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Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

____ . . ____
Thursday Halloween 2019

Kidnap Trepanned
Night Story :  `Like a bug of the shadows...small darkness detached crawl,
moving closer.`
Ukrainian Truth


`Coax the trick into nurture, & then you've got a pigeon.`


Star Satyr
* 13th Chord *
`Time is but lapel...of gordian knot, Strut$ Paradox.`


Hurricane Scream
* House Vote *
`Slick As Twinkies Weiner Packaged.`

* __________ *
Overall Total
`Fat as opportunity, properly leveraged ... & timed.`

Bee Diamonds
`Halloween Warlock Hunt ... What An Appropriate Time,
For A House Impeachment Vote.`

* ______ *
'Half UnValentine'  `Get out of my hormones...`
Wakeup  `Wake up in time to today.`
young love   `Feel my roam, cuddly & free...`
girls tease  `Hobbled to foreplay, he couldn't consummate!`
young as babys velour
`Tough as fare, nothing's sad they had to fate it.`
'UnLove Goodbye'  `Let me after!  Everything's better than today (w/ You).`
Retribution   `Remember my fashion...when you choose to tomb.`
13th Chord :  `Breaking memory into foresight...if you can fracture diamond.`
chiropractic   `Healthy as a noodle's spinal curvature.`
`Crushed runt, still the man of you!`
False Piety   `Maggots resupply, your heavenly front.`
  `Beautiful as 'ooh!' a second's gasp.
'Amenable Divorce Card'  `Hang my memory in shade, peace tobacco cure.`
`Puns & irksomes--go away!`
`Spritzed as a weevil!`
Half-Spring  `Color Commentator, Color Core!`

Azurite to Mona  `We could go into a wish to stay.`
Early Amanita   `Fate as moray ate, death in the underworld.`
UnWakeUp   `Light's still tight beneath the horizon so go away
--I like to sleep nights 'til they go away.`
Critic    `Sad fashioned as shaplier...`
Poker   `Drink the widow, falsetto toupee.`
`Enemy deposed...& why yet tears?  The tearing of America.`
`Very Soon, Very Much...`  (Fingernails Upon Tricep).
Game     `Angels on the warning dock, turf on the line.`

Wednesday, Hallows Eve 2019

Raisin Scores
* Nationals In Seven?! *
`Captain America : One Eye Brown & One Eye Blue.`

`Five Innings Anyway...Max Almost Got The Win.`

                                                         [Second Base ArcAngel]
* ________________________ *
pretty as kissable; delush

Light Breeze
* On Mother *
`She keeps saying I'm My Father's Daughter...are you going to own up?!`

* ___________ *

Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
`Ghosts & shadows, you wouldn't care to duplicate.`

                                                                                          --Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings


Megaton Obelisk
* The Any Talk Shows *
`On to Has & Been...The Late Night Talkies!`


Primitive Sin
* Reminiscing Valor *
`I was...coolest warrior in the cotton patch.`

* _________________ *

Roman Catacombs
* The Common Column *
'Would You Seek Crypt Opinions...After Hours.`



Pillage Burn
`...other mention, you implied...`

Baby Critic  `They have no 'biguity, let alone ambiguity.`
Director   `Breathe the scene, sanity found.`
  'Not A White Christmas'   `...snow had captured, only rain.`
13th Chord : `Pushing the boundries, past taleless hound.`
` enthusiasm wore a groove in hindsight.`
Mascara Madagascar  `Pucker born to stage, I've got the lips.`
Play Line  `Sell my turncoat for underwear...short jail sentence.`
Windows Marry coaches Dream Travel
`Loose a fool as the moment could orb...`
Proposal Card  :  `Heart Shaped QuestionMark...Half Of Forever...Yours & Mine?`
Kids Valentine   `Small as stout, hearts of picket fence...babies & mens & kids too.`
tease   `Big as broad, pecs like a man.`
dDitto Book  ``Standing at the know end, eyes in hand.`
| Ennui |
`I don't even know anybody in that new movie & I'm already tired of 'em.`
FBI Investigated Kavanaugh  `Hasty as pudding fried.`
vigorous as a douche, post-holiday
Gripping munchies with paralyze.
`Cocoon a good love.`
Pulse Fuss   subcutaneous scold
13th Chord  `...the shoes...other foot falling, three times an hour.`
`Too late to emotion, ours.`
A Harlot  `Deep as a tart's please, her smile held ways & angles.`

patronizing as a lost tooth
`Steps that mean life ... at each pace of the way.`
Director's Warning :  `Don't get lost in kids trying to grow 3-D.`
* _______ *
* ___________ *

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

Mantle Face
`Whistleblower so passe ... Anonymous the new.`


Mortality Shortcake
`Light deep as time peeling shadow.`


`The Way You Told It, You Were Leading The Charge
... Yet You Deferred To A Dog.`

* _____________ *

If Maybe w. Probably Maybe
* Laura Ingram *
cloudy workings, sunrise tamed | dirt salacious; sandbox paid

`Deceptive as Tabloid Played.`

* ______________________ *
Struts$  (Own Eye; Asshole) `Devil/Angel, The Choice Is Surreal.`
Soap Diva / Flinty Warrior : `I'm for her to hate.`
War Epitaph  `On the ground bleeding empty, soul gone.`
Dandelion Egos  `On the stage...big as life all the time.`
'Happy Ducky In The Rain'  `I'm for you.`
'Proposal Card'  `Set my kiss on your palm...marry??`
Holy Spirit As Spiritual Revolution w/ Soul As Instrument.
'Boys Boast'  `Scattered crys along the way
...made little girls weep (for want of me).`
'Loosen Up Card'    `Never spontanaitied,                                     
                                     making moment memory before they can begin.`

Lukewarm Storm
* Love Request *
`Half-paced, do me twice.`


Monday, October 28th, 2019

On Upon
On Fashion  `Wearing the edge clean as clothes.`

* _________________ *
Oldest Joy :  `This coffee's hot...`
`Kiss the spit right out of your mouth.`
out toughed   capitulated as spit, he moved on
`It gives you a pious feeling to cut onions.`
tough    eyes raking the fracas for foray
story  `...strange womb frution bore.`
tough   `Take your matches with you lady                     
                            ...if you wish to light facsimilie fire.`
`Bachelor Of Science In Wisdom...Bachelor Of Arts In Dreams.`
`Too real to alive, they made storys.`
Dandelion Egos  `Facades collapse, closet stairway.`
a sunless childhood wrapped in rain

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Slash Fasteye
* "Whimpering..." *
`How will YOU die?
Your Soul Shriven In Hell For Crimes Against The Earthe & Humanity.`

`Death a scoreboard, of temporary  lives.`


Chilly Winklemeir
`I hurt one of my ears, so I have to say things twice.`


* _____________ *

writer   (strained as parenthesis)
'Truth Card'   `Live it up, 'til you live.`

Oasis Stance
`Only a 7-11 can be a little oasis of humanity.`

                                                          --Oasis Stance  (1989)

Pulse Fuss
* A Pulse Valentine *
`(Like A Hematoma) . You Between My Time.`

                                             --Pulse Fuss
                                                 [Head Nurse]

Overarching Intent!
* Evil's Wingman *
 "Where's my Roy Cohen?"
Forever Gone Bad
`Left With A William Barr.`


Friday, October 25th, 2019

Flame Shotfire
* Kellyanne Conway *
`Mean as pissy, her ire held fire.`


Bedouin Cardinal

`The Department Of Justice Is Investigating Itself;
Eternal Purgatory ...Cannibals Policing Themselves.`

`It's getting Doomers Ugly for The Dark White House.`

* ________ *

* Bragadaccio Amongst The Girls : Married Well *
`Fate a dame I turned to Mrs.`
Pool Kids Smoke :  `....a racked joint standing pool.`
Dancing in a mortuary, one of the stones.

Harpsichord Tricycle
`God Knows ... The Heart Of The Sun Gold, Moon's Eye Silver.`


* ___________ *
Director   `Turn that way, marquee me.`
sexed up   `--that's one used bunny!`
His Accomplishments?
  <>  `Glorious as suppositories.`


Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

Lightning Chalice
* Hidden Tapes : Quid Pro *
`Dirty as an alliance with worms~~
things that darkest dreams,
never even mentioned.`

* ___________ *

`World War Posse :  Endless Cowboy`
long as alabastr, tall stockings
`Almost there ... almost now.`  One Eyed Mona Noon
Overall Total :  Break The Anxiety w. Tax Reform : Flat Taxes Tiered
Gone Wrong   `Bombshell Supernova...but you knew it would explode that way.`

Waitress Request:  Coffee Au Lait  `Canned tit, pour me a little milk.`

<>  `Robbbed the hydrant of fire.`

Honey Kitchens
* ... *
`Bee in my bed, you'll be my Valentine...honey come home sometime.`

                                                     --Honey Kitchens

Lariat Seraglio
* Fittingly ... A Tightening Noose *
`He still breathing...?`


Hopi Yogi
Milled Pond Cream
* Human Scum ... tells the truth.`

* _________ *

dDitto     `Nipple stripped to suckling, bare milk.`
Story  `Half past last, couldn't anymore....`
writer   `Strained as parenthesis.`

Gingerbox Jumpseat
* Rotisserie Agitations *
*Love Man Dolls * ` toys who will learn to grow from boy.`

* ___________________________ *

`Gutless delusion!`  --Clarinet Licoricestick
to Dandelion Egos  `Don't know what parts of history...made me.`

Married Miss Trite Overload
* Ring Finger Soliloquy *

`Ovary Card...`

                                                                                       --Married Miss
* ______________ *

`Spin The Minionins Topsy-Turvy.`

Skate Pearl
* Our Secretary Of State : See No Evil *
<>  `Deep as sheep; eyes of congregate pool ... bold Pompeo
hiding in the switch closet.`

                                                    --Skate Pearl
* _________ *

Chucksteak Drive
* Ballgame Foes *
`Don't Worry Boys, Each One ... Straps His Cock On One At A Time.`


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

Beehive Postures
Two Wings Without Sky, Only The Middle Flew

* _________________ *
Today's Editorial :  `Extra-Milk?  Thou Shalt Not SNAP!`
(Six Minutes To Subdue Special Needs)
`Gutsy as busto, all parade--flesh in figament.`
war coward  :  Standing like a stone without bone,
inside nothing.
Downy   'Half Moons'   `...catching blow (wind on craters)
making self concentrics, the recalibration of me.`
Rejecting Second Hand Pure/Second Class Postage
`Not the center of moment, own periphery.`
... soft as a foci    without any wear.`
Nobler than eyebrows could enfold, half a questionmark.
tough   `Make you a punch-faced blur!`

Monday, October 21st, 2019

Monsieur Von Due
* D. C. Mysteries *
`Munchikins in watermelons, who eats the seed?`


Cuke Nuclear
`Boom went the world, when the toll belled.`

                                                         --Cuke Nuclear
* __________ *

Mona to Amanita:  `Subtle imperatives demading life...
                                                   some day you gotta give up pebble, become stream.`
critic   `Old as tired could make it.`

Diamond Steel!
Tentative Senate : `When the rain was hostage to snow...& the sun falls
round (cut by horizon).`


Mon Clarity
`Everything's on the other hand; if nihilist enough.`

* ___________ *

War  `Time to be...hero me.`

Half-Spring Pennymind (& More)
* Nearly Even *
`Twenty-five yards on the fly!  Threw a bone rainbow & now it's time
for a two point try & this femur'll have a game to stand upon.`

* __________ *

`The world's not full of virgins & nice guys.`
`On the back foot of never, hip-check!`
'Lost Valentine'  `Once loving you, only sleep sees...
whispers in my pillow, each feather a lie.`
`Flunkie kept in crayon...eats his dogma in a tray.`
`Rumors which tried to come true...`
Maxim   `Life has lessons flesh can't encapsulate.`
* _________ *

'Lost Prowess :  `Before...I could hear footsteps, exactly where they were.`
SPIN  `Wrapped ypon some figment of unending, how your lies Coil Circu-Flex!`
The rough steam of spurn.
`Too Doing;  You'   `Cut me down to chloroform, mothed butterfly!`
Director :  `Driving as an image, of ridden.`
`Holding yourself, ready to be looked...`
** _____________ **

UnValentine  `Hello Hi...this message, sending messages, of gone & goodbye.`
Well Read   Broken in fourths, dog-earred; a paperback
that had earned its look.`
`Your Mother!`
`Your Mama?  The kind of Mother who would
bear children she could hate,
spindle & mutilate.`
* _______ *

`Me & my shadow, only playing there.`
dDitto   `Wrapped around my future, spiral eyes.`
`Snake more unified, than duality's tongue.`
`Radio Fools without any voice at all...`
`Do what you want, when you will.`
Director :  `Archetypes & Ideals...Little Girl Curls.`
13th   `It's not an enterance, but it's an exit-juxtapose.`
Post Meltdown  `Boy the rich people, they really had rich ways.`
* ______________ *

`Stuff you never heard your mother lie.`
Tight as a hinge, that only squeaked.
confused mirth
Disdain  `Six bullet without eyes, rubber armed gun`
Valentine : `You age me to moment, make me life.`
Brer Rabbit Threat  `--just watch your feathered backside!
Capable of being mucho tar on a plenty hot day.`
* _______ *

minmalist     a dog's momento swiftly drying, frying in the blacktop sun
`God signed with name & date, it's complete right, our love?`
Oblique pyramids, Camel Filters:  2 x 2 Ply Shed.
coffee stained face from years of slurping

Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Noe Immortal
* Relax *
`If impeachment is inevitable...Luxuriate.`

                                                      --Noe Immortal
* ______________ *

Poser  `How many people get to piss in a cream pot?`
`If the shoe flies, fit it.`
Struts$   `Mind & money, two edges of the sword.`
Vacation Ad :  `Time for the night to glow with you....stars.`

Pidgkin Assign
`Swallowed a snowflake, with my name on it.`


The Exiled King
* South Carolina Senator *
`White Blackman ... underneath the threads, beneath the shadows :
... Oreo Tom


2011 PM A.D.
* Storming The Chamber *
A Dozen Interior Reps Join The Dozen Exterior To Re-Get Within.
8 Doppelgangers *
Simian Etiquette :  Back Handed Asswipe.

* _________________ *
blurb   `A class trashy good read!`
Downy on 66 'The Devil's Bullet' :  `Three Faces Of Furrow,
Each A Trident Diamond Seed.`
Downy  `It could sincerly be, twice as beggar.`
Director   `How the lessions of fate o'erderve.`
`Who needs your scars on my play?`

Sinuous Shame
`Move me, movie...wrap me in shame, if settle for play.`

Pet Love   `Don't give me that poopy droxyl kind of love/look!`
`Stuff me winsome--poke me nubile.`
'Teaparty Priests'
treehouse      late night picnic, just the wind & the trees
`Wildly wildly--something some little swanker would say.`
sleepy as a one-eyed teddy bear
`It is the edge of brachia, Voice Box!` Pulse demanded.
War Story   ` danger rearranged, the doughboy's face.`
'Bye Valentine'   `Woman in the shadow, without any feel.`

Corner Chips
* Girls Jibe ! *
`Our Pitcher Pitches!
Shakin' in the foreskin, batter-batter-swing!`

                                                --Corner Chips
* ______________ *

Fontish Noh
`Tough ladies who know their bewares, Mama asked for volunteers.`

* ___________ *

Dandelion Egos
`Beneath the waves, there's still the seas...`


'A State Of Being'  `Rockbound February,  Stones In The Field.`    Go

Coy Poignant
`Cloaked in suppose...the night might be maybe.`


Saturday, October 19th, 2019

Horrid Little Obligato
* D. C. Society *
`Ringless Circus, All Spirals ... To Low The Monkeys, On Totem Pole.`

Horrid as Wee : Indiscriminate Warrior

Gene Misconstrue
* Likes To Think While Spinning Upon A Piano Stool *
`Upon the stool, fiction's atom.`

* ___________________ *

Debate :  `Stepping upon stood, the foot you wore.`
`Ooopy doopy doo--don't do me Baby Boop.`
love   `Make me deep as another day, fable in time.`
dDitto text   `Long as a sieve, every rivulet.`

Lukewarm Storm
* Reproach :  Honeymoon Goodnight *
`We can make love a walk in cake miniature ... or we may make it alive.`


Friday, October 18th, 2019

Psychofield Welsh
Presidential Signature: Diagnosis
* Spiky Colon Cancer or Coitus-Ruptus? *
`Savage Release...the monstrous thickness calling attention to self.`

`Exhibiting Pure Male Hatred & Rage;
Where Is The 20th Letter, the T--That Necessary Balance Of Feminine Horizonal?

                                                  --Psychofield Welsh
* ___________
`Creamed captions, when the boys come in...`
Book Start  `Transom stories of times & wases...`
wore reprimand like hair; pick-teased & displayed
Tough Girl's Umpire  `Park your little blue move outta of here!`
'Anxious Valentine'  `The flakes burned like me or love me not,
falling snow.`

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

Jimmy Angel
* Strategically Brilliant *
`Not Angels...And Your Daughter Is A Virgin.`


`They've got a lot of sand over there.  There's a lot of sand that they
can play (Buried) with.`


Hindsights Parade
* Aren't You? *
`A lisp in a quandry...little boy special.`

* _______________ *
Simile Thimbles   `Two grapes flat as a pair, flicked disorder.`
irony  `Lackdasical as a Jew's harp.`
Handmaiden Gentlewoman {Poker}  `Don't you feel the sin...seeping in?
`Making tighter than fable, sable fur.`
Amanita Scouting :  Feet & fingers in equal amounts, she crept quarry.
`Clockface mobile, time went on.`

* Rudy G *
`Shackled to a scream that ate your throat--ever woke up that way?!`

* _________________ *
`Cozy as Costa Nostra--if you cease to Gun Moll me!`
'The Slaymaster Of Small Minds.'
`Wild--save me from tender!`
`Flesh Stoic :  Only The Weakest Were Willing.`
`Nasty as spice, deep as hot sight.`
`Trying to hammer a rainbow into iron.`

Oasis Stance
`The Potty Room Lounge where they serve Shirley Temples & Sugar Spikes.`


Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Sable Ice
`Sweet ... Coming Soon; Black Market Fur in California.`


Orange Ball
* Hardly Nancy Drew *
'Rudy's Sleuthing Talent'   `Milking minnows for sperm;  whales worth.`


Pique Nickels
* tRumps Legal Defense *
`Brief as underwear, never put on.`

* _____________ *

Directors  `Isn't that a plump angle...`   `A little behind.`
`Surmounting Pepsodent--smile!`
Mona Ritual : `See me rolling on the line.`*
relig   `Pointless haeven, if groscope trapped on Earth.`
Literary Pinpoint :  `Pinions & parenthesis squeezing words!`
Yellow lotions soothing sunshine, skintone.
Fawning   `Your idlest conversaton has Holy Grails in it!`
Eager Electorate  `Let me be, the tail you wag...`
13th Chord   `Too constrained by how...`
Sincere as a tear, that only hovered.`
Sinuous Sin wistully agreeing w. Pinpoint City:  `Wayside stamens ... never pollinate.`
lesbians    smoke and billiards, bare shoulders
On An Aunt  `Mixed with perm, grey threads of death!`
the storyteller was bluntly descriptive,
and several of the younger children shivvered.
soft as hint, fuzzy verb; sweater move
`Just a young love girl...giddy as a tiddly-wink, about to be flipped.`
Horrid plays WWII Ace  `Give me a tail gunner with an asshold for eyes!`
`Alien Pagan! your voice betrays!`
`Come on, time is waiting to do!`
w/ Dandelion Egos :  `Catch me edge of capsize, signing ashen cross...`
to Director  `--me playing the full-blooded gigolo?!`
* Dirty Duty *
`Bad Seed!  Mortified as a turd--I'll See You Fallen!`
* __________ *

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

* Rudy Katrina :  Hard Rock Rapier--Trump's Gunslinger *
-  Overblown Foam! -
`Careless shoes, walking in twos...Fat Tuesday on the prowl.`


Jet Bubbles
* ... is A Thoughist *
The Deep State = Embedded Civility


Textbook Persian
* Perfidy *
`Lawrence Of Arabia would not approve.`


Friday, October 11th, 2019

Butter Compilation
* Crazies Rally *
Minneapolis False Lips  :  `Bang-Going @ It, Fast As Two Could Couple.`

                                              --Butter Compilation

Cameo Orbit
Kurdish Bedtime Prayer  `Deep as a dream...blanket for warm, covering me.`


Innuendo  `Making acquiantance, in other ways...`

`When you earn your short & curlies, then you can love.`

* __________________ *
New Press Secretary?  ...Petty Morgnna; last bid for power in the anteroom.
...a sunless childhood wrapped in rain.
Movie Love Line :  `The night is the world at the moments...`
`Pink Sinners!`
`Diplomat In Residence  :  Ringtailed bingo...whose halo resides here?`

Thursday, October 10th, 2019

Longform Holiday
* Imbeciles Thread *
`No Kurds at Normandy...Wisconsin Cheese More Patriotic!`

[Curds & Whey; The Flotsam Of History.]


Cut (Love) Jewel
* on Miss Nomers *
`Looking shadow deep, I saw her soul.`

* _____________ *

Dandelion Egos   Closing the stoneface corner in brick.
`All the oblique you supposed...`
`Stood in the moon, made it go away.`
'No Longer In Love'   `Suppose that's the way of it,
after the spoken goes.`
Hungry as a houseboat lapping, crackers & water.
'The Any Talk Shows'   `On To Has & Been...The Late Night Talkies!`
`Concealed In Deal...`
Overall Total vex   `Mansions & mergers!`
Paradox    In the place of maybe, despite.
`Reads complete, paragraph fast!`
[Hell No More Golden Than Heaven]
`Congress & Cauldrons!`
A Mobile Dirigible
on feisty point guard     hinged on sharp, her knees knobby,
elbows establighting rebound air
'An English Line'    `Your sins delivering paisley.`
Going To War : `If you've got your wrapper...I'll keep your nerves.`
writer    Eating characters like they were skip rope rhyme.
  'Half Miss You'  `Resting my backside on a hemroid, 'membered you.`
"If looks could hot, melting over you.`

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

Name Me
`Darkness & fast lives...crashing in the night.`

                                                                --Name Me
* ____________ *
Story Start  `In the evening, where the sun won't roam...`
Post Story  `Hear you make...story seem real.`
on Downy   `Purple scold, wisdom crone.`
`Bus ticket to pie, all the eaten cake...`
Drug Wistful
'There's moons & spoons...that've out-jumped everyone.`
on the edge of rascal, tickle bear
`...on your own, after hours...when time comes round.`
Sinuous Shame   `Steam ways cherry.`
`Rusted by disease, it was only body...`
war        dead faces that never woke
` to take a moment's lumps & go on pulsebeat.`
Story   `Darkness & fast lives...crashing in the night.`
Overall Total on business base that leaves room for height to start seedling,
not stump.
"Risking fall with the seed of tall; better than stump.`
`Dizzy as woven, every other woo...`

Two Star Horror Movie
Fashion Announcer   `Hairdo crueled, look torn in pose.`

                                                                   --Two Star

Sunday, September 22nd, 2019
For Sale & /Or Co-Development:
Band Names; Album & Song Titles; Lyrical Chorus' & Ribs.
(Some Bands are already partially formed; audition for musicians,
singer & lyricists are currently being held.)
$$ [] An Offering From Late December 2002 [] $$
EDITORSSpider Blues
* Sombrero Guy * Blue Cat Deville

A pretty blue black, Spider gives the cool from aside.
He got to hang w/ Chad
& Tyronne Union Star Power;
is tight after meeting them at The One World Apocalypse Ball.

Sombero likes many types of music; has a monster crush on Shakira.

Blue Cat's tastes are as eclectic as his genetics;
his father Basque, mother Moroccan-Indonesian.
Notation:  We are seeking to learn the bending of The 12th - 13th Chord,
a la Juan Carillo & Orpheus.
(See pages 272-280 of Secrets of the Mexican Pyramids.)
[Culled From Many Entries; Varying Personal Favorites Are Noted Below]
* ___________ *

Chocolate Marshmallow
Cats In Motion   "Way beyond play money, Lucifer's inventions
...the coffin a tomb of emotion."


Curry Favor
          StyleCrime   'Fingerprints & Evidence' their debut album.      


West Porcheve
MoreDolls (w. their orchestra Tomboy Spit)
"Old folks dancing their own taps."


Wind Ornament
The Teddy Bear Starlights   'Cold Ohio'
"A very October night, I like the moon that way.                          
                Why don't we requite, making babies tonight."

Nude Shadows   'Illusion's Clue'  "--you saw the corner turn."
The Twisted Knobs   'Pinochio's Paintbrush'
Naked Proof   'Akashic Memories'   'Ink & Thread'
"Closer than wear, your clothes...upon soul."
War Animals   2022   "--not the suspect, the one suspecting."
Egg Tattoos w. True Eternal   Raspberry Pavillion on bass.
Remedial Priests   'Opaque Promises'
Pureblood Bastards   "Thing wish they were."
Pagan Babies   "Seen tonight, the moon her only light...
your last imagine, first desire."
Committing Sins   'Venial & Mortal'
"Committing sins you had to do...if God committs sins, you will too
...parked as a shadow, the deep blue darkness of Hell."
Tic Marks On The Outskirts   50's Beatnik Band
"Living on white dough & gumdrops, how can the world survive.?"
Teenage Derivatives   'Making Chicklets'  a song about novice tooth kisses
Mingling w. Persians   "Is this where you want to be,
or were you trying to reach me.
I passed him on the way, & then he was here."
Kids On Candy   "Your Mommy bought your love with a teddy bear;
you swore her heart beat blood; you were but another toy."
What Happened To The Sonic Booms   'Bonsais In Snowdrifts'
w/ Clone Milk
& Dish Upsets as Lead Singers
Three Knots In An Eyelash   'Nine Foot Nine'
"Nine foot cowboys in six inch heels
--they grow 'em bigger out west."
Bare Apples   'Chapter In A Child's Tale'
w. Probably Moms, a lead singer who is cuddle wanting,
willing to reap oats
"...just because was, was so."
The Sleeping Widgets   Album Cover:  Cupid w. little arrows
coming out of him like a porcupine.
Little Angels & The Kisses
"I think they do it on purpose, I think you're the reason why.
You're a bad boy.  You hear me?  And bad boys don't get good.
Bad boys could."
The Atomic Blonds   w/ Each Midnight
& Infiinity Pan
on lead & bass
Jester In The Poorhouse   'Initial Coda'
"The clock dropped @ 1:04, & the door reverberated as never before."
Mixing The Seeds   "We could finish the window with light
...& get to the inside of pink."
Prettyboy Noise   a synchronous made up boys band
Texaco FM   "Going to town, the leave the normal behind...
secrets buried with the death of a gun."
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