[Embedded Tweets: Character Opinions from The Eleven Of Diamonds,
.Scroll to The Bottom & read
your way up [an uneven match to temporal
or Read The Dailies Downward...Semi-Historical Embeddings.
November 9th, 2016: The Election Day After
Pasta Angelcake
`We won & you lost, fuck off & go to hell.`
`Safe in The Lord, Mine not Yours!`
`My Boy Curry Favor & I Are Among The Choosen!`
--Pasta Angelcake
[Half Italian/All Irish]
Election Day 2016
Leaf Flotille
--Leaf Flotille
Magic ?Questionmark
The Pesco & Pound & Humanity Are Down: Is Fear About To
--Magic ?Questionmark
On His Ballot
--God Anon
Lukewarm Storm
`Lazy Black Voters In Detroit
& Cleveland Rained
Wishy Washy Genes Will Tell/
Deja Vu Governor Blanchard.`
`Topsy-Turveyed! Demos Lose The Rust Bucket Belt Buckle.!`
`Two Black Holes Of Enthusiasm & Responsibility.`
--Lukewarm Storm
Oui Acquiesce?
`Will He Be My President...Our President?`
`Non, no!`
Monday, Election Eve 2016
Spectrum Patio
`Aging like a canopy; soon to be cancelled to B-Grade Star;
a rorschadt stain of a five year window...
then fading C...
D Cup Of Old Age & then into the Father Coughlin/Joseph McCarthy
--Spectrum Patio
[Hopeful Composure Lost]
Villian's Candyshop, Sr.
`Son, it's the size or right, what a man's got to be.`
--Villian's Candyshop, Sr.
Sunday, November Sixth, 2016
Stoolie Vestibule
`Bigger Than Watergate
Indictment Assignation 'Gun! Retweet Attempts By Jr's.
Tougher & More Borrowed Purple Heart Than Wimp Florida Rainstormed
[Will The FBI Be Responsible For Kelly Ayotte & N.C. &
--Stoolie Vestibule
Vulcan Michigan
Some Deplorables Are Less Than Adorable.
All Redeemable; Yet The Fact May Remain:
{The Rump Party Of Lincoln No Longer Human; But Pork Loin}
--Vulcan Michigan
`#7 Marquette King Dances The Pony: Friendly Caught On Broncos
2Yd! Line.`
--Japanese Aircraft Carrier
Saturday, November Fifth, 2016
the whim of a moue, even her dimples held inflections
Teddy Badlands/Paintbox Shoes
`Since When Does The Inside Straight Make You Half Gay!`
--Teddy Badlands/Paintbox Shoes
Pomp Drama
`I Need no Makeup or Masque to Scary Clown.
One of The Evils, I am the Fruit of Jester Interdiction, My Bad
Cop Father.`
[See me in Night's
Borderline: somewhat soon.]
--Pomp Drama
Friday, November 4th, 2016
Hodgepodge Fatty
`I Knew Nein About That Bridge! Do I Look Like A Troll?.`
"I will set the record straight in coming days regarding the lies
that were told by the media and in the courtroom." @ GovChristie
--Hodgepodge Fatty
Half-Spring PennyMind (&
`Oregon Wildlife Refugee/Legal
Choice: Local vs. Federal Interests.`
`Donna DOW: The
Golden Calf Sifts Nine Days Losing: 17888.28
[Prescient Starlight: NitroNuclearGlycerine]
{The Market & America's Heart Will Die If November Terrorism Elects
Natty Rumple
`Scary boo...fuzzy bad nothings long past Halloween.
Beware of Sunday/Monday Events: Tuesday's Election still too
--Natty Rumple
The Eternal Teaparty
Cinnamon Lovely
`There Is No Shame In Chief Yahoo & The Noble Washington
Redskins Warriors.
Such Chieftains Are Fine By Me!`
[Every Year Dates America...A Truly Harmless Compass--Past To Future.]
{Perhaps Some Of Those Offended Were/Are Reincarnated Indian Haters.}
--Cinnamon Lovely
"We Spend More On Animal Shelters Than We Do On Care For Abused Women."
Alex Cahill:
Texas Woman DA
[Blue Wilderness vs. Powdered Milk]
[Tame Beasts &
PetFettish Unicorns Trumping HuWomanIty]
Thursday, November 3rd,
Town Road
(pistol frisky gangsta) `--colours thicker than blood, go pop your
--Town Road
Twilight Nevers
on the coach Topical Eyetooth,
who is part boy,
`--she's got the turf in her roots.`
--Twilight Nevers
[Extra Base Muse]
on a 7th game fat pitch, `It was a meatball potato.`
Noe Immortal
Reporter: `Little Miss, what separates you
all the other blonds with a hard on?`
--Noe Immortal
`Nothing about me is wooden.`
Slash Fasteye
`Ted Cruz skulks his
face out for future placement...
a weasel who would stalemate XI Justice/Dwindling Eights
From Nines To Seven Six...`
--Slash Fasteye
Wednesday, The Day Of The Dead 2016
Isis Romeo
`Shifting Rock Sioux Reservation:
GrandFathered In: Treaties Aligned With Oil Pipelines.`
--Isis Romeo
The Changemaker
he came back inside to night
--The Changemaker
[an ending]
Morgue Tunes
`The Corpse Of A Candidate; Paper Mache,
Once A Ticker Tape Parade Wall Street Cashed.`
[bits & pieced of chaotic
[He Only Spent His Own Titheing
Money: As A Last Gasp Corporate FBI]
{Fulla Baloney Intelligence}
(Obnoxious Shades Of Hoover)
Rupert Murdock: The Neo Corpse
Rocks The Russians W. A New Model.
Hall Tree ThricelyEtc. Varnished.
Patent Asshole/Rupert Bunghole
NEW Reports: The Weasel Weakend: As
Castrog Delomain
`Wormhole From The Charred Golden Age Of Atlantis;
Your Iron Age 9-11 Has ReOpened After XV Devil Years
...@ My Express Command.`
`A Feast For Those Who Would Revel For Fear & Victimization:
Vote Trump & Halfpence.`
--Castrog Delomain
Tuesday, All Saint's Day 2016
Radio Barrister
`--pulped to deep centerleft! More than gone.`
`Tied with paydirt! On the goal line/9th Inning Homeplate.
--it'll be a close call!`
`Yay! Looks Like A Game Seven.`
--Radio Barrister
Dandelion Egos
`--you're living it, so you start to believe it.`
`The Last Election could
go anywhere.`
--Dandelion Egos
Playground Whiles
`My new carpet...it's great on bald feet.`
--Spectrum Patio
[The Alone Orphanage Class Of 1957]
Spiderweb Terazzo
`--capiche the baby!?`
#lifegoeson imps & angels kissing each others butts
--Spideweb Terazzo
All Saints' Eve Monday 2016
Animus Flaw
`Justly Fired By CNN/Given The Boot--Darkie Donna Brazil's An Evil
A Real Bad Nigger Toe!`
--Animus Flaw
Ice Cream Valentines
`Buttterfly Big As A Bat. ...My Pure White Heart For You.`
--Ice Cream Valentines
[Praise For XXII The
Windswept Maypole
`Sitting on a sickle moon, I wish there was a breeze. I always
liked wind.`
--Windswept Maypole
The Unnamed Bat
`Just Remember, Halloween Is But All Saint's
God's Kindergarden Teacher: The
Devil Never Black As Pure
White Love.`
`Do Not Accept Dim & Gloom.`
--The Unnamed Bat
Typical Excess
`--cute as a cold beer. Cool, I'll have a few more.`
--Typical Excess
Sunday, Halloween Eve
Liaison Velour
`Tense Toupee, Will The Pitcher Have The Sand?`
`Rajai Davis On First Base With One Out...SB/Kipnis.`
--Liaison Velour
Textbook Persian
`Quibbling With Trivial Civil eMails...November Disguise; The FBI Due
To Let Slip Imminent TerrorismS?!`
`The Real Target The External Enemy/Busy Catching Hillary!`
`I Am Still Sure They Shall Try A
Number Of Them/
/Otherwise Scrambled Eggs/Addled Noodles.`
--Textbook Persian
Saturday, October 29th, 2016
Tork Malarky
`Secret Crimes Mountainous As Attila
The Hun's Human Skulls!`
`Tony Weiner's eMail
Is Bigger Than Watergate--Vote Hate!`
--Tork Malarky
[Good Americans: 90% Of The CIA & FBI Vote Republican]
The Aztec Ballplayer.Peach Pear
`Throughout History; An Aztec Ballplayer Would Never Vote For Him.`
`Be Her.`
--Peach Pear
Friday, October 28th, 2016
Goody Kind
`Jailhouse The Bitch! Hillary Sexted Secrets To Wiener Who
Sold 'em To The Rooskies--Kickbacked 50%.`
`Believe HE!`
--Goody Kind
Steven Even
`Sex & Ego Besotted! Ex-General
Petraeus David Gave Away The CIA's Gordian Knot
To Goliath.
So Used By His Illicit Biographer's Tarzene
Ways...Copyright Amazon Raped.`
--Steven Even
Pomp Drama
`Holy Slo' Mo!` Tiny Reality Shows Killing The Play.
[Yet Absorbing Interest More Than Kickoffless NFL]
Here's The Call--And It's Time For The Seventh Inning Stretch!`
--Pomp Drama
Borderline: Soon To Happen
Thusday, October 27th, 2016
Pillow Foray
`It's The Wishings, That Lead To Sin...`
--Pillow Foray
Buckaroo Jody
Foreign Thoughts: (--don't get) "--your doo-gies in a ruckus!"
(Few Australians Or Kiwis Would Vote For
Him: #If American)
Belltop Carrygather
empty as a bell without air
--Belltop Carrygather
`--rock you immobile.`
Diamond Steel!
`--an apple has its seeds; as does the pomegranate or platypus.`
--Diamond Steel!
Leaf Flotille
pretty as a prefect in the mix of pink
--Leaf Flotille
Saint Augustine's Navel
"Fascinated With Sex!?"
[Sideways Arched Eyes/M. KellyMoi?]
`Didn't Wanna! Don't Wanna! Won't!`
--Saint Augustine's Navel
`Trusting Wusn't: Fuzzy Wuzzy Denial Wasn't/Warn't True!`
lariat seraglio
W ARN ING: You Never Know: The Actual Might Happen
--Lariat Seraglio
[Be Sure To Vote: One Week Post All Saints` Day]
Globe Thistle
[Gender Gap: PBS 'publican Women: 'Homely Toad vs. Blinky
Blue Eyes.']
Steady Truth vs. Nervous As A Stolen Pocketbook; Cute Curls Can't
Her Lovely Lying Lips.
--Globe Thistle
{Billie Bushing Clarence Thomas? Too! Pallid Successor Of
Thurgood Marshall}
Anita Bryant Hill Not The Only Pubic Hair In His Quivver!
Tuesday, October 25th, 2016
Stoolie Vestibule
`Indians In Seven...Francisco
Lindor MVP.`
--Stoolie Vestibule
[Owner Of FantasyCubs.Com
& BookiesHideout.Com]
Crimson Timothy
`Give me a head's up on the buzz!`
--Crimson Timothy
Teagarden Leaves
`Changing The Prescence; Starlight Double-Edged Razor Twix't Sun &
`Trump's Smashed Star On The Hollwood Walk...It Was Never Real.`
--Teagarden Leaves
Wedge Ivory
`Wow! Walker
Just Conjured An Evil Unburied Indian Spirit!
Some Texas Ranger! Cahill's
Main Squeeze--My Fav-vy;
I'll Get Him Some Day...Her, & The Spirit Too.`
--Wedge Ivory
[I Hereby Vow To Take Him Away From Alex Someday.]
Monday, October 24th, 2016
Corner Chips
`The POLLS Are Debunk! Phony Bolog.na!``
`Florida rallying with Undrunk Water & Wooden Bubba Stumps...I mean,
a long table toppled with unopened water bottles.`
[opposite end of the table dolly trolley shot]
`The Poorest Modern Parody Of Orson Wells Hearst.`
--Corner Chips
Sunday, October 23rd, 2016
Fawn Boots
`I saw an old Lawrence Welk
on PBS & Tanya Welk
was singing 'I Love You Baby'.
Kohl Eyes/Brunette Girl Bangs/Smokestresse.`
--Fawn Boots
Morgue Tunes
`Done! Beefstake On A Quiver...Nearly Cooked In The Present.
All Over But Eternal History; Hell & Purgatory Roastings.`
--Morgue Tunes
[And Not In A Good Dean Martin
or Don Rickles Way]
Saturday, October 22nd, 2016
Archetype Pistachio
`Ballot Truths? Wild
Factual--The Hobby Horse He Rode In On.`
[...grow a pair, become your own eyes.]
--Archtype Pistachio
Cuke Nuclear
`Rebuilding A Nuclear Phalanx/Yesterday's Navy;
Junior Cadeting
When We Need More
Rangers & Special Forces.`
--Cuke Nuclear
Eros Hiroshima
The Gettysburg Depress
[Four Hours & Seven Minutes Ago]
`No One Has Less Respect For Women Than Suit Plaintiff.`
--Eros Hiroshima
Friday, October 21st, 2016
Scuttlebutt Rumour
`If The Gunfire Was About Bullets--Calibre Matters.`
`The Rhythm Was In The Former; Yet A Base.`
`Risen Possiblities.`
--Scuttlebutt Rumour
$450,000 A Month Allowance: He Is
Just A Fred Junior.
[Too Big To Fail]
The Choice 2016 on PBS
`Zika Babies are Evil Homunculuses sent to punish us with The End Of
The Rusting Of An Iron Age!`
[A Disease With A Z; With Arizona Newly Turned Blue By The Brown People;
Illegal Immigration Has Come To Fruition.]
[Why Else Zed?]
Angel Knives
`Hearkening To The Ghosts Of Lost Parades.`
`Suffragettes Deserve Equal Pay.`
--Angel Knives
Sunset Tiers
Thursday, October 20th, 2016
Roots Antecedent
`Horrible things are always around the corner, when you're a bad man...`
`Do Not Stand For HIMler.`
--Roots Antecedent
Wednesday, October 19th, 2016
.Final Debate Night.
Earth Acropolis
`Is The World Flat As Your Frontal Ducktail?`
`Old Faithful Still On Time; Glacier National Park Beaching Rio?`
--Earth Acropolis
Rigolette Cotille
`"Such A Nasty Woman," said The Most Beautiful 59 Year Old Boy Talker.`
--Rigolette Cotille
Bones Forelock
`Our Band, The Flesh Puppets are voting for Trump.`
--Bones Forelock
`Our Country Has No Idea...`
`Frankly Largely Debunked; My Little Hands Sleazied By Her Campaign.`
~ `Fame Or Her Crooked!!` ~ "Wrong!" ~
~ "I Will Tell You At The Time..." ~
Drum Shorts/Stacatto Pants
`Getting gnarly on Frizzy Headed Haibuki Head Moderated C.
Wallace. Hillary Mosul'ed!`
`Same Script Another Time. One Note Donny, The Serial.`
~Pouty Boorishness.~
--Drum Shorts/Stacatto Pants
Roman Catacombs
`Taped Dementia! & There Were Not Lies & Fiction When I
Saw Those
Thousands Of New Jersey Muslims
Celebrating 9-11.`
--Roman Catacombs
Apples Duewise
`You Ain't Gonna Respect The Vote?
Mush y Deferment To The Will Of The People.`
[Drudge 'o Deplorables/One Bad Apple Ferment's The Barrels Scrapings.]
--Apples Duewise
Twice Alabaster
Illegitimate? Never Accepting Defeat; He's My Kind Of
--Twice Alabaster
Monday, October 17th, 2016
Teddy Badlands/Paintbox
`Voters Rights...Right To Vote; Only Mother Nature Tantrums
May Extend Southern Registration.`
--Teddy B./P. Shoes
P.S.S.: Carpetbaggers & Ku Klux'ers: They Want To Kill
Blunt Pool Cue Poll Hoping A Late Terrorist Attack Will Derange/
Votes For HIM[ler].
`Devilishly Waiting For The White Side Of Time.`
Limmerick Spaceship
`The End Of 0 & The Angel Is Tip O' Wing:
The Chalice Poised, Wholly
White Soul Butterfly Powder Dust.`
--Limmerick Spaceship
[contraction is ever]
Spectrum Patio
`...cold clue, her lips didn't look like they'd get real.`
`Didn't trust that dame; wanted to get to know her name.
Wanted to make her feel; ton of bricks;
my girl.`
--Spectrum Patio
Such You
`The Whole Purpose Of The Gun Is To Machine.
Bigger The Make; Better The Bore.`
--Such You
Sunset Tiers
`Not Little League Dugout; Nor High School Bleachers:
Uncommon Boy'sTalk; Board Room
& Country Club;
Platinum Gold Plated Lockers;
Mean Iron Beneath.`
--Sunset Tiers
Turgeon Cry
Horrid Little
Obligato {}{}{}
Nudge Homeward
Notation \ \//
Sew Buttons / /\\
Rosaries ()()()
Crustacean Curmudgeon
Saturday, October
Fifteenth, 2016
Rue A La Mode
`DT Sexo-Fondling
Me? Droogish/A Clockwork
If I Were Baby Pie,Wouldn't
Even Leave 'im 'is
Infinity Pan
`Nexus Carmel Is A Product Of Fudge...As Long As Time Approaches
`Pandemonium A Baker's Dozen: Once A Moon.`
--Infinity Pan
Crescent Moon Slippers
.oo.Full Moon Pluto & Mercury.oo.
`15* 00' Current Pluto Focal Capricorn Nexus: The 286th* Sabian Symbol:
School Grounds Filled With
Boys & Girls In Gymnasium Suits.
Keynote: The Need For Physical Activity & Play, Especially In
--Crescent Moon Slippers
Spoken Sky
`The Moon Kisses Pluto The
Sun Full From Afars...`
--Spoken Sky
Friday, October Fourteenth, 2016
Cupid Childs
`Time Is A Heart...Seconds Love.`
`Self & Others: They Do Not Despoil.
Lust Is An Abdication Of Denial...Banking On Credit Cards`
[Crisus Twice.]
--Cupid Childs
`The Appropriate Way @ An Appropriate Time!`
Morgue Tunes
`Exposed Bunker: Another Three+ Weaks Of Hitler's Orange Doppleganger
Frothing At The Blaming Mouth!?`\
--Morgue Tunes
West Porcheve
`Martyr Maker: Prey James
Earl Ray, Jr. Doesn't Reverse Assassinate A Demagogue.`
`Then e'd Be A Quarter True As Elvis.`
--West Porcheve
Rainbo Ponytail
`Liar Liar, Pants On Fire...The Bushy Eyed Horse Is Out Of The Barn.`
--Rainbo Ponytail
`Rude Is Coarse/Not Pepper nOr Salt.`
Passing Shards
`Bought Sexy! What Makes Him Think He's A Catch?`
`Little Impressed.`
--Passing Shards
(We All Take The Train)
Dandelion Egos
Dandelion Egos Chimes In PostNot:
"I D. Trump Hereby
& Therefore State!"
`Nihilistic Adjectives Strung Together Will Not Make Us More Assured.`
Thursday, October Thirteenth, 2016
Tork Malarky
`Who Loves America More? Maize & True Brady or Ghetto James?!
`A Patriotic Quarterback vs. a Sassy
Cassius who endorses weakness.`
`Foreign Lebron! I say the choice is Tom Terrific easy.`
--Tork Malarky
Pasta Angelcake
`I don't mind, some of my best friends are Trumpets...
`So what if CougarMen play a little violate--some pussys need more
{Our America has too many Feline Singles in love with House Cats!}
{Can't they afford babies.}
{Or aren't woman enough...Can't Get A Man!}
`I do...I Donald.`
--Pasta Angelcake
Curry Favor
`Standard Amoral? Who Cares As Long As It Is White,
Wealthy & Willing To Donate.`
`Will Populate The Courts With Fascist Activists.`
--Curry Favor
Spiderweb Terazzo
T or F Today: The
Patriots Starting QB Endorses 'Sniffy
The Clown'!.?
Approves Of Donald or
Michelle's Speech.
--Spiderweb Terazzo
Angel Knives
--Angel Knives
* Recent Embedded Twitter Files
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* Almost
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* Nearly September 2016 *