Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](00flameshotfire.jpg)
Monday, March 16th, 2020
The Sable Mati Hari Flower
* Cure Vac *
* Dinner Eaten : Too Late Washing
The Soup *
XLV Trying To Buy Germany's Virus Antidote for #1 Billion $'s.
A Hoarder's Exclusive Rights
--Secret Woo 'Greta'
America Only
Neo-Proverb : Covering Their Own Asses?!
God shall judge the selfish, `Let Them Eat Toilet Paper!`
* Once Upon A Time In
Immigration America *
`Wops were even more despised than Negros & Papists.
Now, unlike the more contained Chinese & Koreans :
We Are Little Italy's
Breeding Ground.`
Example Unfollowed
Crewcut Passion / Limmerick
* Rainbow Over*
`Black Eve Of Saint Patrick's Tuesday...The Fed's Out Of Lucky Charms
...Green Rivers Run Bled.`
Crimson Timothy
* Bernie Requiem : [As Of Tuesday's Polls Closing] *
`Of Course Joe's Dementia'ed.
Our only hope tho'...
keeping the scarecrow's brains together for four years;
or at least past the election.`
Scuttlebutt Rumour
`Unless you're A Pelosi, it's a Big Boy World.`
Patina Decease
* State Of Readiness *
"Testing, Testing 1-2-3!" Is It Sound Check Or Battle Trumpet's
Call? *
*Rocky & Bullwinkle!
`Da-Dah-Da-Da-Da Charge!
The Light Brigade Into Darkness?
7th Calvary Little Big Horned?`
* _____ *
`Who would ever believe? Real Sports Dead As Fantasy.`
Cost Of Being Queen
Pigweed Dreams
`Who knew? Tho' You Girth Out At More Than Three People All By
--The Invisible Enemy Is You!`
* ______ *
kiss in common
Sunday Ides Of March, 2020
The Snake's Waistcoat
* Jumpy As Wishbone Halved *
`You just know the markets are ... : ... Elipsis Solid.`
`I just think, The Second Great Economic Depression :
shall shake out to be more damaging than temporary suffering &
--The Snake's
* Friday The Thirteen's Rise ? | +1985 *
`Buying The Bathwater : Baby Stillborn.`
Second Great Depression
Kittens Starlight
`...there's a place in my heart, for love to start;
even tho' it's ... Ides Of March.`
* Adorable Crusades *
The Rape Of Byzantium : Confused Western Christianity
Sew Buttons
* Programmed State Of Health
Care : FORTRAN & COBOL Testing *
`Sailing in archaic circles, no way past the do loops.`
East Wing
* bobbing as Chinese *
`--find met you.`
Chasing Spaceships/Belayed Mars
`--planets & their allies.`
Animal Eyelights
* Covid Selfish | Hoarding Nature *
`Relevant as human...we're all beings.`
cream calm * feathersoft wreathe * blindfold
Pulse Fuss
Rx : Beware : The
Worried Well :
Hoarding Titanic Test Kits & Medial Care
Selfish Sanity Trying To Stay Afloat
* ___ *
Playground Whiles
Cologne past alone...all kids grow up.`
`Still innocent--spit a dewdrop on you.`
Burst Curio
* tRump II ?! *
`Not a chance in happen.`
* ________ *
Farm Watermark
State Of State | 6 PM EST Michigan Time : Gretchen Ester Whitmer
Delivers VP Acceptance Speech?
Or Stacey Abrams ...
Possibly Elizabeth?
[8.23.71] [12.9.73] [6.22.49]
The Thirteenth, 2020
$ +1985.00 to 23,185.62 $
Orange Ball
Only Thing You Have To Fear...Is Fear Myself.`
--Orange Ball
Married Miss Trite Overload
Crackerassed; Trite had always wanted to be cute as a curve, all the
--Married Miss
obsequious as oatmeal .
diffident eel
Parisian Sands
! tense ejaculation !
`The World Is Out To Get Me ! Europe Is Closed!`
* [Stable Paranoiac] *
If Maybe w/ Probably Maybe
* Jaded *
ennui model, passive as posture awaiting display
* __________________ *
* Pinched Maven *
Lip juxtaposition; walking like a starched kiss.
now jaded as perchance
Chilly Winklemeir
* Education Stunted *
His Most Effective Appointment : [Bringing Michigan]
! Betsy Devos !
idle as swan, then parroting
! relentless !
The Snake's Waistcoat
8*8 Coiled Up In Hearsay *8*
Second Hand Science
[] Banning Europe ][
--The Snake's
Handshake Boundries
* _______ *
fading away briskly
anachronism crusted upon foible
: Quiescent Press :
`The media is a whale on plankton, pretending sharky.`
jumpy as a wishbone halved; all full of scent & hot; jumpy as
he said, tough as a weekend gladiaor, paunchy
suave as smooth, a ladyman's hot
Milt Overload
sparse as delicate, thinning hair
Miniatures Of Broadway
`Hey Front Line Matt Gaetz
! You Charade Neo Chicken Hawk!
Yapping like a little dog with toy fur!
Yet, One First To Cop The Cure : Hey Man?! Women & Children First!
Salvation Is Nigh : Everyone Gets A Test Kit
Miniatures : For Your Protection ! The Virus Mastiff!
#Comfort Dogs : Turn Off Your TV!
...& Don't Peek At The Internet!
Tangled Crest Semi-Flatline : A Lot Of Wisdom Hyphens
When You Let Amateurs Run The Spoof.`
he said, preambling fissure; the bite about to bark
all of her laugh loved to flight
now jaded as perchance
lost in caution, she stayed
Natty Rumple
Natty drinked, ruddy as hamburger awating turned.
* _______________ *
Lessons Dominoe
* Reporting From The White House *
dressing piquant in gesture /
nervous as a glitch
eagle slinky wart pensive
the buck stops nowhere
Thursday, March 12th, 2020
Slash Fasteye
The Thirteenth Eve : Market Reaping Day?!`
Wolfgang Poem
`Loved you...right from the start of forever.`
Star Satyr
* Corona Katrina'ed : Second Administration Kiboshed! *
$$$ He Wields His Dollars Like
Swastika 666 $$$
-2,055 So Far Today : From February 12 to High Noon Of March 12th
... A Leap Month Later : 29,551 to 21,500 : 8,000 Lost.
[It's A Good Thing The Ides Of March Is Not A Trading Day]
Hurricane Scream
* Katrina Corona'ed! *
| His Second Administration Kiboshed By Buffoonish Incompetence |
`God Unforgiving...if not this, it'd've been something else.`
Tail Penny
Donna DOW(n) : Dying Femme Fatale
`Once upon a game...`
Nothing Past The Moon
* Bitten Seduction *
`Like a web she let her spider down...ungowned.`
--Nothing Past
Puppet Flesh
OUR Mannequin President
- $ -
Response : As Dummy
Wednesday, March 11th, 2020
Globe Thistle*
* Problem Quickly *
"If we get rid of the problem quickly everything solved itself."
`If pickles were cucumbers the moon would be green cheese.`
[Half Double Speak]
Prime Time Address
Petrie Dish Cultured *
`A Bum From Queens ... offering a smile little as toothpaste.`
--Josef Mohawk
PostNote : My Science Is Yours
Spindly Elm
* Stillbirth : Selfish Me *
`Oh no, Piped In Fans. Movie Without Soundtrack
...Entertainment Woes!`
`March Sadness...`
Big Head
Pure Capitalism : Market
Forces Welcome *
As Long As They're Tame Bulls, Not Wild Bears.
[Pacifying Adam Smith]
Stolen Space
`Frazzled Chakras : It's
Become A Habit ... Prayer Or Charade.`
`Find Out Nancy Drew!`
--Stolen Space
Overarching Intent
`Get Out There & Work. Virused Or Not *
Snively Weak; All Of You--Guts Of A Worm!
Policy Is Not Personal
Minor Evil
* Gobert Virus *
OUT! He's A Foreigner
[#Suspend Evil!]
* _____ *
`Oh, oh! already miss my Giannis Bucks
Fix!` --Spindly Elm
Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
Kismet Mortal
* Still An Atheist *
`Aiee! I loathe myself for hating but, would almost believe in God
if Collins, Gaetz & tRump
shared the virus...`
Touch Less Than Human]
`Karma, I'm caught in an inhuman fantasy.`
* _ *
Pirate Guillotined
* My Science *
"Perfect..." OUR President said, expressive as a scar obstinate.
"I know."
`After all, I'm a bit of a God myself.`
Lattice Veneer
`So I see, #RecentlyNow
: Twitter Semi-Instantaneously Pegs Ads On New
#YouAloneOwnTheAd : #SolePersonalSponsorshipCopyright.
`So Precocious, Those Clever; Those Programmed Androids...`
--Lattice Veneer
* _____________________ *
*AM Radio *
`Aagh! They're still mining 9-11 for Injured Patriotism.`
Shadows Of Remind
A Lost Novel
* wily chicanery *
Mitch McConnel :
Supreme Court Justice Stolen
Monday, March 9th, 2020
Blue Cat Deville
& The Badman
* Westerns Are ... Boy Romances *
`...& Gail Russel
So Friendly Hot.`
--Blue Cat
Blood Martyr
* Red Virus Hat Vs. Pink
Vagina *
`...will dreams be, real as blood?`
--Blood Martyr
CDC Denial
` a song you remember from destiny.`
*De Compartmentalization *
"It's perfect, just like my call...& the transcript," he
answered, crisp with rationale.`
Buckaroo Jody
`The Difference Between Now & Time.`
Roots Antecedent
* Model *
Not Self : All The Fate You Wore
* Model Mannequin *
* ___ *
Decayed Boomers : prisoner of task
`You so...` --Such
` chance in this time, we've got to go home.` General
Sunday, March 8th, 2020
Beehive Postures
* The Truth *
`...can't hide, hidden things.`
Rainbo Ponytail
* Rally Troops *
`Heaven comes to those who believe in today.`
Bedouin Cardinal
* Truth In Justice *
`It seems like forever, was a long time ago.`
Tether Nightspoon
* Research Corporation
Fusion GPS :
Republican Primary Challengers Instigate Steele Dossier.
Only Then, Was The Initial Tab Resubscribed By
Saturday, March 7th, 2020
Hangshadow Curves/Shy Pandora
* Inept CDC *
dressing up nuance virtuous as
Roman Catacombs
* Rallying Courage *
(C'est la vie truth...)
Black Plague Redux :
Food & Famine, It'll Kill The Stock Market Too.
* ____________ *
Lattice Veneer
beefing her voice up to a sigh
said with a voice sensible as naugahyde
mildly snarling, pugnacious as placebo
settling in cacopony
fond as habitual
`In our deperate search for sanity, it seems to be ... Coalesce Joe.`
2016 Redux : `See who you voted for?
Vanity & insanity busy coalescing mirror deeep.`
Egg Crash Coffin
* Half Pence *
`Staunch as putty...The Perfect Dictatored VP.`
--Egg Crash
In Charge Of Disease
Tork Malarky
* This VIRUS *
{Created By Media Types &
`A Godless Plot To NOT
Reelect! OUR
They Want To Wound OUR IRA's!`
Ragged Coaster w. Rogue
* 3:10 To Yuma *
* Empty Stages *
Friday, March 6th, 2020
Moonrise Ephemerides
`Well done Elizabeth,
you left when we were still fond of you.
Just As With Once Upon A
Mario Cuomo (1996)--2016 Your Only Hope
...but that was Hillary's Turn.`
Lollipops & Demons
`Death To The Stars!`
Star Death
Such You
* False Flag Day *
XLV `--hate celebrates your birthday.`
Francinsense Buffalo
* IVth Chief Of Staff *
`Mark Meadows ... Soon
To Be Flooded With Impotency Higher Up.`
* ______ *
(post blown) eyes without stars : Castrog Delomain:
"--took your angel."
soul sold enfold
`God forgets, & devil's appear.`
`Vous. --blood included."
cold as alive; reptile
Flesh Equator
* tender girth *
'Floating Balloon Man' $$$ The
Fiscal Shepherd $$$
Modern Hindenburg
--Floating Flesh
Thursday, March Fifth, 2020
Jet Bubbles
* Behold The Wonder Of ... The
Potomac Hunchback *
3.4% = 1%
][ His Wisdom Infectious
[] Science Knows Littler Than He []
Sunet Tiers
America First : Old KKK Saw :
`Charles Lindberg His
Patron Saint : Fascist License Plate.`
Curry Favor
Mea Culpa Evangelists!? *
`Dirty as
anothers soul.`
[Mine So Pure]
Spectrum Patio
* Daily Briefs *
`Zig-Zag Schemes Winning The Day : Suture Evoloution.`
Crescent Moon Slippers
`...shadows cry too.`
--Crescent Moon
* ___ *
An Assortment Of Maldor & Rahme : The Evil Gemini Twins
Satan's Concubines
black with romance terra cotta sin
"--I wouldn't kiss you if you were my cock!"
serpentine integrity
`--you & your white.`
castrating angels
One Eighth Twist : `You know we all do it for ourselves.`
Miss Nomers
* Waxing Walpurgis *
Market DOW(n)
`Almost at my darkest; darker
I can make Alistair Crowley
look like a choirgirl.`
[18,000 XVII The Moon : Echo 2008 : Beginning & End Of XLV]
Gold : 1666
[The Imp Maiden]
* ___ *
Infastructure : Rudimentary Nothings.
Mortal As Soul
his gaze chilly occular
z * x
* ___________ *
face shading the shadows
backing fact into faux corners
Nightmare Delivered
* Freedom Knell * : Apocalypse Toast :
`Chastising Schumer; Chief Justice Roberts
raising an empty flagon.`
Wednesday, March Forth, 2020
Ragged Coaster w/ Rogue Corvair
Repast Repeated / Consummation Motif
`Spider...` `...butterly.`
Dusted Quotient
skinny knees, knobby as goose pimples
Monk's Talisman
* Post Super Tuesday *
`The Mummy Arises! Cadaver Alive...
The Market Gets A Joe Bounce...Down
Again Tomorrow.`
--Monk's Talisman
Tuesday, March Third : SuperTuesday 2020
Egg Crash Coffin
* Puppet Covert *
Suicide Genesis : Lacking A Belief in Science; Calling Up Flooding
[Mother Earth & The CoronaVirus.]
--Egg Crash
Scuttlebutt Rumour
* Lunging Vegan *
Certified Truth :
The Exploits Of Secret
Service First Lady *
Her Man Under Threat?! Melania Wouldn't Have
Waved A Pinkie.
Miss Nomers
`Shadows cry too...`
Saphire Bunting
* Rumours Innuendo : A
Show *
`Disease Reposd! [The Truth Can't Hurt Your, If You Don't Believe
Officially : No Boogie Men Allowed.
Potato Truth
`The Hunger Games!? Buy
It For Your Kids.
So tasty & fast, it's like reading buttered popcorn.
Multiple Munchings!`
[Skip The Movies]
Printed Nimbus
* Queens Carpetbagger *
rotted pumpkin left over from The Ku Klux Klan
* ____ *
Ransom Frantic : Stabilizing
Interest Rates
Cookie Sugars
* There Are To Be No Games?
Summer Olympics In The Winter
Pique Nickels love with Eye Que
'Queue' ! I. Q. Cue ! [circa 1962]
Eternal Teaparty
30,000 To 18,000
Back To The 2016 XXII Moon
* ___ *
Denier Science : Light Ransom
: Tranquil Litigation : Scopes On Trial
The Changemaker
! The Charioteer Of Pestilence !
DRIVEN FIGMENTS : `They've made lies natural as fiction.`
Kidnap Trepanned
`Fan Boy Of Putin & Xi...Communist Coddler.!
Yet Hater Of Socialist Democrats.`
Monday, March Second, 2020
Minor Evil
`The Weak...Should Just
Die & Get Out Of The Way Of Market Forces.
The DOW Is Our Fatted Goddess.`
[Spokesman Of Pound$Money]
Sunday, March 1st, 2020
Monsieur Von Due
* 1961 : One Eyed Jacks ? Bleached Technicolor *
`Self Directed : Every angle of Marlon
Brando trying to look beautiful.`
Snap Axel
* Disease Repose *
`The Truth Can't Hurt, If You Don't Believe It.`
* ________ *
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`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions: We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
|| Original Hashtags
& Characters & Content Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
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