Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](0terraboxnouveau0.jpg)
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021
Wedge Ivory
her lips biting the enamel off your teeth
skintight purse practicing
* ____ *
`The radio's tears ... half a mile further than away,
every night they play me.`
Acquaintance Update
`...steady address, you knew she'd make the shores.`
| Matron To Be |
quotient gone
`--no one's wound, won't be
your boy.`
Buys Disguise
'Harbinger WW I'
"Mein!" said The Toy Prussian.
Lead Soldier
Nobilous Morrow
The S. C. Rules : Biologically Viable / Tidy As Reason
() Gamete Elevated To Zygote Soul )(
Dewpoint Stew
Shopping Dawn
`(It's) not like The Weather (or Women), to decieve...`
Animus Flaw
` mermaids have belly-buttons?
Polliwog's navels...`
Monday The Twentieth Of September, 2021
Johnny T
`Made include, me into you...`
--Johnny Tuesday/Johnny Twice
`God's lost on the town, never more to reach your rural home.
More souls in the cities, but your vote counts twice as much more.`
--Wyoming Liberty
while the tears grow old & dust; post-memory
Similie Thimbles
. image .
one tear is Ingrid Bergman
Ice Cream Valentines
`Popsicle Lies, The Heat Is Moot In July`
--Ice Cream
* ________ *
`...hands the sands of time roughly feeling.`
tough as nubile, first skin
glass jar vain --Old
- head spinning in curls; Medusa ringlets -
`...does it hear when I tell you, I say.`
Tyronne Union Star Power
`...catch me if you can, own man.`
Book Velvet
`...the music would surface, when you heard.`
Tortellini Aperitif
`The Devil
fell, & ran the transom.`
Wedge Ivory
'Lost Sabbath'
`Seven Dreams In Six Days; Which One UnTrue?`
{Questions Master Key Space)
Master Key Space
[c/o Kellyanne]
too; her voice puke sweet
half of fact; makeup honey
[] A Kellyanne []
Magnus Pages
'The Id Of The Screen'
[|] Who You ID [|]
Transparent Gravities
Liberty Spirals : Coming Down From Eve Tea
a knock-kneed duckling in loose shoes
even now stickily gooey, candy vessel; little boy fat
--Trans G.
White Spice
: Popsickle Meltdown;
Both Half Lapses :
Halves Lapse |
`Apple Pie American : Cinnamon Or Spices?`
* __________ *
crazy as might, she wanted to be
'Frankinstein Deceased' `Two halves of wound; one part seam.`
Amanita Pesquita
Half Boyfriend / Never Consort drove, partly far.`
- - - * - - -
'Some Model'
wearing bolts of sheer boy fantasy
sunset toy, daytime dream
`Shooting like you were half a man, BB Guns & Poison Darts.`
Jimmy Dorsey 'Blue
Champagne' `...echoes rue remain.`
* _______ *
seven wishes naked still
The Aztec Ballplayer
`...moves purchased with use.`
--Peach Apple Pear
Sunday, September The Nineteenth, 2021
`...the edge is nothing, if you don't fall.`
Cole Ember
`World War I is open to association ... II, III or more/Endless Wars.`
Saturday, September Eighteenth,
|| '79 to 2021 : Northwestern/Irish Bookend Hijinks ||
Eliminate Boilermaker's Drum!?
(565Pounds Of Mohawk Heritage?)
Too Exclusive For The
Visitors Tunnel
| Why Not |
Airlift'er Like Marilyn's Broadway Skirt : Mechanical Helicopter!
Friday, September Seventeenth, 2021
Hostess Zero
unwashed gizmo
--COVID Face
Horrid Little Obligato
`Tough as does...he'll be there.`
Nudge Homeward
`Christ On Your Cross; Puppet Mannequin.`
`Dictates Whims...
Ode As Hue
first person poetry ... grossly prose
--Ode As
|| #He Said She Said ||
) Self Readership (
Blogless Universe
(Only You Care)
Wednesday, September 15th, 2021
Each Midnight
` mind's all in my head.`
Dumpling Hunchback
|| #tRumpWon?!. ||
`When your head's above your shoulders
--won't be talkin' out your hinder!`
* ____ *
olden as beholden to time
ancient seeming; so old eyes already peaceful as dead man's motives
fomenting whisper dissent
quick on the uptake; sky rooted
--Icarus Daughter
Composing Rosaries
: Cal Recall :
Emperor Search : A Skit Co-Staring
TransBi/BlackRepublican :
A Mishmash Of Hash
Drum Shorts/Staccato Pants
Lariat Seraglio
...running down infinity's pattern.
Transparent Gravities
`When the doorbell rings, who's home...?`
Monk's Talisman
Secondhand Books
`Falconry? Almost caging Christ, with your shallow words...`
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021
Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
* (Novice Crush) * Summer Dusk Curfew *
bruised infatuation; Two AM
a language foreign to spoken
Two Star Horror Movie
<> lips fully arabesque
--Two Star
`--oh, go eat a banana sideways!`
* _____ *
angels remiss
Tony Culpepper
- CQuilinary s -
`...because hiccups & mushrooms don't mix.`
`Yea, that's the thing to remember about hiccups...
they won't step on mushrooms.`
--Tony Culpepper
[] Culinary Rules []
* ___ *
Twice Alabaster
<> mellow as parasite
* ___ *
`Jazzit Future!` 'Future Operators'
cute dutiful
Our Policy : `If It Breaks, It Was Meant Too.`
Anyone's Autobiography : Have a great's yours
if you care to story it.`
Popular As Sin
excruciatingly cute (like The Instant
Juice Girl)
crys star salty as untasted
wish dreamless heartbeat
the cutest motion kneecaps
sweating tombs
'excitements' as a motif
'American Intelligence'
Tomorrow : `--too far in the future to clue.`
--Arbitrary Lancet
anchoring nails, riveting glue
Monday, September 13th, 2021
Oui Acquiesce?
blank ennui
(California Recall)
The Great Pumpkin Vs. Jesus
| Black Republican Fits Cinderela's Bill \
Pond Bruise
Wild Milk\Branded Tame
As Pasteurized? Me?
Don't Want No Vaccine Vaccination!
| Polio Won't Kill Me; & Neither Will Influenza Twelve |
A Pure Truth Seeker; I KNOw!
Don't Try To Sugar Cube Me!`
Squirt Liturgical
tepid daredevil; singly horned
| NonBiSexual |
Smoky Eros Quartz
lazy capable, you knew she had other gears
--Smoky Eros
* __________ *
<> nipper happy / giddy as Girl
Goody Kind
evil eager; eyes piggly as the lips she wore
* ____ *
wings big as prayers : breathless wish come true
Sew Buttons
(on Butterscotch Circle
: 6th Grade @ The Alone Orphanage
`--nipples! She's a doll.`
Josef Mohawk
`--go punk off!`
Corsair Stairs
coolly swarthy
* __________________ *
On The Edge Of Prize : We Almost Beat COVID
Idiots Moroned : Delta Means A Finite Variant IN Greek : Bovine In
Twittering Access To Naiveté
Sans Too
(Jealous As An Angel's Feather)
: [] Selfish Bitch; Her
Ego Was But
One Rockette [] :
'I Icarus'
* ________
popular as sin quicksilver
tricky a small god;
ornamental deity (genie)
scramble easy pain opaque
gloves blameless clue
dumb as a plum; pitted
rusted tangles going nowhere; gone love
likely as anomaly
pickled shortcomings
coolest escrow
chummy as beans &
dumplings happy as breakfast
stupid as fruit tarantula
madness the gracest of ease
likely as evident
sweet teas deepening? 'QuizzRiddle'
sex is a stranger to patience; neophytes
cool as a snitch
excruciatingly cute (like the
Willow Constant
wispy as butterfly thighs
* __________________ *
`No, you
are the cutie!`
semi-friendly; nibbled bait
all frantic panicky delicious
as a heartbeat
`Your Dad?! My Mama Can Kick The Devil's Ass.`
nonbashful; sins lingering prettily
young girl wishing, she were a woman poem
doubt playing herself out
Sunday, September 12th, 2021
Francinsense Buffalo
Shaman Charm : Skeletal Necklace of Skunk's Fore Paws
* ______ *
Authoritarian : `Dangerous as soliloquy--I want her tamed!`
hidden in tentative gingerly
`I never get tired (beyond today).`
Without A Sword Quill To Ink Peace; Flock Of Doves
trying to be stiffly serious but; kissed the giggle, then hiccuped
lightning tears zig-zagging crazily; tearing cheaks
offering sterling ardor, encased in display
Pigweed Dreams
`Puberty Rumoured...Doing Stuff, You Wouldn't Ordinarily Do.`
`It wasn't too big, it just never got small enough...`
* ______________ *
`Something big's gonna
things getting ready, for post prelude.`
`...guess I pissed my way into a corner.` --Plumless Jack Horner
Pinpoint City
`I don't like to wear a hat, it cramps my aura.`
* __________ *
the rare chance to genuflect, another god
his nickname was 'Mike', a popular boy
Fifth Leaf Clover; Many Pennies To Be Coppered
`Love or nothing, I can't affort to take on affection.`
onto the calm tweaky
nerd a degenerate's decorum
dust the rust of timelessess
False Mockity `--the hearbeat trembles.`
`Make it big as significance, or no one will hear you.`
; neatly squeezing; each fingers grip
layered upon the years
`--it's not magic, & it's not real.`
noisy as actionable; riding reign, pony scalp,
girl on the stairwell fly
Old $
Full Blooded As Patented; Her Moxie Had Antecedents
- nose as face, her own (when she choose to pick or snoot) -
* ________ *
`Fat as a porcupine's indentured rump,` one boy ventured.
'Rotund as beaver's bum,` a high voice agreed.
vast as big, most anywhere
said, giggled as impromptu
raspy creedence delivered
skittish sprite's dance
dDitto Cruciform
`--hobnobbing with temporal; just here for awhile.`
--dDitto Cruciform
`Risking Merely Fine; When Only Marvelous Would Do.`
`Here we just do...homemade, deep as pleased.`
[The Alone Orphanage]
The Orphan Lady II
`No of toupee his only crown.`
* _____ *
tough as worn butterfly
reckless scents secret rhymes
faulty anomaly combatitive
snotty pencil inkily grasped
angry account stupid as
futon; mushily brained
happy cowling snidely
moot her lips delicious as sex
special as a prop nice as
rice bowls nestling repete
'Lolita Jr.'
budding favors; bud blossoms
- winsome wantings -
- young as travesty -
(sunsets bidden whisper)
soft as default
soft novel useful as
handy lucky elixir/creme dirt
blunt princess a cry of bent
perfect as nomination her
smile packaged courtesy
Pincushion Hats
Lost In Never Was
: A Last Act Play
- weeping at the scene of non -
Light Breeze
coy as a soyburger
* _______ *
glowing with heavens easy assurance
engulfed in tippsy pose
Goody Kind
| #Dear Goody | {Many
WomenGirls Admonish}
Morals : INcest & Rape : Intrusive
Reproductive Rights
'Ass Wipes On Holiday : They Won't Stick To Their Own Holes.`
--Goody Kind
- `Dear Goo0dy : Just
want to say... Texas Cow Towns Bum Rushed!` -
* ____________ *
incomplete passion; thoughts unmade
pretty as basset hound velvet; kitten giddy
stodgy as a banked Denmark
<> comfortable accordian
January Sixth Sing-Song
health was a reason, mortality used
figments borrowed from fact Factos Storm
(Bastardized Greek Mythology)
even as a staple; both ends digging
`Curly's Girl; Buxom
Cabot In Another Gunsmoke (1953)
Spectrum Patio
| Warning |
`--taboo dude!`
Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions : We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.]
|| Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags
& Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
For Chalkboard
Graffiti.Com ||
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