Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000orphanlady.jpg)
Leap Day Saturday, 2020
Coffin Crops
! National Health !
~ Driven Figments ~
Alternative Rumors
Retooling Vegetables
* Even Leap Day *
`Take comfort in nothing, everything dies.`
Friday, February 28th, 2020
Goody Kind
* Pandemic Preparedness
! `Cut Taxes!` !
Innoculate The DOW!
(People Are Dispensable)
--Goody Kind
[Sciencer In Chief]
Hostess Zero
* Onus God *
`Gun Unloved...Far As Fallen; Hell Won't Go Deep As Me.`
* _________ *
`The sun is always full.`
tranquil litigation
Death Breathy
* Divisive Breakup * He & She *
`New as used, used to love you.`
`Forgotten. Eating nigger's
yours already digested.`
Egg Crash Coffin
`I fought AID's in Indiana by denying needles--defended
tobacco against the Cancer Smear!
`...& the crypt turns. Trust Me! Denier In VP.`
* _____ *
darker tides.`
Thursday, February 27th, 2020
Chocolate Marshmallow
* Isolated Tabletops : Scenarios Unfold *
`Human Petrie Dishes...`
Hodgepodge Fatty
* Mayor Vi Lyles of
Charlotte, NC *
`Tucked away slave :
Bloomberg buys her endorsement
for $ two & a half million $.`
[w. a 2018 city grant: dodges NPR interview]
$ Money Enthralls $
* ___ *
`Impartial...God kissed you off!`
Political Sycophant : `They all dream you...`
Cole Ember
* Light Ransom *
`Coal Mentality.`
Diamond Steel!
`2020 Human : Circumstance Chooses You.`
Overall Total
$ Bull Grizzly Beared $
`Bull Bared...My Dying
Line : `You said forever never ends!`
Clarinet Licoricesick
* Exploitation Lobbyist
`Getting in good with everything!`
* A Ghost's Dinner *
Castrog Delomain
Devil? Bigger Than Your Biggest Fears.`
DOW Sow : Floating Balloon Man Pierced
`Hollowed Out The Homeland For Upper Crust Tax Cuts & Current
Profits :
Oklahoma Dust Bowled Again, Hoover Junior.` [II]
* ________ *
PH Atom
* Eye Que *
`Too flat...of such tiny caliber, your eyelets pinhole light.`
Archetype Pistachio
`Just a book you wished you hadn't read.
Pages sexed ...
can't open innocence again.`
Honey Kitchens
`Honey my fly, bumble bee...`
--Honey Kitchens
* ____ *
"God in a slump! Second Half Assuredly Ours."
Nightmare Delivered
`Hitler, Trump & Mussolini...Like
They, Time Let Me.`
Wednesday, February 26th, 2020
Ice Cream Valentines
grew up too far, boys & girls are no longer
children, Mr. & Mrs. Last Names
--Ice Cream
[Tweet Tattoo #5599]
Cupid Childs
* Lady Runner On Third Base *
`--bunt me. Bunt me home!`
Schoolboy's Sorrow
* 2020 : Second Term *
`You cried, 'til I made it real.`
Egg Crash Coffin
* Charlotte Convention *
Ex-VP ! Dropped Like A Not
Potato : Mike Pence
Ex-VP :
Consigned To Orchestrating The Minor League Game :
'Dress The Mannequins'.
--Egg Crash
Curry Favor
* $ Your Favoite Evangelist
$ *
`I'll be God & now won't matter anymore...`
[circa Nick Mulvaney]
Flat Metabolism
* Texas Schoolbooks *
Resolved Threatens : Resolve Threatening :
"The Last Part Of Clean!"
[] ReHistory : Deep Cleansing Memory ][
PostNote : `--belief
Coy Poignant
Republican Senator ||
protecting shadows in her mouth
* Comfort In Evil *
`I'll...He'll win again...coupe de graspe.`
#IllWinAgain ! #HellWinAgain
* _ *
`The Fall? If I am to go down, it will be far.`
"--infractions rule."
`The last half of game to be mine.`
Tuesday, February 25th, 2020
Angel Echoes
* Locker Room Girl
starring in Umpire
Justice *
`Would Be Jocks--take the hike buddy, there's the thumb.`
`Access Donald *
`My little sweetness, I'm going to tell you the story now.
This is the way it is.`
Flesh Equator
* Expensive Titanic *
`If I fall, you crash...won't you dominoe.`
P.S.: Posing Faikir : The Bloom Is Off The Berg
[aka Floating Balloon Man]
Gypsy Cream Starlight
`We Are Speed Limit & Gas Guage--Race Me!`
--Gypsy Cream
Saint Augustine's Navel
Slash Fasteye
`God wishing he was, bad as me..."
Grit Stir / Sublime
Internet Rumors
Burning Ferment Before Fully Ripened :
Each Midnight
* To Laugh Sylvan Devour *
`You can spell The Devil's Name, any way you want.`
`Late in the second half, God without a prayer.`
`If you've ever considered God, I'm available.`
Baby On
Semi Carnivorous : Sociable As A Cracker.
* ______ *
`Left Field Feint...? Putin Would
Favor Troll Bernie.`
Monday, February 24th, 2020
Mix Romance
`Who put the IN in ineffectual?
Since Tonight...haven't
you always wanted me.`
Similie Thimbles
die, if tomorrow doesn't come true.`
* tRump ReElected $ *
...Would God bother, to Bless U.S.`
Science Denier : Religious
# Conservative Means # Constricted Freedom #
# Mother Fascists #
"Liberal I say to you...
Born to dream everything, who are you to pick my choose?
Old World : First Immigrants Came To Escape You
: Simply Put :
Modern Day Fascists
"Prettier than a quarter," said the investment broker.
"Hard earned money once it's enslaved compound interest.
It & I came from"
`Oh, will Corona Expose : Hindenberg Donna DOW?
The Golden Calf So Fatted?`
`We have the only punkin''s Bernie's Halloween.`
Sunday, February 23rd, 2020
Passing Shards / Superheroes
`Plan As Taxonomy!`
Scopes Banished : Darwin Should Have Evolved
Past tRump.
See Nuit
* Fresh Valentine *
`Fallen in wanna become...`
Teddy Fibre
* Justice Retribution *
mean as disease; eating, looking up; eyes pig wise, devouring stare
[] circa Now ][
Turgeon Cry
* Subverting Independent
Justice *
* Another Edge Of Used *
`Alternative Worlds...Offer No Linearity.`
`Post Note : History Must Be Straight Line Truth.`
Snip Snap Synopsis
Playground Whiles
exhibiting tough girl scorn
* Bully Whipped *
`The Carrot & The Stick...which one eaten.`
Pop Mobster
* Revised Intelligence
clever as lobotomy
Milt Overload
* Early Influences? *
`Good Housekeeping & National Geographic.
Ever since, I've favored cooks & black women.`
* ________ *wishing hard as schoolyards
Saturday, February 22, 2020 | 2.22.2020 A. C.
Oriental Spider
` either have a poem or you don't.`
Ouiji Needs
"Wish can't forever, unless it comes true."
Aria (amber
price) `Kisses dream too...`
end far from alone, tides
courting foam
pebbles heart splashing
he drops from mythos
`This is the last alors.`
Friday, February 21st, 2020
Windswept Maypole
You Adored : A Deathbed Game
`Black as want to (be) your soiled dove.`
SlaveMaster : `Wild game, any caught is mine.`
(Pica ninny with a white doll named SIN RIPPLES)
Hush Puppy
* Too Precious Pets *
`Your Dog's Personalized Meal Plan?!
Feed 'em To The Korean Homeless.`
Stature Mansions
* Post GroundHogs Morality
Tale *
'Whistlepigs' : From One
Billionaire To Another
Non Disclosure Agreements Locking Tight...
$ Cash Bought Fact $
Spoken Chastity Belts
Flesh Equator
'Floating Balloon Man'
`Marshmallow Bulk!`
(Moll Breakup Line : `Now I know the truth about forever.
You never are, never were.`
Target Stardust
`Kiss me more than memory, now.`
Tether Nightspoon
* Truth Percentage *
`Three Women Released : How Many Remain UnScrewed?`
* ________________ *
Mark Shields 7:37
PM on PBS "...the danger of fracturing is severe."
`Lips like kisses, rubies.`
`Kiss true.`
Freedom : `Stars
survive, but then...fallen, you're only
The Devil.`
Current NOW : Prelude To
* _______ *
in a fragrance subtle as yesterday's new moon
blushing poem, each cheek rosy as red
`Cost of life, let's play kiss.`
'Simple Valentine' `Want to you.`
Slash Fasteye
`Cuts your heart, if the gift is knife.`
Stands Gravity
fate touching
On Upon
* Alternative Lies *
`History...what ever became of was.`
* ____ *
alive vanilla
Playground Whiles
`You look like you'd be fun to kiss...`
Nudge Homeward
`...let's play fate.`
Heartbeat Rosin
* Own Administration *
~ Warlock War on Deep State Witches ~
February 20th, 2020
Beveled Moments
"Know what a woman wants? even if she's only a girl.
Someone to kiss me 'til dreams come true."
Death Breathy
`Let's play dreams. I'll
* __________ *
`Halfway true, almost love you.`
half of semaphore
`You shine...Moon Valentines.`
Prognosis Spoken
Wednesday, February 19th, 2020
Once Everywhere
smiling tide, a politician's lips
spreading your grease on sleezy
Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
* Zoot Suitors *
`Six-six-six, it's hop, it's hip.`
`'s hip, hep-cat daddyo.`
Pillow Foray
`The freshest egg's...still in The Easter Bunny.
You'll see laid.`
--Pillow Foray
* ________ *
one shade darker than the sun
evangelists disguised
`The One World Apocalypse Ball...kiss your puny gods goodbye.`
Deep Black Postures : Shades Of Blackface : Cafe au lait.
Smoky Eros Quartz
* Reincarnating Bloomberg *
`Now we know why Mr. Peanut Died...
Pete Budichich Baby Peanut.`
Shadow Whispers
* Feline Suit *
`Cat're a dog.
Do me, doggie style.`
Mortality Shortcake
`Stars wander, if you're not their light...`
Flame Shotfire
`If you cry, I'll taste your tears.`
Sigh Totem
* Indifferent Deity *
`--as if God waits upon your salutations of wine.
2020 : `The Same Old Devil, If You Don't Out Him & Vote.`
--Sigh Totem
Shadow Beautmark
* Tonight Exposes *
`Beyond Monetary Coattails...The Emperor's No Clothes!`
* ____ *
* 2 Cent Wealth Tax *
`God? Jesus an orphan.`
What happened to Monopoly's $75?`
`Riche Socialism...`
Tuesday, February 18th, 2020
Curry Favor
* What Am I Selling? *
`The same little god toiling labors...
Krishna, Budda. Allah.
Jesus Judas!
`Beazlebub Amour.`
`Bent By MY Will--Every God A Pawn!`
(aspires to Castrog)
'Cold hearted as only a bastard could be,
neither his Father's Nor
Mother's Seed.`
Josef Mohawk
`...designing God, from your biased whisper.`
* ____________ *
Right Wing Woman Curls ~ free as a pin, half a butterfly wing ~
attending to happenstance
Monday, February 17th, 2020
Anthony Adverse
`No shadows on the porch, for you to capture.
No Boo Radley.`
Homegrown Webs
* FOX Sponsored *
The Daytona 500 Lap Carred By
`Thank God it ended just in time for a new Prodigal Son.`
Hostess Zero
Cabinet / Advisors *
`--don't scream, there's no echo."
* _____ *
~Crash Pasteurized
Inflated As Botox Lips : The Golden Calf Donna DOW(n)!
* _____ *
Harpsichord Tricycle
: Capital S as a Tilted Lemniscate.
* _______ *
amber corsage
`--hold me in your real.`
follow factuals
Sunday, February 16th, 2020
Puppet Flesh
* "YOU Are The Racist!" * "No, YOU!" *
"Well, well, dish versus the plate."
Eggshell Coracle
`...the smaller part of girl, kitten curl insides.`
--Eggshell Coracle
Tukus Urbane
* (Daughter In-Lawing) *
Capitol Commercial Sr.s Dad
Sr. to Stockroll
: `Wallet solid,
a man who could afford a wife.`
`Time's up, when I play you night..."
Stature Mansions
* The Political Parties *
`Old gods worn in their ways.`
2011 PM A.D.
* Loose Duet *
"Never Repent!" "Sins are free."
--2011 PM
* ___________ *
`Whispers hidden seduction, come inside.`
Loving the rules, the security
they bound.
leveraging angle
touch factual
Deer In Sun
`Only games remain the same, boy & girl.`
Crimson Timothy
* Bloomberg Persona *
`I Promise Maybe!`
`Getting things done...
bodying God up for promised favors;
nubbin the matter,
cruxing the crux.`
*__ *
Hindsights Parade
* Sorrowful Evangelist : 2020
Anew *
Prayer raw with use.
Saturday, February 15th, 2020
Maiden Webben
`The Ides ... Damned By Eve.`
Master Key Space
* Solitude Restores *
`Remembering Angels For Their Death Poses.`
* tRumps Former Cabinet *
Valentine's Friday, 2020
Sigh Totem
`Love can't last forever, if it never was.`
West Porcheve
well, if it isn't The Pasts.`
* Civil War Residue *
* ______ *
Orange Ball
* Crystal Ball Fortuneteller *
"Iffy as the sands..."
Pasta Angelcake
* Skating On Justice :
Dodging Roger *
`Seven Counts :
I've never sinned
those ways.
Would gladly throw The First
--Pasta Angelcake
* _____ *
Death Line : `...and now it's too late to forever.`
her smile every part of moonbeam
overeager naïf
Lessons Dominoe
* Falling In Damned *
walking dominoes
Parasol Ending
* White House Justice *
`And so god is won. Major lower case.`
* ________ *
Proposal : `It's a pleasure to forever, will you marry me?`
lune morrow
naked technicalities
Poison Cradles
`Johnny Appleseed's Twin!
Ressurection! We Must Evolve Better Tomatoes!`
`King Of The Wind!`
Megaton Obelisk
* Disdain *
`God's an outlaw, if he doesn't realize me.`
Moonrise Ephemerides
* `Half Of Spades!` *
(Aria to Maldor)
* _____ *
Pierce Whisper
demanding, Grumpy took Snow White the
* _____ *
banquet snappy as a pumpkin, ripening girth
`I'm transfused!`
Lyrics `She's in love with only, what she imagines love to
`--distant chance, ignition.`
`So tight, incarnation's gordian knot.`
* Game Of Phonys
Finally Distressed : William
Barr On Wildefire!
[] `Scientific Alchemy!`[]
* Kingdom Miles *
* ____ *
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Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
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