Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Wednesday, July 27th, 2022

`So Help Me  God :  The  Deity Only Helps Mortals Without
Flaccid Posture--Can't Inject A Worm With Spine,
Give Lions Courage.

`Only by sacrificing yourself by remaining to be hung, could you have
fulfilled your duty to America; fully exposed
187 Minutes Of Infamy.

`Autobiography Misnomer; Little Tin Jesus, Obviously You Didn't Remember The Alamo.`


187 Minutes Of Hobgoblin Glee; Fox News The Flat Screen Rhapsody.
Cheering On The Cream Of The KlanVery Fine People /:
Kindred Spirits On Both Sides Of The Badge


Diamond Steel!
Reduced Size :  12 oz old graham cracker box examined in grocery aisle :
[Once Upon 14]
`Same price--everything's smaller!`

(Such A Cute Old Lady Down The Aisle Commands Aside)
"Vote him back in!`
[] XLV Redux!? []


Tuesday, July 26th, 2022

Corner Chips
  - 'Elephant Inaction' -
The Orange Washing Machine : As Sleep Cried / Pachyderm Graveyard :
Ginny Must Testify :  Virginia Seceded/
Of Holy Cross & Yale : Twice Married--Clarence Thomas` Pallid Beauty Views :
[Only SEX & Pets (Topically), They Never Discus Politics]
Rending Evidence :  Pig Fat Borax Swine
- Oreo White -
: Kathy Ambush - Virginia Lamb :
- Skirmish-Slaughter -



Baby On
`Relax Child ... Baby is in Recline.`
- `...feeling so Poem Cozy, aftermath-lying here with you.` -


`Old Moons With Fresh Bruises :  Grandmas Abused.`


Teagarden Leaves
`Gay or Bi-Sexual?  What a stray notion!  Never--I'm straight as a Poem.
Just Rainbow Marching 'cause oft' times proud of the
Diversity of Human Beings.`


Kismet Mortal
Justice Done?
- sideways wink; chin nod -

                                                       [Sgt @ Arms]

Cowboy Stories
- The Wild and the Innocent : 1959 -
'A Touch Of Pink'
`Aptly wry...Sandra Dee Vs. Joan Dru :
Audey Murphy meets 'The Graduate'.`

* __________________ *

* Full Moon Post  Pandemic ReOpening *
- rudimentary shrewd -
`--illness coincides.`
Untitled Discard
`Breathless Fetus :  Sometmes Soul Fates Are Misconceptions.`
`...varying times are less than pure.`
Fox News :  Tagline Skewed :  Entertainment Designation
`UnStellar (Non) :  This Critic Dimly View(ed)
? Possible Second Chance Viewing ?
[As Always, Life Open To Change : Point.2]
--Snip Snap Synopsis

Pomp Drama
'Arizona Rally' - Booing Candidate QAnon
"--but you like me, don't you?`
[] Once Upon - (Relegated To Clownhood Sideshow) []
- Primary Fixations -


* ______________ *

Possible Ands
`Cook, Candlemaker Or Baker...as a kid, it was always fun to
imagine what little girls might become.`
'Living Autopsy'

* __________________ *

- on the fringe of margins...nominals -
- The Lost Adventures Of Long Ago -

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Pillge Burn
- Locked EnGrave -
Hades Cozy @ 103* : The Neo New
[] - Sunames Under Review - We Are All Norm & Norma Normal - []
`Moth Flame Special :  Smoky & The Bandit
                        by Pillage Burn :
  My Cannonball Run.`


Earthe Acropolis
- Mother Nature Earthe -
: Climate Change?  Now Is Today :
- Opportunity Cost :  Compound Interest Quantums -


Eyelet Nimbus
`...woke up faceless, wasted.`

* _ *

Betrothed :  Mood Improved
`The DNR doesn't let you jink around w. habitat.`
`--nice snab!`

Primitive Sin
- The Queen Of Tribes -


Sunday, July 24th, 2022

Liz Cheney :   Fruitlessly Attempting The Salvation Of Her Father
- [] The Worst Republican Berfore Trump [] -
'Patriotism Predator'
- Preying On Shadow Heroism -


Stone Pavillion
- Herschel Walker As An FBI Agent :  Deep Cover Idiocy
[The Johnny Appleseed Of (Abscent) Founding Fathers]
Vs. Ebenezer Baptist.

* _________________ *

Terra Box Nouveau
- Climate Truth & The Present :  Illness Coincides -


Saturday, July 23rd, 2022

dDitto Cruciform
'187 Minutes Of Infamy'
[America Made Hate]

- And Nightshades Dancing With The Past -
'Moaning Meadow'
Harry Carey & Betty Field
     --Harold Bell Wright
The Shepherd Of The Hills




Friday, July 22nd, 2022

MonkeyPox?  Miss Nomer Label
DeVolution! Indeed (Rudimentary Shrewd)--We Got It From You.`


* Diaper & TopHat; God Dressed As The New Year *
- Fresh Starts For Mortality -



Thursday, July 21st, 2022
* Day 8 Of January Sixth *

Travelers Rivieres
Scatting Bastion
- Capitol Bastille -
: Right Wing Revolution : Amerika & The Pennance Of UnFreedom :
- Taking America Back To McCarthy Repression -


Radio Barrister
The 8th Day Of January Sixth : 1:21 PM To 4:03 That Afternoon
- Watching Fox Entertainment "News" -
TEXT :  a la The Crash Of The Hindenburg


Tyronne Union Star Power
Freedoms :  50 Or One
Culinary & Excretory :  Progressive Or Conservaive?
America Or Amekia.
Of The One? :  Restrictive :  Fascist Sphincters Rule :
It Takes Two Wings To Fly/ Susurrus Sirocco Or Dullify :
: State Rights = Confederacy Redux :


Flesh Equator
`A Man's Man?  Walking like he's engulfing a sideways banana.
Fitting Commander In Chief?  Five Fists Of Fury?
Five Middle Fingers Of Deferment!`


Assuage Savoire
`Tough world....couldn't buy a nickel with yesterday's dime.`



'White Lady Evangelist'
`Misperceptions....BeSheeted, Her God Wore The Devil's Surcoat.`
PostMote :  White Collar Fascist Klan

                                                          --Gingerbox Jumpseat

Rue a la Mode
- Ron DeSantis -
Chinless Spine :  Chief tRump Toady Attendant
- Senator Hawley's Air Salute FistBump -

Women Deserve Midwive Abortions
- Courage Fled '


Overaching Intent
- At 4:03 - Who's Behind Me :  I know your pain, I know your hurt.`
  "Go Home..." :  Mission Accomplished :
: Angry Patriots : 'Very Special' : Succinct - WE LUV U.

Then 4:17 Video

6:01 PM


Morgue Tunes
* January Seventh : "I can't see it very well...I don't want to say it's over."
`He Could Never Say The Election Is Over...`
- Sixty Judges Cheating The Constitution -

                                      (As A Youth)
* ____________ *

- Ode Of Rue -  'Discarding Progeny' -
- turning 25 at age twelve; halff-lives codified -
Soul's Breath/Animation  <>  adopted via God

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

Lonestar Energy Grid
- It's Lonely, When Nothing Stands Between You & Mother Nature -
: The New Normal ___ Triple Digit Cozy :
: Reaping Sown : Natural Gas Flares & Spume Exhaust :


Hostess Zero
No Secret - Vested Interests :
The Intelligence Agencies Ever Hoover Synchophants
...words undone by action live.

                                                            --Hostess Zero

Monday, July 18th, 2022

The Exiled King
tRump's Followers :  [In The Singular] Brainscan :  Dumb As A Toupee
- Combover Exposed -


Astrolabe` Mideast
Jesus A. Christ :  Christ As EverySoul's Surname
: Webb (Telescope) Says : `New stars with every incarnation breath.`

Old $
Mood Tattoo -  Ring A Wife's Brand
'Banana Pelt' :  DNA Souvenirs/Cryogenic Samplings/Freshly Used Condoms
- Bedroom Trophies -

* _______________ *

- 'Anonymous Lies'  -  Push Close -
Lingo   'Sons Of Dalmations' :  Spotty Humanity
- broken in scar; tore my heart -
locked enthroat, screams trying to spoke
- wild stare; garrote appease -

PBS :  A Call To Arms
- Blind Ambitions -
: Rude Keystone : Would Be Quaker Senator :
Pinpoint Nexus :  Eyes Haunted By A Failure To Realize
- TV Dr. Oz Guns Skeet - [Right Wing Action Figure] -
! Gunned Up With Bald Theology !


Sunday, July 17th, 2022

Chipshot Limber
- Saint Andrews :  150th British Open -
Victor Hovland 's Elfin Shimmer :  Norway's Modern Day Antidote To 'The Scream'


Burst Curio
System Migration
To Limbo Netherlands
[Secret Service (Back) Pockets]
Digested & Tucked In Keester :  Tuesday's Strip Search Results Expected.
: Integrity Lost :



Composing Rosaries
- The Skys Made To Realize -
`When I woke to the breakfast nook...
I found the secret was gone.`
- God Lost / False Dream -


Primitive Sin
Shades Of Shibumi by John Trevanian
Mercedes [Back To Life] New C-Class Ad :
Black Asian Beauty Sweeping Fleurs To Bloom In A Mastered World
- Her Upswept Bootie As I Often Imagined Nicholai Hel's Mistress' -


Astrolabe` Mideast
Latitude Sans Longitude :  So Sure They Knew God's Heavenly Address
Heartless Mind, Emotions Stolen By Dogma Rote :
O  (Scientific) Solar Imperative The Only Tide  O

Snowcone Constable
`Unnecessary & Dangerous?!  Relegating Cop Chases To The History Books?!
Why, My Sainted Father Jester Interdicion, Would Never-a Joined
The Police Force, If He Couldn't Catch & Kill The Bad Guys!`

* ____________ *

`Lose As One & A Half Shoes'
`Token Fealty...But  A Sacrafice To The Gods Of Loss.`

Saturday, July 16th, 2022

* The Seventh Day Of The Sixth : The Ides Of July *
/ Fully Armed With Insurrectionist Hatreds / Violent Tourists PrePlanned/


Gingerbox Jumpseat
: Telltale Life :
- Expiration Dates Wait For No Woman -


Friday, July 15th, 2022

Fly Boy
Device Replacement Program
- Secret Service Secrets -
Watchdog Co-operation?  Inside Help!
- Anonymous Sources Are Never Under Oath -

                                                   --Fly Boy


Parasol Ending
`Souls aren't always so cute, when encrusted in olden bodies.`


Old Parasol

Spider Blues
- Nicky Minaj The Latest -
`So Gauche, First Person Name Dropping Themselves In Verse & Song :
Me, Myself, I & Thou; Each Their Own Rushmore.

`Le-LeRoy : Next Generation Immortalities/Kings Of Ego :
Exhibitionists Of Their Own Private Idahos.`


Amanita Pesquita
Single Die Vs. Immortaility :
Gambling God Tries, But He Does Not Com.Pair
To The Play Of The Devil's Dice.
Impending Fates--Lucifer's Foyer Hosting
Untrue Lies; Deaths Rearranged.

UnLived With :  Aftermath Step-Siblings, Don't Quite Make The Brady Bunch.

Wednesday, The 13th Of July, 2022

- In Different Times -

Awk!  Adjusting To The New World...From Circa 1865 & Era WWII.
`It seems you can't block junk eMail, with an old fashioned cervical diaphragm.
Midwives Treated Like Salem...Biology The Holy Grail
`Mystics Scorned...
Drug Products, White Dogma, Delusion & Consumer Goods;
Selective Science As Floor Plan.`
- ___ A Return To Flat Earth ___ -



Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

The Seventh Day Of The January Sixth Hearings
- [The Eighth To Be On The 187 Minutes Of Solitudes Revelry] -
(While Half The World Implores / Grovelling
Subjects Of Planet Donald.)

- UnBridled Glee As Would Be Warriors/Anti-Government Rioters Molest The Capitol -
- Milquest Merrick Must Host - Blue Collar Dues -
: These July Full Moon Ides :



* _________________________ *

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Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
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* Previous Twitter Montages