Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000antiquesteapotboiling.jpg)
Saturday, November 30th, 2019
Eggshell Coracle
* 28,000 ... @ least Two Millenniums Post Balloon *
`Donna DOW(n) : Neo-Hindenburg.`
() The Fatted Golden Calf ()
Spoken Sky
`Gossip, rumours & truth coming out even.`
Ironclad Watercolours
tight as toes; firmament sound.
Kidnap Trepanned
* One Too Many Tipped /
Morning Aftermath *
`Chewing the edge of porcelain dawn, spurning yesterday's dish.`
Cocomo Faux
`I have seen, symmetrical to death ... spiral curtains.`
* __________ *
Fashion Show Deride
: `Making self...given taste to wear, who's own?`
`Facial stowed in (sentiment) (treasure chest) ... with new life,
breath, what a woman you could be.`
`Naked blind, catching my face without time.
...lemon yellow's not lime,
you without mine.`
by Maudlin Doggerel
Religion 'Dusk Of
`Captured perm, in the window of fission ... flight to obligatory real.`
'88 `Entertainment
Tonight ... see them celebrity smile.`
[Hard to do anything real, when you're a camera eye.]
UnCommon Gods
13th Chord `Tasting the hammer, parallel song.`
12th Chord `There before naked; insides.`
(On Models) `Hammering parquet smiles, silent staccato
Friday, November 29th, 2019
Pasta Angelcake
* Mea No Culpa *
`Small as bug, fact gripped.`
Spoken Sky
`Vision of upon white, nothing too pure.`
Pulse Fuss
* Pale Medicine *
`Single Payer Only System : Phased In Ten Years Hence.`
Poison Cradles
* Ad Girl *
`Come on! Wake up your sperm--get man!`
[A Spider Baby Pie'd Once Had]
Cut (Love) Jewel
`Caught between apple & candle ... would you eat light?`
* ______________ *
`If you don't take first, all it means is drafting position.` Second Place Coach
`Captured by toe, firmament eye.`
`Kiss the moment, driving past far...further than time.`
`Truncheon love, beat me thine.`
Pidgkin Assign
Cloaked in lonely, own person fur.
* _____ *
`Devolution, once past love moon
... don't try to make fractions full.`
Rue a la Mode
`I I wed. Diving into after; burn molten soul.`
--Rue a la Mode
Sombrero Guy
* Craps *
`Cold as dice, without any eyes ... iceberg spots floating destiny.`
Coffin Crops
* Patience Opened *
`Winnowing Minnows From Their
Shoals, Someday ... Big Truths!`
Gene Misconstrue
`Genetic Skeletons Of Firmament.`
`Corpuscle enabled, centrifuge.`
dDitto Cruciform
`Eight As Over, Nine Yet To Sky Seed...`
Smile as tear, the little girl blurted, " ______ ."
Deep Sea Noun
* Lacking Imagination *
`Oceans observe ... ... Nautilus
& Poseidon ... ...
distant kin, cousins never kissed.`
* __________ *
13th Chord
| `Beating the tourniquet to twist, tornado fission!`
`Pounding toward bluff obligatory, 1/2 a hand fulling boat`
Pigweed Dreams
`The window to third eye, opens clarity.`
Thanksgiving 2019
Raisin Scores
* His Swamp *
`Pustular draining, the shite's flowing downstream...`
* _____ *
to Pulse Fuss
`Painted nerve bleeding vein! You are always knifing
bio-malarkey--Little Tin General
`In sprinkles & slashing doses, the undulating themes shall be...`
--Similie Thimbles
as tomorrow's smile.`
Honey Kitchens
* Hamstrung Bumblebee *
`Incapable of pollinate.`
Monsieur Von Due
t$Rump's Defense *
`Prodigal as stillborn, never coming home.`
`Guilty of everything.`
Schoolboy's Sorrow
`Lipless smile eating teeth--don't give me the feral!`
Teacher Rules
'Integrity' `Bones which held soul, structure inscribed.`
No growth, wiping away the tears...before they're played.
Smiling minions nursing clay!
* ______________ *
* Femme Unequal! *
`For every taken once...Moon Eclipses Sun!``
Parked in oblique, parallel shunned ... Geometrical Overlord :
Progression Of 1-10, Self In Mortality Circled.
'Mortality Sandwich'
`Wheat slices bookend humble; manna between.`
Smokytop Shade
* Taliban Peace?! *
`Ghost Boasts! Light as puffed wheat, full of bull.`
`Flamboyant as stone, barren as his word.`
See Nuit
* Thanksgiving Topic *
`Politics, sex & religion; evil & valor main threads of many
Similie Thimbles
Skeletoning snowflake contexts that may refract any light;
alabaster noire.
Longhand to typeridden inscribed, 1st to 2nd Draft sorting
voices & scenes.
Chipping Clovis ... Last Drafts Ever-Sharpening, Handsown Flame.
Deforestation : Threadbare
mountains caught between pillars & spurs!
Thanksgiving Eve, 2019
* Thanksgiving Eve *
The Neptune Direct Storm
: 15* 56' Pisces @ 7:32 AM
Phase 346 : Sabian Symbol
Keynote: Reliance upon one's inner source of inspiration or
Pisces Neptune Direct Storms
Ariel & Sachem
"What you where you get--next
you'll be selling Brownie Cookies
out of your coat pockets!"
Sam Spade (of General Principle)
* ____________ *
Star Satyr
Goodbye Galaxies
The Changemaker
Death riding mistress, coxcomb whore.
Noe Immortal
`Charms & amulets, made the day Paraguay.`
* ____________ *
Tuesday, November 26th, 2019
Parting Gift Prize
'Miscarriage Card' (To
`Abandoning me...the carriage almost wheeled.
Another time Cinderella?`
Mineral Spirits
`Cast a weed ... rough diamond rooting flower?`
Miniatures Of Broadway
* Lost Marriage *
I had a womb for you ... couldn't
Coffee Vendetta
* Miscast Indignation *
`Hokey bold, (she's just a) two penny gelding...`
Anvil Satellite
Ukraine is The Third Most Corrupt Country In The World?
I'd've guessed Italy, Greece & then U.S.`
-- Anvil
Roses & Eternal Sunshine
* __________________________ *
Fidelity Squalls `Hot as fiction married, they made
time into storm.`
`Ruby as steel, tempered fire...pastel me all the way.`
Castrog Delomain
Self soothed, Castrog's
anger was ever latent; his hate always used.
`I Voted t$Rump ! & Will
* ______________ *
Shy Lad
`Boy, it must be a curse, to have a sister as a
Pidgkin Assign
`Handsome soliloquies, own.`
Rigolette Cotille
Married Smoke, Dusting Night
The Final O'erve
* Desperate Valentine *
`Fill my heart with home? No chance,
if you can't...
(I'll) have to do it all alone.`
--The Final
* ____________________ *
Pepper Jibe `Tight as nervosa--raw imprint.`
In Season
`Polite death...predawn when the hunter smiles.`
Target Stardust
13th Chord : `Breaking time, with camel's straw
...only tornados & tai-funs, eye of needle.`
`Closer to God...running half-lives more than legged two.`
Teddy Fibre
<> Legal Brief : McGhan
Must Testify <>
White House Response :
`Legs bare, of something to say.`
* __________ *
Bee Diamonds
* The Mythos Of *
Jay Pinstripe :
`Hitting home runs with the nub of bat;
bunting either playline with tip of tophat.`
Monday, November 25th, 2019
Mix Romance
* Don Boss *
`Kill 'em... Frugal death. Whether white or pupil,
single bullet per pair of
Pincushion Hats
* Valentine *
`Prince my frog, mortal borders.`
`A Pitiful Pay In The Weekend
Box : 13.2 $Release`
`Guess I'm Not The Only One Sick Of Tom Hanks!`
`We/ I rode him hard today.` {Gassed At 2 Minutes; Asked To Come Out}
--Bucks Coach
Bigger eyes than glasses carried, congealed shine.
`Exploding on surreal, more than day.` --Pinpoint
Orange Ball
* Faux Explanations *
** Everchanging Reasons Why
`Choking on lips, flesh
[Center Field Pushed Into The
only Minor Evil--certainly not impeachable!`
[] NotPeachable []
One Eyed Mona Noon
* A Young Wishing *
Sunday, November 24th, 2019
Potato Truth
* Climate Shame *
`t$Rump took Neptune's Trident ! &
gave it to Eddie.`
* ________________ *
` MUCH IT WINGS.` --Pidgkin Assign
Danger Riled ::
`Pre-fetus, nightmares old as bone marrowless.`
Aura O'clock
`Half a face all she wore, 'til quantum.`
Cards `Tricking in , young trumps worth their pay.`
UnTruth `Fuck
you & the shadow disguises you wore.`
Eat Out :
`Captioned lives eating ordinary...Norm & Norma
don't be boring! Dine at The
Palace Lion!`
Purple ZIP
`My Opinion On Everything? Frog Legs & Angel Wings!`
Archetype Pistacio
* #NeroOnFire *
`Yellow firewagons, half
crucial ... The Republican Senate Coagulates.`
Cogitates . Consolidates. Deviates.
Apples Duewise
`Pocket Smiles; Made For Guests.`
Camp David PlayGround
Rude Death Card
`Death a tear to wear, 'til sympathy
* _______ *
`Restless as a dime, inseam pocket.`
UnVal `Four
shades of maybe, you not included!`
vex `Ashes & cryptographers!`
Close as death, minuet.
Earth Air Spirit
* BusStop Rudy *
`No room for three, when deuces two!`
--Earth Air
Saturday, November 23rd, 2019
Saint Augustine's Navel
* Which Warlock ... The Next
To Go? *
`Blasting The Witch With Gizmo...Techno Inquisition!`
Fontish Noh
into the mist, fear in hand...flat as palms.`
`Pluck the flower, once swan.`
--Fontish Noh
Shoe Land
`The Republican Senate will age vey badly in the mellow of history.`
Pinpoint City
* Dogtags *
BLOOD TYPE : Spillable
--Trent Overcoat
[Pitcher : The Wee
Willie Keelers]
Friday, November 22nd, 2019
Moonrise Ephemerides
* *
Gender Alchemy
`Don't give off smoke, if unwilling to burn.`
Crustacean Curmudgeon
* Senate Majority Leader *
`Elements of smoke,
incapable of fire.` (Smugly Deflects)
Dusted Quotient
* Witness Stand *
`Smuggling corset in her iron, metallic pulsebeat.`
Outing Ukraine : With
Her Lower Middle Class Accent
Coal Miners Daughter
* _________ *
Boys Hometown
* Artsy Nouv *
`Figment The Pigment, Of Your Imagination.`
(Sumptuous endured,
in paragraphs of pillow.)
Oui Acquiesce?
`Irrelevant as toulours.`
--Oui Acquiesce?
Possible Ands
* Interrupted Performance *
`Kid eating goodies, all his mouths full.`
#Orange Child
Target Stardust
as bears on fire!` * `Wings & feet--she's Mercury!`
Transparent Gravities
* Ellipsis Transcripts
* Read Between The Dots *
|| Therefore Faux ||
`Modern Day : Release Your
SecretServer : Trying To Pull A Rosemary Woods!`
Stucco Roccoco
* First Person Whispers
`Goombas are rarely transparent.`
Killowatts Hurt
* Odds On Fiona *
`Take her ... in a knife fight with Devin Nunes.`
--Killowatts Hurt
Scuttlebutt Rumour
Lawyered Up : w/ Goddess
Fawn Hall As Receptionist
All Hearsay!" Hidden First
Persons As Their Staff.`
`Oliver North Wore His
Military Suit
as did Mr. Vindman.`
* _______ *
Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
`Six beacons spilled...half told the story.`
--Sugar Candy
* ______________ *
Squatters rights; mortality earned.
Story `Captured by time; fiction tranced.`
* __________ *
`Quarks of demons!`
Dandelion Egos `Dark
as border framed, never getting past
`Short stories noveling, vignettes ferment
___________________ *
November 21st, 2019
[Final Day Of Live Testimony?]
Slash Fasteye
* No Commander In Chief *
* The Lengths Of Truth ... Lengths To Truth *
* Playing Semantics Ball *
`Far afield & into the
right field corner of further to nab!`
* Third Person Justice *
afield ...
In a lightning mood, Lukewarm
Storm flashes saving catch
--her roller-coaster roll saving broken collarbone!`
on Gargoyles
`Crisis of smile, stone.`
Sift Meld
Alone With Twilight
`Arrows in hearts, obscure the
--Sift Meld
(Chemist : Wee Willie Keelers)
Snowcone Constable
`If I could wallow in cream, strawberry would be you.`
* ______ *
Small as frugal, good enough.
Poised Wanton
`Shepherd hooking...Little Bo Peeps...Godiva Marys/Virgin Wolves.`
Primitive Sin
`Better than make, do.`
Sinuous Shame (Tries To
`Fiction a fact that couldn't
carry the weight of soul!
Realism & The
Bible--God's Christ I Am WORD!`
leap syntaxing,
Sinuous approached
general truths.
Macho Toy secretly
scorning Rich Republican Women he makes :
`Pretty womans bred to Manna Queen; dating sister,
give me the number of her clone.`
`Let me inside, deepest way penetrating disguises.`
'Karmic Regression'
`Burned by turn, worn to snake
...tongue doubling back in
`Sometimes Retrograde
endeavors, lead to new eyelets, other paths.`
* *
Playground Whiles
* Modern Lyrics *
`See my legs, where they go... ring fingers, only on the phone.`
* ___________________ *
Molecule Of A Galaxy
Jim Jordan
`One-balled cocksure.`
* ____________ *
`Smooth moxie ... sleek as nerve, soundless.`
`Tall as hindsight, after the fact.`
November 20th, 2019
* Live Testimony : Day Four *
Moonripples & Killdeer
`As you feel the smile deep as down, all the way live.`
* _________________ *
Aria Pomme de Terre
`It's hard to remember, when you've never timed.`
Game `Grinding it out when all the grain is gone--overtime!`
`If you need a warclub, it ain't love.`
`Left over from lightning, no charge, only shock.`
burst furrows, pregnant bust
``In a graverobber's mood, memory ... exhuming
decayed visions of you,
neatly placing them back again.`
`Bunt your stiff ass silly--lay one down in face's way.`
`Windows without fingerprints ... never touch life.`
['Better sins of commission, than sins of ommission.']
`Kiss the window, in all it's stained furror!`
Age Adieu
`"I want nothing!" but you gone.`
Shadow Beautymark
Sphinx `Flip a
nickle, upon it's edge ... to capture my love.`
* ______________ *
Buckaroo Jody
* Blunt Sharpie Reminders
: PlainSpoken ? *
`He cribs like a two year old.`
Tadpole Polliwog
`We could go, deep as sown...further.
We coud show diamonds, how to clarity.`
Pomp Drama
* Distilling Truth *
`Third Time Milking The Million $
Mark : Sondland As Tertiary Witness.`
Ripsaw Rhapsody (Courtesan) `Kiss
the minnow, 'til he whale sperms.`
* ______________ *
as a smile on a dumpling about to be cannibalized.
`Hot tears, lukewarm style.` --Pinpoint City
Religion :
`Tangled stairways made for down!
if one does not stick to God's Word!`
`Looking Beyond Timepiece : Twelve Wings Of Time
... Hermit Magician, Butterly Dove.`
Gene Misconstrue (Guest
Commentary) :
Carrying neutrinos into coverage, option electrons pitched down the
fission-friction pummeling to the 14 yard marker!`
Knowing nothing about something, dangerous disguises.
Laying the law; laid down & deep.
* ________________ *
Stands Gravity
Continuum Of Insidiousness.
Each Midnight
September 9th: `No quid pro quo, But Unless ...`
`Official Act!`
`Locker Room Flattered To Be Jock'ing With The President
...on an insecure line.`
(Who Got Pregnant?)
Similie Thimbles
`Pretend Alive ... how does it feel, when Facade Hearts make deals.`
--Similie Thimbles
Tork Malarky
* Sondland Testimony *
`Tried to smile ... teeth fell out.`
Protean Animus
* Consummate Wish *
`Speed to sperm, may it boy...`
Note : 24 Hour Boy Sperm Swim Fastest : Acidic
48 Hour Females Slower : Favor Base Ph
i.e.e. : Orgasm @ Moment Of Ovulation Makes Boys
* _________ *
Tough `Dwarf you to toilet bowl--flush makes obscure!`
Fluid Blue `I'll
look like at any body, with a leg prettier than mine.`
`Big orgasms tunneling down--nuclear bombs!`
Psychofield Welsh
Cocksure & Clever Men Of Wealth
Terra Box Nouveau
`Yummy as navel smile.`
Round Nimbus
* Mercury Direct *
@ 2:11 PM @ 11* 39' Scorpio :
Sabian Symbol 222
Keynote : Group consciousness, as it flowers at the highest level
in cultural interchanges between represenatatives
of the elite of the ruling class.
Keyword : DISPLAY
`Caught a pop foul, Homemade
Mythos grew her (into) Home Run.`
`No Quid Pro!`
Josef Mohawk
`Sounds like a commercial, looks like a lie.`
`Well born? Argyle knickers presupposing clan.`
* _____________ *
Frat Party
`Preppy little thighs encased in silk, I'll take
... make.`
Radio Barrister
`Rocket shot rattles in the left field
slo' mans double!`
`"Yay!" scream the fans. "Eat his heart alive!"`
`Rotund as Out! Captain Zero stares in, mean glare!
Curves one in there like a crooked blade, Moorisman's sythe!`
Married Love
`Touching womb, taste buds grown to smile.`
`Atrophied to sluggish, just salt me & I'll melt away.`
November 19th, 2019
* Open Testimony : Day Three *
Ragdoll Echelon
big as your eyes, love play...`
Silhouette (Alone)
'Now Infamous!"
`Odious Indeed.`
Rush Crossward Puzzle
* OK, I Admit *
The Trump Girls :
`Dizzy as diamonds, half the facets.`
From India
* On Becoming A Biblical Woman
`Open to foal, horse sense married.`
* _______________ *
War 'Next To The Last Night'
`Not meant to survive, the passing day ... night stealing away,
a minor star.`
Evangelist to (Jewish) Windows
Marry :
`Schlep as Shmiel--who're UnChristian
You! to consecrate the day!?`
Sew Buttons
* In Hindsight *
Ambassador Volker
`Straggler without tail; bitten off.` 8:16 PM
Deference Obliged
November 18th, 2019
Gizmo Dicey
* My Living T'stimony *
`In Writing : Strongly Consider : In Writing : A Two Page Yes Or No
Test & A One Page Essay
On Perfecto.
`W/ my thick sharpie handwriting ... that's about 80 words. My
The Width Of A Tweet!
`--& that's big lines, not college
Drum Shorts/Staccato Pants
* WWI British Tank *
`Within a gauntlet of iron; tongue
Chasing Spaceships/Belayed Mars
* Republican Truths : Inverting
`Transforming suppose, into maybe.`
The Changemaker
Preview : Testimony Day Three : The Nineteenth Of November
Third Quarter Moon In Late Leo @ 4:11 PM EST
Look for some break, or mood, or national swing...
--The Changemaker
* ______________ *
`Love entangling, where else could mortality meet?`
`Lonely in bone; dressed in fuge`.`
* ___________ *
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& Characters & Content Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
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