Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened

Tuesday, The End Of April

Rush Crossward Puzzle
___ Capitol Steps Lobbyists ___
--nothing sacred, everything for sale.
* __________________ *
- Duds Aligned : Proper Valet -
aka 'Dude Allude'
- Narrow Bigamy -

Trent Overcoat
___ Quadrant Skies - Confederate Wars ___
As Mason-Dixon Lies
Salamander Gerrymanders : Chameleon Fine Print
Stuffs Carpetbags w. China Merch


Under The Bumps
- Spinster Limbo -
* Tinkertoy Love *
`Cargo Seeks...`
- Again Is Again -
The Night Someone
Love Was Not Enough, When It
Never Was.`
* ______________ *

Heart Artichoke
Enticing : Desperation Allied With Want :
~ Worries Foam ~
_________________ *

`You Are So--Mean As A B!`
Bee Diamonds!`
- (A) Playground Rival -


Beefcake Carved
`--breaking every rule, that won't come true.`

][ `Once Upon A Ways...Eternal Teaparty.` []


Olden Days put away, the sane of insane--scream as asylum
That You : Dead As Yesterday's Breath

Pulse Fuss
`Running out of
love seeded, in the ashes of four leaf clovers.
My hugs & kisses, but
figments of wishing wells.`
* ________________ *
- where angels sing lazy memories; flower playgrounds -

Pillow Foray
`You can be my boyfriend, for a housefly's lifespan.`
}{ Venus FlyTrap {}
* ___________________ *
- Karmic Debts : Happen Stays -
Weaving The Winnow - Death Continually Suckling Worms Of
Dissatisfaction :
That 110% Always A Minute Past Midnight.
[Ever Pumpkin Cabriolet]
- Curious Facts Of God -
Fiction Non : Come On, Let's Keep It BallPark Real.

Stature Mansions
`She had a rat race face; that acquisitive twitch.`
Monday, April 29th, 2024

Farm Watermark/Buck Dairy
Of Isms
- A Creature Of Naught -

Once Everywhere
- Fontasm : Cursive & Block -
* ___________________ *

Orange Ball
- Heartless Integrity : Open Hole/No Doorknobs
In His Home -
- Punkin' Dumb; Lacking Seeds -
`Cabinet Disclosure : Peter Inside His Shell - Can You Imagine
His Puppet Clown ITs?`
Velvet Round - Goalpost Found
* ____________________ *
- Urchin Words; Of Little Heart -
: stodgy as apparel :
- Piss & Fritter : Pissing Away The Time -
`Weeding seeds, befoe they've grown :
Proactive Genetics : Immigration Selection With A Purpose!`
wishy washy scars adorning your blink;
white washing eyelashes
- People Are Creeps - Dogma Mortals -
Needed Foment--The Suds ON the Brew - Sedition Needed!
[If Selfish Stars Are To Harbor Hearts]

Flesh Equator
`Bloated Foment...I Am Living Caricature.`
Alibi - Ographies
Bealzebub He's Cupid
[Only One Day Of Dicatorship]
Audience Of None - Jury Complete : MAGA Maggots Spawn
* ___________________ *
- Wrap Around Past; Memory Same As Today -
- Calmly Screaming -
- Ragamuffin Tiff -
White Gloves Ettiquette; She Cared Neither For Dust Nor Fingerprints.
- Bashion Fashion -
Chalice Tea...One's Own Brew Bewitchest
Rear View Tear - Miss You Gone
`God's Sight, by A Committee Of Cherubim.`
Lone Star - You The Only American Hero
(We Treasure Your Vote)
`Wasn't Aware (One Of) The Basket Of Deplorables -
Essentially Was, & Proud Of It!`
`--for sugarcane's sake, be sweet to me! `
`Truth Tried : Sans Trunk or Bole;
Faux Of Foliage--Willow Constant, Your Love For Me?
How Might Matrimonial Roots Grow?`

Dandelions Ego
- 100% Now -

Kismet Mortal
`O's X'ed - Half-Life Always -
Lost Kisses - Forgotten Hugs
! Breaking Valentines !
* ______________ *
Mortals Posted X-St one Markers of Unspoken Words
15 Line Symbol : 9 & 6 Inner Vertex Vortexes
* _______________ *
`Missing The Fictional--Too Realitied!`
- The Sins Of Instead -
'Aplique Lies `You forever never became.
In token of payment, a seamstresses scars.`
Serf Peons : Tidy As Dust Particles, They All Knew Their Places :
[Residential Serfdom]
Cookie Monster Whore--Every Lonely Saturday Night
Prophecy : Edging Toward Moral
`I don't wish to see the authors picture on the back cover.
& have no inerest in the personal lives of actors & actresses.`
Figments In Peril (Of) Being Discovered By Truth
Parameters Mate : Equal Parenthesis
`Past Permissions...On Automatic Renewal...Daily & Yearly Paid.`

Solace So
- Don Desantis -
: Would Be Godfather :
`Who you all fuss & piss!? Disney's great!`
--Would Be Princess!
--Solace So

Terra Box Nouveau
Arbor Sent * Earthe
Restore The Reefs : Lungs & Ribs
* _______________ *

Emerald Fey
- Opportunity Alarming -
Tick - Too Tock Assuming : Her Second Hand :
___ The Last Word On Life : Soul Adamant
- Prior Incarnations : Repetitive Self Incest -

Solstice Votive
Supreme Court Prophecies
Fiction Fragmented - Into PseudoFact :
- Historical Wanteds : Excuses For Present Bes -
- 'cause doin' Wants To Keeping On Doing -
As Long As Wants Too -
- Signa Dignity -

Crosschain Sidewalk/Gro'
`The Left Side Of Promise...You Never Came True.
Foray Lonely, MisSpelling Helll...`

Secret Woo
`Wraith Safety...Sanity?
Do You Believe In Republican Gool...Powers Imminent.`
[Never Confessed]
Legacy Fate - America's Destiny?`
(The Sable
Mati Hari Flower)

Liaison Velour
`All Saints' Day...Getting Down To The Skull Of Apostrophe.`

Buck Nightwing
`I Am The Orphan Of My Soul...
If God Wanted, He Could Not Stop Me Do.`
April 28th, 2024

Poised Wanton
Natalie Portman : The Professional Jennifer Connelly
: Once Upon A Time In America :
Lindsey Lohan The Parent Trap & Mean Girls
* _____________ *

Tork Mallarky
Three Aces, Ltd. : No Spades (3/5ths Freed Slaves) - But Clubs
Are Proportionally Represented
- Hearts & Diamonds Included, Too -
Include Too : Niggers & Kikes RedLined
* _______ *

Teddy Badlands/Paintbox Shoes
- Summarizing God's Intent -
* _______________ *
Wilderness Hearts
- Hurt Spurned -

Half-Spring Pennymind (&
# Would Be Writer #
- Two Methods : Tome Bound - Or - Many Surfaces - Scraps &
/ Rebel Nightingales -
Instantly Written & Semi-Forgotten - Phasing Blank Page
[Nursemaid Curious - Taming Eloquence]
Page Begun - The Rebels Clue
* _______________ *
- The Inertia Of Quagmire : Old Age -
Ghosts Proposed : Shadow Solutions :
Cherry-Picked Emotions Of YesterYears :
Memory, Fiction & Fact Blending Into
Historical Editioneds

Powerless Farthing
- Two Pence On The Half-Dime -

Solace So
- Miss You, Still -
8 * 8 - Lost Tangles - 8 * 8
- Pure As Mistletoe -
* ______________ *
- Exactly As The Game Happened -

Very Valentine
`--bitch pest!`
Dear Diary
`That's what he called me, when he told me to go away.
But I couldn't.
Crushing on him.`
[Third Grade]

Death Breathy
`Her apple tasting Eden; prehistoric lips.`

Dormant Egg
~ `Cuffed in bondage--perpetrate me!` ~
* _____________________ *
~ chasing old orgasms ~
fossilized; the sun moot
Doll Self
`Come on, shape up! Put you doll to bed--
Little Pissies` too tired to play.`
- Parameters Scolding : Neat Litle Girl -
Specific As Facts - Once As Been
- late as mourning; lives half-lived
swimming in the fast; each breath underground
Saturday, April 27th, 2024

Monsoon Cherish
`War Dawn...As The Day Came Apart.`
Taken Runaway
* ____________ *

dDitto Cruciform
UnWritten : Crosspiece Tapestry [My Autobiography]
* _______________ *

Lightning Chalice
Candles Crossed + Shed Lesser Light +
Fatal Identity : Soul Travel Vs. Astral Projection

* ________________ *

Eternal Teaparty
- Intimate Mixings - Intimate Nothings? -
- Naked Flames! -
(Half-Truths Eternal)
Oblique As Negligee

- etched in clause; prenuptial love -
* _____________ *
- Broken Cups -
- Cheating Temptation -
- sharp as chardonay -

Schoolboy's Sorrow
- Lesson Learned : A Surge Of Meaning -
: Standing IN The Angst :
April 26th, 2024

Lattice Veneer
- Evening Ago -

Stands Gravity
- Part Fact - Deviating From Truth -
|| Deliberate Deceit : DoubleSpeak ||
- Fast As Loose : Facts & Fictions Mixed -
__ Audacious Mendacity - Nimble Subtext - Sunset Allude
__ Perforce Animus __
* _______________ *
`On The Devil's Horns/Angel Wings Require Skies.`
Hinterland Pens
- Anal Opposition To (Newly Perceived Injustices) -
Reactional Bed Wetting tRump
[Foreign Policy Is More Than Book-Learning]
Infinities : The Prescence Of More
; knobby knees; but clear of eyes
Toast `Round As Perfect - One For The House.`
* ___________ *

Candycane Lattitude
- The Last Sleeper -
The Future Of NOW : Minutes Hostage
Focal Current ~ The Present (In C/O) Instant Always
The Final (UnModern) Boy

Secret Mixes
&/as Ghosts Of The Past : Enclose...Current Memories


Tukus Urbane
- Want Exactly -
/ scuzzy as pedigree/deference defer /
: Engaged In The Niceties Of Nothing :
Fat Man's Poodle
* ___________ *
- sporatic partisan -
- active oblique -
- cleaving ripeness -
single as finagle/strange as paper bone

Saint Augustine's Navel
Darwin Grown
- self juxtaposed: in the moments, it is hard to ape freelance dance -
* ____________ *
a dancer clumped as dowdy, laggard shoes
- mists & ghost; but part of the landscape -
Wallflower Rebuff : `--handsome as try, a masher.`
dancing pin's head, shoulders widthing needle; slim & pliant nebulae
- dancing passion's mouse -
`--do the mood, use.`
`He tries to be obvious, never imprints.`
- face devout insane -
- repetive as possible; dancing high life moments -
- The Process Of Principled -

Crustacean Curmudgeon
- Congressional Afterlife? -
- Charming As A Prude; Wooden Wry--No Second Date -
Supreme Court Thief : Justice Obstructlionist
--May You Defame Histories Pages.

Pincushion Hats
- `For a song, a wish or a memory.`

My Master Rides - 'Littl' Mix'
: A Hobby Horse For Boys & Girls

Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
- Motionless As Bread -
Simple Romance - She Had A RomCom Heart
Hallmark Hopes...
{As EverAfter Turned To NeverMore : Kinetic Purr}

Daniels Our One (HomeGrown) Nuremberg Trial
- Delay Appeals : Rich Men Harvey & Donald/Harvey-Donald -
/ Jewish & Gentile Serials /
- Jail Numbers w. Supreme INFluence! -
Individual Serialized
Fiord Spoon
Performing Bears At The Intelligensia Petting/Betting Zoo
- The Loss Of Simplicity's Streak :
The Daily Total Deciding...Today's Saint Olar ER Sturgeon
[] Solid Upper MidWest []
* ___________________ *

Honey Kitchens
- The First CheckerClothed Picnic - Red Or Blue; Always The White -
Man & Or Woman : Duel Decides - Half Decsions
smudged by buss; the muss of trivia
- separate acts -

Magnus Pages
- Bibi's My Boy -
- UltraOrthodox Paradigm -
`Dissent? Would've Snuffed Out Freedoms Tradition!`
- Shot The Fiddler Off The Roof :
Even If Perlman - If Not Exalting War Songs -
: #Specific Forays : Someone Told Me - It's Not ALL The Jews
- BIBI's Just So Easy To Hate! -

Thursday, April 25th, 2024
* Detroit NFL Draft Day *

Lightning Chalice
- Reincarnation : Contours Of Light -
: God's Remakes - Dawn Once Again :
: Given Daylight's Chance :
Next Breaths - Of - Pneuma Spirit Soul

* * *

`My Man - Mal America!
- Corrupt Of Intent - Promise Sans Truth :
Intentions Corrupt - Promises Loose
dDitto Cruciform
- A Litany Of Everything -

Snap Axel
`Faster Than Far - Astral Projection!
Do It / Need No Car
- Rich Man Trials Never End : Ever Appealed -
- Sentence Ever Ends? -
* _____________ *
- ending the last part of chance -

Stoolie Vestibule
* Mercury Direct & The DETROIT NFL Draft *
! Mercury D : 8:54 AM @15* 58'
: No Excuses For Not Picking True :
Fantasy GMs : FOLLOW That Last Moment Hunch :
Context : Sabian Symbol (Phase 16*)
Attunement to the potency of physical forces of nature.
(i.e. - becoming like a little child)

Mix Romance
Bubble On Cobwets; Partial Dew
- dressed in dance, there for the time -
* ___________ *
dancing could - walking stood

Evangelist Creed
- human as balustrade
All Saint's Day :
When Time Would Supersede -
`Forgotten. Pas mal.`

Mercury Direct : Time To Zero Your Compass
- Tuned To Today -
Teacher @ The Alone Orphanage

Pop Mobster
- On The Take -
Cop Mephistopheles
--Byline Destiny
(Nephew of Jester Interdiction)
* __________ *
- his beard a stalagmite of drippings -
- ! - Singlet Prey - ! -
- Clue Destiny -
- When I get Dog Bottom Breath, The Maid Hygenic Crests -
Like tRump, Like Me; I've Heard His Breath Is Also Pristine -
- Short-Sighted Moles w. Lemming Minds -
Pound$Money : God
Also Idolizes - The Golden Calf
Wednesday, April 24th, 2023

Pink Hue
`3/5th Human / Part Human
Red-Lined Throats Mason Dixon Souls
Beware of Miss Nomers : The IMP Mistress Knows
The Ways Human Nature Curdles.`
: A Textbook Of Imp Infamy :
Silent As An Apostrophe/Chorus 'less
* ________________ *
- Curds Display -
- Curbside Foment - ONce Control -
Rambunctious Edgewater
- The Arc Of God's Covenant : Mortalities Rainbow -
- Autumn Ambling - Summer Memories
- lonely as all the time -
- Purple Carnivale` -
`--couple scrunched, I can't see those newlyweds truly making it.`
- First Ditch Effort : Guaging The Embankments -
Dyed Early Grey - Disguises As A Semlance of Autumn :
A My December Date
Puppet Thing : She Had Become Mickey Mouse Sans Strings
* _____________ *
- single as finagle`-
dodgin nimble; empty lottery ticket
`--don't sully the night with impudence.`
`Can't dance in combat boots, grapple in leather.`
- coal miner's smile, snuff enchewed -
`Pie Alive! --don't want that pumpkin to burn me.`
`Hoopa-joopa! Waves of irridescence.`
`This party wild as the angel on your eyelash.`
dance - distending beer or pregancy (0r costume), popping
motion opaque -
- slap happy enblaze -
`--I'm going to play/portray, an old cripple who still limps, gets on.`
Autumn Happens : 6th Grade Gradation : Passing The Last Doll
Jr. Adulthood - Age Of HOstess
- Taught Karma : Religion Packaged (In) Bald Truth -
- Three Aces : Production Unlimited -
- Streaming Kiss -
- the deepest part of day -
- hopeless credenza -
An Anonymous Polyphony : an untidy world laspsed at her forehead
Normal Human Beings : Formerly
Of Soul
tumble-down God, awry among mortals
- Half Chance Stew -
- Perish The MOon -
- something close to regret -

Such You
`...sometimes when becomes.`

- Simple As Flame -
[] Hearth Makes Home []
* ___________________ *
`--kiss you with the back of my hand.`
- Scamp Rapscallion -
`Premonition of dust in my did it get there.`

Crimson Timothy
[Courtroomed Donald]
`Absurly Diminished. Late 1960's - reminds me of the tame bear
at the roadside petting zoo in Eagle River, Wisconsin.
A Strict Diet of Warm Bottles Of Pop From
The Cageside Vending Machine.`
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

Jpg Montage/Shadows Facsimilie
Poem End : part friends
* ________________ *
- the last day ever told -
sipping Tuesday's prelude
both hands chance
5 disracted by fate
'Starxs' 'Staxs'
- stranger on her alone -
- parts friends -
raincoat child
awning softness often softness
stone inside dawn
--saw you wish the rain.
close my alives in memory
seems like left awake
stealing past
...don't get enough to dream
left to choose lower levels
thins that quite not be
- circle trapping dreams - O @ fifteen O

Kidnap Trepanned
`--handy as a toy, you made me yours.`
* ______ *
`--'til the gods betrayed yesterday.`
`--but I think I've got a lover I like.`
`--buy a cloud & tend your dust.`
weathervane durable; her lips veneer
ruined as pus; downscaled
- dark mysterious softness -
- filthy thin -
- cleaving ripeness -
Baby Matrons : Heartbeat
D.C. Bees : active oblique

Shoe Land
: Spill Entryway : : Votive
Mysteries :
- Intentions Ending -
`--died for insides.`
all you could only
less happening
- fuse cemented -
`Can't forget...moments last memory.`
`Stopping at second, soul half way home.
Stopping at heaven, alone.`
- equipping sins, lips permissive -
'Crockery' - smaller worlds, half cooked
`You know how she goes. Goes for me.
Come on. Baby she comes.
We go. Gone.`
`--second card from yesterday.`
`Cried like your wish, we couldn't come true.`
Potpourri Assassin
- taken up in mood, due to do -
`--loved me like never, all the times.`
--her looks singularly miscellaneous.`
`--strange as paper bone!`
`It's a lonely life. Drink a little water...make a little tear;
piss at the moon.`
Monday, Earth Day 2024

Pique Nickels
* _______________ *
- solidly pleasant -

Chucksteak Drive
Strictly Business
Southern Governors Bemoan The Plight Of Volunteer Scabs :
Label Shawn Fain Sinn Fein
Blame Unionization Of Volkswagen On Communist Wobblies.
Fear It Will Infect The Rest Of The Right To Work South.`
[Even Henry Ford -
Advocated Working Wages]

Teddy Badlands/Paintbox Shoes
Caught Killed! Sacred As Pound Puppies & Every Fetus
Save All Rumors - Tabloid All News!
- If Perhaps -
: David Pecker
Surpressed Cocktail Weenie's
Stubby Handprints - Criminal & Moral?
<>Accompanying Non
`Sins of Calibre.`
`How Many Peckers Could A Woodchuck Wood.
Would Woody?`
Does Pinochio? Will His Nose Grow?
--Teddy B.

Chilly Winklemeir
* TV CourtRoom *
! `Obviously! Stubby Handprints - Pussy Imprints
Capping The Face Of Each Digit?
Loops, Whorls or Arches?
Air, Fire or Earth--Digits Of Intent!
If The Glove Fits - Was The Condom Too Loose?
Cocktail Weenie's Jizz Intent!`
- `Death Sentence!? Bang-bang--ThaT Gun Premature.` -
Sunday, April 21st, 2024

Marquee Neon
: Court Comfort :
"It's Freezing!"
`Come on you pussy--put on some long johns; or wouldn't
they fit under your Depends--crimp your cocktail weenie John?`

Book Velvet
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Illustrious Author?
`Childrens books...every B-Celebrity Accessorized -
Ghost Written Reality The Second Act Of No Career.`
* _____________ *
- The Thump Of Boom : Was It Furnace Or Cannon? -
Casual PTSD'ed
Triage Fast - Death Was Her Ardor
: Paper Past - Histories Scanned With Little Result :
- apple dumpling rump; old men yesrned to cozy up -
- A Second Instant Of Imminence -
Full Service Gods, We Incorporate Mortal Sensibilities :
Provide Paid For [More Than Tithe]
The True Dutch Boy Has Many Fingers:
Statesman Digits For Every Incipient Dike.

Stone Pavillion
`...oblique negligence; her posture was lax; carriage erect...
her feminine ~ fetal tidal suggestive
silky equipped, her hips held murmurs
Actual Conundrum Indeed!`
Stone Pavillion was
consummate pause/Detective Ponder.
[He Liked To Playground Surmise]
* ___________ *
`--but I'm impressed, nonethelessed.`
`--wild as seems!`
- left self containing -
- blissed tranquil -
`--never find, another rhumba like mine.`
- move as dude; cold suede -
dancing notorious
reluctant Lucifer
- Curds Display : A Textbook Imp (Infamy) -
- mists & ghosts, only part of the landscape -
`--popping out to flesh margain.`
- dance floor restored -
- handicapped clean -
Glitter Bursts : 'Fists Of Colour'

Mascara Madagascar
Mad Dementia : Hate Incorporation
Southern Promised Lands Of ReIncorporation
The Slave ReMade UnFree
Historical Markers - Empty Greene
PostNote doGDeposits
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
- Quiet Impressions -
: Stranded In The Left Side Of Limbo :
`Her Smile Grows Colder As Life Gets Older...Time Abides.`
- Page Dismayed : Grapefruit Insane -
Mansion Stand : G Man
'Sherrif Of The Ban Squad'
- Calmly Staryed -
- tentative tallow -
- Back To Back Mash - A Thanksgiving Dance
Tidily Coveting--Assured Of Her Tithed Interest In Jesus
Upon Limbo's Pain, She Did Not Know Where It Hurt
- starvation ghosts thin as the gruel -
`Don't e apologizing for your body (it's mostly about soul).`

Pillage Burn
- Self-Immolation : Mortal Given -
Not Quite So Pure As Spontaneous Combustion
Moses Omen : `Was The Burning Bush A Conspiracy?`


Caesar Roy
'North Of God' : Among The Holiest Of Souls
O Coveting The Face of The Sun O
- Above The Law : Federal, State & Moral -

Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions : We
Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
|| Comprising Everything : Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks &
For Chalkboard
Graffiti.Com ||
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Twitter Montages *