Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

____ . . ____
Sunday, November 17th, 2019

Spoken Sky
* Supreme Justice *
`Bad as the apple, which got away.`

Breed : A Kavanaugh

* Evangelist Churches *
`Stained Glass Fences Concealing; Hoodwinked Eyes.`

* _________ *

Ero Hiroshima
Subverting Military Justice; CadetSchool Graduate [In Chief]
PressBoard Gods:  Duly Elected?!
Impeachement :  The Price Of Reality


Sugar Candy Or Coffee
"Routine Partisan Weapon"
5 EXclamation Points!!!!!
Mr. & Mrs. : Norm & Norma Normal Would Never Consider You Kin ...
Or Even Of Similar Humanity.`

                                                       --Sugar Candy

Longform Holiday
* Guilty EnPeache *
`Transforming suppose, into maybe...`


Lattice Veneer
: UnStable : Abnormal Academia :
"Whoever That Is"   `...if you studied more, you might know
your own government.

`All Of America | Not Half Of You : A-B-C's Love One-Two-Threes!`

Birthday Card   `Birthdays...sipping cake & ruin; death the final icing;
the only frosting.`

Stature Mansions
$ $
`A price on her smile, whetted tongue.`
`Tightly as narrow, stick figures parallel.

Two lines in a real dollar sign.`

                      --Struts$ Paradox

Teagarden Leaves
`Once loved...if I let go, would your smile try to run away.`

* _____________ *

'Reprisal Valentine'   `2  X 2 equalling you...unsaid, orgy lies done in 4 leaf clover.`

* ______ *

Gene Misconstrue
`Bullying tadpoles--why don't you step up in The Gene Pool!`

Pipestem Windered (Wound Skintight!) ... Once in a whey curd while,
Gene could expletive retort, but such efforts always made him
wan & anoriexic; sapped voluble mental-sexual energy.
Resenting such output, Gene mostly basilisk battery; amotional.`


Radio   `Too high to home run sky, warning track!`
  `Eye high, nose tip--whisker kisser!`
`Peppered the outfield with smudgepots, dinky flares drizzling the side out in feeble order.`

Little Alcoves

  `Lonely as Mole In Hill...alone as snow come melting time.`


Magnus Pages
* Religious Conundrum *
`Homilies riding home on Santa sleigh bells...
Christmas or Christ? Son Of God Self,
or Only Jesus!`

                                                            [ Opus Editor ]

Saturday, November 16th, 2019

Monsieur Von Due
* No Smoking Gun? *
`Greased pig shot out of a cannon on Mars ...?
tRump's 40% Facebook Safety Net still catching him upright.`


Buys Disguise
`The OTHER President Dissed You (Spoke Unfavorably)
* Miss Memory'ed * Roger Stoned *
`Caught one in the corner of his smile       
                                                       --fastball that almost broke his face.`

`Take your base.`


Candycane Latitude
* @ Real Alive tRump *
* Bad News Posting Hate : Re-Tweeting Self :
Boomerang Doing A Gilderoy Lockhart.
* Mismemoried *

Baby Pie
`When you said you couldn't sin; misnomer.`


Delia Tie 

* Aged 12 *
Renegade spirals; early pubes.


dDitto Cruciform
* Quid Pro Quo *
Ulterior As Motive.

Debutante :  Antsy as pearl, about to ocean.

* ______________ *

Remorse   `Happy as a teardrops shawl...once I was with you.`
Radio   `Away-nipping backside corner--caught the ump outside blind.`
Half-Spring :  `Thrown out by dinky-armed spatulate at deep third!
Face twinkieworn--grovelling back to the dugout!`
The Alone Orphanage : A Portal
'If you can't do it Alone, you can't do it YourSelf.'
 tall thin door you can skywalk through to imagine yourself uppest ups.
Adjuncted by a side base triangle so fat people may crawl in,
wheelbarrows carted through.
Dream Warriors   `Out front, on the inside.`
Belltop Carrygather    `Bell, gongs the time...if you hear.`
Playing time into pregnant; moment.
Graduation Card   `Codified by death...graduations from  Earthbound.`
`Captive as happy, pig slurp.`
Cards   `Poker chip bull--put your heart on the line!
Plastic paper, soul on the cardboard dole--get real!`
`Quadrants of two, calloused square.`
Casket Beware; Death Only Holiday You Don't Have To Pay For, Tip.
Entwined, she made her way time.
Hockey Fight   `Kicking the silly out of grin, left 'im  toothless as a pin.`
Smarmy   `Haggled the virtue, 'til she shared.`

If Maybe w/ Probably Maybe
`Chic carrion, licking fashions.
Christlike, eating toothpicks for nourishment;
collection plates Daddy bore.`

* _________ *
Struts$   `Moths dancing feather skies, feet quagmired.`

Los Angeles Oceans
`Sitting inside two; curlicued.`

* _______________________ *

Pitcher   `Such a meanly glare!  Strikeout smile!
If naked pearlies could dazzle mesmerize :
safe as surety--back to the dugout you go!`
`Walked him, with a purpose unmind--certainly not intentional.`
Half-Spring   `Evil as make believe--called it a strike!`
`Flesh & rock wearing time, mountains & molehills reduced to men.`

Friday, November 15th, 2019

Moonrise Ephemerides
* Watergate Fantasies *
`Let Corruption Prevail ... Corruption Prevails.`
`Faux Fabricate.`

Rue a la Mode
`Bad News ... For Fox & Ilk ... The Truth Will Out.`


Arbitrary Lancet
`Deja vu Marie...Felt This Way During Kavanugh hearing...
Woman First; Men Last.`

                                                                 --Arbitrary Lancet
9:45 AM Opening Statement


Pillow Foray
* Wicked Valentine *
`Eat your throat, make it mine ...Eve doing Adam's apple.`

                                                           --Pillow Foray

Goody Kind
`Disrespectful--she says "yaa, and wants to say it more.`

                                                              --Goody Kind
* ___________ *

Globe Thistle
Opening :  `Riding the window...'til curtains fall.`


Crustacean Curmudgeon
* Quiet Crumbs *
`Snivel-whining; give 'im the quiet crumbs--stop his twitter tirade.`

                                                                        [Senate Leader]

Dinky Harbinger
Post Noon :  Republican Chief Questioner
`Dude in stilts; Clump Humpty--Longon Bridge falling down.`


Attic Grandma
* Tweet Intimidation *
`"Boo!" said the ghoul, toothless ploy failing against our brave heroine.`


Eggshell Coracle

`Keep the change, punch  me ticket!`

* ___________ *

Future Valentine : `Tomorrow nestled in time ... you be there?`
`Love like a raisin, eaten with snowflakes.`
UnValentine :  `Once our love touched both cheeks--see my ass walking away!`
`Nude momentum skintight seams running away with it!`
Pitcher   `Catch my fastball in your ear!`
Baseball   `Popped up to down--three out!`

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

Truculent Whimsy
* Derision *
`Riding on the heels of nursery rhyme, too early to man.`


Minor Evil
In This Transitional World : Adam or Eve!? Schiff Running ...` *
'A Ginned-Up Dog & Dog Show :  Little Truth Ponied Up.`

* __________ *

`Captured by sweatless clarity--the thinking man's pleasure.`
Disappointment   `Kidney beans & mottled dreams.
Evangelist Rebuttal   `Naked hindsight, half an ass cheek, full face flush.`
dDitto   `Burning time at bothe get around.`
Smoke & mildew, the decay of fire.

Married Miss Trite Overload
`I want to make you but you know how to sin.`

                                                                  --Married Miss
* ____________ *

`Fertile as winter bees.`

Similie Thimbles
`All real...& the door opened to figment, left no trace.`


Director   War   `Setting pastels off by death, it takes juxtaposition.`
`Intent upon whale, minnow with ocean eyes.`
`Staring down with the validity of The Word Of God--made that black cat turn first,`
Hindsight's Parade was proud.
(Tough as virtue could abound, patrolling the fringes!)

`If only fiction were factional--then we'd surety know!` Pulse Fuss was wistful.

`Hearty as normal, your wishes are well founded,` her friend thought.

Pigweed Dreams
`Picking windows to frost, who benimbles Jacket Fire?`

* ________________ *

Woman To Another :  `Send him home to taste own bed.
Let him sleep, without me in his dream.`
'Boy's Conundrum'   Pissing on barbed wire, if only you could shave.
`Pink as a verb, market piglet.`*
`Spending my mind in minnow, Jonah ate a whale.`
Radio   `High as wild--out of the strike zone.`
Bar Chatter   Drinking winks, lewd entendre, two more & I'll dust her woman.`

Pidgkin Assign
`Telephone snow, empty busy zone.`


Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

Textbook Persian

`Turkey Late Afternoon Brunch, Peace In The Mideast ...
Hoaxed, He Seemed Impotent Grimace.`

`Stolen gold guilty; goose stammer gander.`

`Sullen as retribution, yet to be played.`


Puppet Flesh
`White pigeons, kitten purr...`                                     
    `Mean up against the hardware.`

* __________________ *

Awakening   `Sunshine, look what the window brought in.`
Today's Opening Testimony   `Nothing like a cold bean,
to make your molars shivver.`
`If mistakes weren't made, inheritance would.`
`Stupid as fucking silly!`
`Cinderalla stoolies & moll dolls.`
Radio   `Flea flickering with a pea, bullet downfield empty.`
13th   `Spiral ridges on Earth, releasing energy.`
'Peanut Lords' are the commenting gallery.
`Bread buttered by rear guard action...the ways you've made.`
Valentine Hope   `Cozy Noes...someday soon?`
`The kiss you wish, wouldn't sear.`
Director   `Trying to be, a naked dismond in L.A.`
Radio  `Last bats, if she can't do it here, she can't do it anywhere.`
'Mild UnValentine'  `Grabbing emotions ... that could only finger couple.`


Pink Hue
'Lost Valentine'   `I think of you half of all of the time.`


Earth Acropolis
`Unholy Grail :  Ukranian Server : 2016 Unveiled!?`

`It's All Greek Orthodox To Me!`

* __________

`Wings upon magnitudes, all the leaves.`
Opening/Window Looks In Mirror
`Look at those windows, they hold deitys & gods.`
`Clarity   `Catch the windows, as they carry.`

Honey Kitchens
* Proposal *
`Sticky up to my cuffs, wanna stamen...?`

Enfante Fan Fatale
* _______________ *

Baby Pie
* In Her Primitive State *
`Half of another, when one couldn't decide.`


Beehive Postures
Ambassador Sondland
* Cell Phone Diplomacy *
`Perfecto No No's.`
Admission :
`The World Wants To Undo The 2016 Election!  Even God Admits To Whiffed!`

* __________ *

Baseball Valentine   `Ugly Curve, caught my heart inside-out!`
Spent screw; happy as smudge.
`Sex on the prow, walk on the prowl; a pay for lady,
who'll go all the way with you.`
* _______________ *

`Virgins Or Insane ... Is It (All) A Mattter Of One.
Visions & Abacus Beads, Matter experience.`
`Hello.  Good as I imagined, better in flesh.`
Half-Spring   `The White Faced Pizza Woman'
 'Big Miss Lost!'
'Drug Card'
`Smoking a half-carat of emergency; blending fool & facile.`
vex   `Twisted livid!`

The Aztec Ballplayer
* Capitol Wrecker *
`See my smile deliver liver...pills for our bile.`

                                                            --The Aztec
PostNote :  Grumpy Card

Spectrum Patio


Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

Rigolette Cotille
`Taffeta, peanuts with kernels hollow as air.`

* __________ *

Valentine'   `Soo slow-fast...dancing nipples apart...interior.`
`Half of after, and the rest of between.`
Soft UnValenine   `In the distance of a smile, lips saying goodbye.`
War   `On the edge of akimbo...into battle, into play.`
`Heart beats like my tomato soup, it's not smooth.`

`Never had a name for my cock, just a piece of me.`


Nudge Homeward
* Baby Vampire *
`Taylor delivers the first coffin nails
as The White House Hosts Turkey...
Was Constantinople Truer Than Istanbul?`

PostNote:  Wednesday The Thirteenth A Good Day For Warlock Hunters.


* _________ *

`Butter my peanut.`
Hopeful Agent   `Looking for something semi-trite & kinda original
...something I can almost relate too.`

Pirate Guillotined

* Future Testimony *
`Half of after, and the rest of between.`

                                                                      --Pirate Guillotined


Monday, Veterans Day 2019

Ice Cream Valentines
* War Holographs *

                                                         --Ice Cream

Freckles O'erderve
Love Karma


Angel Knives
UnValentine   `Approximate Love...Just Your Striptease Heart,
Pumping Give-Away Tears.`

                                                             --Angel Knives
* ___________ *

Liaison Velour
`If you could go into another night...who would you dream?`


Horrid Little Obligato
* Beggar Sells Fantasy *
`Buy a dream, buy your little lassie or lady a theme;
nickle per time, dime for holiday!
Holiday of 100% Cream!`


Corporate Bondage
`Have you with the rest of my smile,
all the eaten cake.`


Hodgepodge Fatty
* Amorphous Doll *
(movable face, stretching limbs)
`You little Smudgepot Dickens!`


tRump Twitter  `Sorry To Hear The Tumour's Open Reply.`
`Running into time to find your smile...making soul kosher.`
`Naked as clinging vine, she's a skintight wallflower,` ? advised.
`Why don't you go peel her off?

`Baby heroine in robust mode.  Half fat as alive, hips to grow,
age to catch her stride ... why not?`

Windswept Maypole
`From the heart of zero, spiral abounds.`
`Ohs with spiral tails...get you further.
When zero was a navel, time wore life.`


Pincushion Hats
`Moments you'd love to be on...if only for surface.`


Pique Nickels

`A Square's Smile, Staggered Round.`

`Tonight's a night for barefoot must--trodden grapes!`

* __________ *

`Taking herself up, into the window to see the moon...seethe free!`
'A Cupola'   `Different in the awning, sunset velour.`
   Game Smack   `Tough as a bruin, run over you impersonal.`
Valentine   `No trick to time, unless you marry...entice.`
Radio   ` The Half with the worm on the line--two results appendaging.`
`Milky Way, Arts & Veins For You, if Rapunzel Pleaides Tresses.`
`Hating organ for betray, unpart of self.`

* Campaign Mode : Hard & Cruel *
`Going soft on me, giving the old baby's ass mode of smooth?!
Fingers in the scissors...paring knives!
Je t'accuse.`


Sunday, November 10th, 2019

Capturing The Pillows
`The kind of God, you wanted all along...`


Spiderweb Terrazzo
`Disappearing milk...who butters your bread.`


Gingerbox Jumpseat
* Quid Pro Quo *
`Infamy the heart of the core.`


Light Breeze
* That Girl *
`...loose as smoke, take your pocket & gone.`

                                                              --Light Breeze

Shoe Land
* White House Cachet *
`Classic as plastic, roulette felt.`


* ________ *
lyrics   `Coast to coast loving you...setting, it's a big world,
takes the sun a long time to do.`
`Kissed the glitch, made it feather.`

Crosschain Sidewalk
* Myth Of The Stolen Joker *
`Not a Third Joker, one only different.`

                                                         (Gro' Mundanies)

Crewcut Passion / Limmerick Spaceship
* The Trump Show *
`Barefoot rally!`

                                                                   --Crewcut Limmerick
* _______________ *

`Alive as shine, Homemade Rainbow.`

Josef Mohawk
* Seventy Year Olds *
`Past their prime, past their tense...`
`If you're rotting from the head down, don't let it show...let the electorate know.`

* __________________ *

Generous as limbo's extension plan.

Saturday, November 9th, 2019

Bedouin Cardinal
* Yellowstone Kelly *
( Executive Decision! )
`Grit TV edited out the greatest old western sideboobs ever.
Puritan pressure or extra commercial seconds?`


Lollipops & Demons
`Stolen Jokers'   `Not an Old Maid's trick to time, 'lest you marry.`


Pillage Burn
* 1% *
`Cream marrow...milking life, it's who sits upon the stool.`


Mix Romance
`Sugar tit sundae--maraschino cherry!`

* _______ *
adorable as randy fur
`Thighs seething mink, love my way.`
Sleepy Time Saying   `On your steam, the edge of mark--grow!`
Costume Making  `Capture halves, stitch juxtaposed.`
`Kept my imagination clean, away from which would whore-pervert!`
Radio   `Routine as glove, third out.`
'89 World Series'  `Gibson lasting 9th...3-2 with a look that said,
he'd done Eckersley before.`
Judgement  `Aunt Grimace eating spies!`
`Patience, patience...tastes the pearl.
Fertile, and wife, choose you to be mine!
... you my taken?`
Handmaiden Gentlewoman
`Pump, pump up your little head...your little red lies of cream.`
`Shoot to bull--mouth off when you can't cock.`
`If you can't do it Alone, can't do it Yourself.`  (Snowcap A Mountain)
'Babel Tower Light'  `So impotent...their wick hardly matching edifice.`
`Eyes wet enough to cause doe to orgasm.`
`Kiss me for my research book...lips, sign me autograph?`

Name Me
`Where do the crows go, when the wind forms?`

* ____________ *

`The kid in dastardly!`
* Passe Russian Policy *
`Bigger the bear; more to surly.`
`The girl who knew Earth...and every other.`

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Almond Bayou
* Open Testimony * Bombshell Foyer *
`Rumors of rumors, one could almost hear.
More than avenue, rumors so near.`


Tether Nightspoon

* tRump's Picnic *
`Catching hell in a handmaiden's basket; reluctant egg.`


Merciless Evil
* Republican Leading Questions *
`Calling melons when only punkins--suey!`


Sinuous Shame
`The tears of a sin, about to be repeated.`

Pinpoint City on Sinuous :  `Puffy-lipped verb, sultry lisp;
she pulls the hedgecock off.`
`Nurturing pain & tease ... sado-masochist
... Swiss Cheese covering every virtue.`


Crustacean Curmudgeon
* Republican Foresight *
`Scorning the tourniquet, preferring the terminal stump.`

* __ *

War  `Fighting tough, in The Land Of Any.`
`Six gun heart, notch for pulsebeat.`
`In the midst of middle.`
`Your home team's favorite Jesus.`
`Does one have to be Born Again, to have Lessoned?

Lessons Dominoe
UnValentine   `Drop Dead Bouquet, Artifice Flowers.` w/ Adjunct

* ___________ *

Half-Spring Pennymind (& More)
`Rodent cadent, into the end zone!  Fast as rat blazing the corner.`


Cole Ember
`Eating the rest of verb.`

* ________ *

newborn   pudgy-nosed bob, little girl blur
`Beggar's fortune, ragstore rummage...when the rain falls.`
Graffiti   `Raindrops only  heard, falling humans.`
`Angry as a bear cub, impotent clawed.`
`Went into the market, with hindsight's eyes.`
War | Rally Talk :  `Bite down...most dangerous when you are the other cheek
...setting up counterpunch!  Viper death,
counterstrike when you're on both cheks of your ass!`
* ________________ *

Priestly Benediction :  `Upon God's Altar, World Round
...You Might Ravage The Wife...She You.`
Radio   `Popped out to hell, who says purity centerfields?!`
A weak man bred to flavor.
Cold as distant, amalgamated eyes, acme gridiron.`
UnMarriage  `Taken against her rhyme....reason had held sway, left demerits.`
`Ally...thought I'd need one, in a place like this.`
Washed in chance, daybreak came.
Bagels flanked with despair, the same every day.

Pop Mobster
* Common Baby Doll *
`Come on baby doll...lemme tell you all, I wanna tell.`


Thursday, November 7th, 2019

Beveled Moments
`Full as a cuckoo hour.`


Spectrum Patio
`Tried a girl on for size, found her fitting.`

* ___________ *
War   `Blowing fate dry, death could only coagulate.`
`Gleaning off of life's little moments.`
`Pumpkins & lusts, made for orange.`
`When the wish came to marriage, toad arrived.`
1989 Revisited :  `The Chicago Bears with the only kicker who's human.`
'Self Card' w. Flower :  `Just something to remind my smile that it's ok.`
`Head check, sorting the decibels.`

Amanita on writing  `Rumbling hammer, thrump-thrumpetying day!`
'Come On Line'   `Boozy on the freeway, hotel room?`
`Looking for something semi-trite & kinda original.
Something I can almost relate to.`
`A whore's vegetable.`

Gene Misconstrue
`'s looking like a figment.`

`Selling passion in cut glass ice.`
`A good true?`
 Armed & full of time...about to battle.
`Animal randy, we made ways.`
Director   `Impotent as a display!`
`Penny poker, ante up a dime.`
`Holding stooge on the refrain, don't...`
* _______ *

Radio on Luis Tiant   `Big smoke in the motion, pufferfish fireball!`
Amanita  `Broke the pink notebook's back...made her cherry navel.`
`Lost in the after of time, wheys & curds.`
War   `What comes around goes around...tourniquets in the wind.`
Thirteenth Love   `Swirl me tumble down, faraway falling round.`

Earth Acropolis
* Climate Same *
`Flames in brains, grey matter blackened.`


Saint Augustine's Navel
`Too alive to mortal...`

                                                                            --Saint Augustine's
* ________ *
War   `Cast iron, setting the frying pan, battlefield shrine.`
'Plot Strategy'
Smoking Gambler   `A pack full of vice, hand full of dice...roll baby roll.`

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Tether Nightspoon
`All I make is my mistakes.`

* ___________________ *

Marionette Me
* Poker *
`Flesh to fold, ante up.`


Miss Nomers
* Presidential Morals *
`Smooth as a snake's chin.`


Chucksteak Drive
`Struts$ Parallel...running over the edge, into further.`

* __________ *
UnValentine   `No condoms, with you safea as a teardrop never fallen.`
Scary Story   `Hanging In The Spot; Where The Dust Becomes Shadow!`
`Teresa Oracle,` Amanita remembered, `half dark and all light.`
Poser   `When will death, fiction a window of clean?`
`Is...gone like Me?  Then why should my father be.`
`It can be a lot of things, but I'm sure you know the depth better than me.`

Painted Mortals
`A Cartoon Lady I Used To Know, Ten Or Seven Worlds Ago.`


Maiden Webben
`Who knows marvel, from disguise,
flesh from (restored/status).`

* ________________ *
Divorced  `CrossFleshed, you gave me up for mannequin.`
To An Emerging Son   `If you don't have faith in the furrow, don't plow.`
Director   `Shy versatility (posed) you wanna show a human blush.`
13th Goal  `Until we spiral wheel...grasping reality with a straw, short end stick.`
Night Story   `Garlic smile, vampire teeth unbeatable--Jesus Christ or Cross!`
Administrative Graft  `Happy as milk, enrichening udder.`
Poser   `Hasp in the nova, resolution magic black or white
...who eyelets tomorrow; given the timbre of time.`
`Pin the marsh on the mallow, flood the seas...come love.`

Pidgkin Assign
My Team   'American Pygmies'


Villian's Candyshop
War   `Death doesn't always pirouette.`

                                                                            --Villian's Candyshop
* _______________ *
`I love my holidays here on earth,` Windows said.
`Cool your voice down, young seedling.`
Graffiti    `Cookies left in the ghetto, for humanity to find.`
`The big taste of love, inside me.`
`Lost in the wizened, of wrinkle once found.`
'Cuckold Card'   `Done without me...may all your bastards die in the cradle.`
                                                          --Minor Evil
'Do Me Card'   `My face the make it there.`
`Making the mesh murmur, inside thighs.`

Penny Copper
`Happy as a catalog.`


Night Story   `New windows in ghosts you thought you knew.`
'Prayer'   `Interior make me the exact essence I am meant to be.`
'Do Me Card'    `Lonely as a clone ... android thighs, plastic lollipop.`
`Oral & Spoken ... naked as the mouth that toured.`
Poser   `When you dish the cherry, orgasm or despair?`
`The longest stretch of the south forty.`
`Heartwringer Nookied--Pussy Whipped.`
`Little cage in a big underground.`

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Pulse Fuss
`Why can't I be, pulsing atop love, woman making man.`

`Sweat on the flesh, soul furrow ... pink spade.`


Dandelion Egos'
* Cooked Love *
`You can't put her in a little tin wall, aluminum foil.`



Noe Immortal
`You mysteried that ... only memoir.`


PH Atom
* Presidential Twitter *
`Slugging it out ugly, beyond words.`


Pomp Drama
'Strategies Oh Through Seven ' || 'The Eight Fatales Of War'


Kismet Mortal
* *
* Our Mideast *
`Salt in the sand...I should have seen, the ocean.`


Tree Bulb
* Rake The Forest Floor * Ukranian Server *
`Wrapped around toupee--brains!`

                                                   --Tree Bulb
* __ *

Kittens Starlight
`Sleep in my eyes, Mr. Sand...Santa Man.`


Dandelion  `Kids on nipples, tit egos.`
Editor  `Lost the speed, before it could move
...loses it's progression of hurry.`
Harem Evaluation   `Pretty as spice, twice a day snuff.`
FeatherQuill   `Half of remember packed into today
...what's left for heart, clockbeat tick.`
* ____ *

Windows Marry
`Karmic as windowmirrors into soul.`


`On the hit list of ignore.`
`A hard guy's tears...won't see 'em on me.`
on dDitto   `Walked on different quantums, other ways.`
`Box-eyed Anti-Christs & little dog snouts.`
FeatherQuill corrects pronunciation; kids call it 'Featherdusting Home'.
`The Old Grammatical gnawed the bones of fat, marrow tasted.`
* ___________________ *

Nightmare Delivered
`Dressed the bone in name, nightmare.`

                                                                          --Danger Riled...Nightmare
* ______________ *
'Mother Card'  `The border meant to hold the hub together...spiral wheel.`
Radio Barrister   `Standing tall as phantom could play, never there--off tackle gains.`
'Nine Cats Per Season'   `Dancing death on the oblique, one more shot.`
Hammers which couldn't tap-dance steel.
'NightStory'   `On a piece of scream, hair-raising eyes eerie melodied!`
A Piece Of Scream
`Hopcross as Scotch...Bagpipe Dirge.`
Hollow Entropy   `It doesn't matter when you time...just so marrow.`
Chorus   `Tight as a martial drumface, mise heat/heart.`
`Half of after, all the way...`

One Eyed Mona Noon
`You need big anchors at the limbos.`

                                                               --One Eyed Mona Noon

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Pasta Angelcake


Pepper Treewind
`Now Love ... Moments Only Last 'til They're Gone.`


Pique Nickels


* _______ *
Radio  `Third down & trenches.`
FeatherQuill   `Writing in hand, own lines.`
'Once Valentine'   `Shot love full of oh...full as hole.`
`What an empty little sound, just an empty wrinkle in the night.`
`Lookit' how those curtains curl...just like home.`
flattering as a naked curtsy
vex   `What the Hades in Blasphemy!`
Lady Trainer :  `We need a fat-handed lady, to massage our bods,
do us up for the next game.`
War   `Wish I could more, but only one life.`
`High heels make a woman's ass better; carriages their tilt.`
`Which way up, which way inside round.`
`A real WiseHole!  Smart as Wise, ass without a hole.`

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

Lessons Dominoe
`Bedtime God, turning on the night...sunrise, waking and we'll
be there, ready for dawn.`


Moonrise Ephemerides
`The wind blew my skirt up, I thought of you.`


Curry Favor
`Spoiled Kid Card'  `Give me the wish, if you hope to parent.`

                                       --Curry Favor
* ___________ *
War    `Flash on the point, firepower.`
`Dead as immortal became...dead as a number already played.`
Valentine  `Feel free to butt your life into mine.`
(Kids touch bums shyly looking one eye back.)
'Future Marriage Card'   `Perfectly in the glitches; carriage cabriolets.`

`When the time isn't into pumpkin,
...ring please, marriage mine.`

Earth Annapolis
`Things to do, in case of news...`


`Once you ocean, every stream.`


From India
Valentine Promise   `Breaking every bone in your lips, melting kisses...`

* _________ *
vex   `Pisses me off to the gizzard!`
`Took him to the womb, born again.`
'Selfish Card'   `Poisoned alone, doesn't anyone want to die with me?`
`Death in a tealeaf, bodily dress.`
`Stir fried cold turkey!`
`Busy as a twitch--tet-a-na-zation.`
`I don't get a thrill from eating eggs with a woman anyway.`  --Horrid
`Woke up small this morning.`
'Good Night'   `Sweet'll be 'em.`
`This skinny-ass Santa belongs on another block.`
Water   `Skipping nibbles, the waves of a crest.`
Pretty as a weasel, firefight--feathers & hens...`
`Kewpie Doll Saviors ... Too Cute Christs!`
Graduation Card :  `To Raisin Lady & your grape, break a bunch.`
Strut$  'Hinging Paranorm's Lip'
`To much to sooth, on the edge of nerve.`
`Left In The Angle of NoWhere....`
'Any Day Card'   `Homeward wound, I love the trudge of your step(s).`

Friday, All Saints' Day, 2019

Book Velvet


Candy And

* ___ *
chorus    `Slashed as bestial/betrayal/betrothal.`
dDitto Text :  `Subscriptes s, smaller sun...yet who knows where
elevation may grow.`
`Cute as opinion hinted, coy as bland oatmeal.`

Kittens Starlight
* Half-Compromised Starlet *
`Producer taking every edge...own breast, just leave some cleavage for me.`


* ____*

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