Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
. Not A Blog .
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000bobby.jpg)
Sunday, The End Of June 2019
Lollipops & Demons
`No Man's Land
... Two Beasts & A Great Relationship In The DMZ.`
--Demons & Lollipops
Shadow Beautymark
: Convenience Closed...
Bare Fruits.`
Nothing Past The Moon
`Second Place--I wish I
was a dream that had come true.`
Wonder Bread
new carpet
`Plush! --it's great on bald
* ___________ *
'Ten Penny Souls'
A Boy Named And A Pear
: `Tasty, ass as a peach.`
A Girl Named Peach :
`If' I'm walking away, it's not yours.`
frugal `--spartan
`--it's an armpit cuspidor.`
rife with naked/magnum nude
obliviously blond
June 29th, 2019
Curry Favor
discord `--at the push of nothing, you're
the one who showed.`
Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
. streetcorner; she was the
local sin .
1960's darkness : streaking the night, insouciance girl tosses cigarette cherry
`--comets were never quite as
cool, as the butt of a redhead.`
--Sugar Candy
Lukewarm Storm
stopping at novice
gently tensions
* _______ *
`News, as if it
. the roar of affair
'Tip Toe
* as honey exists to flies
--your wish is your command.`
too pretty to be cute, self
amore : skin upon water
hidden scoff mutely transparent
Friday, June 28th, 2019
Windswept Maypole
hate farrier;
t$Rump : a pompous wheeze
torturing apros pos
--Windswept Maypole
* ____________________ *
`--fuzzy bumpkin.` . boring tits,
nippleless (the new Playboy)
`--capiche` the baby!?`
the world, her world, sublime dissolute
Voting Pubic : `--two
peas in different pods.`
`Two peas without pods.`
critic `--tacky authenticity.`
* _________ *
Villians Candyshop, Sr.
* Marilyn in River Of
No Return *
`Rock as stone, every expression & syllable more wooden than
the previous or next.`
June 27th, 2019
Stucco Roccoco
`Sure as stars framing ... the sky spiral round.
--Stucco Roccoco
____________ *
vex `--moaning posies!` . `Collarbones &
efficient as a cricket
back seat of a rainbow
. sedate as charm, the
old woman had gifts
small as commodity
`Only God ... one egg baskets
them all.`
War (end) `...all the
heroes die, only mortal.`
Wednesday, June 26th, 2019
Saint Augustine's Navel
. 7.17.2019 : Mueller To Testify Live .
`Way past forever, when
finally came about.`
Death Breathy
. to Shy Pandora .
`--as if another could kiss your eyes.`
Goody Kind
'Kitten Good'
too obvious for liquid
whispers & secrets collide
Half-Spring Pennymind (&
`Someday something was. Some days just occur.`
Emerald Fey
. Midnight Home .
`Over As Last Call--Time For Midnight To Go Home!`
Star Satyr
`I feel like a little boy playing house badly.`
--Star Satyr
* ___________ *
exfoliate . situation
`Here we go, how 'bout you?`
`Big as the world can make it be--welcome to Our Own Age Show!`
Horrid sees new love, `...tight as nice, all the bewitch.`
Similie Thimbles
`Why the clouds get the skies...`
* _____________ *
lean against the tall, not quite man
pink used; soiled doily, dirty dainty
seated at a table in black
'Why Valentine'
`....didn't dreams come true, me with you?`
* ___________ *
Time Orion
of The
Time Series : `...time does itself to you.`
under mountains time becomes, roots grow
FeatherQuill on
Drinks : `--a
certain floating clarity that coasts.`
`You have the luxury of feeling fat...I
am fat.` --Hodgepodge
everything in sight; gobbled
hang on to your friends, each one palm print
`--don't want everything to be nothing!`
diary entry
shocked by the need to be, nobody's
hidden as Gideon
Dandelion Egos
`...storms make themselves upon
Current Politics
: `What a cheap way to cheapen things...`
Skate Pearl
`Caught between a fish
& a minnow, puberty.`
Harpsichord Tricycle
ending `... exist in we.`
Tether Nightspoon
Nebulous Vows : `I will
release my taxes...`
`I respect Private Skirts...`
`Making Way Great Again!`
______ *
Ides Of Goodbye a City Matrons novel
<> `Made it by the
neck/nick of nexus.`
Blandly Honest Blur : Nothing Said.
Saying `--check
it navel.`
narr `--in
the end where over lives.`
w/ Egos
`...all for your nothing, not realized.`
`Used to lose; a mascot with a cringe.`
<> `Talk without mouth, show me...`
The Wee Willie Keelers | `Night's
Borderline ... when wicked gave itself shape.`
explanation she was going there, just
yet what happened
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019
Money Comes
. On The Evils
`--sin that frolicked purely for itself.`
Globe Thistle
naked pomade, wearing only his hair
!! Trumpet Narration !!
Teddy Fibre
To Opposing Lawyer [#Census
Question] |
`--take me out for lunch
& learn your fate.`
Orange Ball
Wizard Of Oz : One Room Where God Waits Alone
--Orange Ball
* _________ *
Baby Pie Dreams Clockwise
'Pillage Scrimmage'
by Pillage Burn
@ Orphanage 'Hallway
dirt in the glisten . beyond the
flowers [1969]
`--cold as chloroform, your
time graffiti tic
surmounting itself, toc
Cripple Derringer
He knows how to barter the charade.`
Gene Misconstrue
* Matching Taxonomy *
Gene thought of himself
as The
Last Wand Flowering : Must Pollinate.
--Gene Misconstrue
* ________ *
1969 Equable
Resignation `Time as it goes, every so...`
vow `--thensome,
evens with you.`
put down `--someplace
other than you.`
mysterious as present
once upon commendment `--edging fresh, you were.`
blurb `--sad formula.`
`--pulled the dribble off the nibble, dekeing
* _____________ *
Stone Pavillion
`Live Reporter!
Time like happened & you were there!`
--Stone Pavillion
Gene Misconstrue
. Ripest; Seed That Seethes
`--seduced into a move, smart as not.`
Yards Moblier
. A Goodbye Saying .
`--catch you much as goes.`
--Yards Moblier
Spoken Sky
Flesh ... (once) stood upon my crown, Earth Halo.`
--Spoken Sky
nihlist God
is a layman's dream
tough `--back up
or we'll fill you full of no's.`
* __________ *
`Scared of never, not of now.`
Monday, June 24th, 2019
Rue a la Mode
` know went had...`
`...mistakes made include.`
Tail Penny
` was very afterwards.`
Baby Pie
<> excl `--nude
Light Breeze
A God Prayer :
: `Speed your love to everywhere...`
--Light Breeze
Marquee Neon
`...hidden in the heart of
might; become.`
Hodgepodge Fatty
* Chris Christie `
a puddle of condolence
--Hodgepodge Fatty
once upon maybe .
hanging onto neuter
told only knows
* __________ *
as kiss wishes itself
believing synchronies
. trick of the
knack . Alone As Atlas
Valentine `...matching up like butter & sugar, let's
cook Valentine.`
poser `What
if because...?`
a consummate critique `--she's fitting as herself.`
13th Mystique ::
Spirals that worshipped their inner selves...
`May the grace be yours...`
50's slang `--maze as on, we're with it.`
`Actually does what it does.`
w/ Dandelion Egos
`I can't find my stasis.` [spastic]
`--you're living it, so you start to believe it.`
; newlyweds just
awhile ago; not now
spinster wallflower, taken in
by never
Tentative Vow
` forever, if I can.`
painting desc slashing passion, foreground
* * *
'Crash Happening'
`....just when maybe`
--Japanese Aircraft Carrier
Stature Mansions
. Market Stocked .
`The fat shall inherit their girth
... it is as should be.`
Corporate Bondage
`The Misama Of Lower Classes
... Pretending Dreams Owe You.`
* _ *
on TV g. `Agent
Cooper kissed himself for you.`
cusp g. 13th
philosophy `...too paused to do.`
tryst 'TicketsPaid : Dire Fate'
Two times forever ... fame.`
afternights : tomorrow's decision
* ______ *
Spindly Elm
Wishes Crossing Why
lyr `...making love post dawn, forevers.`
Add Egg & Oil
disparage `Great
Again? Campaign 2020--big on the dreams, small on realities.`
`Real As Seems.`
--Add Egg
* ____________ *
`Gotta reality! Know that dreams can't do it all by
themselves (earnest)
with Dandelion Egos.
Secret Mixes
catfish sleepy, his mustache
twitch waggling
Rigolette Cotille
. noire
`Time came that way, I
just did.`
Sable Ice
`In she walks, ripe chocolate.`
Impotent' devil
derisive (as if not encased)
Sun In Mountains
Threading Clover (A Racehorse)
* _ *
done as gone wrong; ruined
slowly as teardrops cried;
Weatherman `--latest
forever, next moment's weather.`
State Of Union : `We
All Have Our Bedrock Bitternesses.`
that focal, quite a show...`
2008 Redux : $$$ Hedges Betting
Themselves $$$
too grown, little girls
without tears
`Your Religion ... ? God
fell for itself.`
Coffin Crops
* Wees Undertaker | Crystalline Ashes *
Eulogy :
`--he was a great human dream.`
Sunday, June 23rd , 2019
Coy Poignant
* A Clear Case Of Maybe
`Dangerous as something your mother told you about.`
Crossed ... Stray Fates Rarely Touching.`
Aria Pomme de Terre & General Principle
P.S. : Forever Enclosed
Monk's Talisman
narr then again begin
Nobilous Morrow
`Kiss of the winnowing, gone...`
* ______________ *
Teagarden Leaves
>< habits made to clad
* _________ *
wistful `I'll be bedside forgotten...`
stage manager `...time
goes, you're on.`
tough pun `--kick
you like stray, dog gone.`
narr `--ways that couldn't hazzard a chance.`
`--she's a bitch & she'll
prove it!`
phil edge runs upon nothing
lyr `Want to
believe you but nothing does, nothing makes.`
* __________ *
Poised Wanton
<> free as oceanbound
Yards Moblier
jesters sans dress code
________________ *
narr `--too much to foretold; it was
pretty as horticulture
. slowly
said enough
Upper Class Public Trough `--all sucking off their
chic tit.`
linear as an antler, or root
Valentine `Know
something could be true, if I & you...`
`Go away to never again!`
`...if your heart is true, time improves.`
Azurite (5th Go)
blocks : the speed of
Biden `--gotta
work with the can.`
Monsoon Cherish
. Relationship .
`One Date : No Second Reply ... Just The Right
Amount Of
--Monsoon Cherish
Pigweed Dreams
`God tried...`
Oriental Spider
`Thought you'd apostrophe...`
Wind Ornament
`Love had you by itself,
--Wind Ornament
Seven Egypts
Major Ellipsis
`...time 'cause it's about.`
--Seven Egypts
Tyronne Union Star Power
* Ten Minutes Before Thrust? *
`Heaven Trusts You Less.`
Goody Kind
Repent Wail / Repentant Wail
`...thighs wicked song, come love me.`
`Paralyzed by nice, not she.`
--Goody Kind
Capturing The Pillows
`Shall I love you? Don't
know, just met.
{half dismisses}
Preliminary as a wishbone.`
___________ *
June 22nd , 2019
Sombrero Guy
. Millions
Of Two Thousand .
`ICE ... afraid of the dream at the door/American Abode.`
`ICE for Sunday Morning, Sugar In The Evening,
Papa @ Suppertime.`
`American Ideal?`
Saint Augustine's Navel
Vexation Graffiti : `Christ
See Nuit
. Trumpet Foreign Policy
`Carny Barker--gamble
an every chance to score.`
Horrid Little Obligato
. Opening .
`The Alone Orphanage
... A Place Where Many Had Grown Up Full Of Time.`
* _______________ *
dish moves about . snow
owes escrow
striving the edge
you can't
Ego Poser `What
are you but your?`
Contemporary Critic `--fresh as pace, thoroughly with
`You belong to allusion, not really.`
Chasing Spaceships/Belayed Mars
Goodbye Sarah Huckabee
: blending
time reluctant portray;
debutante can't.`
* ________ *
Stature Mansions
A Fitzgerald
Ending: `...& so we
passage, pushing time on.`
--Stature Mansions
* ____________ *
phil `Time
takes you to turn; soul does.`
desperation lyr `I can see remember, used to
a writers process
cementing steps & anchors
Macabre Short Story :
Kiss Abide
baptism `The
river christens you become...`
Wallflower Graffiti : `...waiting for evers afterlife.`
`Legends hold.`
Friday, June 21st, 2019
Flesh Equator
. Situation Hastening .
Last Moments, He
Wonders About Human Casulties.
How Drone Compassionate
:: Putting Edge On Hold ::
Puft Proportional.
--Flesh Equator
aka 'Floating Balloon Man'
Flat Metabolism
* Acting Commander In Chief *
|| The Seamy Cracks Of Martial Power
* @ Play In Washington D. C. *
Temporary Pentagon : :
undercover; shit without the fan
The Unnamed Bat
fetid as bred
Cuke Nuclear
* Martial Ardor *
`Potential Energy Fissioned by Kinetic.`
Natty Rumple
`Under blue skies that didn't
angels wondering if god's still alive.`
as reality stalked itself
`Situation Hastening as a Natty Rumple Byline.`
Infinity Pan
`Stars never fall up.`
* __________ *
cold as the sin of tomato, his
heart was sold
freckles that raised themselves, a wanton child
'Mirror Fears' : :
steps higher than stairs
photographer pictures
painted by life; photographs
debate out of knife, hilt blunt
at the edge of pearls
`Big Dipper holding the moon...`
trueism : innocence lost
with gone
the way taste fears
Thursday, June 20th, 2019
Pepper Treewind
from the end of cat
Mascara Madagascar
`--hometown sand.`
Pillage Burn
`...scared of alive, and so he died.`
--Pillage Burn
Minor Evil
`--don't wear your shadow around here.`
* __________ *
Upon Everything a fairy tale
`--feels like a scheme.`
Mona w/ Horrid :
`--the angle of the game.`
Waitress `What do
you want on your bread.` `Anything you put...`
D. C. Bees : `Shame on
`So true, light/love believing itself immune.`
noire `What more can forever include...?`
kiss in the alleyway, bunny
'fate' tied to
unlike all the other dreams
`Each soul a stream reaching an
June 19th, 2019
Once Everywhere
Trademark Saying : : `--resolutionary!`
Stands Gravity
`Forgot who'd you'd already
* ____ *
the pace of mango
'Edge' `The Devil as
always, there at 49 & 1/2%.`
__________ *
as velvet, Elvis paint
Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
Chocolate Marshmallow
ate the cake...`
Steppingstone Derby
Opening `Roads
that own.`
--Steppingstone Derby
* ___________ *
Pinpoint `--dull
as used proverbs.`
dreams in bed with doubt
running from the past, it's only tomorrow
`God lonely as the only one.`
1/2 Moon Cute
. crass & ugly
. whispers cry themselves to sleep
critic `Depends on the
light you listen to it in.`
PSA `Either be guts or don't! Vote!`
Manhattan Harbors
enthused director
`We'll turn Manhattan
Satin! Curtain
* _______ *
Baby On
drinks :
lady defiantly downs the last of hers
: :
`--whether I'm dreams or
dregs, my spit!`
* ________________ *
Horrid `--get
ready, time's on & moment is near.`
`--thinks he can be a dream!`
`Qualified to apostle, anyone
can read The Bible!
Doing life is where it's at.`
'Strawberry Patches'
a gooey little girl doll without charm
Buys Disguise
if the moon ate itself,
darkness ensues
* ___________ *
History is
the past
still aware
Bought Ken Doll
`Marriage was a dream you faked--pageant matrimony.`
introduction `...the
reigning gods!`
* _______ *
Dandelion Egos
`...timepiece as yourself.`
`Every vice should have a tombstone.`
amounts haunting, trace skies . certain of wasn't, never being
``Tie you to scar, impression left.`
`She's found out what tear
tastes fallen.`
offhand `--if there's a dream you care to grow.`
* ___ *
Ten Cent Cream, Nickel Pageant
vex `--you take the brook from meadow.`
Their Tax Plan :
the snap
of pawn, small necks broken
Blood Martyr
`--don't tread my Elvis,
trail my do.`
* __________________ *
God to Goddess : : Two To
Mona `If
someone leads faster than me, it's their place.`
Review : `--it's fast
& light & noireish; it's an opening
hope eggrolled
Irate Driver : `Watch
it fleshpot! --I'm mean & my car's
Monday, June 17th, 2019
Hodgepodge Fatty
` for because, it's the game of it.`
Mink Sleepy
`I used to be a kid but now
I'm a girl.`
Shy Pandora
quite wholesome enough to cheerlead
--Shy Pandora
Hopi Yogi
. Chalkboard
Graffiti .
Soldier `God
almost ... on our side.`
clockwork paid
Killowatts Hurt
. (When Very Young) .
`--hug me like heartbeat, all the time.`
--Killowatts Hurt
If Maybe/w. Probably Maybe
. Gloria Vanderbilt .
shoulders evening white
Sundown Washing
. Alone Orphanage Class Of
1969 .
a hole in the dream where reality hides
* ______________ *
lyrics `--wasting time fooling night into dawn.`
`--too pretty to true, vanity
the death of you.`
50's to 90's Hookup (Papal Conclave Theology Base)
`Feelings leading up to afermaths...`
New Fadish Dish : 'cause it's cheapish : Hot Wheat Toast
w/ Butter & Peanutbutter
& Cool Cottage Cheese.
[Optional bulk up w. sunnyside fried egg; melted cheese strips.]
In The Name
Of Became
gilded wicket; colonial baroque
Spectrum Patio
Housewife Graffiti
`--dreams & recipes.`
--Spectrum Patio
Such You
`, myself & why ?`
--Such You
* ________________ *
Houston Sunlight
: `--ooh, she must be hot, dressed in black & fat too.`
`Been situation, been around...seen alll
the maybes.`
Lost `...sometimes
dreams only believed.`
1950's : 'Medallion
Christians' as Third World Converts :
`Mud Huts ... At Least Their Souls Are Clean.`
boring as become
. dreams flat with prayer
rituals allude
dance without chances, wallflower shadows
`God almost becomes...`
`As soon as ink it's deed.`
`--foreshadowing in it for why.`
Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions: We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
|| Original Hashtags
& Characters Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
Twitter Montages*