Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened

. _____
Friday, April 19th, 2024

Emerald Fey
`--just because was, was so.`
* ____________________________ *
- striptease; ephemeral -
Dirt the size of boulders, timeless grains of sand.
--counts don't count, unless you're saying' emotions.`
`--& we'll fall on the carpet, but it'll be heaven.
Red Sent Fame.`
`He needs to be a boy again, he always will be.`
`Which side of card?`

Spoken Sky
'Second Hand Hits' : Secondary Album Compillations
'DJ High'

Drum Shorts/Staccatto Pants
`One last funny nothing, one last goodbye...
Magdalene Mothers Too.`
* ____________ *
robin frightened; stiffening breeze

Rocket Lobster
[] Macbeth(Ish) []
`--must have loved, some spawn.
It you don't kill; it will be pet.`
--Rocket Loster
* ___________________ *
- just some kids, talking about the maybe -
tic a flinch; more

Amanita Pesquita
elegante` as e`
* __________________ *
- sun costing daylight -
- Shadows Around The Dark - Interiour Nimbus -
- Election Day Vaccine : Promises tempting Lies -
pawn blind/eyeslit
- crack afterfact; interiour edges -
: Dismissing Crass - Can Only Enoble
Open As Only A Pose Could Be - I Almost Kissed You

Pomp Drama
AfterFacts Rearranged
: Total More :
* ____________________ *
- always living without a clue -
- Opium Long -
: Showcase Faces :
Parking The Morning In UnDone: Night Befores
- shadows sample guise; she was a hefty girl

dDitto Cruciform
Omen Fundamental : History Is The News
- Next Second's Edge -
* ______________ *
'Train The Pallate - Have Soome Beers!'
: When Stick Or Book Matches Went Down The Aisle,
Hand In Hand w. Nary A Care For Toothpicks.

Edgeless Window(s)
___ Israel Persian ___
- The Crawlspace Of Magnaminity -
* _________________ *
'In Lieu Of Football'
- Shadeless Paralax -

Nightmare Delivered
- A New Batch Of Starlets? -
Prefabricated Bunnies w/ Two Tails
- Straight Teeth/Calmly -
--Poison Celebrities -

One Eyed Mona Noon
`Oh no, premonitions omening!`
- The One World Apocalypse Ball II -
--One Eyed


Windows Marry
--YOUR Jesus! Alien Resurrection.`

Josef Mohawk
`Tame As Granulating ...
Tides Ally;
Monthlies Agree.
Thursday, April 18th, 2024

Wolfgang Poem
* __________________________ *

Teagarden Leaves
- Timid Azure -
- A Profile -
The Ides Of Always : Portishead Dummy Everyplaying
Karma Is As Karma Does
* _______________ *
`Selling Stellar For Her Shadows--You Defile Light.`
`The Ides Of Lullabye, Don't Only Grow On The Fifteenth.`
- Absolved Of Never : Committed -
`Tight as the moment's pen.` --FeatherQuill
`In the old long as you died with your heart on.`
<> `Today's Pocketbook Trumping Tomorrow's Child.`

Maiden Webben
...& her tongue motioned, sublime eel;
seeds of annoyance in her Eddie Haskell eyes.
* __________________________ *
- Faced With Upon -
- Serpent Chorus -
- Angst Ennui -

Scuttlebutt Rumour
- Rumour With A 'U' -
Rumour Has Tonight's Lead Story Of
The Holywood Vines Press Corp.

Composing Rosaries
`Automatic God...The Beads Of My Rosary...
Strand Of Deities.`
* ________________________ *
- Son Of a Poem -

Stone Pavillion
`Will Trent : Gritty as Angie's Armpits : Nest Reformation -
Nothing Nice To Reform...Feisty Bushes.`
* ________________________ *
lights pour love; it was sun rise
~ tidy as fraying lies; selling them to my faceless eyes ~
- Dispelling The Gloom, Of Merlin's Tomb, Make Me A Prophecy.` -
- The Font Of Guarantee -
- Crowded Moon; Four Eyes Looking Upon -
Heart Of Scar; Quit Pumping Yesterday

RIP Womb
`...& God's gonna wish, he went my way.`
- Retribution -

Chilly Winklemeir
- tRump Wilkie -
`Oscar Meyer Weiner Clan Hearkening To An Oblong Dog Whistle
Thank God For FDR & The Four Freedoms :
Speech Religion Want & Fear.`
* ________ *
- ` wow you lie.` -
`--the harlot with her heart in yours.`
`Maybe, maybe...think so.`
`When I break into the refrigerator to eat my prayers...
missives from the far side.`
`Maybe everywhere...maybe never.`
fatter each month; each moon a new seed
'Man' `Manfast! ...come on, I'll be quiet.`
- Dust & Wishes -

One Eyed Mona Noon
`--urge heard, you wanted me.
It's like you & candle soup.`
* _______________________ *
`Some insight, time mostly mystery...
we're tools,
time does as she's told.`
Val `--ain't going nowhere, without your heart.`
- lonely as anomaly's star -
60's pulse mixture; some narcotics
Love . EverKept . Aside

Ligament Thin
- O - High School Hoops - O -
`Seasons End...the last sub, pity minutes in his Senior Year.`

Ironclad Watercolours
`It was a watercolours night.
Tissue Canvas / Lost Vows...promises left out in pretend.`

Wind Ornament
`Gunhands...are not always Lonestar Firm.`
Gov Texas
~ Wiggle Travesty ~
Wednesday, April 17th,

Windows Marry
- Become Became : ` must if it was.`

Noe Immortal
`--took you off of mine.`

Spectrum Patio
- `Mama's what you gonna do, itchy blues.` -
* __________________________ *
- Not A Total Rainbow -
- making smoke & teardrops -
finding something,
she closes it
`Nothing's wrong with right, all night.`
- The Blind Find You Attractive; Asleep Thinks You're Dream -
`--you've gone a long time; that's worlds ago.`

Puppet Flesh
`--if the songs were empty, would they come back again?`
(Lead Singer of
The Flesh Puppets)
* ________________ *
- Emblem Always -

Dandelion Egos
: Ego Ids :
NowADays : Digesting Tidbits - Anchors Aweigh :
Without Walter Cronkite,
America Has No Evening Meal.
* ___________________ *
`Calm As Shade; Her Soul EnShadow...`
- the angel with the most scarlet dress -
- safe references, easy grades -
~ Serial Screws ~
`...when God met Aphrodite.`

Just Businessman
`Selfish as Pocketbook : Short Changing Our Future.`
Karma's Pocketbook : Immutable; Paying For It One Life Or Another.
World Politician : Ty's Cabinet Vs. Pomp Drama's.
--Just B.

Cinnamon Lovely
- Mapping God With Mortal Words -
* _______________ *

Blue Cat Deville
Stuck Shotgun On A Roadtrip?
Sirius Radio : Classic Vinyl : Anything But ... Sick of Most Of
Those 300
Tracks From 40 Years Ago Living Radio.
--Blue Cat
- A Soul Ugly Loathsome -

Secret Mixes
- Shades Of Trace -

Buck Nightwing
Republican Tantrums
Chain Letters Linked Ad Hoc
- Puerile Juvenile -
Mike Johnson : `Building Blocks B-C-A &
Jeez, Only Me--I'm Holding Up Liberty,
|| Marjorie's Being Mean ||

! Caught & Killed : Tabloid Cotten Candy !
Dolls Bought Off - Stuffed
$ Payola Payoff $
~ Serial Screws ~

Killowatts Hurt
She : `You're a bad boy! You hear me?
& Bad Boys don't get good!`
HE : `You fool the tool...Dildo Orgasms.`

Ariel & Sachem/Aria Pomme
de Terre & General Principle
'Only The First Wish Is True'
--The Lost Souls
- Golden Iron Synapse -
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

- Soul EnHome -
`...everyone's true.`

Natty Rumple
Initial Investment Eupohoria
- Truth Social : Purchasing A Pound Of tRump's Offal -
- Lemmings Sheared For Lamb - Write It Off As Duped -
Helping To Defray Hooker Fees
* ___________ *
Silence Crossed Heart
Silent Hauntings Follow
`--you put your spell on haunted memories.`
CW ` the track of your heart.`
- danger enwoven -
- eternal sun shines upon time -
`I walk along alone, every moment poem.`
- Second Hand Song -
`--in the space between always, she didn't want to all the time.`
Empty Tapestry ... Lost Spaces
Two Lips - The Essence Of Maybe
'Pieces Of Requite'
`...loves all enhande.`
`Planting empty shadows; phantoms empty as memory.`
CW `Old Lady; to the gums...loving you like a used
`...every way wonder used to be.`

Such You
`...was it was?
Play me, I'm memory; Full Eternity.`
- Saut Regrets : Everywhere Shadow Alive -
- \/ - Anchors Weigh Yesterday - /\ -
* _____________ *

Tukus UrbaneRx
- The Aftermath Of Was -
A Revisionist Tome : Vanity Edition/SelfPrinted
`tRump's My Boy...Toy With Me...? HE!
Done Too And With ! Enchained Love, Wanna Be Part Of Slavery
- Pussy Whipped & Pinched -
- Grabbed & Gotten!
Mannequin Manhandled
Jesus Wouldn't Do It But HE Will!`
- Third Time Vote : Done Too! -
`'n proud of it!`
[Mansion Housewife : It Is My Own]
* ______________ *

Pasta Angelcake
- Applesauce Quaint -

Nudge Homeward
`Smoke & Imagination...There's No Grace In The Netherlands.`
- Bully Venue -

Monsoon Cherish
`War Dawn...As The Day Came Apart.`
Taken Runaway
* ____________ *
Production Task : That's Your Challenge for Half-Lives...
Birthing Razor(s) Edge
Ad `--ready action boots!`
`...want lingers, still think you're mine.`
'Promised Blues'
- Gone As Over -
clouds sky tall, entrance
rhythm of cadence, marching tears

On Upon
`A-Z, it's 1864 Once More : Biological Slaves Used For Breeding
Enforced Term : Confederate Concerns
: The Ministry Of Propagation :

Half-Spring Pennymind
(& More)
- bidding on a pearl -
* __________ *
- In The Blink Of A Heartbeat...Eyes Dying;
Two Strangers Left In Alone. -
- `...hoping God's sooner or later.` -
- the moon went behind a lost dream, & won't be found again -
'Expletive' : viper articulate; kissing sin with her middle
- feeling ton -
narr - `When yesterday became, now as then.`

Cut (Love) Jewel
- catering to chance -
- O - Bidding On A Pearl - O -
: Lullabye If :
* _________________ *
- waiting sheer -
kiss begotten, son
prayers were not enough,
ghosts sleep upstairs; tomorrow awaits
'Egg Omen' - at the end of the world, every moment became -
Pupil Perfect : 20-30 Sight
- Suddenly Very Summer -
- The Soul Of A Homunculous -
As Red : - beet root burly -

Pomp Drama
`When your face plays with clown...`
* ___________________ *
- given scars complete as annealed -
~ eel supple; lost youth ~
- Angel's Wait -
- given scars complete as annealed -
- Bitoid Facts : Driven By Trivia : Drivia -
- Dealing With Scars -
- Spitfire Kisses -
`--stink as ordure.`

Wind Ornament
~ waggling her ponytail coign ~
- Missile Calligraphy -
! Iran's Direct Left-Handed Ploy !
* _____________________ *
- true as pretend -
~ Natal Stream ~

Spoken Sky
- Mapping God With Mortal Words -
* ___________________ *
`--easy as all the way, makes.`
'Living Smidgeons' : A Verified Noun
- as promise eludes -
`Eden...When Man Met Woman...The Dawn Of Common.`

- Xouch -
In Lieu Of Touch

Turgeon Cry
`Geez, Morgan Freeman -
Whoring Your Fame For
An Aftermath PayDay.
"It Takes Time To Become An Icon."
Is It The Narcotic Of Being Noticed?
PostNote : Icons Would Not Stoop To Commercial
* ____________ *
- facial erase -

Stucco Roccocco
Red/Blue - Blue/Grey
Condederate Wars
ReRouting Fiscal Climate Change
Selfish As Pocketbook : Shortchanging Our Future

Composing Rosaries
`--aggressive as a nose; Killowatts Hurt?
There's a prick!`

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Solstice Votive
'Bitter Envy'
- Runway To None, You Sold Your Friends For Alone -
Goodnight's not enough, on your own.
--Yours 'til times.`
* _______________ *
A Dumping Grunt - Mostly Squat
- Natural Weeds/Primitive Growths -
- skimming the seam -
- False Horizons -
vagrant ghosts who could not even bother to pose

Each Midnight
Fingers/Clenched Fist : Court Case Eve
'Too Loose'
`...if the condom doesn't fit, discard it.`
- Paid For Passage : Random DNA -
Serial Dabbler
What She Said : "You Punch Like A Girl."

Goody Kind
`Hobgoblin Hot; She Was More Than A Little Evil.`
* ______________ *
- Locked In Non : Yesterday's Destination Repeating Memories -
Taken By Chance, Playing The Mortal Again
Plastic Faces In Souless Shells
Godzilla Amidst Lilliputians - Present Collides With The Past
`Oh, say can you see...Present Collapsing Past.`
- sin befriending; the wrong places in the wrong mornings -

Round Nimbus
- 'Miss Fibre Of Being' : A Geometric Goddess -


Parisian Sands
- On The Street Of Aside -
Deities In Common - We Are All Human
- Ally Against Animals -

Flame Shotfire
`--silence misses your eyes.`
* ____________ *
Flipping the Gizmo -
Sunday, April 14th, 2024

Windows Marry
Rep Mike Turner :
Chair, House Intelligence Committe on Meet The Press
- God In His Throat : Or Is It A Frog -

Crescent Moon Slippers
Sylph Elusive -

Castrog Delomain
tRump - My Kind Of Man
Post Partum Infidelity / Serial Screws Trysting Non Honeymoon
: UnPaid; Porn Ventures - Cheating On Humanity :

Lukewarm Storm
Loss...Wishes Went Away.`

Lariat Seraglio
Arizona Dear :
1864 Once More : Kitchen Your Women


Pidgkin Assign
To God, He didn't even have the grace, to whisper

Morgue Tunes
`Dream straight...wishes make.`

Milky Potpourri
Cursive Synergy : Music & Math : Sound, Numbers
& Words
* ________________ *

- Imminence Animal : Save Them All -
Easier To Love / Cheaper To Feed

Unrequited : Desperate Fuges Chasing Sonatas
Human Policy
shambles ambling; shadows lost, as they wasted away -

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