Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](0antiquesorphanlady0.jpg)
Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
Soapstone Rodin : Cultural Integrity Model? :
He Is The Slippery Slope Of Social Wars McCarthyism :
The NonThinker : 'Stumped On A Hunch'
* __________________ *
Art Critic Post mOdern Narcissism
Distinct As Prophecy
- Gooney Bird Words -
Soap Bubble Threat : `Sock Monkey! I'll pin your ears to
your knees.`
'The Winnow Class'
`Contact Lost...before the wink.`
Stained Glass Motive - Hobbit Round Or Roman Catholic Cathedral
- Prarie Doll : Heart Of Seed -
Forrest Proper : A Worm His Waistcoat
The Winds Say Goodbye, When Blowing Oblivion
Kept Cose As Wound, You'll Bear My Scars
FeatherQuill : Words Happen As They Become--Write Them Down
- base as crawl; down on my knees & toes -
(Need Equipped With Tongue In Hand)
Monday, February 20th, 2023
Book Velvet
`...when suddenly, the world I was trolling, winked back at me.
* __________________ *
--right back near the end of forever.
Second Place: Silver As A Forgotten Coin
done in sixes & nines, used all the clues
- God Covers The Dice -
- Kept In Common -
hard nosed whores, you couldn't cut their cunts a sabre saw
: God Abandoned : Mortal Doorsteps :
Sunday, The Nineteenth Of February, 2023
Heart Artichoke
`The sky got Cupid, & you, suddenly...were my Valentine Moon.`
- Sudden Nativity -
Pop Mobster
Dirty As Jersey : Buried In Criminal Sin -
Animus Flaw
'Non Impresario'
The Curtain Is Safe, If Never Opened
[/] UnStaged Shows [\]
Crimson Timothy
- Morals Are Free, If You Haven't Any -
* _______________ *
`--oh, my little Carbuncle Heart!`
'Olden Endearment'
`Liberal w. Charities? Me--so tight, I apologize to my wallet
if I ever give Saint Vinny's an extra dime.`
- The State Of ?Jaded?
: Entropy Is My Friend -
- plain as only a Jane could be, and then she smiled -
`I like some attention, but I'm not a performer.
More of an incisor.`
- Inviting God to Mortal Quandries -
storms turn, leaving memory profile
- Primitive iMperfect -
trying to separate the gamebird form the hen
- Wicked Fictions -
Scattered Molecules
`Now, is but a noun.`
Lollipops & Demons
`--she tore the flavor off & served it bland.`
* _________________ *
- our own monters in the floorboards -
- Suits Can -
- The Implements Of Gnome -
Flame Shotfire
- Dust Obeisance - Dogma Worship -
: A Flag With Only One Sun Ignores Women :
* _______________ *
Fiction Naturalized
`True Dreams Synchronicity!`
Teagarden Leaves
- Crabby Appleton on
Midol -
[] In Florida Could He Be A Girl? []
- Politically Incorrect : Daresay Won't Tell -
Roald Dahl Would Know
--Teagarden Leaves
* _____________ *
- clear as catalepsy -
Dismissal `--buy your ass enough gas to get out of here!`
- Spurning Appreciation -
Raisin Scores
Pygmies & Genial Bald Giants Permissable
- Emasculated Blakc Men Without A Hint Of Afro -
: Token Pitchmen :
* ______ *
- Prior To Naught--The History Of Limbo -
Robert Mitchum & George Kennedy On Grit Comedy Western
Somehow It's Semi-Ok: Slivvers Of Fondness
- Running By Goodnight -
scummy douche, he was a male dick
narwhal innocent
- The Desk Of The Oblivious
- dumb as stupid; done too a second time -
'Springtime Smooth' A Song
Saturday, February 18th, 2023
Corporate Bondage
- Comfortable Moiety / Penurious Taxes -
: Situation Serf : The Discontent Of The Unbred :
- the sun tight in my sky -
* __________________ *
- her blotting paper heart -
- Ticket Late -
- Chocolate Suds -
cool as barely
at the back of remorse
Crescent Moon Slippers
- Lotus Soul -
- Origami Wholes : Layers Of Lessons Onionskin UnFolding -
Ragged Coaster w. Rogue Corvair
Set' : Ready To Embark Upon A New Book
[Or Comfy Ensconced, With Favorites Already Read]
* ___________ *
- tabletop flat, she wore her chest without bra -
- Stranger
To Tea -
clean as snuff
- blatant demure; timid whore -
--burying the Mary in The Magdalene; her intent was not Vestal Virgin.
murder shrivelling
Sorting The Godless Into Tidy--Believer & Non
- Troglodyte Bombardier -
`Love was for sure, when written in my baby book.
Suffice as girl, you had always lived next door...
Prom Date from Kindergarden Beau,
you were always the sure.`
kind of unkind; semi-warm
`Danger Played, When Hell Came True.`
Inanimate, He Was A Mannequin Doctor
`--sorry, it's just me in my crazed Manhaze.`
WeatherMane A Charger
Street Corner Heart
Possible Ands
`Shooting Down Chicken Little--Raindrops & Weather Balloons.`
- Willful Child - No Aliens
Here -
Friday, February 17th, 2023
Curry Favor
`Why--such a Precious Child!
Aren't you just, 'The Last Amen!`
[Curry's GrandMere Had
Ever Held Him Highest Regard]
* ______________ *
Illusions Real
- downsized to old -
- snuggling in Rustler's Roost, oh the Cub Song's of the very young -
Marquee Neon
'Minor Movie Star'
--naughty pony; he never would be stud.
Thursday, February 16th, 2023
Earthe Acropolis
- Fossil Fuels : Designed To Stymie -
* ________________ *
his mouth was habitually set in vim;
yet the total expresssion ever dim
- The Hunters Scars -
- holding on to soon without a doubt -
- Short Circuited Helix -
wrapped around start, he never could get going
- Daydream Realities -
shadows remote : High Noon Rule
Personally Connected With God
- The Culmination Of God--Me As His Perfection/An Honest Autobiography -
hard gave the shaft to me, tough times arrive
happily wanton, piper unpaid
page empty, no inner song/blank page; aftermath sex
amoral misconstrued
- it's the dust in the algorithm -
Deer In Sun
- Tip Toe Skies -
* ____________________ *
enmeshed in the bulk of routine
ghosts near as the the latest dust
shadows cast; colloquial tndrils
`--fact, figment & fun!`
- Early Mid Morning - 10 AM
kind of unkind; semi-warm
blown away, quick as sand
`--troglodyte bombadier!`
'Solipsism Soliloquy' A One Note Soul
The Orphan Lady III
- Sharing In Fairly -
* _______________________ *
quiet nectar; hidden fleur bees pollinate
smouldering brood; angst emulsified
chasing sleep, instead of the sheep; fit for dreams/escaping intentions
Sneaking Up On God w. A White Hood (Of) Your Own Making
- Subtle GodHead -
`Kill! --fast & hard!`
Rush Crossward Puzzle
Tax Churches (& Private Schools) - Separate Religions & Policy :
- Jenga Gerrymandering -
* _ *
`If God Wanted The Truth, He Wouldn't've Created Confessionals.`
- body stuffed in sausage -
- At The Risk Of Time -
- trying to separate the gamebird from the hen -
Minor Evil
- B-Villain :
Always The Baddest Man In The Scene -
- Death Expendable -
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
- Lost Atlantis -
`Golden Sunshines...Ghosts Of Shadows, I Have Known.`
* _________________ *
- The Friction Of Mania
'DreadNaught Faces'
Omnipresent Illusion - Always At A Wraith's Height
Castrog Delomain
- Sippy
Cup Assumptions : What They Do Not Know About Freedom -
: Patriot Caucuses : The Devils Chains Are Black & White :
- Secrets Lost In False Stars -
* ___________ *
- Boundries Of Natuarally : Miscegenation -
- Non Much : A Heart Of Reserve -
- Ticket
To Vision -
Old $
- willful as a conniption fit -
Valentine's Tuesday, 2023
Composing Rosaries
- skin & moans; my orgasmic dollie -
* _______________ *
- A Renegade's Portion
- The Wind Was Christ
obvious as a plop; dumpling factual
`Sorry, it's just me in my crazed man-haze.`
- Refracted Passions - Generational Sins / Prisms Of UnLight -
- Immutable Laws / narrates A
Crisis Of Fate -
Cleopatra's Soul
Altered Afters : Pre & Post Histories
- bulbous fears, love to grow wild -
: Anything May Be True--(Akin) David
Duke Plastic Surgeries :
Magnus Pages
- Guaranteed By God
: (Fine Print Allowed) -
* __________________ *
`Martha Londons!` an olde estate saying
`Midget France!` snide putdown
Monday, February Thirteenth, 2023
Goody Kind
- mean as evil, you could not count on her for a friendly
hug or buss, random kiss -
: a smile, with her terrible smile/mootly untrue, she was A Succubus
Nancy :
* ______________________ *
sullen boredom her phone prescence
My Relativity Of God?
ephemeral as Gold
Heart Artichoke
UnValentine Eve
- two peas don't make a pod -
Warped Tarot/Flame Boys
Of Mediocre Integrity, Beware Of Sandy-Haired Guys
: And Other Wants That Weren't :
- Non Obtuse Fortuneteller -
* __________ *
- Russian Justice : Frozen By The Purge -
Candycane Latitude
'Fictionish Stages Of Reality'
`...& other wants that weren't.`
- The Likely Crumbs Of Lower Classes -
Sunday, February 12th, 2023
Noe Immortal
`If the switch fits...flip it.`
- Make (Some) Moments Count -
Baby Pie
- strange
lies, you couldn't be yourself -
falling back into once upon;
again, slippery slope holding orgasmic control
* **************** *
Megaton Obelisk
`God but The Latest Fad (Whilst The Devil is Out To Play.`
- Mortal Children Beware--Recess Is Over -
* ____________ *
better than a Stepford, Fully Mannequin
- nipples require Divinity -
proud as a cloud, on a sunny day
Orange Ball
- imperfect makes the world oblong -
* _____________ *
love aligned, dreams so true
broken as bone, a hard half-woman
windows unloved; interior mirrors
Nightmare Delivered
- StepMother's Prognosis -
`Kittens Heart, With Tiger Claws...The World Of Amour,
Shall Dread Your Growing Up.`
* ______________ *
- half-life passion; you weren't sure if you could do it again -
- Memories Foretold -
life older than ghost
- Cold Hearted Score -
- The
Wind Was Christ -
Saturday, February 11th, 2023
The Changemaker
- crawlspace guise -
* _________________ *
`All parts goddess; more than just (comely) dimples.`
- Red Wings On A Blackbird/Crow Capitol -
smidgeon personality; tidbit puny
- The Moon In White -
: Talking Silence :
Hurry Furlough
- Open As The Coda/There Are
Always Second Verses -
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