Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](0globethistle11.jpg)
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
Parasol Ending
Smelling Vital; She Stood In The Doorway...
- Transpose : Older Than Old, Wrinkles In Time; The Broken Parts
Of Become -
Once Fresh As Eden's Apple; Cobbled Together Souls.
- Aftermath Worlds Just Coming Into Reality -
: Hidden Memes :
~ Tesseract Asps ~
Jpg. Montage
`Chain-Mail Fates
: PostMarked Missives In A CyberTechnoWorld.`
A Novel by
--Jpg. Montage
(Furtively Alien) : Starring Adjunct Qualities : A
Humanoid Robot
Pasta Angelcake
Consequential Teas
: Stamping Letters Go; Postmarked Kisses
* ________________ *
Deep Sea Noun
- Liquid Observations -
Uvalde Schoolhouse : Pre-D-Day - Texas Strangers
[] Hand-Sanitizing Paratroopers []
- Sanitixed -
Francinsense Buffalo
Texas Rangers Vs. LoneStar Law-Your :
'Trust Beware' : Anti-Chance Parade
- Seismic Wet : Pour The Roof On, A Matter Of Goodbye -
What Happened To Balls Big As Brassy & Strapped To Their Backs?
Outgunned By Junior Automatics--Where Have The Silver Bullet Heros Gone?
* ___________________ *
`Lost My Yesterdays in NonForevers, Didn't Do's...
Tickets Burned - Dreams Absolved Of Deed.`
- Moons Of Lost Fuge -
Todays PocketBook Matters : (Come Tomorrow) : Political Climate
Old Songs Replete w. Mold : A Tale
Of Nevers? Once Done
Flat-Lined Angleworm w. an EKG--trying to jump-start a Presidency w.
Manchin Policies - Inflation Reduction Act
Tuesday, August Second, 2022
Ironclad Watercolours
|| SemiConductor Boost : Pre D-Day--Pug Henry Knew Landing Craft
Priority #1. Far Reaching,
Pug Realized The Winds Of War
Preceeded War &
Remembrance. ||
WWII : When Flow Diagrams Ruled Logistics/Priorities Were Logical
Monday, The First Of August, 2022
Killowatts Hurt
Mars Conjunct Uranus : 7:53 PM @ 18* 41' Taurus
KEYNOTE : The surge of new potentiality after the crisis.
`Free Will ... God never bothers with Individual Prayers.`
- Triptych Diction -
'DayDate' : Remote Sips; little hope of future sips.
'Alternate Judas' - 'Limbo Netherlands' -
'Leapfrog Shame'
- Hearts Broken In Alone -
Looking Toward The Moon
- Indigenous Christenings -
`The Pope Apologizes For Canadian Abuse
Lessons Dominoe
`Rumors require, two mouths.`
- Internet Lies -
- subtitles which couldn't fit the words -
* ____________ *
- Sunset Score - Gun Downtown - Teardrops Season -
* Prebirth Nonfiction *
Chucksteak Drive
Kids Adventure : Hero Goes
: 'Time His Mien'
* _______________ *
fashion `...mood of the look.`
Monk's Talisman
Death's Toupee : Corpse [Used Bodily Function]
- Transforming Worms -
' Diode Anglican '
Neo-Aesop : `Ah, the worm spurns eagle's claw.`
'Insignificant Prey'
Tree Bulb
fastened in forest; lonely me
- outside; tall grass sways -
* ______________ *
`Don't talk sex, politics or pets !
Hound-dog friend or lap dog bestiality--Sounder wasn't a
- Forlorn Crumbles -
Sunday, July 31st, 2022
Downy Aficionado
* Sticky Fruitions *
- Rape, Incest & Fate -
Whether sanctioned by Jesus or Lucifer, all loves are not preplanned.
Breathe & The 31st Of
- Four Leaf Over :
Nameless Pearls; Some Births Miscarry
[The Modern Midwife]
- AfterFace -
Lyrics Narrator : `Upon the seams of months & years, time
* *
'Blood Command' : A Boy's Comic Book Battles
-- by Childhood friends, Trent
Overcoat & Morgue Tunes
--Trent & Morgue [P
& Catcher]
- ink blinks -
Incognito Underground : A Lower Case Expose` Column
- Paper Insinuation -
Marionette Me
`The lowest priced dreams--Quality Scored!`
* _____________________ *
'Lost Innocence' : `The night before, I was forever.`
- Dead
Dilletante : A Mystery Novel -
- a fashion 'done by only' -
Impervious To Sin; She Was Comfortable In Lucifer's Slippers
'Half-Life Waystation'
`--sugar entropy, keeping my honey-baby stirred.`
Eggshell Coracle
'The Length Of Oval'
`Inside In...Round Reasons never bother to explain why.`
* ______________________ *
- leverage move -
`Two dozen hopes, each a red rose for you...
Perfect as often, always in love with you.`
- alone as the last french fry -
Cathedrals Only : `...God used to tour, before He was trapped
the broken part of forever; temporary life
broken in poem, scatted in a prose world
Mortality Thunder & Lightning : God Whispered
taking credit for foam
Egg Crash Coffin
- Death Kibitz -
`--(I'll) catch you post-mortem.`
--Egg Crash
'Body Tours' : A Courtesans Parlor
--Pincushion Hats
Master Key Space
"Fox News" : For Your Inculcate Entertainment
Saturday, July 30th, 2022
* Kisses Hostage *
`Cinderella Tried...but
her Sleeping Beauty never could
come true.
`Cinderella cried; no knights, nor princes.
Evening Starlight? her fairy tale unbloomed...sleeps alone.
`Step-Mother Puberty : Too Adult For Imagination;
The Loss Of Child's Keep.`
* _____________ *
'Climate Rescue Initiative' : Earthe 'Our Only Forever Pet'
- Winter Weekends - Kiss Hostage - Living In Suits -
hodgepodge sorrows rearranged
dead bodies; life requite
- `Mortality's Wake...all I can promise is Death Infusion.` -
'September Foretold'
Chorus `..too deep seed;
cross-eyed lies.`
/ Cross-eyed lies, too-deep seeds.`
* _______ *
- 'True Conjecture' -
'Alternative Devices' - 'Post Natal Truths'
'Osmosis Nameless'
Crimson Timothy
- Soft Chime - Symphony Christ -
Crimson Timothy
* -----------------*
- simple sable, heart dark as soul -
part crass, all ass - observatory doggerel doodle -
lyr `Those ones...some days just wish, night would come.`
--Evening Starlight
Friday, July 29th, 2022
Noe Immortal
- Girlfriend Advice -
`--beware of his left-handed heart.`
* ________________ *
A Well Performed Incarnation : [Post Life Coaching]
- Cozy As Counting Lima Beans In Campbell's Vegetarian Vegetable Soup -
- Barbie In High Heels -
- Classic Black - The Lord Of Survey -
liquid eyes & a trollop's thighs
`Investigation Grows...Safe As A Hole.`
'BugTussle Holiday'
Ancillary Gods :
A Manual Of Objects To Admire
- short goodbyes move life on a line -
'Trod Dynasty' An Ultra Heir
Evangelist Creed
The Right Way To Use God
- Dr. Oz : The Only Mideast Import Allowed :
TV Humbug : Big Head Of Flame Illusion
Tidbit Whimper
`Oie! --am fearing I've been blessed with a short shelf-life.
The constitution of a water-bug.`
(Am Sure I'll Doomers-Catch That
Jpg. Montage/Shadows Facsimilie
`...woke up faceless, wasted.`
'Nightmare Naked'
Puppet Flesh
`When you feel me (every time you sing this song)
...I'll be earworm inside
of you
- Puppet Close : Shadow Breath -
[Lead Singer Of
The FLesh Puppets]
* ____________ *
Lost Valentine : `Kisses cryin' lies, you usded to be mine as me.`
The Emaciated Christ Look - 40 Days Of Suffering -
'Dust Ruffle Pupose' : Our Current But A Placemarker President
'A Soul Curmudgeon'
'Experience Allowed : Nothing Fatal'
- The
Visage Of War -
'Ratchet Brain Pillbox Heads Twirling' : A Daydrem Nickname
The Hunger Games : `--at the speed of youth, Relentless Pace.`
Heart Artichoke
Talk Show Celebrities?
In Full Modulation : --loathe people shilling about;
waving their hands
& animating faces,
as if enraptured.`
- Superfluous Entreaty -
* ____________ *
temporary refuge; ghosts borrowing lost souls
`Hospital Visitors? I don't wanna be flashing my vulnerabilities
all over the bedsheets.`
'Two' : `You really do have some fight, don't you?`
`Most do.`
sentiment lost in the purpose of poem, a wordsmith's heart
'Fruit Pickers Pearls' - 'Restaurant In Bed'
tears realize; fallen in vain
Billboard Material : Curteous Single--Wanton In Solicitude
`Well, I'll be fine & dandy, wool cotton candy.`
Second Draft Auto-Bio : `Now our love old as past memory.`
tentatively forcing a diffident shrug
20 Tokens :
Century Momentos For A 21st Century
X's & Noes : Hugs Without Kisses/Love Without Gravities Of
Megaton Obelisk
Never Once Upon...Eternal Non
* ________________ *
juggling ping-pong whiffle balls--apples ate oranges
'The Navaho Trail' : Roy Rogers` Best
'St. Peter's Boat' : coasting to a ripple stop; as if water was
'On Your Own' : `Once upon we, tickets torn in you.`
`Faster than better; older than used.`
- Fragments Unrest -
digging up caution; terminal corpse
art critic on a painting `--dead bug juice.`
iconic sparks; lightning flints
Ten Fingers...from one had to the next; the law of duality's
Parrot Impressions Voiced & Forgotten: The Lesson Of The 60's
Individual Herds
`Pogo Kiss...you only love me with your genitals.`
'Sex Admission'
flesh forward; surface as a map
`--tides awry.`
Morgue Tunes
`Aagh! Kilter Health--my first major illness.
This Swiss Watch has turned into an Anschloss Austrian
[Time No Longer Neutral : Ever-Impending]
TESTIMONIAL : `I survived Duke Lifepoint in a semi-vegatative
* _______ *
; half-poem; broken prose
- The
Lord Of Survey -
rictus engaging his face w. ghastly whim
`Sugar naught...my candycane's gone.`
`Habit happens; you does as you do.` (a lack of much)
redundant mistress; just another extraneous doo-dad
'Self-Medication' : `--two successive moods do not
constitute depression.`
Honey Kitchens
Comfortable Dumpling - A Bread Factory -
* ___________ *
- Metaverse Holiday -
Biblical : At The Dawn Of Inception; Even Then, Rascals &
Fairy Tame
- The 187 Minute Finale -
Moral Of Parentage Story : Little Red Bread Crumbs Leading To
Final Conclusion : Hansel Ate Gretel/Forced The Gingerbread Witch
To Concubine
* ____________ *
Raisin Scores
- Oreo Blackface -
: Roe Noe Wade :
`Praise The Tide! : Now Every Barren White Mother Will Be Able To
Their Own Little Clarence
Thomas, Jr.`
Yet, Breaking News, Kansas Protects Abortion :
Dorothy Gale No Longer Relegated To Oz!`
Pique Nickels
* (Explaining A Lack Of Scrunch Wrinkles) *
`Never squinting, I try to smile with my third eye.`
Pincushion Hats
Yesterday's New Moon : 5*38' Leo @ 1:55 PM
Keynote : The need to transcend our subservience to fashion,
in morals as well as clothes.
Chipshot Limber
Bedminster, NJ : LIV Golf Kicks Off 35 Miles from Ground Zero
[15 of 19 Perpetrators Saudi Citizens]
- Shilling Presidential Seal -
tRump Hosts :
Blood Money Tourney
- Heartbeat Treason / Dimpled Round Ball Turncoats -
Cinnamon Lovely
- 8 - Composing
Rosaries - 8 -
`Mirror Faces/Reflection Doubles.s...which one real?`
- You & Your Soul -
: Doppelganger True :
* ____________ *
Portent : Omen Hairy Restrictive Freedoms
: Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn's Jim :
Rainbows vs. The 4th of July : Halves Of Twins :
Gemini Cancer
Thursday, July 28th, 2022
Gypsy Cream Starlight
4:37 PM: Jupiter Rx at 8* 43' Aries
Sabian Symbol (Phase 9) A CRYSTAL GAZER.
Keynote : The development of an inner realization of organic
Homegrown Webs
`If kiss were true, me would be you...`
Sunday, The 24th Of July, 2022
Infinity Pan
Matt Goetz :
"Women Who Look Like A Thumb"
('Ugly' Most Likely To Seek Abortions)
`Some Unwanted--Breathless Fetuses Look Like A Thumb.`
[Your Ugly Brain Is Sub-Thumb!]
- Little Finger Fettish Ring -
Each Midnight
`--suffer the dish!`
- Baby Vampire -
Sombrero Guy
'Duplicate Remorse'
- ''Broken In Marmalade -
* ______________________ *
`Running Up The Ruse...Hate Flagstaff!`
- Life Long In The Tooth; The Moments They Are Borne -
`Fussy as the lowest grade gods...`
Broken In Poem : Scattered In A Prose World
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|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions : We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.]
|| Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags
& Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
For Chalkboard
Graffiti.Com ||
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