphire so evil.
It is 9:30 PM & the show is only half over.
Oh, how we sucked up to lies, licked false tits.
Shame on forever...
Cheney's Centrifuge...the Smoking Gun as Mushroom Cloud.
The New York Times sucks up to nothing.
Puke it.
Cheney the most evil man in the world...playing half-human,
Company shills,
Powell & Rice the most subtle of Uncle Toms;
                       so unlight they aren't really black.

The Smoking Gun that could come as The Mushroom Cloud.
Chicken Little knows fear is fear itself.
Terror sells anything.

       My review of PBS closes at 9:45 PM;
I'm too sick include more.

                Josef Mohawk


Oh, but I saw Bill O'Reilly, etc. selling America as THEIRS,
Military Crisis & Bad Americans...they State Theirs United Fates.

Have we earned an aluminum tubed hell...may we disengage.?
Or is it UnPatriotic, to kill no more boys?

                   Josef Mohawk

I am ashamed of Our Press; Our One/Fourth Estate.
                            9:58 PM


'Sinister Nexus!'  Powell for President hopes Corporate Bondage.
                                 10:13 PM
Governmental Plagarism noted in Great Britian.
'Obviously Powell!' in the USA.
The selling out...of truth; neither Black or White
--Colon History Booked Limbo Hell.
The Darkest Tool.


Donahue not as cute as Wolf Blitzer; no room for Journalists
World Politicians.
                                    10:18 PM


10:23 PM  Horrid Little Obligato appends:                  
'How can any Black or Woman be a Republican?'
Clarence Thomas, Powell & Rice are the most odious of Non-Breeds!'

Horrid Little Obligato reports an opinion;
F=Yyou if you don't realize America is Freedom.
Think your own thoughts; own your heartbeat.


May 10th, 2007 A.C.:                    

Wasn't Nicola Tesla right?.!
Alternative-Energy-Must-Synergy [An Inner Mirror):
A Quest For Free Mystical on;
       the innove-exploration of perpetual/perpetuality friction machine,
 or Earth dies.

Green as Gold, Silver & Copper...our Iron Age rusting/ly.
We must save Our Globe; not settle for Dimensions of Two,
Black & White, no shade of Grey & Blue.
Civil Wars sho7uld be contained within all Citizens;
All Fifty States Of
Our* America.

Each of us with an American Heart, i.e. Anywhere.

                           10:10 PM/10:16 PM

--so I just thought-this & wanted you to cat-know; I thought this:

Shadows Whispered


May 12th, 2007 A.C.

'Chris Matthews is the best half-pol-hour.
...especially if beautiful Nora is on.'


                           Josef Mohawk


May 21st, 2007 A.C.

'--questions cost, answers or alibia.
We are in the majority now, and need to know more than,
the Patented Saint Ronald Reagan alibia, I don't remember.
And really, where are those missing eMails.

'Shades of Watergate, and Contra I Ron.'

Guest Opinion

Teddy Fibre

                       [--future Attorney General.]


June 2nd, 2007 A.c.

Hail the Surge.!  Now we have an artificial deadline for the
Bush Administration's long decried 'Artificial Deadline';
General Patreaus' September report.

What happened to last Winter's bi-partisan report?
One does not need to tour Iraq in a John McCainish Iron Bubble
to realize it is a Civil War--not amenable to a perpetual
occupation based on the South Korean model.


                                                                   Trent Overcoat


                            --War Correspondent of The Holywood Vines Press Corp

'I too, have been to the Middle East.  We, The U.S....never should have went there.'



Friday        August 11th Atlantic Standard Time, 2007 A.D.

dPumping The fed
dump pumping the fed to slaugther Donna Dow/Donna Down
Protecting old money, a year or two's hyperinflation of speculation,
in houses and earnigs ratios.

Which tiny god ordained Donna's money marbled fat should extend to
the God Given Right of 1400.?

A game dumb pseudo-rich grown up kids play to prove they are potent.
Give it up Fed; should be unmonitored freefall to 9000.

Let us accept reality and push forward to The Last Election;
End Of The Mayan Calendar 2012.

                  August 10th, 2007 A.D.


                                                   Money Comes 


October 2, 2007

The War just ended on PBS.

Juxtapositian:  selflessness of a great national effort to the heels of
--how we sacraficed Truth to enter This War.
how we sacrafice on The Home Front now...
tagging our children with the interesting rates;
of a falsely ideological war coaxed into,
sacraficial lambs spitted upon False Patriotism.

November 29th, 2007

'There are 391 Christmas ornaments, one for each of the National Parks.
Oh, one just feel and broke...'

Laura Bush with David Gregory, 'sneek peeking' The White House ornaments
on NBC's Today Show at 8:02 AM.
[What kind of omen was that?  Which National fell?]


Cartoon Caption:  'Jeckyl & Hyde, the whole Lott of 'em are
Running to Lobby!'

Trent Lott to K Street
Henry Hyde to St. Peter's Gate/Hypocrite Avenue.

[]History does not spare the dead, the doing.[]


Josef Mohawk


December 20th, 2007
Make A Cartoon:  Caption    'Combover!  What secrets hide beneath Rudy's dome.
Corner Character:  'A lobbyists foyer.'
December 27th, 2007
May the Powers That Are, have wisely planned for this inevitibility.
Bush gives Musharaf condolences.
May the Powers That Are not benefit from her death, tho' they will.
We think everyone, especially she, knew she was temporal walking history.
Not good for the Earth.

   --Josef Mohawk

Our Sergeant At Arms wishes to note:
I have heard a few rude boys who did not love Benezir refer to her as
Dead Woman Walking,
a target which would lead them toward immortality.
Today, one of their Fathers scored a most dubious victory.

         --Kismet Mortal


January 5th, 2008

() Big Headed Gods []
Ouch, how the Demos wiped out the Repubs tonight.

Corporate Bondage promises to rebound.

January 6th, 2008

The Mythical Huckabeedoe
aka Huck-A-Doe
             --reportedly sited in Iowa, shortly before Christmas.
(Not quite as holy as the mythical Unicorn.)

January 8th, 2008

'So the race plays, Obama vs. McCain.'
...a new standard vs. the old rear guard.
We Never should, have gotten out of Vietnam!'

January 13th, 2008

Like everyone else, we dismissed Hillary too early,
New Hampshire surprise.
On it goes, will it be Mitt in Michigan.

January 18th, 2008
'Shadows favor the Past--vote For Me.'
'Help us obscure Our Progress.'
[Corporate Bondage's New Press Release:  Photo Attatched]


January 28, 2007 A.D.

'It is a Very Petty Niggling I Am About To Be Guilty Of...
doesn't II have just about 12% too-sibilant S.  S."
--Josef Mohawk

I've seen all his State Of The Unions...
only Spoken Armies Of Compassion?
Compassionate Fascist.


George the Heartless Crusader
A grim heartless desposition running on empty offensive truth.
There is no Justice for Enemies, which God Does Not Dispense.
We must do what is mortally possible.
Not to presume what beats terror.
Living in Freedom within.
There is no hope of freedom, if we are not 100% Alive.
--Remember, any improvement is an im-prove-ment--
if you call now within the next ten minutes--
you get double the products.
Vote True.
Who is more extremist than a Right Neol-Tipped Wing Fascist.
No Sanctuary, not even home...unless we lay there forever.
The Lion not quite pretty as the lamb.
Who the bloody.
Daily life must be separated, ours from theres.
Tyronne & Nicolet, their entire cabinet want to bring;
the boys & girls home by the end of 2008.
Saudi Arabia & Kuwait owe us.
Let our Permanent Bases lie on there soil; funded by them;
Promised by them, $3 a gallon gas in America for the next three
years--even if they have to post-Cartel pump it themself.
Let the Saudis defeat the common militia; not U.S.
9:44 PM  1/28/2008 A.,D.

Leaf Flotille Notes;

'--he never really was our President, merely spoke written words.'
Gettysburg Address, I doubt he ever read it,
never could understand it,
locked in The National guard,
as he was.

Goodbye King George I & II...your Laundry Lists of Freedom.
Nobody gets even half the ticket your final year.

--Compassion This!

You never took care of The Veterans.
Walter Reed didn't know mosquitos.


               Leaf Flotille


January 29th, 2008

'--I woke up in a sweat last night, just wondering if
George The Second's Sslilght-ly Sssibilant sss'ss is
the tint of Parseltongue.

Just wondering.'



February 5th, 2008

On Ash Wednesday's Chinese New Year, Tyronne set to
back Barak as the Democratic Nominee.
He, and his cabinet still intend to win the general election
on a write-in Candidacy.

February 12th, 2008

'Crush.  Obaman-non.  Phenomenal.'


February 14th, 2008

Will Roger be Scootered out Of Jail & In to the Tesxas Hall Of Fame?

The Last Year of An Era's Pardoning?

Remember Contra I Ron?  Guns fore elective hostages.
A Valentine from a Great American, or Perfidious treason?

February 17th, 2008

I think it'll be Obama 57-33.  I don't know what happened
to the other 10%.


                                    Josef MOhawk
February 20th, 2008

[Guest Editorial by Los Angeles Oceans]

Mrs. McCain states she is 'Always proud of America!
Wasn't Michelle Obama proud of America after 9-11?
...this is the first time she is Proud of America?'
Why? should we continue to revere 9-11 when incompetence allowed
a lethal sucker punch and our top leaders scurried about in Air Force One
or hunkered down in the safety of an underground bunker.

So what if a blithe Major bouncily botched the recovery
and bullhorn backbone propagandized patriotic acts.
Little flags whipped on streamlined antennas as we vowed
'An eye for an eye no matter whose tooth!
--up with retribution!'

Cindy may be always proud (there is no need for change), but 60% of America
has been embarrassed by our foreign and interior policy.
They could not even process the information they had;
ergo The Total Information Awareness Act.

It is not patriotic to Revere the loss of freedom.


                 Los Angeles Oceans

P.S.:  I don't like the sanctimonious way Cindy backs her man.
Horrid Little Obligato told me he thinks she, '--is blondly ghoulish
the scary way she nods her head as she agreeably  looks over
his shoulder.'

P.P.S.:  Chad Star Power is hunching that Edwards will soon
endorse Obama, be VP candidate.
Chad thinks it is duplicitous, the way she's trying to snitch Michigan & Florida.




February 21st, 2008 A.D.

Horrid Little Obligato speculates:  Cold as last night's lunar eclipse,
I'm wondering if Cindy 'SkullBun' McCain's bedroom boudoir is chillier.
Racked tight as she is, was John tempted toward looseness...?

Bet Mitt wishs he'd stayed in awhile longer...


                 Horrid Little Obligato


March First, 2008 A. D.

It is most fitting that our newest, and one of finest holidays, March Fourth,
prove to be Barak's final proving ground with victories in Rhode Island,
Ohio and Texas.

In a true alter world, Tyronne, Nicolet and their entire cabinet are parallel
close to Presidential victory in 2008 A.C.;
ever narrowing the lead of Republican Candidate, Corporate Bondage.

Fifty stars of freedom, the stars are why...we fly the American flag.
May stars light each state's independence,
each human heart.


              dDitto Cruciform
                Secretary Of State

____dDitto Cruciform at The One World Apocalypse Ball (Halloween of 1999)____

March 6th, 2008 A. D.

Stop the press! It's still on after the kitchen sink & the red telephone pull
Texas, Ohio & Rhode Island out of Obama's momentum orb.
[Notes by Chad Star Power; Campaign Manager]

While we firmly believe in Tyronne & Nicolet's World Politician place
in eventual history, we remain behind Barak & Michelle.  A few 'No To Hillary' reasons follow:

1)  She was oh so coy, 'No, what have you heard.' on March 2nd's 60 Minutes,
when asked if she thought Barak was really Muslim.

2)  Right Wing Talk Radio will be hamstrung if a Clinton is not atop the ticket.
They will have to write new material that skirts around the race issue;
and right wing nuts are anything but nuanced with subtlety.

3)  America and The World will need a leader who can unite and inspire
in the novel times which are to follow.
(A small bomb at a Time's Square military recruiting station this morning
is a Breaking Story...we must reverse broken stories which take our freedoms
and falsify our Constitution.)
Half of America has nailed Hillary to the past; will not follow her into the future
when we need to be a United States of America.

4)   ...and more.  It is a new Century; the names Bush & Clinton are better
left to an older history.
May we learn from them and move on.

P.S.:  --anyone is better than the Republican Engine, the lobbyist-trained

P.S.S.:  We can always count on Horrid Little Obligato to be less-than-diplomatic.
He begs to tack on, his version of viewing (without the benefit of replay):
'Do you think he is a Muslim...?'
'Why no...he says he isn't, why?  What have you heard.' sort of coy bitchy
sly subtle asshole innuendo.

                   cordially yours,

                           Horrid Little Obligato


[Horrid Reprises]

March 13th, 2008 A.D.

Geraldine looked even blatantly worse in the evening shadows of NBC Nightly News
with Ann Curry last night.  Shrill outrage with comely wrinkles; sage renown.
Was it a slip of the tongue? must have been.  Hillary's campaign would not have
thrown an old woman 'under the bus' in a crude attempt to score dismissal.
Geraldine should have voiced a more apparent truth--no current black Republican
would have earned the time of day in The Democratic Party.
Useless tokens gliding in on oreo cookie skates;
can anyone believe Clarence Thomas earned his judicial robe?
skanky Rice is anything more than a token mouthpiece?
Colin Powell's spine would really grow a true backbone.
'Kristen' does John #9; gains we have one 'winner' in tacky tawdry.
One 'Man In The Steet' I talked to yesterday says Spitzer is a minor moral story;
private business between himself and family.
Eyecandynews disguising The Feds 200 billion bailout of banks...

Signing off--Horrid.


Teddy Fibre notes:  When the market jumps 400 points on word that
Spitzer is nailed what can one assume?
The DOW(n) is a 'Boy's Club for Making Money'.
The Fed is a lap-poodle propping up false rights of property.
Our Chief Accountant, Overall Total, believes a more realistic valuation is 7,700.



Saint Patricks Day, 2008

Crane topples from Manhattan Skyline; Bear Stearns falls in sympathetico.
Will it be a Monday blacker than green?

The dollar bill gets another black eye...

--Overall Total
                  'The Innocent Baby Accountant'


Saint Patrick's 2008:  The Fifth Year Anniversary Eve Eve of The Mideast War

The damages are countless...two of the only 'victors' secretly flew to Iraq
to bolster the forgotten front line.

When the economy's siren call threatens destructive rocks & stocks,
interest fades in foreign adventures.

                   Trent Overcoat
                                                                            War Correspondent, The Holywood Vines Press Corp
Editorial Postscript:  Set against the backdrop of a mock sign on an aircraft carrier photo op;
we offer an old poorly-drawn cartoon which was never funny, ever relevant; is reprised below.
(A mission never to be accomplished, a new hundred years war:            
                                      you can see how badly we need artistic alliances.)


March 19th, 2008 A.D.
A few opinions on Obama's March 18th Philadelphia Speech

Calm & True to Hearts.
Yesterday's Speech on Race transcends the petty niggling of 'gotcha politics';
opens doors to bigger worlds.

Barak seems like the type of leader who might calm the sands of The Mideast;
withdraw us from an intrusive insanity which will never allow America to
pay for our assumed war on terror with their oil.

Israel and her neighbors may actually find a depth of peace
in the administration ahead.
It will be a welcome distance from the belated dilettante skirmishes of Ms. Rice;
the bellicose bluster of Bush II as he asserts that our invasion of Iraq
will always be the right choice.

                                        --Los Angeles Oceans


Horrid Little Obligato notes:                                                                    

I am an atheist with but One Rule:  'Do unto life as thy would do.'

If there even is a God, only fools would take mortal advice on how to get to Heaven.
If there is a spirit or soul, each must get there on their own.

And if you think that that lightly black pastor is a flamethrower of hate,
wait until the general election and all the bum-ho right wing nut'os float
to the scum pond surface of McCain's theological cavalcade.

One background note of the 'God Damn America' Speech.
He was ranting about inequality.
e.g.  1)  Crack gets black poor a deep sentence, but a fritter of rich man's snow.
2)  Three strikes and you're out is an endzone sentence.
3)  America has an insane amount of prisoners, when compared to the rest of the world.
Are we by far, the most evil civilization in the world?  --that much more evil?


Press Release:  Michigan Make-Up Democratic Primary Dead As A Door Nail

After immorally sneaking her name on the Florida & Michigan ballots, and
claiming to have won those primaries, Hillary was in Michigan pleading for a redo.
The main reason it will never happen? those who were encouraged to cross over
and vote for a Republican would not be able to cross back and tag the Democratic ticket.

While we were voting in our small northern Michigan village, one balloteer was
openly wondering whether to cross over and vote for Romney in a tiny attempt to
slow the McCain 'Crooked-Speak Express';
but he said, 'To vote Republican, even in a primary, would be sacreligious,
invite the pains of hell...  I'll stick to uncommited for Barak.'

                              Josef Mohawk
                           --Press Secretary

Easter Sunday 2008

Hodgepodge Fatty notes:                                        

1)  If I could draw, a cartoon would appear with a cobwebby John McCain as
a top-hatted Charlie McCarthey--Joe Lieberman mouthing the words, 'Shi-ite.'
the old dummy ammending ' Shit-e.'
(Altzeimers setting in; he is following Reagan's path.)

2)  Hillary is drawing sniper fire after fakey-playing superhero on the firing lines of Kosivo.

3)  Bill says you have to stand/run heroicly under sniper fire in Kosivo to be a patriot
(like Hillary & a POW'ed McCain).

4)  Barak was splendid until he lumped his G-Ma as a typical White.
Quit while you're ahead buddy; gear up for a Pennsylvania race redux, the grey swamp
of The General Election.

5)  My favorite plump politician, Bill Richardson backs Obama--we may have to wait
until his autobiography to hear about his pre-announcement call to Hillary.
(I hope he taped it.)
Clinton's churlish camp site's irrelevancy--a certification too late to help his boy in Texas.

                                           --so I think, this Easter Sunday.

                        Hodgepodge Fatty
                Camp Follower

P.S.:  Tyronne told me his thinks Richardson will be his Secretary of State.
(Everyone knows he will never be the VP)


Easter Monday, March 24th, 2008 A.D.

I, Sombrero Guy, believe that James Carville, and possibly the main to entire
core of The Clinton Cadre have been besmirched by the trauma of eight years
of slimy in &off-fighting brought on by The Republican opposition to his administration.
The frivilous and wasteful impeachment proceedings, etc.,
seem to have tainted their youthful hope & coarsened their actions.

They seem to have learned the lessons of Bush's 2000 South Carolina campaign
against McCain; adopted Karl Rove's weapons of political war...


10:00 PM 3/24/2008                                                                  
Your Editorial ForeCaster:  Josef Mohawk notes:
Frontline On Easter Monday.
Bush's War on PBS.
Oh, oh terrifyingly truely real.
Frontline nailing the tacs in Wisdom's UnCoffin.

Frontline On Easter Monday:

A few notions...exactly only, if either Tenet, Powell or Condelisa had resigned...
not the gutsly lost cost; saddest betrayals.

A Few Testimonials


Diamond Steel   a 1976 Union Organizer in Pittsburg
'I don't like to see any man torured in gitmo, at
the workplace, or in America.
It ain't free.'


Barak is a Man...& So Far I don't see that from Condie-Rice,
Georgetenet & Colon Powell.

It is sad when one has to crassly condemn the
damnation of others.

Hillary should run from sniper fire of the mirror-echos
of her own stupidities.
the arrogance of Freedom UnOwned.

                         Lariat Seraglio

                                     --Lariat Seraglio

Half-Spring Pennymind & More     (circa 1966)
'I never believed the republicans--how could one vote for one.'

December of 2002, Condi Signs Off & It Was Given...yellowcake.
Yellow Boy...muckrackers's time for 1920's Press,

George II:  'May God continue to bless The United States, of America.
Bush Goes too War.

11:00 PM  3/24/2008


The Unnamed bat
Three Bees
...has been Middle East Loosed upon the world.
5 Years Later, too sad for words, too evil for music.

Signing Off for tonight,
worrying about a tomorrow which may include
an old man with Cane Aided Surge;
fuck the viagra generation.

11:07 PM

P.S.:  'It's not The Mummy with Rachel Weist...'
much scarier than 'Dessert Storm Troopers II'
Our Homeland:  'der Hom-ln-dr.


Tail Penny
suggests we account for every Penny spent on Their War.
Lacking Freedom, The Other States Of America.
'It should not be a Post 9--11 World, it should still be our world.
When the bottom balance line is tolled in Heaven;
you better be there.
11;14 PM  3/24/08


english Teacher, The Alone Orphanage (circa 1996)
March 19th, with twelve Hours to Go,
He's almost as handsome as Gary Cooper;
vastly Stupider:  Bush Play's His Neo-Con Puppet Role.
A Chorus of Pinnochio's.
----So happy to have caught The Second Puppet.


Tuesday's March 25th's Guest Roast

On the 12th-to-the-day Anniversary of Kosivo;
CBS's morning news completed the hatchet job
by chopping off Pinocchio's nose
with sedate Video tape hosted by the veteran reporter Sharyl Atkinson.
Long hair & so much younger, with Chelsea at her side under gloomy East European Skies;
Hill shows that, like the current administration, she is quick with the fib,
long before 3 AM, or Day One.

The biggest benefactor of this smushily-exaggerated lying reminisce?
--Sinbad.  For a few moments more, we are once again reminded,
  he was once alive.
_ _ _

Detroit Mayor:  [Text Message to Self]
'U R 1 Dum igger'

2000 Texts!?  Too bad you went so high tech to lure that bait.
   Too bad you wasn't smart enough,                       
               to use bread crumbs, like Hansel & Gretel.

                                 --Spider Blues


Campaign Manager Post Script:  Relax Hillary, you are so much
more appealing when you unleash your softer side;
no one expected you to be G.I. Joe-esse.
Moral:  When grinding desperation sets in, the kitchen sink
is soon followed by the garbage disposal.

                                          --Chad Star Power

P.S.S.:  Too bad Joe Lieberman was not at your side as you
began to utter that whopper.


Bush's War too true, so sadly ran on PBS March 24th & 25th...that 100 Years War on Terror.
[It seems Cheney was the sole search committe for Vice President, then subsequently appointed himself Commander-In-Chief:                       
Donny Rumsfield clowns, Tenet accedes to lie as real Chiefs Of Staff hide, Condi & Colin token; impotent warrior.
Jon McCain's 'Hundred Year War of Thorns'; Dick's horror.]

Thursday, March 27th

Teddy Fibre weighs in on Barak's Preacher (According to Hillary):

'The Parson Did In Mr. Mustard in The Dining Room...
While The Two Were Dining on Roast Easter Duck.'

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Trent Overcoat reports from The War Zone:                      

So now we truly see 'The Surge' is to be nothing more than a two year floating plug,
'A Simmering Cover' opperation tempting insurgents to stay low,
consolidate power and reemerge when the seasons turn.

Zero political progress has been made.  Iraq hasbeen, and is being groomed, to pass off to
Obama in the fall--a false paradise, depths of loss.


Nicolet Cottles notes:                                      
Barak had breakfast with Mayor Bloomberg...if I am not to be the future Vice President;
he may well be the next best choice.

March 29th, 2008

Nicolet Reprises:  Hodgepodge Fatty has been know to exaggerate; sometimes whimsically
(Easter Sunday 2008).  I'm not so sure he actually heard Tyronne state that
New Mexico Governor Richardson
might be in line for Secretary of State.
I know that dDitto Cruciform believes that if anyone could fill his shoes
--he prefers Mario Cuomo...believes that his vast visionary powers would help
the new administration solve the MidEast.
It would also be a consolation prize for the New York clique which backs Hillary;
it is a ridiculous impossiblity that Barak would ever pick 'Hills' ,
and Tyronne already has me.

Terra Box Nouveau:  I think Bill Richardson's pasion would best be spent as
Secretary of The Interior...set himself up for a Senate seat.


Terra says, "I liked it when they had that dark saving energy hour."

April Fools, 2008
[Just back from the Iraq war zone, where she accomanied Trent Overcoat,                   
            Kismet Mortal reports on the central portion of 'America's Hundred Years War on Terror';
Iraq a monster bomb simmering...]

 A March 30th Paraphrase of John McCain, in response to CBS's Harry Smith's question,
'Doesn't this show...The Surge a failure?'
McCain-ish:  '--if there is a cease fire and the level of violence goes down...I think that is a good sign.'
Kismet Mortal:  I recently finished reading Exodus (for the third or fourth time in my young life).
It seems like there are two holdover weapons left over from that improvisational 1948 war
--The Davidika (spelling?) *& The Matzoh Ball.
The Davidika is an oblong leveraged bomb which is whipped into the air by a long lever;
where it lands, who knows where.
The Matzoh Ball was a thick iron casing packed with scap metal, gun powder and ball bearings.
When it blew up, pieces scattered everywhere.
It is the powder keg of Iraq; a big cast iron crock with a clamped down clamped down cover.
--a cover weighed with many chunks of Iron Age War atop.
The current Iraqi Govt. is corrupt, inefficient & evilly useless; a minor mirror image
of our own.
The new Paper Ceasefire is naught but a tablecloth disguising the ultimate matzoh ball feast.
McCain's campaign, and all the Neo-Cons, promise to never wave the white napkin of surrender
(now or Vietnam).
They use whitewashed timelines and standing up excuses as a cleansing
  way to wipe ones lips;, to remove traces of that greasy feast of aborted oil and glory grab.
That war for an independent Israeli state, was by far, the more noble action.
Their war and weapons were of necessity; in the wake of World War II, their battles glorious.
This supposed central battleground of 'Cheney's War' is Noble only for the
on-the-ground-American troops who have been bled opaque:              
                         higher up, the war is merely 'oble, a Neo-graveyard of our
well known and loved soldiers.
Stubborn tailor, there is no 'Magic Carpet' in the MidEast.
We should have never dared touch a single thread; doom unravels.
We should never have gotten in; gotten out when General Odom first mentioned
it years ago.
This White House will not Un-surge; dumping quicksand
McCain is merely preying that our troops buy enough time for another Republican Presidency.
[Who holds any hope for any Iraqi Government; Cheney is still dead set on Chalibi.]

                                               --Kismet Mortal
                                                                                  (Sgt-At Arms:  World Politician)
Josef Mohawk notes:  Kismet is a seventeen year old young lady of Lebanese descent;
Seven Egypts is her first, and current boyfriend.



I, Josef Mohawk, wish to make no claims as to the veracity of the following witness;
I write as our April Fools morning interview stretchs into forenoon; to be uploaded soon.
One Pulse Fuss claims to be the newly-former, recently-fired personal 'Bunker Nurse' to one
Vice (nee REAL) President,
Dick Cheney.
We can not hope to vet such notions, actions and events she deems to be Mr. Dicks
habitual or occasional activities.

Josef Mohawk:  'So Dick let you go...Mr. Cheney, that is.'

Miss Pulse Fuss squints deeply:  'There are darker things about that man than you want to know.
And they all did not, and do not occur when I was alone with him in that bunker.
It is not funny when hosts like David Letterman compare him to Darth Vader.
Any one with an inkling of his inner souls realize just how close that is to the total truth.
Did you see how they put his stiff face on the screen early on in Bush's War on PBS?
--the slash of his lips!  And then they rotated his face into a close up as they placed blame.
He is that man!  The power under the throne--the troll who wins, eats all three Billy Goat Gruffs!'

Josef:  Here, Miss Fuss hems and haws before blurting:  'He fired me when the militia
cut the pipeline in Basra--his heart was pumping black frenzy!
Being from coal bound Wyoming, he had always had crude oil envy--
can't bear the imminent loss of his little ranch piece of The Mideast.

'Then he made me try...and made me do, but I wasn't near as good...he said,
as a girl he once dated in High School called 'Ly-Cherry! at oral enema.
I hated to touch any part of him.'
Josef:  Then Fuss got into real rude particulars; and even the internets could bear no more,
so we shall have to self-censor.  We move on to another piece of the interview:

  Pulse spews:  'Bitch Empress Hillary is no choose, but I would never vote
for that gutter ball mix of miscegenation that is Barak Hussein Obama.
Such a lamely man--he threw a thirty-seven at the tenpins last Saturday when he was
courting that Pennsylvania Senator.

'--and then I saw the highlight footage of him throwing!!
I knew he was bad, just so knew it--but now I see he is left-handed, and know for sure, he is
one of The Devil's Own.

'Left-handed, left alone!' my passed-away Mum used to say.
I'd never shake hands with that bad boy.'
Peering suspiciously beneath severely plucked eyebrows, she probes me,
'--your little nigra candidate, that Tyronne would-be World Politician,
what hand does he bowl with?!'
'Tyronne Union Star Power does not bowl,' I announce, closing the interview.
[But Pulse Fuss got the last word as I ushered her out the door.]
'Remember when the Moral Majority boycotted Proctor & Gamble and got them to
kill their evil artwork of The Man in The Moon with Thirteen Stars!?
Now that was a godly action, by goodly people!
Action and results, that is what this America needs!'
(I did not remind her that our United States was founded by thirteen independent states.)
'I can not countenance Hillary Rod-ham Clinton,' Pulse was murmuring as she went away,
'but I do like Chelsea's straightened hair.  Somehow it draws attention away from her nose.'

                                                         Goodbye for today,

                                                   Josef Mohawk
                                               Press Secretary

Pulse Fuss

Schoolboy's Sorrow
[dares you to push him & expose] Dick Cheney's; aka The Real President ;[toshow you his true] Godmother.
A few other criminals; motely cohorts, are listed and noted below
her ______(who will she be???)________.


Horrid Little Obligato notes:  Rush Limbaugh's opening segment on 'Operation Chaos'
was mildly amusing today.  I always liked 'When Johnny Comes Marching Home.'
He does sort of command the troops, even tho' he is a lying hate monger.
[Operation Chaos:  Cross over & cast Primary Votes for Hillary to lengthen the
Democratic Contest; he claims his balloting foot soldiers have influenced Texas & Ohio.]
He is okay once in awhile, on major election years, and you don't mind listening a bit
--then he gets repetitive, pedantic and bully droning, so you have to turn him off...
some of his faux commercials are cute.
I heard a Fool's Day joke today:  Ann Curry seriously asking Obama if Hillary
can complete his 'Dream Ticket'.?
'They want that,' she earnestly added.
Yea, sure.  Half the people hate Hillary & half hate blacks--a dream ticket for a quarter of the vote.
And then I heard another joke, Walmart's advertised claims of
'--saving an average family 2 & 1/2 thousand dollars a year.'
Now they no longer make that ad, but it's still noted on their website.
Also, let it be known that Walmart has purchased Paul Harvey (& his surrogates).
A few days ago I heard, 'For Paul Harvey, I'm Ron Chapman, have a great day.'
after said host reported, in the slurred context of Jimmy Carter
[there is no one-way economic ma-laaise]
'China invested 100% more in America that they did just five years ago.'
Walmart runs many ads--of course, that could not effect the patriotic juggernaut,
that is Paul Harvey.



Just Business provides one last April Fool's joke:  'The oil companies and their
tax-breaking executives testify on capitol hill today.'

Seven Egypts tacks on another joke:  'Any Iraqi military component which is official!'
[NPR is reporting that American forces had to move Al Malachi from one palace to another,
after his headquarters came under counterattack.]
Al Malachis attempt to conquer Basra may be summed up:                                                   
1)  'You have 72 hours to lay down your arms and surrender; or be totally deystroyed.'
2)  'You have ten days to surrender, and we will pay good money if you give us your arms.'
3)  'Within three days, we wave the white flag;suggest you suggest a cease fire.
We hope you will quit inducing our army and police force to join you.
You may keep Basra; half of Bagdad.'
Suggested Cartoon:  Iraq's bald Prime Minister as a Beekeeper sending bare-assed
government troopers in with hiked-up pink tutus in lieu of body armor.
They have jousting sticks with which to poke the beehive which is labeled 'Basra';
but all the tutu boys can envision is a heavenly sky labeled 'Honey Pinata'.
Running away with hinder bee stingers--the white flag they wave is stained as used toilet paper.
It is too bad the horrible economy is covering up The War,
making our warriors Unknown Soldiers.


We got about 16" in North Republic, Michigan on April Fool 2008.

Last on the ground note,

It was polled that a third of America knew the approximate War On Terror
death toll.
The ground is a neo-con graveyard of warped ideology; bled opaque warriors.

On a future, more serious day:                                                        
Cleopatra's Soul offers spiritual advice few maintream Administrative Religious Leaders
will approve of
--it might effect their coffers; their hold & wishes.
[Lay people and true priests, pastors, mullahs and ministers may agree:  however.]
April 8th, 2008

Petraeus continues to push for stasis-pause in World War Forever.


April 9th, 2008

Cleopatra's Soul offers advice on a religio-marketing world:                                 

'Beware of Mortals Blessing You In The Name Of God...'
  First Breath (Spirit) gives fetus Soul.  Within air, a baby is alive when it smiles or cries.
Until then, biological entity...perhaps a lost tragedy if not brought to term,
not an immortal spark when egg kisses sperm.
There is only One God, who is way beyond the sexes of Sun & Moon.
God, The Holy Spirit & (each Christ/each Soul/a spark of God's sound & light) are The Trinity
every Religion's Holy Books speak of.
There is an Equality of One Heaven.  Jesus, Allah, Budda & Krishna...are exemplars of Christ,
incarnations of perfection which point out (one) individual path to Heaven.
Christians must realize mere belief in Jesus does not purify their soul.
Faith must be in the goodness of self; deeds which follow.
Muslims must know that suicide is the only sin in Spititual Life.
Mortality is to be earned, not taken.
The myth of instant heaven attained in suicide bomb is just a promise of faikirs with axes to grind;
lower political-power goals.
Bread cast upon waters is surely returned in term; love for love, hate for hate.
Only by loving deeds may soul sharpen incarnation to final perfections.
Every jewel has has many facets...buff and polish with white light & loving sound.
Time takes time; clock hands unwound to forever.


()Post Billy-Grahm, she is this White House's spiritual advisor.()


May 2nd, 2008 A.D.

Bill Moyers is the sharpest tack in cuttlery's stable.
That prodigal-lady is wise as her years.
'The common world is blind as stupor!'
opines guest: 
an elderly Pinchushion Hats (circa 1912)


May 16th, 2008 A.D.

AM Radio is the stuppidest udder tit-i-lation scent.
esp.etc. Sean Hannity.      'Phew-uke.!' says one hearer.
'Shades of Zell Miller!'

Oh, Rush Limbaugh's commercials are kind of clever--the first time you hear them.
His 'no variance themes' coalesce mush.
He is a hate monger unworthy of infatuatin.

                                    Horrid Little Obligato

Yesterday a Pol declared, 'The war will be over by 2013.' John McCain specifically pares
'The Second One Hundred Years War'
to 'Four More Years'.
'That's after the Mayan Calendar Ends,' notes Promising, Old Money's pet doll.

May 29th, 2008

As our children are being strapped with current debts, oil reserves should be their
future endowment, when oil exploration is more efficient, more desperate.
The oil companies greeds are always Now! Now! Now!.

--Cut (Love) Jewel

June 5th, 2008

I was almost twelve years old when I woke up to the morning news of RFK's assassination.
Wandering outside, the sunny day seemed too pretty for a world which was still recovering
from Martin Luther King's death earlier that Spring;
John Kennedy's passing in late 1963.

Our family had a new pair of slate and grout flowerboxes flanking our front porch steps:
the hot season and full sunlight had grown early nasturtiums,
and a I heard a novel humming buzz, saw what I thought was a huge swift butterfly.

I later learned that I had seen my first butterfly.
To a lost boy, it seemed like Robert F. Kennedy's soul.

                                       --Pasteurized Wayfarer's (First Person Testimonial)

June 8th, 2008

Tyronne would choose Virginia Senator Jim Webb for his VP.

August 27th, 2008

The Maverick has been gelded.  As Hillary noted, he is mostly Bush's Twin.
August 28th, 2008
Hillary 99% age'es last night's speech.
Biden  doing a frenetic 77's% delivery of an uncadenced VEEP Speech.
He was the only candidate #2 tho'.
 that's the way it has to be:  New York & Virginia the Stalwart Senate Pillars.
10:44 PM EST (@this time)
Prediction True:  Barak wins the election...the war on terror no longer foreshadows.
Tyronne Union Star Power Approves

I approve this Message:  'Vote Republican'.

                        Corporate Bondage


____News Headline

________________________News Head

Public Service Ad:                                       


'Get out to have to actually, and then it's not pretend.'
      --Book Velvet

Tyronne Union Star Power's Issues:  New Year's 1995.

________________________________________________________'s still August 28th, 2008 A.D.

Geust 'Pinions Rule///Republican Counter-Attack Nexus Promo

Primitive Sin believes in Barak's depth of blackness.  Quotient:  White As Evolution Must Be

Bobby One World Apocalyse Balls:  I & Ii

Age Adieu:  The Violet Mati Hari Flower:  American Indian


Hittite Permission (leads off) (w/ her deep irk)  etc. fashion critique of presentation:
'--that eldest Nigra girl had an age-appropriate [un] decollage gone plunging down.
That's why Blackl sluts don't Snow White.
--obviously wanting it at ten! enticing abortion for an uncle's want or rapists intention.
Sacred as Sperm = Egg???!!!...

This Message is from Hittite Permission:  'I do not approve of her nubile decolate.'
'--youth should not need jewelry.'

Seed Notions notes:                             
'Vote your heart, not pocketbook interests//it's not all about you.'

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