Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Saturday, October 9th, 2021

Terra Box Nouveau


Sigh Totem
City Matrons Review of Baby Muse
`Sigh?  Tepid Daredevil...Singly Horned.`
`If you want to be truly naughty...
The Devilesse, She Doesn't Bother With Disguise.`


* Toward Inside *
residing in alcove windows which could only see inward


Hopi Yogi
Sigh Totem
tackily horribly ok
George Montgomery
'The Clark Kent Of The Cowboys'


Hodgepodge Fatty
Sigh Totem
dumbfounded eloquence


Milky Potpourri
Sigh Totem


Villian's Candyshop
Sigh Totem
`Single Malt In A 5G World.`

* ______________ *

developing wishes

Friday, October 8th, 2021

Jimmy Angel
Godfather I :  Death Earned
`I just wanna be The Godfather in his tomato garden...yet, am
(Only The Grandson Who Unknowingly Found Him)

*   _____ *

The Edges Of Three Gener
`Don't feel bad, you might stray once in awhile,
    but are a pretty good wagonmaster.`

Farm Watermark
`The Bats Are Back : From White Nose Fungus :
Two Can Patrol Your Back Yard At Dusk.
St. Michael Handy, A Dragonfly Guards A Rowboat.`

* _ *

The Stars Closer Than God
aligned w. amoral; she knew the skews
Semi-Erudite : Oxymoron Fantasy

Fuzzy AM
AM Radio :  Selective Dissonance
| Two Stations Or More |

Twit-it-ering : 'What's Happening?'
Don't Blither--Sketch More Of A Portfolio :
Chalkboard Graffiti . Com

Corporate Bondage
Icing Craved :  More Cake
- Are Meant -
...some things, are supposed to be behind the scenes.`

| Stake Made : Their Compound Interest |


`Every memory a ressurection...`
- Post-Deceased Birthday Card -
`If Always Was Not Old As Yesterday,
Your "I Do" Might Have Come True.`
`Implicit; Perfect Compilation.`
soft teardrop pearl/industrial age
Celestial Maxim  `Angels, may only die, within earth's sphere.`

Fiord Spoon
Sigh Totem
"I Do!"  Never Undone
`Always...I fell in love with you for more than yesterdays.`


Almond Bayou
Sigh Totem
<> Wanton Soot :  A City Matrons Heroine
Starring In Dark Prognosis & Dark Liaisons


Primitive Sin
Sigh Totem


Sigh Totem
Voir Dues :  Scottish Lass
Cornucopias Goal :  'Coal' As Nickname


Wedge Ivory
Sigh Totem
Boy Chum Time/Girl Talk : Facebook is a Nacrcissistic Billboard Of Opinion
: ## : HashtagHash : ThatsWhyILuvIt!! :

--Wedge Ivory

Similie Thimbles
too; blonde as facsimilie


[] @ The Alone Orphanage : Only She Has The Official License To Pun []
Queen City Vs. A Superior Location :
Mike Pence

Earth(e) Acropolis
`It wasn't old as yesterday, same day catastrophe...
storms of the century (each) viewing evening.`

Playground Whiles
Marriage, Not Alliance :  They Love Me For Themselves
Kept Options
Telegram Listenings


Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
Set In Quality; Bled Iniquity
: UnUnionized / NonVaxxed, Against The White Collar!`

                                               --Amazon Slaves
| Free To Unionize |

Thursday, October Seventh, 2021

Stucco Roccoco
`God Christens Only Himself :
 Saint Michaels Sword
                                     Is King Arthur's...
 Our Own Christs; As Long As We Excalibur.`


`...because now causes.`

Do It Or Not


loblique as pumice


Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

Sombrero Guy
AstroWednesday : New Moon 7:05 AM 13* 24' Libra
Sabian Symbol :  (Phase 194)

`The need for recuperation within the social pattern of everyday activity.`




Pluto Goes Direct At 2:29 PM @ 24* 19' Capricorn : (Phase 295)

`The use of cultural & artistic processes as a means to enhance personal
comfort & appreciation.`


* _________ *

from my eyes to my dreams
bugs on holiday, they didn't care to bite
wish felt        stain immortal
<> pink as frosting, petal lips
<> extraneous white, we all Christ
silence his fitting crown
fast as far upon        rehearsing dreams
"Expectation Graffiti'

Curry Favor
on the softer side of handsome; effeminate


Pattern Mirrors
lips growing into kiss; puberty

voice toy wing        wait alive        fairy ephemeral
`...all for believes.`

Coy Poignant
basking in place; small pond primma donna
NOVA Cosmos :  ` I see, Shadow World Black Matter :
Is : #Sterile Neutrino.

`God would suffice--if you were not The Devil's Spawn!`



Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

dDitto Cruciform
'Pre Twilight'
`Watching night come about, why weren't we there.`
[] Scarred As Afterwards, If We Don't Do []

* ________________ *

the fastest part of night, just before dawn
(someday) God my only eye
[] An Aspiration []
just one look assumed
Half-Acceptance To Whole :  `--two Gods foray.`

older than rust worn smooth; formerly human

e' is the coolest word there is.`
'Echoe Forge'  `...just believe enough.`

Married Miss Trite Overload
`God is a mood you use for Cross Purposes.`



did a leap in the streetlight & walked away quicker than Christ,
a free archetype
Prelude Eve
Snip (Mind Writes) : 
`So petty it pains me, splinter not tu, Brutus.  Non.`
evening faun
tending to dice

Parasol Ending


robustly must        happy as napthalene
full fledged full        fast as dandelion, all the ways
grace upon calm        stationary wise        blue eyed poise
quaint fortitude        bad best        stirring up mortals
brisk precedence        perfect as pre teen
somewhat fly        spiffy polish        blood allotted        stain immortal
Compliment   `You are very graceful & complete.`
lien against time; half-becomes        fragile as God's thrall
pink as frosting, petal lips        momentum aimed
wishes assembled


Monday,October 4th, 2021

Tail Penny
* Southern Novel Start *
day broke, like it meant to stay

[] Punctuation Footnote :  A Half Comma/Quarter-Beat Semicolon []

Rainbo Ponytail
`Gee, now that I'm a little older I wanna say...
all Mother-In-Laws are not saints.`



Crab Snappy
common as semi-colons in a footnote
[] Wordy Nomenclature : Lobbyisted Lawyer Speak []


tiny little picayune; pea-brained
`I always thought, you were a hole in my repetoire.`
dust deeper than rust; beneath sins/skin
Facebook Fans :  Love The Modality Of INstant Replay

Such You
eradicating name; denying her bellybutton soul


Boys Hometown


Sunday,October 3rd, 2021

<> `--hey boy cow/coy boy.`
eyes like stallions
`--yea, 'cause I'm dirty on God.`
abandoned dryad

Stone Pavillion
~ Serious As Cincture ~
numbers of angles multiplying

PostNote :  I always thought, you were a hole in my repetoire.`
* _______ *

a nastily wasn't; brooding conscience
in a boo mood, hardly able to fraternity
cold as stonework mortared
rapacious roots rasping skyward
cured of hope, less than maybe
farm animal charming
dias requite


Book Velvet
Deluxe Edition
`It the
Owen Meany had been hard cover, would you
have been able to finish it?`

                                    --Book Velvet
<>  `World, it's all ourselves.`
smart as equipped        meek surface exposing dough
`--holy schi-moly!`
detective    number of angles multiplying
spitty perch        spiffy peach
'A Pumpkin's Heart'    All Saints` Eve
<> a.  cute as excrement

<> Josef Mohawk
'Nicolet's Best Woman'
`--building the budding!`


Playground Whiles
<>  'Kiss School'  A Scene
- cute as Australia -
naked angels sans wings


`--stars fall, when their truth is fastest/falsest!`

Cantos  Porcupine
`Can you guarantee, we'll have Sex & A Baby
...Rumplestilskin won't get!`
- Texas Heartbeat -
(Only Fairy Godmothers Would Know :  ? Perfection Fixed ?
: First Breathe Not Invetro)

* _______________ * 

simple as true, heart alive        pout adept
`--get fast, get out of here!`
eyes silent gleam, kitten simmer
`--a sex fox!`
heart threshed
flat state        lifeless as yesterday's vegetable
latent butterfly
eventoomore        calm aquiver

October Second, 2021

Angel Echoes
`Old Habits Die Without Dreams.`

* ________________ *

looks quill, a prickly sort of individual
so comely, so comet
`One World, It's All Ourselves.`


Friday, The Beginning Of October, 2021

Baby Pie
`Safely Bewitched, The Stepford Man!
Abscent Of Anomaly...Husbandly.`
|| Daddy's Pocketed Vote ||

                                                                --Baby (In Her Primitive Mode; Teases) Milt Overload

Married Miss Trite Overload
Milt's Wife
() Three Precious Daughters ()

                                            --w. Baby Pie & Pillow Foray
                                        Boy Aspired
*** ___ ***

Bee Diamonds
friendly as a pastime; used to bes


Rigolette Cotille


`It's That Fucing Facebook; Everyone's Got Their Ass In An Opinion!`
|| CornerStones Pledged ||
K : True; The Eleventh Numeral Of Pink
Regresses To The Orange ^ Two (2)

Facsilmile Bled, Y9ou Red White & Blue Merely Flag.
Lesser Ideals : Presuppposed Originalists
In The Fastness Of Animal
'Tea & Reality'
`A Non Show`
* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags & Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages