World Politician:  Page Two
Tyronne Union Star Power
World Politician:  is a 2008 Candidate for President of America

Nicolet Cottles
                                                                            is his 'own rail  ' running mate

Ed:  most of their Cabinet was selected Long Ago; as early as 1980 A.D.:                 

Teddy Fibre
as Attorney General

Just Businessman:  Secretary Of Commerce  'Let the buyer be sure?!  Let the seller be pure.'

dDitto Cruciform        Secretary of State

Josef Mohawk     Press Secretary              A quick wit & naughty tongue,
                                                                                                         that is sometimes too truthful.

Chad Star Power                              Tyronne's older brother by two years;
                                                                                               his Campaign Manager.

Overall Total                Chief of Accounting

Jet Bubbles                        Vice Presidential Advisor; Nicolet's oldest friend.

Cleopatra's Soul                                                    Spiritual Advisor

Isis Romeo          Cleopatra's Boyfriend

Los Angeles Oceans             Freelance Writer

Kismet Mortal                                 Sergeant At Arms

Seven Egypts            Kismet's Boyfriend

Book Velvet               Head Librarian

CandyCane Lattitude      Book's Boyfriend

Totally Fine Fesque       Secretary Of The Interior



The Main Enemies of Universal Politics are elemental:  Press Reveal to see a few of these beauties.
The ones who must not be named, Corporate Bondage, and more...
*****Do Donna DOW(n)*****

Go To:   Most Current Posts

Recent Posts:                                                                
October 13thCleopatra's Soul starts out with old observations
on Sarah Palin & Donna DOW(n) & ends up channeling that rude old boy Horrid Little Obligato.
September 2ndThe Second Day of The Republican Convention
September 3rdThe Third
September 4thThursday, The Fourth Day of The Republican Convention
September 6thSugar Candy Or Coffee?  weighs in on VP wannabe Sarah P.
September 15th:   World Politician endorsements.
September 17th:Bumper Sticker:  'Bush III. No More of McSame.
September 20th'Donna Dow(n):  The sacred cow must be propped up.
September 22nd:  Delia Tie proposes fiscal-finance.
September 25th, 2008:  Random Releases; incl. critique of The Office.
September 26th:  The First Presidential Debate
September 27th:  Totally Fine Fesque Agrees With Warren Buffett.
September 29th:   Pulse Fuss & Puppet Flesh weigh in on The Bailout.
October 7th:  Tidbits.


_________Return to Page One__________

September 2nd, 2008
(Tuesday:  The first Full Day of the Republican Convention)
[The eerie setting...]

NBC Reports via teleprompter:  No sound from the Twin Cities
--Were they speaking, or was there anything to be heard...


                                --jOSEF mOHAWK SIGNING OFF





September 3rd, 2008

They vetted Sara P. about as well as an abbreviation; as well as our editor set yesterday's font.


Overall Total
Chief Accountant, A. O. R.
Josef Mohawk cover's the 10:00 Republican's Hour.

Judy Ruliani is a fifteen second forever fame...Warhol's nightmare.
Drill Alaska Now...Pay Less For Gas.
The clump-sy NY hit man AM Radio lying.
[Boo Hiss Prompts The Applause Now.]
[Pause & wave a cue finger baton.]
--Horrid is inclined to weigh in.
'Handsome baby & retarded husband as a prop.'
'Ghastly horrid.'
Delighted to accept the nomination of Vice President.  Well I say, Madaam & Maam:  'Eat shit & die bitch!'
'Sheer guts?  does that mean transparent courage.'
'Using every prop like an altar.'  Sarah pledges friendship & advocacy with God; prepared to close out a short speech.
'He's still my guy...'  Unlike McCain's first wife, who was cheated on & traded in and opened by a newer, richer model.
[It's 10:41 PM]
Josef Mohawk breaks in to warn.  'This lady knows how to speech.
Each grin leers and threatens to nip testicles; lipstick.
PTA Witchess-sex...I'm looking at 'orrid Little right now & the boy is almost willing to vote fore her.
Is she ready for actual responsibilities.
Horrid Little opines:
--from Scranton to San Francisco.  The Red Necked Woman knows how to run fast as Rush Limbaugh...Michael Savage.
-=guard your balls boys.'
  'I wanted to kiss her, but then I saw what her lips said.  NO MORE.'
The lipstick on a pitbull not quite as appealing--a jawline threaten-rippling masochistic oral sex;
I'll leave that to her handsome Husband.

Josef Mohawk surmises current World Politician position:                                              

'She's selling her family, her country & Anwar's OIl...drill me, drill me Now!  I'm a red=necked gal-lon of tons.
Clean Coal . Com.'
'Let's rape every bolt of oil; barrel on.' says kind Sarah.  'Don't bother reading Guantanomo rights...'
Tyronne Union Star Power believes all drilling on government lands should be frozen; bequeathed to our
children in lieu of out debts incurred today.'
-A payoff for our rape of today.

'Our Youth, like the above pictured Pink Hue, Need free from debt Tomorrows...don't drill now; save the last reserves for future generations.
We have already stolen today.'
In Further Summary:

Leaf Flotille critiques Sarah Pallin:  'Trading in on Service to America...damn the Social Issues.'
Horrid thinks McCain is half-entendre:  'Don't you think we made the right choice...and her family!'
                                                             [--better than those two little nigra girls.]

Thursday:  September 4th, 2008

Nicolett Cottles, Tyronne's Vice Presidential running mate & long-time girlfriend, sets off the final night with
the past week's main question.

'When did McCain's vetting really know of 'The Seventeen Year Old Pregnancy'?

The charge of sexism was?? possibly set up by them knowing??or not knowing of 'The All Important Virgin Pregnancy'
nee/ 'The First & ONly Time Virgin Pregnancy:  Is How It Happened In Jesus."
Well:  Exa-act-ly when did John know Sarah's eldest daughter was pregnant.
Exactly when.
Was it four months and 29 & 1/2 Days ago?  (The spy, you know.)  All in the plan; leaked three days late...
or finally found by a 'L-Word Gelded Main Press'?
Possible Premise #1:  He knew (a bit) before Her Speech, but did not mention it in the hope
the rabbit eyed media would sniff a scent; ''--NEWSFLASH:  Right Wing Girl Pregnant!'
[counter-WaterGate-esque!! congrats! on the sick counter-punch]
So a media pile-on can be immediately tipped like a teat-less cow;
upon a sleepy creamy .com public.
[Oh how dare they accuse her of non-virginity.  Abstinence works.  Just say no, to true(er)(est)(possible) sex ed...
Well, as Tyronne's feminine Vice Presidential Candidate running mate I weigh in:
Tell us John, an open message to Mr. (SuperestPatriotOnly) McCain-Bush*
Did you truly know about ___________'s 17 year old vetted virgin pregnancy before or after choice?
Post those thwarted inspired choices of Joe Liberman and Tom Swift (Boy Genius)--
you decided to screw 'The Wise Old Boys'
for 2000's South Carolina
present Hanna Storm.
Blame the media--it Dan Rather CBS's fault.
--that what Laura Bush tipped with that lipless strategy Tuesday night.
'It's sexist.  It's our girl, & you better not bitch with our rednecked woman.
She'll bite you boy's manhood off & geld your man with the kiss of stiff.
A tough one; but smaller than Baracuda...tiny text rally small ideas; puny ideals publicized.
Truly tonight, as you see her stoop her head to read a girls written text in high heeel shoes.
Why do you think you didn't see her for three days after the announcement?
with Virgin Kiss-Stick.
--you may think she cares for you--
--nothing is random; her family gets exatly what is karmicly contracted dharm--
--each must take care of self--
Can she care for a nation?
At sixteen years of wise age, I am Ty's girlfriend and Vice-Presidential Candidate.
--we have been running for a long time; each quadrennial since 1984;
President & Vice President of USA.
It is anyone's America, who lives here.  (9:49 PM 9.5.2008)
& What About Area UFO--Is It Real--I, We & America wanna know.  Do it or tape shut your Maverick Map.
P.S. NOte by

'Maverick Map . Com will be a money-maker, if a geographer can ever translate history.'
'I query this message.'
'And many others...'

Nicolet Cottles

Nobilous Morrow

'Maverick:  'The Twice faithful was he to the first.
Was ambition bred in the battle of war; the Manchur-i-nam Candidate.
'No one cherishes America more...'
John McCain's bio says so.
And you can believe this Holywood production...his Mother wouldn't lie.
It's 10:12 PM & you must vote for him, if you're apple pie as Red, White & True.'
'Puke!'  John McCain, the first American, truer than Washington.'

So I summarize his bio...

Nobilous Morrow


'Yess-s!  America's moral authority dies with John McCain...the Republicans.
I so approve his message.  He approves of George II's protection;
but it's time to move on.'
'Himm! is it.'

Any willing Patriot, yes that is it.

Monks Talisman


Beware of Double-Speak:  The Death Tax is the same as 'Inheritance Tax'.
The Republicans have always been for the richest of the rich; the sanctity of offshore bank accounts.
Protecting the rich with misnomers; the 'Guise of Patriotism' mistily misnomers.
Keating Five & Lobbyists perpetuated; what comes around goes around...
'--you will know their names, always the same, Republicans.


Money Comes
(Circa 1929)

P.S.:  John fights for people who lost their real estate investments in the flat tulip boom;
for the retarded--no, politically correct 'Special Needs'--for the poor Rich who would not have perpetual boondoggles
if he's not elected--Lincoln & Roosevelt would vote Democrat if alive today.

Cut (Love) Jewel

'Decrepit anomaly, he's toast.'
'No universal health care as a bureacrat would stand between you & your doctor.'
'Finding new jobs that won't go a way; a nation of burger flippers--99 cents the quality of our industrial shores.'
It is 10:42 PM & I imagine he is just about to mention the need for vouchers, so the rich can divvy cheaper.
I, Cut (Love) Jewel believe he is an opportunistic bastard who is trading in on his service to country...
as a means of deserve...

Teddy Fibre

If Tyronne had been President, there would have been no Guantanamo, no mire of mistaken Iraq.
Misdirected Al Queda.
'Vote Teddy Fibre for Attorney General.'


'Did your scars make you more human, or more Manchurian.  Scripted candidate...adopted Family, scripting patriotic country.
Thank God for the manufactured John McCain, faux Frankenstein, without his heart.
Trading in on his twenty-third mission, he fell to earth, and raised his mire...
what really happened with that first wife;
not quite trophy enough.'

--so wonders

Dandelion Egos

Psychologist Extraordinare
The Alone Orphanage
(circa now)


Horrid again:                                         
'Your Country's grail...are you the only one worthy to fight for Her.?
You are a long winded dolt stilted as a square corner, when a diamond cuts four.
Must we always fight--stand up for you?
Wrong choices making history; Teddy Roosevelt & Abraham Lincoln would disavow you.'
Josef Mohawk sedimentary notes:  'Thank God his bogus speech is over.'

dDitto Cruciform concludes:
'Late Balloons...he lost the election; a quarter hot as Prompted Pallin.'

dDitto Cruciform
Secretary Of State
Lingo  '--a Single Nixon!'   (Dagger Heart)


September 6th, 2008

A former stewardess and 1950's graduate of The Alone Orphanage;
one of Tyronne Union Star Power's most trusted and veteran staffers
Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
feels impulse-compelled to offfer a free patent opportunity
FOR SALE:  '--fuck off! bitching'
Normally a collected and calm woman of mien, Sugar pleads temporary madness, believes S. Pallin to be,
'--Piranha niblets in small scripted way.'
wishes to note
'I am
ANTI-SARA.  I supported Hillary.  She can't carry Hill's jock.'
A Believable Testimonia//Otherworld P. s.:  A Vote for Tyronne is never a vote for a Republican.  World Politician.'

Sugar Candy or Coffee?
[The Alone Orphanage:  Class Of 1955]


Testimonial #2:  'As a representative of the Asian American community, I also, intend to vote for Mr. Star Power.'

Such You

September 15th, 2008 A.D.

  'Boy, they are panting for Sarah P...just the sniff of a gun moll.  She won't quit right wing.
400 years later, cloned Joan Of Arc:  People Magizine mentality.'
The literal Truth:                                               No False Tongues
We approve this message:  Karl Rove Productions.
I certify this witness, it is all a product one buys; divisive messages lie:


Married Miss Trite Overload
The Holywood Vines Press Corp


Pomp Drama
**'--only clowns vote for anyone other than World Politician.'**


'Even a wish on November Fourth, or be a Money's Uncle...a faux Creationist.'
'Speak in any tongue, but witness computer ink.'
'Vote an American's Signature.'
'Yours...Tyronne Union Star Power:  World Politician.'
'Yes to true, is all you want.'


Two Star Horror Movie
'I'll pull the lever with both hands, twice...always vote the killing woman.'
PSA:  'You Do The Same.'

Sable Ice

*'I am I know--is always still a bad girl, but still voting for Tyronne.'


Little Alcoves
first voted in 1918.
Still true to today, she votes on November 4th, 2008


Monk's Talisman
'--expects you to vote for true order; the literal Bible:  Sarah Pentecostal will uphold these truths.'
He NOT She approves of this message.

The Unnamed Bat
watched Batman Begins tonight, and belives it to be, '--stellar true!'
RATING:  95%
[Shown on ABC]

September 17th, 2008

A too-true bumper sticker:  'Bush III.?!  Not more of McSame.'
Teddy Fibre  comments on Sarah P's vetting on Foreign Policy
'Bush II looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul.  His trustworthy ex-KGB eyes; that dark soul.'
When McCain met Sarah P. a second time, he declared her his 'Soul Mate.'
[His first wife & Budweiser Cindy now hops sediment.]
Sarah P. can see Russia from her back yard...gestalt scenery; wise osmosis.
'It could be...' we go to War with The Soviets over their invasion of Atlanta, Georgia.

Teddy Fibre:  Attorney General to be...


'EEeehh! I was just looking at upperwise opinions, & Sarrah P. was thus identified as Two Star Horror Movie
Joan Of Arc.
She was merely speaking about her scripted self; Daniel Boone's first wife.'


Cleopatra's Soul


Dogmatic Boy-Girls Soul Mix-Mate-Made-Properly

Mix Romance

'Their spin campaigns are the most baffling of psychic astro-atom-knuckle balls.'
'--they know little of the rainbow, beyond the circle globes; dogmatic black & white...they only wish to divide.'
'They win smidgeons of states; winnow snowball.'
They hail only their own power.
Like their Lost Queen of England
The People be Damned.
Tiny Mortals.'

Mix Romance (circa 1912)
The Alone Orphanage:  Class of 1914 A.D.

September 20th, 2008 A.D.

--promises depend on reality; They are determined to keep the false Goddess Donna Dow
above 11,000 A.D.
...the spsycological gold standard; eroded husks of past century.
The Grey Cliffs of 'over; America's Shadow Pales...power transfers when we borrow for 25 years & dismantle infastructure;
transition burger flipper.
--The 99 Cent Stores & Big Macs have silenced the menial peons subservient commercial forever.
--don't they, didn't they...don't we, know, debts must be paid.
We must tighten down purchase=consumption screws; pay for life as it goes.

                                Overall Total
                                                                                      --Antiques Of Republic; Chief Accountant
()[])( 'First Class Scar'  Whippping ot native tongues from Eskimo  to avoidio-media to scripted.'  Parselltongue:  Damned All-Mightys.

(In a different, non-financial thought:                             
Jet Bubbles  adds,         )
'--eeh, just 'cause you see Russia doen't mean you know it.'
'Sarah feels the truth of Foreign Policy.'
Comic Face:  The Old Hindu parable of 'The Blind Woman'
5 Main Religions:  (She's located right by the tail of the rump.'
Hindu  Christianity  Muslim  Jewish  Druid
Newsweek Reviewed:  Sept 22, 2008 by Josef Mohawk:

PUT SARAH PALIN on The Supreme Court
'Purely vicious, utterly true.'
Lipstick Truths...? ' Kiss Among Lies.'


'REX the Momentum:  '--god won't go on without you.'
'When god Twos, separate views.
 Ande yours is true.!'
'Extract the politics and count...on human all appeals.'

Corporate Bondage w/ Pillow Foray


Jet Bubbles 'sez:  '--fly soul travel.'

September 22nd, 2008

Married Miss Trite Overload

PRESENTS 'A Cachet Of Republican Leanings'

'Sarah Palin is the big picture in our little world.'
'The Democrats must agree, to save/d the fiscal finance world--it is immediate that we quickly be putting speed upon expediency.
Kiss the Masters Of The Universe Ass you 'Plebian Blonds'.
Forget about the little people in their tiny houses....and by the way; why would you wish,
to create new taxes upn the rich--priveledged I, am one of them.
Do not bother, trying to mess with me.
Even among the young, Gossip Girl rules.'

'--and I have a man you will want to rule 'The Next McCain's' Wall Street.
I and the rest of The City Matrons approve of him.

Delia Tie
her husband PoundMoney also approves this message.

'Save it all, we approve of The Bail Out.
The Dow, Sacred Donna Dow, must remain abouve 11,000, for the sanctity of Investors Bailout.'

Limmerick Spaceship knew about the bailout.


September 23rd, 2008

Isis Romeo
'--does not believe Sarah P. has anywhere near the depth of any Kissinger.'


September 25th, 2008

Josef Mohawk
RANDOM RELEASES:  --gnoshes the gist & bits:  pseudo-New TV & Politico-Plus Builts:  Strucctured Grafitti.

'Good Jim gets to marry her.'
The Office:   (ON NBC)  Debuts Beautifully Pivot Summary.
The White Collar Bailout:  Blue Collar Shipped Out:  Common Laborers & Burger Flipper economy.
Snide Snipe:  'It's, it is good for Grandfather's Common Bonds & Stocks.'
in an exclusive Pinpoint City.Com reveue: Horrid Little Obligato & his pals watch Palin IL:  The Katie Couric Interview

'Shrill foreign policy drill
she would be good for a CampPout:  But you wouln'da wnanna marrry Hrr.
Waking up next to that voice!'
--so texts Horrid Little Obligato to his pals Killowatts Hurt & Sew Buttons.


Killowatts Hurt

'--& after she world politics'ed Russia & Canada as airwave foreign pilicy expertise-y context-ed.'
No one could imagine her as a 'Heartbeat Away!'

Sew knows:  Sarah's five month old has more 'Foreign Policy' expertise than she.

Editorial Note:
AlwaysMatters.Com should be a truth in the cyber press world.
To pay for the Federal Bailout; Tyronne Union Star Power, his Veep & Entire Cabinet,
believe The Internet Must be Taxed-Taser round as the cyber=globe rondure.
It must all be taxed:  every Religion as well.
Also legalized prostition of both equal access sexes-d.

Overall Total wishes to declare:                                                
Good Luck:  Rehabing the finance; from greed & misuse of sanity; you know the corporate lawyers will get nearly golden for those.

was not being a faux Yankee Doodle Jimmy Cagney
Other Though:  'Tidy aftermaths, little cleavage of the truth.'  The StockMarket.

September 26th, 2008

'Ooh, Obama got in the first overhand on wrist formal welcoming.'  9:03 PM

'Oe-yh.  McCain starts off by worrying about Teddy Kennedy's health.
Magnitude Of Crisis:  Failures on Mainstreeet.'

He's wheezing with fear...we have no fear to fear but McSame.
Cain is no Abel.
_  He wants to wanna...a huh.
Whine apology.'

Package this & bitch off...the Election is Over.

Fix the System, F Main Street...Stricter Interpretation...blame the suckless bureacracy.
Kiss every Yankee Doodle Dandy Fanny.
'Cutnt'' Off Bitch'

Worrying about 3 million in Alaskan Bears.  The Magic Pen...The Earmark PorkBarrel Spending.

Citing obscure websites & whining, his tense voice.
Jeex.  Jeee-z, he looks like Lon Chaney, Sr.

9:15 PM   300 Billion Importance:  Jon looks like Boo Radley at Dunkirk.
Done.  The Election is over...the old pseudo-bitch.

35% vs. 11%:  Go To Ireland
'I wanna cut the business tax...the rife pork barrel tax.'

'The Maverick...The Sherriff...I didn't win Miss Congeniality.'  says Arizon

Josef Mohawk notes...the tragedy of scripted-squirming.

Natty Rumple
                             --gloriously claims, the Social Budget ain't freezable.

It is exactly over, believes Stoolie Vestibule:

Palin-McCain:  Stilted Slaughter--Custer never had it so bad.
Spending Rant.
Idiot carrer of the lost fool.
This never was really the election...tiny stuff.
'I am not Miss his second reference.'

...two partner mavericks, is she really his soul mate.  (1st Second or Third)

Possible Ands confirms Barak's supposition:

'--the House Republicans held up 'The Bailout' for 'The White Collar Hard Earned Money Capital Gains Dividend.'
'--from the time of Alexander, McSame coulda gained local confidance...'
'--now that General Petraeus is Alexander Tlhe Great the Same.'


'--little instances of nothing, scripted bracelets with dates & places & nothing that matters, a vain Mother's son death wish.'
'Victory vs. Defeat.'
'The Good Guy vs. The Bad Guy delivering teleprompter scripts.'
'--damn, he's a niggling Jimmy Cagney.'

Earth Annapolis

'He can't pronounce Iran's Persia.

The legitimacy of pre-conditions.  Legitimacy..

Notation notes:  'McSame/Bush III was stymied.'

The UnNamed Bat doesn't believe an Al Queda base in Iraq is the most imminent evil.
''The fragile sacrafice of blood & loss, puke it out Rudy Notre dame America only counts.'

September 27th, 2008

Josef notes:  'So great a man, Paul Newman died yesterday.'
Tyronne's proposed Secretary Of The Interior
Totally Fine Fesque agrees with Warren Buffet:  The Rich Should Be Taxed More.

'--irrespective of the correctness of The Bailout, it is more than rude for the House Republicans
to try to slip in a cut in the Capital Gains Tax.
Green Sweat, how hard is their paper flipping really earned?'


September 29th, 2008

Pulse Fuss 
'--is concerned with the corporeal nursing body,
believes The White Collar of Wall Street is not worthy of triage.'

Pulse Fuss a Republican up for tough re-election.
'The body before the soul--the market is unworthy.'
On another front, Pulse thinks Katie Couric has been so mean/man to Sar-ha Palin.
'Her handlers have demanded '--due deference!' but none has come.
The Gentler Gender Sex-ismed.
You treat her like '--Yesterday's Girl!' Pulse exclaims.


Josef Mohawk appendage-adds, '--the tin star before the badge, the white horse of five-pointed honesty.
It's the cowboy sheriff that gets the manly vote.'

So asks
Puppet Flesh 'Who will pay back all of the debt...those dollars of flesh.
Not you, nor even your children...
Maybe our children's children, won't bear our debt.'
_____Feed The Pig . Org____

'Wall Street & Main bear the brunt of credit idiocy/greed.
No interest down for two years, if you're willing to deeply hock.
Guns & religion sold here; your hard earned money bleeds green
--ressurect lower Capitol Income Tax gains.'

Possible Ands wonders, what will happen on Wall Street tomorrow.
Will the calvary arrive on Thursday? will the fiscal world wait.
Which...will, first fade; panic gripped.

Pinpoint City thinks, a blue collar dollar of sweat, is a little more hard-earned,
than a Capital Gains greenback one.
'The Good Guys & The Bad Guys...which one will Joe Biden be?
This Thursday, Our America? or Theirs?
Speaking In Tongues:  The Broth of Brew which prompts Stepford Sarah.
Whose wife is she.?
October 1st, 2008
Our Press Secretary: Josef Mohawk has imported, s few semi-random notes from Chalkboard Grafitti . Com
'--dead & the wrong, the 43rd Presidency could not pass away fast enough to be kind to history.
The 44th Presidency is sure to Paramount.
Who will it be?'

'--dust never misses, history will settle with you.'
--anguished cry from the gallery by


'Jon & Sarah sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Ersatz Mavericks--bought as two pods in an only pea.'

October 2nd, 2008

JOSEF MOHAWK garners a few qotes from the gallery of peanut heads peering at The Only VP Debate:
'A heckuva good lot of Maverick-isms--she's back on her perfect
adorable cuddly cute cue.'

Only Stonepeeping
She's not '--gonna answer the questions as you or the moderator want--I'm going straight to The American People.'
'Swagger sassy sexy Mom, she's back on it.'
--Buckaroo Jody


'Revelation of the corruption &'s all Wall's...toxic mess on Main Street that's effecting...'
9:26 PM   The slip up scrip gottcha Sarah.  The tiny semantic mispoken which shows it did not come from her heart.

Debate 101:  'That's a quick answer...States like Sarah Palin must be allowed to produce.
Every man does not change the climate...create-it-ism; who cares to causecleanupimpacts--as governor,
blip-blap, all of the ovove/above...others omit more than America ever stand for.
ALL OF THE ABOVE Approach.  9:31 PM

'--clean green natural gas for hungry markets.'

Teagarden Leaves
softly sighs, 'Oh, Sarah would allow visitation...oh, she only no nuances other things.'

Trent Overcoat responds to Sarah's assumption:  'The Great American Hero General Paetraeus'.

'Great American Hero 2008, you are no General Eisenhower, The Surge a Two Year D-Day.'

[Script says, look down, raise eyes determinedly and shake earrings with a pursed mouth.]
(No she says, we can not let the Iraquis do themselves.)
'Uhm, a white flag of surrender.'


'I would like Sarah Palin to be my mother, or something.'
'She's great, she said Achmadinijahd right, correctly spoken, once, twice, thrice...i'mn/n/n
getting off-f.


                                                 Squirt Liturgical

'--she won't stand for America deystroyers; I love some of her features.
Her jaw & her moxie, tho' when she tips to stridency,
the shrill kills the thrill, she might wanna-make me, make wee, wanna do,
things we wouldn't really wanna do.
I remain,
                        Squirt Liturgical

thinks, 'Wall Street is never to be redeemed.
Let it rot.
Donna Dow should be whored out as a flat 660 true baseline.

'--she is a Scrip-tured girl, a programmed woman.
She has grit; little gist...a cute Pogram.'



The Bush Doctrine of Premptive Assumption

No matter how this ends up (on either side: long as the winners are Mavericks.
'I'm running as a family, Govt. just get out've my way.'
(She's giving bitsy speech's; five sincerely shrills.'

Leaf Flotille


Biden nails...Sarah says The Teachers deserve a reward in Heaven.
No Child Left Behind; Weed The Weasels Out of The Teachers Union.
Rrramp it up, & move on to riff-raffing off.

She has to look down at the scripted, 'Why I Am 2-B VP 101'
She wants to be of use to The White House.
Of Use . Com
--book it, says Velvet.


'She ain't a riff...being a Mom, a Son In The War A Special Needs baby
at the Kitchen Teble.
It's all about Todd, unapologetic...a perfect ideal.'
A Force Of Good
Miss America w/ no spangles...Wonder Girl with Sup-hose Gams.

10:21 PM  Joe goes to heart & soul...out femines the presumptive baracuda.
'Maverick, parrot, all of us ....He is the man we need to leave."  10:21
Her second major gaffe/crack/dike.
Joe on The Judiciary Committe: 

'Bipartisan There'

Notation Quote:  'Diverse Family'
'--at the end of the day, as long as we're all working my way.'
Clear   Clear  Channel   American Family:  Most Blessed
Fight For Our Freedoms; as we Kill Them.
creepy bloodstream biblical things.
'A time and america...only one man in this race who has ever fought for you.'


PBS  'He hit The Human Moment'
says David Brooks
--so often the apologist ass

baby Trent Overcoat

                        'Little do they know how to make war--'


Morgue Tunes

an aged Morgue Tunes

'he pushed hard!'  Pre-Surge Numbers!' sexying on old John McCain

'Saturday Night Live is the finest ever until Midnight!' claims PinpointCity.Com

Vulcan Michigan
--reports from the town of that name; early October 5th Sabbath:
locked on SNL & TV 6 Marquette.
(The Killers are on now...may it be a harbiner of a True World Politician omen.)

'So irrelevant, Abraham Lincoln would peg Bush II as a Polk.'

Teddy Fibre swears...
''s so odd to hear McCain's ending happy pleasant
interlude music odd to see his Michigan adds play
after he declaimed them null & void.
'--give up & die, why does he bother to compete?'
thinks it's a sad foregone American conclusion.
Coke was Coke.
Change is Change.
Real Change is New Coke @ its most McSame, no Bush III.

October 7th, 2008

Dumpling Hunchback does not believe John McCain really observes,
The Straight Talk Express.'
There would be no cool hand at the tiller.
He's a faux loser.'
'Walk softly & speak crookedly.'
10:12 PM  Citing heroes Regan, Teddy & Paetraeus.
'--get them to work with us...'
UnNotWorldPol:  John McCain wants to talk softly & carry a tiny dick.

Q:  'Telegraphed Punchs, Charlie McCarthy's Dummy?.!'
A:  'Jon has all the prescence of...'

So declares Marionette Me  (circa 1918)

October 10th, 2008

Josef Mohawk's Press Release:  Troopergate sure to spill the beans & kidney livers.

October 13th, 2008 A.D.
Josef notes: 

Repeat Bits from September 2nd & 1st
The genesis of Sarah Palin:  Cleopatra's Soul rejoins by Speaking with a Tongue: 
Oh, Heart's 'Baracuda' on Chuck so cutely effective tonight.

'He's going to follow Osama to the Gates of Hell, but he can't find a VP.'
'When the training wheels come off, I trust you'll see what a neo-tyke she'll be.'
'He met her twice & she's his soul mate?  How does his second wife Cindy feel.'
'Cindy-feel--lose the skull bun bit.  c-h'
'Your star is not the only flag.  Each American is as good as you.'
May God Bless America?  You end your speechs, almost each handshake
as if He were You.'
'Is that not presumptive politics.  Would such a busy-man not take time to bless the entire world?
Why isolate America?Bless the entire World.'
'It takes God to claim the check.'

Public Service Ad:                                                                           
One World Politician . Com
'--visit us, the quantums are getting better.'

I am the NRA & I approve this message:

Corporate Bondage
Pillow Foray
Mink Sleepy

'Rex Momentum:  Rex The Momentum:  Kiss the Pistol Tears:  Kevlar jackets & Tracers:
Steel Velvet thar Erases Skin'
(Why not Jack Ruby...
Crown McCain; take Abel down; rabble-rouser incitements.
Take out the Sand-Nigger.)
'No Ma-am, he is not an Arab--what were you thinking.?!'
[Indignant McCain.]
'Oh, how our subversives were sinking, lies into your embarssing it is to see a product
of our fruit...Strange Fruit.
What's that dangling in the magnolia trees.
I was South Carolina'ed, why not he.\God must be Even-Steven can't She.
Sarah soulmate, Speak in Tongues & Tell Me, if I die, who will you be?
Todd, Sarah pregnant with leadership or scripts or helpless as your six & a half month old baby>
Post CSI, it must, must (executive decision) it must be........
it must be a white male, or ashamed black.  ...the traces baby powdered.
Someone take him out so I can fulfill my tortured bequest.'
*iePostScript.Com:  It must be a perp who is clean as cold driven soul.
                                        Not one of ours.
Judas & Loyalty can never misplace our stars.

                 your secret operative:  John Mc(Wallace)Same

Cleopatra's Soul this night closes:  'Is there no sense of decorum?
In one day, may Donna Dow be fair damsel rescued
yet once again, her whoring ways virginally forgiven.
The sacred cow is once more Golden Calf.
The eternal Golden Calf Frankenstein rescued just intime/entime for Republican's
Flash Insta-Poll result![]
936 Points equal 3 % Points for the rich money!' claims Bookies Hideout . Com!
--and with the +3 points not gonna vote the nigger's pocket as they go into the secret
closet switch, it's gonna be a razors/raxor's edge match.
--maybe virgin tight as a red cunt hair's width.'


Horrid Little Obligato wishes to aplogize:  Cleopatra's was chanelling me, just
got too hot & spilled over to her:  That's what Chaplins at
The Alone Orphanage do.
Testimonial:  'She would never extrude the C or B word w/ regard to another female(s).'
Two fishy specimens such as Sarah or SkullBun--bitches bothe.
Well, guess I still have control of Cleo...hate those bi-otc-h-es, and their pretentious ways.


                                         Horrid Little Obligato
[who is,                                      
no way associated,
                                            with Tyronne Union Star Power's Presidential aspirations]

'Oh, but Cleopatra's did want me to note she says:  'God wants humans to be mortal.
Does not apporove of Senora Donna Dow(n)'s Golden Calf Rebound.
The World has been 40% DeValued, & underlings may realize that, not falsely prospetize.'


Seven Egypts
thinks Colorado is going to vote Obama-Biden.
()He's still voting for Union Star Power(

October 15th, 2008

Q:  How will tonight seal The Republican's fate?
A:  In The House & Senate.

Attic Grandma
will not be voting for John McCain, '--he's too old.!'

The UnNamed Earth-Air Spirit
                            --is registered, and is voting for Tyronne.
