Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Not A Blog
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000changemaker11.jpg)
Father's Day, June 16th, 2019
Animus Flaw
`--don't disturb the news, it's happening.`
Pomp Drama
`Complete Valentine` `For one who has it all but not
...give you me.`
--Pomp Drama
Dekey Moves
Hooker Bar Ad : : `The place
to be, when time wants easy--just go slut!`
--Dekey Moves
dDitto Cruciform
Of Lore Thesis : : The Rhythm Of Core That Only Manifests In
Moments Done.
--dDitto Cruciform
__________ *
married girl to girl `--signed him to a dream, took his
dark suppositions, things fatal
Winston notices WWII
Foreshadowing `...& time pawned
`--pure as Judas, you've been a great help to me.`
love greeting `--it's been forever long.`
fisher girl little nibbles playing
rock critic `--sounds that know town.`
F. Scott Ending
...& angels dream portray.
`Dreams grown final flower...`
critic `--tackily good in a crappy way, you'll eat it!`
a hard moonless nurture
Saturday, June 15th, 2019
Age Adieu
`No talk about...little girls make noise, big girls do.`
Slash Fasteye
`Ah, the mouse & cheese case of The
Foreign Oppo Research ...
`What would Gloria Vanderbilt
Fiord Spoon
. Norway .
dirt pure as white snow ...
not filthy enough to interest t$Rump.`
Corner Chips
Harriet Tubman's Dark Attire
Not Desired For Andrew
Jackson's 20$ Bill.
Not Timed For The 19th
Amendment Centennial : :
Populism The Victor.`
--Corner Chips
(Too Much Freedom In Lapels So Wide)
& Juliet His Unknowns Diadem
: :
`Birth Is Breaths Wind...`
`Aria Pomme de Terre & General Principle in
Child's Tarot.`
[circa Halloween of 1999]
The Exiled King
`There As Used Crown, Once Stood The King.`
storyteller `--in the nick of was!`
Homegrown Webs
'Green Bleed' an
Environmental Treatise whipped up for Earth Day :
[Govt. Suppressed]
* _____________________________ *
Director `Baking takes--sugar cookie lust.`
cat as a pearl
Chucksteak Drive
(go) rallied another gear, shifted forth
virtual mutual
habits made to clad
slipping on a sitcom; edible telly
Reporter ` moon bruised, yesterday's light.`
religious rebuttal `Beautiful
illusion, flowers without foundation.`
1964 kids Impromptu Prayer : `--dreams come from above, the
devil made earth.`
'1/2 Reporters Byline'
` ... (Heads or Tails) penny apparent, my opinions.`
dialogue `...too
gone, just rehearsing old lines.`
lyrics `...when
being mood was so smooth.`
* _____ *
musical ending `--just a song in nebulae.`
vex `--spooks & crucifixes!` . Enfolded Cross
lyrics all
ending even, eggshell unbroken
feeling drama promised
nurse looking into wound, there
Steppingstone Derby w. Pincushion Hats
: Powerful As Pie
Under The Bumps
old lady reminisce
`--snappy as Paul
Lynde centering The
Hollywood Squares.`
--Under The Bumps
Tukus Urbane
`Nice as scars; that's how we civilized
--Tukus Urbane
growing in love & dare
* ______ *
narrator `...sleepy as marmalade.`
lying here like passion
worn/worm moon soft berserk torpid honeymoon
Encounter: a novel
`What's done is do, going to.`
'Don't Feed The Beggars' Sign : `--give penny a dime, inflation.`
<> `--don't foretold, if you don't know.`
writer capsized
tears filling pond
blurb `--big as fiction, more than encompassing.`
mythos start
`Across horizons, birds that flew into the moon, stayed there.`
w/ Dandelion Egos
`Complex? There's just lots of things out
there & I'm scattered.`
technology graffiti
only the cow jumped over;
every plane flew beneath the moon
Philosophy Become
as do.
Snowcone Constable
. futuristic censor cop line.
`--line you up to time, describe your eyes.`
Two Star Horror Movie
'Call Me Card' `Message me ... (leave) love upon my
--Two Star
Bee Diamonds
. E.D. Tease .
`Goodbye Spite Valentine`
`Once upon Bee Bumble ...
pawn foresworn, lost your stinger.?!`
Composing Rosaries
`All others are wimpier than this one, 'Dose Of Stallion' the manly
(dib-dabs throat, crotch & groin w./ product splash)
`Laced with--brace up your normal potion,
two scents better than one.`
Spectrum Patio
`--looks like you never were a virgin, if you smoke.`
Day Friday, June 14th, 2019
. The Finnish Demon .
`Dealing In Dirt ... Cooking Up
Mud Pies Diplomacy ...
Every Flag Flown Is Not Pure.`
Flesh Equator
. Red Admission @ Age 73 .
`Some flags are Flown Pocket Book,
Trumpy Bears
Sold! Heartless Profits.`
Freckles O'erderve
`Nancy Pelosi ...
? Cautious as a clothespin, nothing left to wind.`
`A Stateswoman's Pace`
Fairy Tame
partaking of nothing, delicious zero
Fiord Spoon
`Gold as told, the story olden...`
Flame Shotfire
`Coaxing bad--why don't
you let it come out, that little dark diamond.`
* ______________ *
advisor `I'm willing
to give offshoot perceptions, not
`Nothing matters, tatters tearing heart...`
Pinpoint City
`--a cheap premise with nothing to say!`
Card' `Doing
the moons, all the fulls ... every bloom.`
virtual mutual . critic on
busty `--marvelous bestow!`
soft as flaxen, accompanying
odd war ` near as you can get to the enemy,
without being him.`
* _________ *
war all the
perish of action
wound to companion
as pawns
wept batallion
`Imminent boyfriend ... you became men.`
short story Ragamuffin's
`Diamonds & rubicons, vestry.`
football rolling
shoulder, less damage brunted
XII Making time
in two, second hands...spiral bands
stopping gravity's realize.
aftermath g shattered ghosts & idle boasts, all lay
lyrics `Making a wish, checking it life...`
prayer `High as the sky; everafter...`
play `Find her
like time, when kisses align...`
on holding a runner `--making him eat snooze;
freezing the plate with
phantom throws to first.`
`Don't sweat the world, it's only one of Many Earths.`
Patina Decease
`New Movie--it's a Some
Must See! If nothing else; Modern Pus.`
Thursday, June 13th, 2019
Moonrise Ephemerides
. Soon To Secret
Testify! .
'Hopey! The Princess Of
White Lies Alternativing
Flesh & Shadow; But One Is True.`
`Would she come clean if we put bleach in her mouth?!.`
Nudge Homeward
. Baby Werewolf .
`Ticket to it all, no promises.`
Roman Catacombs
. All Of The Cohorts! .
`WE DEMAND! Live Public
Testimony Just Like The Holy Roman Empire!`
(So we can
all Coliseum!)
Dumpling Hunchback
<> crashing into now
Spoken Sky
narrator `...when
world wished it was round.`
Natty Rumple
. The One World Apocalypse
Ball .
`Invitation Card
: Be here or you won't`
. An Orphan Of Life .
little chunks of gravity
____________ *
a hatch on grasp
excl `--the blood
of ghosts!` .
<> ball announcer `--pivot fluidity; graceful
as a shortstop.`
truant .
caressing impressions . a cannon of cadre
Glinda her only sister . fan biting
fingernail wishes
excl `--boiling
critic `--a
hat full of gasp!`
`You pick the purest crystals & spiderweb out.`
`You kept your face away from
scars; eyes from realize.`
Orphan Lady
`Horrid! quit carrying that angel by her arms.`
50's delicate as manuver
crucifix . less gaudy
than asphixiate
tidy as placebo . baby
tears & striptease eyes
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
?Magic Questionmark
. ?Magic is an Agent
for An Old Star .
`Charity, advertisements, fund
shows of reality;
we gotta schmear the portfolio gamut.
`Any way to keep your face on the table.`
Light Breeze
`In the '60`s; when patios were new & God was suburbia.
`'60`s, they killed Kennedy
& made us Republicans.`
--Light Breeze
Rigolette Cotille
. '50's critic | # Todays
White House .
small genuflections & cheap portrayals
`--dubbed screams.`
* ____________ *
sharp noses dueling spite
critic `...little games that wouldn't play, trailer
/ trailor trash
therefore never, web not big
`There are so many good words in the dictionary & they have to
resort to those common few.`
* 8 *
One Eyed Mona Noon
[One Eyed Mona Noon is
Within Striking Range Of Any Time.]
Mona to Goody Kind
`6-6-6, glitch missed--your tongue clicking.`
--One Eyed
Pit Fruition
`The Devil is
'Pregnation...not Adam,
nor Eve, but mortal know.
`Gravity accepts it's fall.`
* _______________ *
as only an apostrophe could
`--oblique sublime.` . watercolours verithin
moonlight without warning
Topical Eyetooth `--if somebody could get hot, we could do it.
on halfback `--joker
shifting hips.`
a/ gritty fruition
Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
`--real writers can drink alone.`
Cream ... The Best Of America.` [Luxury Tax One % Monopolies]
Plateglass Tears
& spavined, discounted beauty; she was a pocket book model.`
* ____________ *
Pond Bruise
`...time sealed in was.`
Radio `--wish with chance.
A chance of coming true.`
excl `--black off!~
`Red at night, sailor's delight ... it's only pink tho'.`
`Second Day Card` | `--since yesterday, we've been together so long.`
`A Now Valentine` || `Taste waiting...first kiss.`
`I could tell you something about everything.`
narr `...when god wasn't quite complete.`
June 10th, 2019
Turgeon Cry
talk, let's see your pass.`
seized; shadows grip
Spiderweb Terrazzo
@PressSec :
Spoken Truth?
`Lips kissed lipstick deep...only imprint.`
Buckaroo Jody
. 8th Inning Announcer
`--powdered donut dust,
another scoreless inning of relief.`
* ______________ *
a little clique of linchpins
'Fantasizing Valentine' `--can't quit pistol, still firing
for you.`
sniffing about, cautious carnivores
two mean brothers lines `--he might be too small to fry.`
`Do him anyway.`
critic `--dubbed
a diary entry belief & madness
vex `No totally!` .
war g. dead
soldiers, all used
in lieu of sex they snacked out
{dust collected in sift}
`Is it cordial to bite off
My only vice, I love to watch
it fall, the strands severed,
neatness falling only to be
June 9th, 2019
Beefcake Carved
. Stanley Cup Announcement .
Blues Tonight ?!
: `--like a dream that became, we're here!`
Bedouin Cardinal
`Spilling matter of fact; not very careful with contents.
'Frowning The Clown.`
Stellar Onus
`Commerce Secretary Wilbur
Ross :: Protecting Minority Voters Rights.?
`From Poll Taxes, Jim Crow & The KKK, Their Ilk Constrains!`
Lariat Seraglio
. Critic-At-Large .
`--three false tits!`
Cameo Orbit
. Post Game Interviewed .
`--dreams cashed!`
* _________________ *
critic `--vivid friction.` . rictus
discard . `--fun without yumn!`
producer `Somebody's gotta
kick ass & keep count too.`
desc it was a hardy kitchen; flavors mingled
Dandelion Egos
`Seeking the current of your own stream.`
exorcising culture
narr `--when bites
were small & you were young;
penny candy lasting taste hour.`
1950's startled girl `--drama
in leotards!`
losing manager `Dreams that can...get 'em next year.`
narr `--what
could was.`
* ____________________ *
`Tyco made something...`
Valentine `--rumors pardoned by jeartbreak.`
ICE Bullhorn Diplomacy: `God doesn't want you here.`
meeting niggardly
. sorted out; culled
blurb `--punyesque!`
. `--buzz off
critic images coagulating; unfinished scrambled
dynamics tight as wound
little fishes in smaller ponds; guilty still
Compliment `That
hat works well with your head, & those
--you could get by with them
at a ball.`
tough `--all that matters, is getting to had.`
Baseball Radio Announcer `At the end of one, nothing to
losing athlete `--dreams
don't guarantee.`
narr the night remains alone
dj `--even
slugs on the sideline tapping toes, dance tune.`
color commentary on hockey fight `--knuckle shelter!`
Saturday, June 8th, 2018
Butter Compilation
The D.C. Bees :
Denizens of Pocket Town
`...of which I am one.`
Pulse Fuss
. on Sexual Activity .
`--extensions glandular!`
--Pulse Fuss
* ____________ *
critic `Intricate...every little difference is
a nuance.
A very satisfying murder-mystery.`
`Without shallows or shoals;
spinster set
free simplicity
narr when didn't cared for itself
Congressional Vexation
`--piss the bed wet!`
Poser `Who's going to alive, when
The Dead Carrion.`
`Fairy tales without ending,
never life.`
* ____________ *
fingertip depths
girls tussle, boy yells, `Sugarfight!`
`The world bases on rules & dues.`
girls happy as
kiss talk
whore `Hire
me for rent ... tonight?`
capping the know . `--bitched up doll.`
`--tarting your butt around.`
noire `Something supposition...`
WWII pinups
of pale blond dreams
Josef Mohawk
`On the edges where you can do different things...`
--Josef Mohawk
Lukewarm Storm
`--double donuts, the score nothing.`
* ____________________ *
infatuation caught upon girls curl
`--everything that almost happened.`
Friday, June 7th, 2019
The Changemaker
`As a little shaver, I cried when I saw Bambi, but I still ate him.`
Sing Bee
`His beautiful Saintly Tariffs? Economics One
Oh None;
striving to do the leadwork before the stained glass.`
--Sing Bee
___________ *
`--beyond debrief, kill him.`
blurb `--scintillating
X-mas Mutant : Pointsettia without five fingers.
happy as stew
. barefoot dreams treading dew
New Follies
`Hatched as a has been, only shell.`
Sad as news, yesterday chewed.
75th Anniversary Of D-Day
Natty Rumple
as a flea's wings, small mischief & grimy tricks;
when it came to Married Miss,
Natty wasn't above love
lotion, hopes of obtain
Half-Spring Pennymind (&
`--badgered into turmoil, point guard giving up the pill.`
Kismet Mortal
`War is war ... we can only sport.`
George Bush, Jr.
: Homeschooled National
`--lick this popsickle stand, thrive.`
* ***************** *
admission ` a certain extent of something.`
diagnosis `--obliquity used.`
in spite of instead honey spun
restricting friction . `--tasteful necessity.`
`--cruel as used, me by you.`
flame romance
`--caution curdles.`
`--tame as tailless pigeon.` . small punk ugly
movie harlot
`Wear me awhile...before bed.`
occasion stranded . eclipsed mirage
. habitual ruse
* ____________ *
provoking the dead . high as a termite`s eyes
marriage' roses without gardens to anchor
their home
accuse `--shallow
as shabby, made me tawdry.`
star arrives
`--done as become, I'm here.`
a club 'Death
hatched breed; given again
jealous as a turnip, small
Jesus a stained glass pawn for the book pushers.
Kisses : A City Matrons Novel
Eden II `Time Began With Sin, Ends With
Finest Hour.`
`Your own little way to bouffet, what you do.`
fan blurb `Tasty heat...the
love scenes.`
* _______________ *
Wednesday, D-Day Eve
Four Bear
Globe Thistle
`Walking like the skirt was hers...pom pom tricks.`
Powerless Farthing
`Would he have been honored to participate in such an invasion?
| long as shoreman, on the quay |
he 'did not like that war'
... (was it) philosophical or the timeline
close to him?!`
--Powerless Farthing
Pidgkin Assign
`Pointless As A Stump; The Pentagon & Repub Congress Infected
With A
Kowtow Disease : Incurable
--Pidgkin Assign
Ragdoll Echelon
Tasting The Telephone
Overaching Intent!
Princess ... I wonder why alibis don't come true.`
'Alternative Semantics'
Pasta Angelcake
. 'A Stone Brexit!' .
`He can't be mistaken on Irelands
Borders are borders after all,
he did
tell France how to put out Notre Dame.`
--Pasta Angelcake
* ______ *
Transition Curdled
. Chocolate
Shape . Stray Praise . Synthesis If
`...acting all alone, so clean no shadow.`
anticipation expecting any moment to become
`--breaking barriers, we won't
be riding coat tails.`
`Investing a party in you.`
loss `--dreams which stopped at not, thought we'd go all
the way.`
checkered as a virgin's past
femme fatale `Guns don't scare me, lest they're played.`
actress on dead director `Caught
me like picture window, naked as light.`
Lost Valentine | P. S.
: 'Ghosts Enclosed'
old woman chastised / warns : `Smart as remark, you'll learn
grow tears my boy!`
vexationn `Bats &
UnValentine : `--end of
former, not yours anymore.`
Tuesday, June 4th, 2019
Pillow Foray
On Fashion: `That's so
Aprons, the latest in kitchen attire
...bellybutton lingerie.`
Parasol Ending
. FDR .
`He wasn't God, but he did damn all right!`
--Parasol Ending
sports writer the momentum of sinew
the imagination of a mushroom
two hands smooth as convene
poker called the
last thread
waiting for distance to show
likeable in a petite manner .
religion ticket
to a wafer
cooking an egg like it wasn't scrambled
the imagination of a mushroom
`--kitten kaboodle & her little sister.`
circling image; darky attired
fresh as center
fatale parting line `...anymore than forevermore.`
* _____________ *
fortifying each others
manicuring torn
party critique `--earlier,
some dust flew.`
mystery review `--fakey opaque, hardly murky.`
kissless rhythms
on Zero O
: `...both directions nowhere.`
writr to editor `--you're cutting the heart out of
the guts!`
Monday, June 3rd, 2019
Los Angeles Oceans
* Shadow Mueller *
`Without live testimony; just
coincidence &
Windows Marry
. The UnRoyal Wee-nie .
`...just a figment of necessity.`
dDitto Cruciform
`--Jesus only a Christ.`
* _____ *
13th twin unicorns in
black & white
13th Chord `Twelve times thrill, one for every spoke.
Thirteenth Spiral Eyelet.`
13 4 four flat spider
portraying naked
image two bananas entangled
death times
last reminder
`God takes his blood seriously.`
danger changes its clothes
`...if blood was coloured gold, pure soul.`
narr `...time hands
itself dissolve.`
critic `--heat mixation!` . `--fraught
with happenings!`
narr ` happened once upon an old man's story,
generations from another world,
generational stories.`
Open Ended Vows `...what
becomes maybe.`
broken in teeth
vexation `--fucked duckling!`
filling time with full
`...this could be because.`
harm made its impression
`--just the way everything.`
`The moment you got from
nothing to not.`
`--but we all do what we do.`
teacup wobbly; old fingers
streetlights, stars & candlelight
Steppingstone Derby
`Will o' the wisp, when you've fastened yourself to vagabond.`
--Steppingstone Derby
Primitive Sin
. LF : The Wee Willie Keelers
`If you need to be dead, you're over.`
`In The Land Without Footsteps,
voice votes echo empty hall...`
Spectrum Patio
On The Spot Reporter
: `--and skies wore themselves, wove
Downy Aficionado
Understood Nativity
: 'Your Mother & Mine'
`--not Virgin, but I'll stack her against Mary.`
Farm Watermark
`Aagh! It's all a bunch of bamboozle--stirring Our Borders
like an ant farm.`
[Redirecting The Days News]
--Farm Watermark
Pique Nickels
`--playing the game, everyone
Puppet Flesh
`--no, no, stop, stop. Ooh, ooh--all!
`Snazzy me!`
--Puppet Flesh
Pink Hue
* ________________ *
Mascara Madagascar's
writer ritual :
slashing away, she made a circle about herself, set spiral
growls & grumples; the
gruntwork of a gnome
slinky air & doggie leashes; guys with thongs walking their pause
Two Construe
`Voluptuous without contours.`
rock critic `--growing out of her own birthday cake,
complications wedding themselves
Radio Barrister
`--brand new dead; bullet hole, another game corpsed.`
`--waning drama.` . `--vast fantasy!`
diamonds are mortal stars
crumble twist
on the broken typewriter
in the wake of broken that's
what it was,
a little pod of laughter lying upon the floor
detective `--'nother mystery without light.`
Jean Simmons Spartagus
Fertility Line
narr ending `...deep in forever, there still.`
burden decayed . dimestore fauna
Spider Blues
`--ways word.`
--Spider Blues
Smokytop Shade
Country & Western Lyrics : `Somewhere someone's in a bar drinking.`
--Smokytop Shade
Poised Wanton
--Poised Wanton
`Thirteen...a killing spiral; time gambling with one hand.`
* _____________ *
reporter `--human events live as pulse!`
`Son of a sugar!`
Vow Card `Real as deal, your breathe & mine.`
Cook's Bordello :
An Orphanage Nook
old times pennies & nickels pocket primers, a dime 1/2
a fortune
as light saddles itself with night
in the middle of a pouring name
Sunday, June 2nd, 2019
One Eyed Mona Noon
. braces Horrid Little
Obligato .
`--weakness scars.`
--One Eyed
Lost Lattimore
`--running out of dreams, be sleeping empty
--Lost Lattimore
Mix Romance
`--tell me include.`
* ____________ *
a snowball born in hell
lost athlete `--sometime dreams don't.`
newly published forever
sleepy life noire `--set your love on me, rise tomorrow.`
virgin tight as
a dime's nexus
innocent as yesterday's dreams
Saturday, June 1st, 2019
Established druring the final months of The Civil War,
The Alone Orphanage is for odd & gifted students;
dedicated to searching The Highest Heavens
discovering The Secrets Of Time Travel.
Buck Nightwing
. Captain During Halftime
`--gutless Twinkies, no cream filling!`
--Buck Nightwing
Lollipops & Demons
`God Ref! Put your eyes on!`
Capturing The Pillows
`--once or more, can be many.
`Sin, met its match.`
Kidnap Trepanned
lost in gravity
* __________ *
curse `--rot Godless!`
`--do what, because.`
Republican Congress fawning crayfish
[Shades Of Aloud]
Apples Duewise
. Third Date .
`--lemonade's close as we got to sweet!`
Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions: We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
|| Original Hashtags
& Characters Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
Twitter Montages*