Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
. Not A Blog .
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000rue13.jpg)
Saturday, October 2019
Editor : * Oops; Month's Later Addition *
The Snake's Waistcoat
$$ Donald's Offspring $$
`Kept my corrupt in a bed you laid.`
--The Snakes
* _________ *
a small empty mouth befitting ferret teeth
religion `For portions & awhiles, Mary means going
'Old Lady
Rouge' high cheekbones that make believe,
cobweb neckpieces
purging expletives, lips did
the duty until the string ran out
poker (after drinking) `So smooth, pissing velour...`
Friday, August Thirteenth, 2019
Blood Martyr
* September Debaters *
`--situation games.`
Parting Gift Prize
tossing temptations, stray ways
* _________________ *
Thursday, September 12th, 2019
Angel Knives
* Rinsing Adonis *
improving on nudity, baring her soul
Sunset Tiers
[Chased by Evilish]
`Cards must be laid, to
played...danger is the hidden game.`
Aura O'Clock
`Ooh, rhythm inside mood...`
Animus Flaw
wearing sin like she'd made it
Baby Pie
`My Lyrics? Wicked as the ways I was, not anymore...?`
--Baby Pie
Psychofield Welsh
Toy Blurb `Cuddly as Jesus w. Teddy Bear Fur!`
--Psychofield Welsh
* __________ *
Cut (Love) Jewel
* to Pomp Drama *
`--faster than falling stars, you used to love me.`
Aria Pomme de Terre
in Manhattan: September 1st, 1999
breathing hard as her bellybutton
Tenth Chapter Of The Alone Orphanage : 1865
Corsair Stairs
"The only thing we have in common, is we are the opposite sex."
Pincushion Hats to Corsair Stairs, as
she makes him up WhiteFace
to escape a press gang.
Explaining Mae West `--her angel the devil's lie.`
Tuesday, September 10th, 2019
Pasta Angelcake
A learned young Gene
Misconstrue speculates on
The Probability Of
Tarthood :
ruler, the inches she incurred.`
Epitaph Dictates
'Last Goodbye Card' `...bone whipt fallow,
left me scoured by you.
Done with.`
Patina Decease
`Arrow marrow, smittten bone deep.`
Japanese Aircraft Carrier
`Within poem...all the
Hittite Permission
|| Inadvertant Caricature @
AmbJohnBolton ||
* Just In: 'Secret
Taliban Man!' *
`John Bolton FiredResigns!`
"I fired!" "I quit first!`
Helter-Skelter : 'Tit Or Tat!'
Downy Aficionado
. Downy Story Start
"Cry a little flower of make
believe...come along,
taste this story with me..."
* ____________________ *
Crustacean Curmudgeon
'Gun Control Mitch?'
* If Trump Depends! *
* __________ *
'1st Lieutenant Movie
Line' `One of the clowns, whether I've earned it or not.`
'Flat Honeymoon'
`Made me tame...once upon a prarie.`
Eros Hiroshima
* White House Ghost Press Secretary *
`Wanna kill the clown...take
away false shows.`
Dusted Quotient
`Tariffs War: too
late, closing the Eleventh
Hour Pose...
too late, bully stance ushering
Ice Cream Valentines
`Kiss the prodigal, before he comes home.`
--Ice Cream
* __________ *
Wife Scoffingly Berates
`Small as carouse--you out making the
Radio Barrister on
P `Tether in a snowstorm, each flake a curve--
mowing 'em down with breakers & sneaky-soft bb's!`
`Unnecessary but
pretty--gritty head first dive rocking first,
moving the base!`
Egos Theraputic Painting `Face
brought to the light of drawn--
two dimensional.`
"Coals of phobia inlaid."
appraisal `It's what you scent, in the picture story...`
Downy on The Five Of Swords
`Limbo schemes, dream clouds
not getting me out of here.`
Downy Aficonado
Downy Story Start
`Cry a little flower of make
come along, taste this story with me."
* _ *
a story interruption
`--hideous as macabre interred!`
a Club : The Hopscotch
Play Evil `Unwieldy as
cream, when there was no top.`
Deeply Mars/Martian Vexation
`Hatching models &
mannequins--all the feminine planes!`
deep as discussions patterned, quibbles engrained
`--you might say it was loose
perogatives conjoining.`
Sunday, September 8th, 2019
Windows Marry
`You fate the doll & it
Penny Coppers
lush as her fruit would allow
Poised Wanton
`--rough butter.'
Pincushion Hats
* Rehearsal w/ Corner Chips & Ode As Hue |
Stressed! *
`Your Own
Breathe--Actress, Not Pretendess!`
--Pincushion Hats
[circa 1865]
Saturday, September 7th, 2019
Kittens Starlight
A Patented Perfume for Tweens
Baby Pie
`Ripening ripe, my body broke
my skirt--!`
Horrid Little Obligato
`Life only half as far, if
cowards make it.`
Parasol Ending
"--wild as pastime, I still do."
--Parasol Ending
Noe Immortal
`Easy commotion.
...prohibit me.`
)(said wet)(
September 6th, 2019
Name Me
* The Banana Whores *
hooking patter; candy angling her worm
Once Everywhere
* White House Internal Press
? *
Crewcut Passion/Limmerick
`Sugar's fine, if it's sweet...taste is that way.`
September 5th, 2019
. Alleged Trajectory .
* Dorian's Crimson Tide *
JPG Montage
`So Revernet :
deals w/ god which went astray with God never signed.`
--JPG. Montage
Castrog Delomain
"Stocks common bond...?
They all fell."
$$ [Castrog threatens Stockroll, Sr.]
"Nothing Shares: Paper
Assets traded upon; it seems as if ... you've built
your world upon baseball
--Castrog Delomain
Pidgkin Assign
* Doctored Intelligence / Crazy In
Alabama *
`Hurricane Dorian & Tupelo Elvis Were Born In
'The Heart OF Dixie' / 'The Cotton State'.
lies disguised as themselves
Natty Rumple
* Married Miss Assignation
Childless at post forty-four,
Natty knew himself to be
renegade fertile,
one who could pull it off.
* __________ *
The First George Bush?
"Democracy breaking out everywhere...
light as smoke, peace filled the skies."
* _ *
Morgue Tunes
'Chickenhawk Dan Quayle'
: "VP Glory
counting coup;
purple heart but paper form...
other boys never coming home."
Mix Romance
`Rumours run around, you don't know Who...
or Whom.`
Wednesday September 4th, 2019
Mortality Shortcake
`All eager for cherubim gravy...D. C. Washington!
--The Next Election Cycle
`God's not enough ... if we are
not Human.`
Labor Day Monday, September 2nd, 2019
Milt Overload
a dusting of hair most carefully placed
his mouselike demeanor | small hostages assembling
Mon Clarity
cause used, in the name of
Married Miss Trite Overload
smile thicker than syrup; just
as sugared
--Married Miss
Sunday, September 1st, 2019
Dormant Egg
* Current Reign *
Homunculus! God's
lowest hocus pocus.`
Apples Duewise
`'s semblance, hardly
--Apples Duewise
`White house climate...`
The End Of August
Longform Holiday
exclusive as a toothpick, gigolo
Friday, August 30th, 2019
* Hurricane Relief *
"Fly away, go away, who cares if you visit Poland?!."
Overall Total
* Future Markets *
empty yolk
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019
* The Top stays on top.
#Capital Gains Vs. #Hard Earned Money
Free Will Vs. Slots In Life
RIP Womb
* Dry Of Eye? *
`As if it matters, which tear... You'll want to cry 'em both.`
--RIP Womb
Teddy Fibre
* World View *
`Fly the flag from your heart, and not your bumper sticker.
`Truly view your rear mirror ... three years of wreckage;
the yellow dog-ish ass you are, should you vote for tRump again.`
--Teddy Fibre
Yellow Dog Elephant
Magnus Pages
* Magnus covered The Apocalypse Ball @ aged 8 *
stunned copies, last night's mascara
Co-President : The Alone Orphanage Class Of 2009
Cocomo Faux
* FOX Toast :
`Here's mud in your eye...` *
on our news
--Cocomo Faux
* __________ *
Mechanical Initiation' `Into the breech of manifold,
'Back Door Posse'
definition Fascists
`Too many secrets to flesh...`
Monday, August 26th, 2019
Earth Annapolis
The One World Apocalypse Ball!
`Headed toward happening--wall
to wall now!`
Earth Acropolis
! Rain Forrest !
`Impossible To Foretell...Last Nature.`
Overarching Intent
* GroupOfSeven *
My Second Thoughts ... Of
Realize :
wearing a crabby haircut
a small man competing with everything
Baby On
body built to do
* _________ *
`--dust & gold.`
`Persuing Pursuits...`
Sunday, August 25th, 2019
* @15 *
grown damned; kitten fur & providence, innocent as an old moon
Sun In Mountains
@ The Hermit's Knoll
w/ Oberon
include, nodding
Monsoon Cherish
* Fiscal Storm *
`Just to warn, impending...never ending.`
* ____________ *
Prince Andrew & Epstein :
`Have a transient for dessert, cherries & virgins...`
August 24th, 2019
the vulture the buzzard pretended to be
you & the dog that bore you. Bitches whelp!`
__________________ *
smug in their petty hauteur
August 22nd, 2019
Radio Barrister
* 2001 *
`...and Serena looked
at Hingis; the cat
that ate the milk.`
* Tyronne Union Star Power
`Fifty Stars, Assume They Are
God Bless The World.`
[Tyronne Union Star Power's
World Politician Write In
Candidate : Ty.
11:27 AM
Eggshell Coracle
nonchalance insouciance
Josef Mohawk
& Memorandum
`...memories talked,
only not the way they were.`
White House Lies
--Josef Mohawk
* _______________ *
. 'AppleWomb'
Neo-Clark Gable :
`Frankly! Missed Shot,
you hit my heart where it used to bleed.`
`...blond as blood unwon.`
* ________ *
pearl calm
* ______________ *
`I count to always, and it
speechless as honey
'The Stopped
Apostle' `...a nightclub for smaller gods & minor
Man Of Pretend
a novel
the safety of a star
`It's hard to capture a
moment, if you're always posing.`
big as a window, further than you could see
The Snake's Waistcoat
* dozing caution *
[as in] `A vote for Joe
Biden is Dozing Caution.`
`The Times Are Imperative!`
--The Snake's
Dandelion Egos
eyes of bewildered mildew; fear fortified by sneer
... small hands exhibiting his stubby personality
Castrog Delomain
* Apocalypse Ball *
`Opening wormholes to hell, unleashing
Iron Age Bane ...
I shall transfer destruction to Lesser Times,
lengthen My Golden Reign.`
* __________________ *
frankly spanked
`--mixing silks.!`
`--sac & nads, the complete
package.` [initiation]
Tiptoe Lies
`I miss Sarah Huckabee Sanders
... lies tiptoeing out of the side of
her mouth.`
tied at apple
Pillow Foray
`...the little girl with the marred flaw, she's bewitched!`
August 21st, 2019
Earth Acropolis
<> `Don't take my
wish to a florist...wild bouquet.`
--Earth Acropolis
Each Midnight
* Walking Into The Sun *
`Second Coming Of The Choosen One ...
He Has Just Become Doppleganger
Fiord Spoon
* White HOuse Etiquette *
`Not just women can be "nasty" ... whole little countries run by Dames, too.`
Farm Watermark
Post Ode : `Absurd...`
`This land is our land, this land is Greenland...
Manhattan Bought Like New York City,
Wampum & Seward's
--Farm Watermark
___________ *
'Old Couple' `Little kisses, endearments
exposed; pettings
& coos.`
`Faces you swore upon, just
not there.`
Sinuous Shame
`...there's no purities, once you are muddied.`
`The blood of strewn poems
drying without rhythm, dying without time.`
`Sugarcoated storm ... that
could not kill or maim.`
August 20th, 2019
Smidgeon Mixin's
* Ask Advisor *
wise as smithereens, many facets
Eggshell Coracle
Public Service Line
`On her own, cream rising to seed ... teen age pregnancy.`
--Eggshell Coracle
* _ *
Director `Rising
harbingers, morning mists.`
`Catch me ... full faced
round, or empty moon.`
August 19th, 2019
East Wing
Hong Kong Civil Rights : His
Face Guernica
* _________________ *
Director `Crying like a
teardrop might...`
Kismet Mortal
Liberation `--rise off your dreamless knees &
* _____________ *
Radio Guest
`Waiting for something to happen, on your own
driven from melancholy, when
truth ran out
`I know that touch,
shark's mouth.`
`--give you all you ought to
* __________ *
Ode As Hue
<> `Cognizant as quotient.`
[circa 1876]
* ______ *
in the thrust of a giant
. hardy as a
mountain front
vex `--demons &
semaphores!` . `Halos
& shareholders!`
slinking up to a slinky peak
makuep graffiti
`Tired as reflection, doing the face.`
desc surly as a turd
saying `It's your life, long as it's not mine.`
old orphans
`Can't you see it standing there, 2 cents
a pair?`
August 18th, 2019
Handmaiden Gentlewoman
* The Holy Ghost *
`Broke The Flower
St-A-Men. St-Amen!`
[Handmaiden so rueing
she didn't Foresight Copyright
'The Holy Doll' Known As Saint Amen!]
Orange Ball
* Flesh Equator *
`One way or the other (if you want to keep it up)
you gotta vote for me ... Zeppelin
& Shadow 401(k)s...`
Individual Serialized
`Market Futures`
Keyhole Admission
`...heard a tiny bit of observe.`
--Individual Serialized
[Stock Accountant]
* __________ *
Dandelion Egos Dictionary : `Closet
portfolios, shadows cast.`
`Schizophrenia, Guilty as
fugitive harbored, unless it's your own.`
`Repression Of
Feelings' `Strictures limited to staple; page to word.`
`Happy as a trampoline--manic responsive--crossed upon giggles &
young dDitto `Almost
catching the moment eyed!`
1st OL to dDitto :
`There's some charming things about Soliloquy
...that you can't do alone.`
`Homely as a groan, you knew
was your own.`
'Man Hunting' `Bag him or bury him.`
vex `Tender
as Trinidad--Barbary Pirates!`
Kid Simpleton
(delighted) `Crazy as
hatched, the yolks in your head.`
`Eating For Feeding, Dining
Sty!` Half or No Star Restaurant
blurb `Crazy as neutered, the jokes are lame.`
'A Mate's Bequest
Card' `Catch me posing ... lend me a
breath of soul.`
The Bachelor' `A sick little love affair between two puny people.`
'Ideological Scapegoat'
`Sorry to be mean, but...feel
like punching you hard & often!`
nicheing notches, signifying kill
1/2 Hurt Kid Cried
like she tried to mean it, mustering sniffly sobs.
Pedigree Lucile
`Frantic cities without dark it gets, on Sundays.`
Just Businessman
* As An Apprentice *
An Employee's Promise :
`I just wanted to thank you for hiring me
& to say that I'll do my best & get better.`
____________________ *
Night Story `Soft
foot, bold guy...treading spy.`
love the back seat of a swing
Director `Subtle
alive, you don't have to be right there on the blunt.`
`Hold me in flower, petal
To Pulse Fuss
`Watching you pill
sensing fussy diagnosis
`Dancing alone, a one foot
cold that went, with the temperature of the day
'Off Boss' `I've got a
date, with beers & girls...` *
`I'm off boss...`
`Too much sizzle to spice, cloying; richly redolent, rich redolence.`
on Sinuous Shame
wearing red
* tRump's Leadership Amidst Economic Disarray
`Lonely as a joke waiting for laughter.`
August 17th, 2019
Lariat Seraglio
* Simone Biles *
`Getting up to moment's mount--all the momentum!`
Animus Flaw
* Gool *
`Trade Wars are ... easy
to lose
... easy to suspend ... Trade
War Gool until after Christmas.`
`Santa Approves!`
Seven Egypts
approaching the floor / changing into his moves
--Seven Egypts
`Running the gauntlet between turned...
Two Star Horror Movie ...
would she ever revive her career.`
--Two Star
`If you can't ride the rocks,
don't do the mountain.`
smoothworn verbs, biteless face
`Deep as a brook, pages to
cover, my little nook...`
* _________________ *
Orphan Lady
`Circles that
window to other stars!`
`Standing roots o'erderve,
I'll wait.`
`A part of miracle, inside
[One Arc Half A Miracle]
'Parents Sex Reproductive
Card' `Spare me the wake of shame
... you enspear, enfur.`
No Matrimony : `All the
rings you've fingered...lost vows.`
Vows Lost : Sacred Lust
`There for the maple, sugar now.`
`Dilettante my shame.`
Patient Gladiator `Starlight
shinely...let the dragon trade, air for fire.`
Jay Pinstripe on 0-4 : `Sometimes you hero, sometimes hole.`
`Waiting around for done, when
you should've been doing.`
Valentine `Dreaming you deep as star ... we kindled.`
* _________________ *
Windows Marry
`Bequeathed ... windows &
shoes, to make you there.`
--Orphan Lady to Windows Marry
Schoolboy's Sorrow
Movie Line : `Show her...where the elephants rest their bones.`
* __________________ *
Fastidious as homemade altar, Horrid
made his own God way.
Pulse Fuss
disdain `...a
specimen of dream.`
`Annoying as a missing
clavicle!` Pulse
Counter Commandment : `Good enough to be me, if you wear my skin?`
Free Agent : 'Anyone's
Hit Man'
Album Valentine `...a little mind pot of instrumental soup.`
vex `Kissing the
Grinch in all his liquid velour!`
Miss Nomers :
Story Reaction `Close as bone, inside you...`
* * *
Gene Misconstrue
: Evangelists call him
'Genetic Turd'
Gene `Seedy
as infertile; thesis which couldn't grow.`
* * *
FeatherQuill's initial
impression of Similie Thimbles
`Riding Fantasy like a version of poem...`
` saint & ogre made foray...`
wry `That's me, bitchin'
a pearl.`
vex `Angel wings & seagull beaks, both picking harpy!`
Artillery to General Horrid
`Mine past a
mile--yours in close.`
* ______________________ *
Secret Mixes
Menace Movie Line
`"No" is not an
answer...your lips may disclose.`
--Secret Mixes
* _________________ *
Radio `Quiescent
as unlit storm...Lukewarm
at 0 for 3 in the
bottom of the 8th!
Woe to her foes!
Lukewarm Storm ...`
`Suspicious as a motherless
First Impression Adversaries : `Fitting me for wear, scar or
`Randy as rowdy, not a night
for cherubim.`
August 16th, 2019
Almond Bayou
'Girl's Proposal'
`Tell me deep as shower, you & I together deep as tomorrows.`
[aged 12]
Pincushion Hats
* Young Actress Advice *
`Never less than try ... two lips, third eye.`
Cinnamon Lovely
`Hope you pony, if not wildcat.`
Amanita Pesquita
* *
`One of these nights beyond ever...` (we might)
--Amanita Pesquita
Julian Castro For VP
August 15th, 2019
Stucco Roccoco
the stoneface corner in brick.`
--Stucco Roccoco
Star Satyr
* To Castrog Delomain /
nee Pierre del lo' Suave
`Here you / are / Iron Age
Consigned To Time.
Like the rest of us.
Here you are Iron.`
`Once's not that time, you aren't.`
"--ah, you fall into promise."
Castrog To Stockroll, Sr. ;
adversarial menace
Merciless Evil
`Stretching Parameters ...
Until She Contours.`
* _____ *
August 13th, 2019
Tether Nightspoon
`Patient as a window ... setting
Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions: We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
|| Original Hashtags
& Characters Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
Twitter Montages*