Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Thursday, Septembers End, 2021

<> 'Bag Pod'   (a nickname bought with time)

Superheroes Spacegun
straight shooter coring forever


Butterscotch Circle
`--too fancy for pants!`


stark shame


Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

Tether Nightspoon
ash is the offspring of fire


West Porcheve
Capitol Shenanigans
fracti-partisan :  cute as excrement


Nobilous Morrow


giddy whiplash giddy     -     choosen of skirt
`--kiss cotillion!`
a hobby  Saving bees from swimming pools, w. or w/out getting stung.
smart as a participle
suit momento       
cute coupons :  twixt now & next
golden white need
giddy as a chicklet, freshly white

Monk's Talisman
If God Was Only (real)

* ___ *

`--yea, cause I'm dirty on God!`

Los Angeles Oceans
Kept In Rust :  Saltwater Cure
Industrial Age-d


Old $
primrose thin, the slightest of blooms


Goody Kind
purpose plain, her face a totality (of pug)


'The Mustard UnCut : Couldn't Even Get Basis Passed!`

Lightning Chalice
`Stars fall when their truth is fastest...`
Light Revelation
[] Michael The ArchAngel's Sword []



Tuesday, September 28th, 2021

<><> ready to gain the fairy spiral prize
feeling small as miracle defined
`World Commentator : Wanna Be
timid awe stewardess
Vision with eyes...all the realize.`
World Politician :  A Crystalline Facets :
'It's Time For The World To Get Eyes.'
Bi-Monthly As Luna's Halves
Dancing :  tiny pulses lost in sway
there before you know it, fast as acceleration
eyes so small; judging a tear
waddling like hatch; new as gangly
& there before you know/knew it,
fast as accelertion, a child left hairless/balden
there it goes, gone in a cautious/capricious blink
Building political webs, of dewdrop blood.
sharp as girl, hidden clover lost
`On Halloween...maybe we'll go dancing like life.`
<> Ty <> `Big moments delivered with time!`
costumed in me & you, dreams that wept the blues
fell for the moon, eyes of swoon
` as time, read without the lines.`
S Of S : 

grinning as cinnamon, dusky mode
--Cinnamon Lovely

Arbitrary Lancet
`Who mentions you, when eyelet hours?`

Half-Spring PennyMind (& More)
`Who's & Wheres...Two Question In One; What Say You?
Lost Once Upon A Time; Opportunity Missed, If You Don't Reply!`

--To Fleeing Back (`So, You Refuse The Question?!`)

Monday, September 27th,  2021


Retooling Vegetables
fresh shadow facemasks


`State Of Being Is...Killing The Devil, Living The Now.`
respectfully contrite

The Changemaker
`...only by shopping for Halloween, on Valentines.`

                                                                      --The Changemaker

Tony Cullpepper
olive as oily, a swarthy boy; dark as skin complexioned

                                                                                   --Tony Cullpepper

done in ruffle & cinnamon
done as wrung; life ladders
head spinning in curls; ringletted eyes of hurricane

Under The Bumps
`Oh, oh, here we go...opinion in mouth.`
[] Locked & Loaded []


accidental brushing, touch;
so soft her skin held air, told of angel wings


Sunday, September 26th, 2021

2011 PM A.D.
Playdate Anomaly

(Follow Through Clue)



Penny Coppers
no nose & a pudgy face
soft as beanbag chair; ultimately squishy


Deeds Gun
`God couldn't shoot better than Quigley!`
`The Devil Knows Down Under.`



... & she could just see him at home;
wearing pants of flame, ruffled carrot thatch
- cool as small robber -


Kittens Starlight
  possible as caution
in it for the longest run



Alone In Your Car

Cole Ember
<> sweet as true; angelic hue



Saturday, September 25th, 2021

Arbitrary Lancet


Such You

`--so oh-ful.`
(sexed girl score effect : lyrical accompaniment)


`You wait 'til you are, & then you shall be.`
` the weather takes to the rains.`
 - `They can't hem the rain, it tells them the same.` -
'Soft Crysallysis'

Bedouin Cardinal
`Take you back?!  New True Love?
                                                  --your heart is a pillow!`

* _____ *

'Yesterday's Mirror'
`--cause you wanted to all the way.`
'Smoke & Tears'   a cabaret song  /  Casablanca or Marlene Dietrich
`Cross-Privvy to nowhere...searching for Gods;
bell tower empty


Cerrano Indians : #13
* __ *

Wonder Bread


Full Fledged/Woman Zulu

`Due To Proove; You Were Human Too : Vaxx Mask.`
- Imposing : Your Uppity Breath -
: Don't Pose The Good Neighbor or Patriot :
Breath Solely Your Own :  Asp Tidy
                                                                             --Full Woman

#60 Baddoo My Favorite Player : Colonial English D : Detroit
The Fastest Ball Cap For A Reason.

(Pre-Tom Selleck Shuck-stering Reverse Mortgages)

--Two Flags ATV : Freedom Delivered/ Freedom Dirrt Road Delivered.!`
~ Mute Your Face! ~

God A Coffin For Mortal Needs


Widows Traveil
|| #Not Consonant ||

What The Fuck Remorse : You're Blaming Me For The Fourth, Third & Presupposed Fifth Waves :
The Past Still Becoming Yesterdays?!.
Logic Dictates :  Hoax Climate Change
[] Influenza Twelve :  Polio No Longer Exists []

Common As Caution; The Meek Would Rarely Surface.

Windows Marry
`Faux Clay :  God Couldn't Make A Mortal Tablet Out Of  Me.`


Playground Whiles
Fast Bunny @ Sixteen, She Wanted Sex & Babies.
[] #Puberty ASAP []


Drum Shots/Staccato Pants
`You Sought Viral Opinions...Safely Matching Yours.`
\\ facebook clones //

                            --Drum S.

Thursday, September 24th, 2021


Death Breathy


Wednesday, September 22nd, 2022

Icosohedron /Dodecahedron : Male & Female
'White Light Accupuncture :  Wherever You Live'


Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
! Core Realize ! Middle Class Economic Engine !
undone, the fire has gone out of the flames
the pony in the witching well,
wishing she was fortunate as Hansel & Gretel
... bread crumbs, making soul's way home

                                                                     --Gypsy V.

Marijuana Cigarettes
` rode the smoke, as it curled inhale.`

                                                                    --Mary Jay

Mantle Face
`On The Purchase Of Was`
undothe fire out of the flames

wild as a heart, free as a be
rather rent the dawn, than pay the dark

Vulcan Michigan
'Mackinaw Bridge'
'Two Halves' :  `--given the sense of Michigan.`


Almond Bayou
`--stone the only remains; once I had a heart for u.`

* ___ *

pissing possum; STD Noncholant
reminiscent of self
`--funny how now forgets to end.  Always couldn't stop,
the memory of you.`

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Chilly Winklemeir
'Kitty Gunsmoke Line'
"...the only one awaiting to shuffle, is you."


Twist Prescriptions
`--blacker than Christ, she wasn't white.`


Such You

                                                     --Such You

Dusted Quotient
`--life going on so fast, you try to keep it real.`

* ____ *

habit   `--doors walked part before, the past remains.`
Lyrics Lost   `Again?  ...don't want to once upon.`
`Life stopped, when you made it your fear.`*
`--you ran the hellion to brood.`
Roller Coaster Without Tears? : Black Lady Blues
`...there's nothing the same as over & over.`


'Abortion Fees'
Condom.Com :  `Pretty as a word, you made it to me...`
 `--a la fallopian, buzz off!
Not gonna, don't wanna, can't afford to invade your bees.`
'Emphatic Man Priest!`
Consequence Is Love


The Changemaker

* ______ *


Cross Chain Sidewalk
`--chain locomotion!`


Kittens Starlight
`...& so I go now to sleep, kisses wishing they were yours.`

* ___ *

'Shotgun Heat'

Monk's Talisman
`You rent the past, and play it back again.`


Pulse Fuss


Honey Kitchens
Kitchen Garden
- Eggshell Carton; the shock of pink there,
                                                 brings out the flyswatter. -


Sunday, September 19th, 2021

Yesterday :  September SaturnDay The Eighteenth
Was The Oldest Moon.



Morgue Tunes
Plays Private Eye
`--the autopsy said he was dead.`


dDitto Cruciform
`The  Going Rate, Is Where You Go...`
`It's A Viral World.`



Woman Zulu
Amazon Time : Where Women Equal Lesser Pay
Cornerstone World : : Four Momentos
  Cardinal Points In Oblique Destiny
: Oblong Fates :

* __________ *

bewitching pearl
'Angel's Rest'  A Basement Upstairs

Alfredo Alfresco
'Eat & Flee'  A Drive In


Tortellini Aperitif


Windows Marry
'Tool Calendar Girl'
`...I don't know why my head is tilted,
but I have two boobs.`


* O *

Apples Duewise
Signature America

`Promises cost the truth...
Please vote, I don't know if dreams can come true, without you.`
[] First Person Plea []

* __________ *

PBS w. Muhammad Ali : The Crown Of London
w/ Sir Henry Cooper
* *
more curious than fate; shadows die & arrive

cross-eyed lies promising divinity

Cripple Derringer


New Words For The 21st Century :  Hereditorial
settling upon notion & dwell
twixed & entwined        mistletoe tender

Beefcake Carved
<> equipped made with naturally


Saturday, September 18th, 2021

Drum Shorts/Stacatto Pants
fat as burst; aniticipation


Thursday, September 16th, 2021

Stone Pavillion
`--he's beyond sleeping.`

* ________ *

Kidnap Trepanned
<> The Key To Secret Is Forever


Spoken Sky
alien antithesis <> to humanity

* ___ *

corrupt as minor gods
'Greeting Card Of Agenda'
her mouth unnamed

'Button Falls'
the desire to flounce; traipsing in the habiliment of hour
--Josef to dDitto
`--no one's ever gonna double dare cross us!`

* ____________*

an off-cadenced sort of innocence
quick on the uptake, sky rooted
lovely caricature
edged in more than malleable
'Own Leopard'  `Four Years Of Own Moment, Hoping To Make Political Spots Mine...`
eyes of dark brown alive
* ______________ *

cognizant as dirt

                              --One Eyed

<> The Deepest Fate Is Destiny

Lemmings Clan :  Facebook Friends
- virtues unextolled -
titmouse timid; nippleless
'Undercover Clean' :  Shades Of Naked
`Bill Of Rights :  Already Got One ... Called Soul\
mellow as time aging twice
`In the heart of believe, you are there!`
wild as fruition
eyes dark brown alive
venerable dyed; grey
foot upon frontier; destiny carriage
prancing like she owned her feet

Kittens Starlight
soap bubble innocence


`Every Once In Awhile, In Another While, I Watch The Simpsons :
Can't Believe How Long & Well They Are.`

* ________ *

neat as tomorrow, perception innocent
karma    steeped in turn
<>  'Shades Of Naked' : 'Alchemy's Kiss'
`--getting up the go!`

'Spider White Coffin'
`12th to 13th Chord`


'Sky Diamond'
Chucksteak Drive's Spaceship
<> `The Deepest Fate Is Destiny...`

* ______ *
'Nightmare's Clown'   Pomp Drama's Charger


Wind Ornament
'Razor's Imagination'


Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

Heart Artichoke
`--sweet night.`


Animal Eyelights
'Genetic Pool'
some barb wild hair from who knows where


Psychofield Welsh
smudged possiblities; post hope /
vestige of verve
one forelock tightly held; sucker later lollipop, now adornment

* ___ *

'Suburban Poll'   suit dutiful; mirroring their Husbands Vote [] Stepford Lore []
Transparencies :  Second Virgin Madonna
of beefy calibration

Freckles O'erderve
* ________ *

Emotions Of Game

* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags & Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages