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& Read 'The Historical
Saturday, July 29th, 2017
Pomp Drama
`Good Cop & Bad Cop All In One; My Dad Jester Interdiction
Was More Than Tough Cop!`
`I'm With @MYDonald: Bring Back The Good Old Days.`
--Pomp Drama
Friday, July 28th, 2017
Silhouette (Alone)
`--if moments aren't for taking chances, life isn't trying.`
{Better the sins of commission (if they are pure) than those never
--Silhouette (Alone)
HandMaiden GentleWoman
`God proposed, I am
His HandMaiden.`
--HandMaiden GentleWoman
Megaton Obelisk
Appoints A General To #ChiefHisStaff.`
`On! You Nailed Some Hammer!`
`You Blew Up, And Then You Were Used!`
--Megaton Obelisk
Crustacean Curmudgeon
`Mitch Offers #RegrettableEfforts...Hopes
To Move On.`
#StupidNews / #Plaid Naked: Warp &
Woof Of Sanity!
--Crustacean Curmudgeon
Thursday, July 27th, 2017
Protean Animus
`Dwinding Sperm Count...#WesternMen
Half As Manly As Fourty Years Ago!`
--Protean Animus
Monk's Talisman
`Skinny Repeal? 15 Million People?
#OtherAmericans: Who Cares As Long As One Of 'em Is Not You.`
`You Know They Earned Their Prexisting Conditions.`
`God Punishes The Weak & Evil With Earned Sin!`
`Cape Cod: Who Cares If You Own 'The [PBS] Lobster Pot'!`
--Monk's Talisman
Coffin Crops
`Put The Feather Duster On This One...Neutered Roosters Without A Crop:
--Coffin Crops
Slash Fasteye
`Dogs May Not Enter; Only Humans
& Gods...`
`--you blew up & then you were used.`
`You kiss the pistol...yet never
`Love UnSure With You...`
--Slash Fasteye
Wednesday, July 26th, 2017
Gene Misconstrue
`Those #DistortedHumos
Cost The Pentagon $8 Million A Year!`
[That's almost one tenth of the price tag for Viagara & Cialis!]
--Gene Misconstrue
`He tries to emote his heart
with his monster pushy hands
/force-fending that #TallBritBlond:
but Anthony Scaramucci's merely a #StreetBullyTony:
is grop-ily BBCing a Blond.
Border Queens BBC!`
--Slash Fasteye
Slash Fasteye
(Inadvertent Caricature: #TonyScar Takes Over For #PrickCheney)
Tuesday, July 25th, 2017
Blood Martyr
`Campaigning For The Hitler
Trump Sics #CesspoolHell on
Jamboree Goers...`
`Attempting to #InculcateLoyalty,
He Defeats Hillary Yet
--Blood Martyr
Isis Romeo
`With gangster Rudy G. lurking in the
who thought we'd ever root for #TheLittleBigot.`
--Isis Romeo
#CatPoster: [Hang
In There Sessions, Jeff]
Moonripples & Killdeer
`Current White House Religion?`
--Moonripples & Killdeer
[The Finnish Mati Hari Flower]
Villian's Candyshop, Sr.
Donnie T. Jr. Set To Un#OathilyTestify?!
Hoping For A Lenient Slaying;
like Dennis Hopper in The
Sons Of Katie Elder;
imagine him #T-turningCoat
on James Gregory.`
[Can You Not Imagine Him Saying: `That's all of it...before I knew life
was real.`
`Mea culpa--I feel like shat.`
--Villian's C., Senior
Monday, July 24th, 2017
Epitaph Dictates
Kushner; "In the normal
course of events of a very unique campaign."
`I am what Jared Kushner's
voice looks like.`
--Epitaph Dictates
Sunday, July 23rd. 2017
The Exhiled King
% `Can I Pardon Myself...Before I Am Gone?
$My Seeds$ 'Cause They're My
Spawn?` %
--The Exhiled King
Saturday, July 22nd, 2017
Lariat Seraglio
XX Judgement XVI The Trump Tower
[Within One Sun Impeachment Ruled]
]XXII Is The Upright Fool:
#PurgatoryDonna Dare Not
Go DOW(n).[
--Lariat Seraglio
on Claire Trevor in
down the longest hallway;
how she walked that dress
Friday, July 21st, 2017
Thursday, July 20th, 2017
Elixir Love
`For Sale: ElixirLove.Com`
--Elixir Love
Archetype Pistachio
Lower Case PASSWORD: `...angels
ashes are phoenix.`
--Archetype Pistachio
Silhouette (Alone)
`Imagination's Cool: Only If It Comes True/Even If It Never
: # 'Either Or Ei`ther?'
`Imagination is cool...in or out of school.`
--Silhouette (Alone)
Wednesday, July 19th, 2017
Pillage Burn
. [Ponders].
Ogles The Younger Older French Wife:
? As A Smokescreen For Impromptu Disappearance Tryst?!!$$$
Beck Bennet #TheWinnerOfThePageant Those
So Many Years Ago.`
--Pillage Burn
Circus Maximus!! Pre-Barnum & Bailey!
Well Treating 'Em #MuleHorse} [Promises Tea Party Primary Torture]
Tuesday, July 18th, 2017
Crustacean Curmudgeon
(Inadvertent Caricature)
`#Mitch McConnel's Harem Nixes
[$Spiteful$Brat$ Promises
Fastly Slow Death To Opponents & Turncoats.]
--Crustacean Curmudgeon
Casket Rouge
{Mitch's Sidekick/Alternative
Makeup Artiste}
[Cornered; Is Forced To Admit.
`PuttingARainbowOnADustStorm...O-our Sky Lost.`
--Casket Rouge`
{[(Commercial Brothels Of Operation & Style)]}
`If the wind gusts you might lose an eyebrow or an eye!`
`Afordable Care Act?
#HalfBastard ::
HistoryWillNotLookKindlly: Upon Those Who Support Oligarchical Fascism.
Monday, July 17th, 2017
Stoolie Vestibule
`Ty Cobb Most Senior himself couldn't hit this one out of the infield
...let alone a puny ancestral junior.`
`Tyrus UnTerrible Won't Save Ahab
from #TheWhiteElephant.`
P.S.: #EvenIf
he survives one more year:
XLVs Reign merely
Scratch Hit.`
--Stoolie Vestibule
#Half Fallacy
Friday, July 14th, 2017
"Wonderful Young Man?"
`So much for Pmurt, Jr's
Total Transparency.`
Suddenly Mum, The Trois Stooges Graceless As #PlumbBobbedWatergate.`
Beehive Postures
`I love it...wanna be Pooh
poking the Cards: #HoneyBeeTree.`
--Beehive Postures
Thursday, July 13th, 2017
Snoopy On House:
'...the harbor was night.'
Sew Buttons
Melania's Cyber miss
manners Anti-Bullying Campaign On Hold:
--Sew Buttons
Horrid Little Obligato
`She's Building Her Anti-Bouillabaisse /
/ Staffed Up To A Baker's Dozen, Yet: None A Billy Goat Gruff.`
9:46 PM EST
Goody Kind
`Opioid Legal & Ill...FDA or GOD's Nature Prescribes.`
--Goody Kind
#MirrorCrack'd #PrescriptionDoctors
Almond Bayou
small as mildew; nibbling the foreshadow
Don't go about rousting out the #streetcornerblacks...
at ten times the publicity rate of #ManhattanPenthouseSnows...?
--Almond Bayou
Capturing The Pillows
--so Donnie, Jr. ran
Russian Foreign {Intervention} Policy.
--Capturing The Pillows
Minor Evil
"So, it's time to rise to the occasion..."
Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
Ice Cream Valentines
#Deleware Ice Berg???
Global Warming? Climate Change?
Tucson's Always HOt This
Time Of Year.`
`You know the #'illaryDirt
was bound to be Wikileaks...`
--IceCream Valenines
'Cause They Already Knew Everything.
Raisin Scores
`Shades Of Joseph Conrad:
Internal Polls Show: In Their Darkest Of Hearts;
Six Of Seven Black Men Admit Shame At #BetaDogKG's$ Happy Lappings /
A Professional American Man Busily #GarglingOverDogCock.`
--Raisin Scores
Tuesday, July 11th, 2017
Pigweed Dreams
`Smug lit-tel
greasies! Morons sucked
in by a plump Russian cutie...
& the dirty trail follows your poop, Hansel & The Gretles.`
--Pigweed Dreams
Wind Ornament
`Eros Hiroshima just
told me Donald Trump, Jr.s
#SecxretSRvc. Codename is
Political Ambitions Of His Own: #ImpenetraableCyberSecurityUnit
(Was His Russian Borrowing)
--Wind Ornament
{And Now They Have All
#Formally Gotten...The Virus.}
Castrog Delomain
`Cocoon Far Past Pupae Stage: Evil Post-Hatch; Silver Castt.`
[It Takes EVIL To Know Evil]
(Should You Meet Me; Your Soul Knowing No Doubt;
I AM The Proper Former.)
#IApproveThisMessage / #CommensurateCertain
--Castrog Delomain
Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
`You Know/He Told You Who or Whom
To Treasonously Vote For.`
--Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
Sunday, July 9th, 2017
Monsieur Von Due
--Monsieur Von Due
Trent Overcoat
[As A Boy]
`Laura Nyro?...haven't
heard in so many years.
Tennison; she's got a
darling mouth.`
Saturday, July 8th, 2017
Oasis Stance
easy to lust; harder to fuck
--Oasis Stance
Thursday, July Sixth
Cupid Childs
`--doesn't work. More than the once over...`
`You know scrud you'n us.` .`
--Cupid C.
Wednesday, July Fifth, 2017
Corsair Stairs
`I was at a party the other day & I heard Snip-Snap-Synopsis say,
\/ 'Cat Walk Ass /\ Low Watt Soul...Only The Clothes
Glow.'` //\
--Corsair Stairs
Nobilous Morrow
Kim Jong-Un V. The XLVth:
'--sometimes The Wild has to get at The World.'
#CoupleCozy //
--Nobilous Morrow
`...or @ least a Jesus/Buddah/Allah/Krishna!!.`
Fourth Of July, Tuesday 2017
![Farm Watermark](char9805.jpg)
Farm Watermark
`...if you haven't got ticks yet, you have'nt
far enough into the woods.`
--Farm Watermark
P.S.: [His Friend Aino
adds, "--do beer shit in
the woods."]
Pinpoint City
`Honed light.`
[on the written Game Of
![Maldor from The Golden Age Of Atlantis](char14482zzzz.jpg)
Maldor & Rahme
{The Incestuous Twins from
The Golden Age Of Atlantis
Attend Halloween's #OneWorldApocalypseBall}
`You are the meanest person I have ever known...`
`I could be meaner.`
Married Miss Trite
`As a Republican Lady, I have to say, Cro-Magnon Brut; HisArdor&Eau are
dainty as tainted toiletries.`
--Married Miss Trite Overload
Maiden Webben
`Mika'n Me Plastic
Surgeried? #WomenWe
/ --don't try to drop the screw on me!`
`You're #OldDumpyPlump&Ugly.`
--Maiden Webben
Gingerbox Jumpseat
`Aging GracefullY? We are all still cute; tho' in less obvious
--Gingerbox Jumpseat
Saturday, July First, 2017
Crustacean Curmudgeon
...& Knowing Virtually Nothing, Trump Is Sole Fountainhead.
[#Yet Another Couched Cheney Set
To Rule]
--Crustacean Curmudgeon
{Inadvertent Caricature: Mitch
Buck Nightwing
`The Death Tax Merely Kills The Wealthiest One Tenth Percent.`
P.S.: Your Dead Grandma's Ghost Will Not Homestead Presentiment.
Friday, June 30th, 2017
Deeds Gun
`Running Against
For So Long, They Don't Know What They're For:
Yet, We Know What They've Become: Obstructionist Mitch McDonnell.`
[Old Grandfathered Schools: #PreferentialWASPWhite
/Private Monies Vouchered With Your Sweat/
[Their Texts]
Deeds Gun
--Deeds Gun
[Inadvertent Caricature:
Audie Murphy]
`Small As A Grown Boy, Jr...where's your hair?.`
Tuesday, June 27th, 2017
Orange Ball
`Get It Over With Quick--Nick & Tuck UP The Pace!
This Is Not A Twenty-Five Month Watergate Process!
Come ON!! Connect The Two Dots: #OurPresidentABoobs!`
--Orange Ball
Cowboy Stories
`Boy! Cowboy Stories Here
Sorting Responses To That Reply By Orange Ball:
#IHateJudgeJudysGuts but
I'm Not A Fan Of Delayed Justice.
`Put The Balls IN The
Basket & Don't Feign Screw The Pooch!`
Orange Ball
#EndOfXLV / BookiesHideout.Com
--Orange Ball
Ice Cream Valentines
`Alter Soylent Green Carbon Based: The Infertile Rich Get To
Adopt The Pick Of The Gene Pool Litter.`
--Ice Cream
Beveled Moments
`XLV's Sanity? Not as riveting as a mystery.`
Evidence Of Chemicaling Syrian Civilians
P.S.: He Also Saw Thousands Of Jersey Muslims Post 9-11 Celebrants
Monsoon Cherish
`Monsoon Cherish...you
wish her hots were for you....`
Monday, June 27th, 2016
Mon Clarity
her thigh held the charms of a station wagon
--Mon Clarity
Sunday, June 26th, 2017
Hurricane Scream
`Kicked Butt! Ass Tooo...Both Cracks.`
Chucksteak Drive
Friday, June 23rd, 2017
The Orphan Lady II
#LessMean :/: Yet : SignificantCutsToHumanity
`They Really Don't Wish To Curb Their Luxuries:
`They Will Do What's Best For You.`
--The Orphan Lady II
Solstice Eve, Tuesday June 20th, 2017
Pattern Mirrors
`Dreams Mean Reality, When You Can Do It. /! Victory.`
Kissing Myths!`
--Pattern Mirrors
Textbook Persian
{Quite Fine; Syrian Armed Drone Shoot Down--We
Pro-American Pashas All Agree.}
`--but Weenie;
don't you think it coulda been a bit more worscht'a
bombing that first and only freebie time.`
--Textbook Persian
One Eyed Mona Noon
`Yes, I may be #ASlinkyBitch,
but Yyou
walk & talk like your foot's
a hoof.`
~ `Woman Won't Keep Your White House.`
Ornamental# : One Delivery Of Loins...
#FirstLadyDuty [Applied]
{Lost Aftermaths} [ExactlyZeroFutures]
`--you lose; creamed...pud didn't even pubic bone.`
--One Eyed Mona Noon
Schoolboy's Sorrow
`Sessions is just An
Acting Novice...`
`If it were #UpToMeToLayDownTheLaw!`
--Schoolboy's Sorrow
[Miss Nomers
`...and the awful is upon.`
malefic intrigue; entangled danger
angels covered in sins; chocolate drippings
Superheroes Spacegun
`Me'n my #TrustySpaceshipWarpSteady
Goin` Toward Rumours
...Hazarding Inside Bets
...Six Six Six More Than Half The Devil's
# Playing Both Sides Of Avenue
Children's Wallpaper
#FollowThe$Money /// #IvankaKushnerTrumpSpawnsOrientalHellholes
Truly Prooven: Exactly Only Half Of Them Are Jews
Miniatures Of Broadway
[repeated from before]
`Every Trump Prayer Breakfast is a plea for terror attacks which
will knock him off the front tier of The Dailies; Sunday's Meet
The Press.`
#Saturday's Reprise
Flesh Equator
dull as a capillary; his intellect pseudo
a body both blocky & chunky; soft blue eyes that couldn't even hint
at steel;
merely boorish piqued
--Flesh Equator
.Evil May Be Either Left Or Right; White Or Black.
`External Terrorism vs. Internal Hate: The Blurring Of Homegrown.`
Amanita Pesquita
II. #OffshorePatriotism II.
#DependingOnMakeup: Alternative Facts/
The Newspeak Of 1984 + 33 A.D. Years.`
#Tweeting iN RealTime?
#Expect Random Atrophy
/ #Against The Advice Of Lawyers
/ #WontHeDare?
`--tight beans!`
--Amanita Pesquita
Twitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup.
Smoky Eros Quartz
`Tip & Ozma The First Transgender / The Legal Rulers Of Oz...
Of America, Earths & Entire Worlds Beyond Universe.`
Ozma Of Oz