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Tuesday, Halloween 2017
Morgue Tunes
[As A Youth]
/ Four Americans Died In Benghazi & We Heard About It For Four
Years Forevermore /
/ Four Americans In Niger Ignored
& Misnamed /
/ #EmptyCoffinsHiddenInNeoPatrioticFlags
--Morgue Tunes
[#FeatherBugWings! he
tells the truth!]
Monday, Halloween Eve 2017
Fiord Spoon
`Four & Twenty Blackbirds Baked In A Pie...`
~ `TheFirstShoesDrop...A Dozen Blackbird Legs Remain...
Standing Halfway Hip Deep...`
--Fiord Spoon
Earth Acropolis
#Anomaly! `It's Only
The Highest CO2 In
800,000 Years!` $#PureChance$
--Earth Acropolis
Sunday, October 29th, 2017
`--it ain't gonna cut the shit without the turds! I Need some
[Inadvertent Caricature Of
Trey Gowdy: 'The Pinch Faced Nightmare'
Stone Pavillion
'The Impartial Detective'
`--situation clean.`
`--you put it to the clues, that's the only test.`
--Stone Pavillion
Mueller's Book:
#EveryFingerPrint / $
#AllHisTaxReturnsToo $
Poised Wanton
sweet as Nancy Drew's hind end; sweet as temptation, bobby sox knees
`--clue curved, it was a dame.`
--Poised Wanton
Spoken Sky
`That part of dream that dreams more?
It can only be 100%.
`We All Make Love & Hate...#Mortalities
--Spoken Sky
#StarScar #FreeWill #Destiny
Tether Nightspoon
.w. her advisor Individual
`Economic Equality & Opportunities!?` / #Equality Of Opportunities /
`The spoors he has sown; #
chia pet hush.`
Individual Serialized
[Testifies] `--multiple doubled!
` His Trademark Prognois
$$ [The Crash Of Donna
DOW(n)] $$
--Tether Nightspoon
`--insignificant as a scar, you were a scab.` / `--your're the star of
any scar; #
life accrues.`
/ `Free Will v. Destiny` /
Kellyanne Conway?
: snake sleek, her forehead hard as a
thimble #SlyScallawag
Saturday, October 28th, 2017
Once Everywhere
deep-eyed in the picturebook/story
--Once Everywhere
`Every story's full of its own.`
Friday, October 27th, 2017
Mortality Shortcake
#LadyNoire `--any
payment, that's not now, might not
come your way.`
--Mortality Shortcake
Gingerbox Jumpseat
#Madame `--dust
won't woo.`
--Gingerbox Jumpseat
Gypsy Cream Starlight
#GoneCard: `Paths
sometimes end; used to love you.`
`Guess I fell in love with; awhile ago.`
Final Regards Card:
so ocean, almost; you leave me pool
--Gypsy Cream Starlight
Goshawk Roe/Goshawk Bold
#HonestCoach: `--we
came in here cat's ass; left deep in second place.`
`Tails Whupped & Hopes Dashed.`
Sing Bee
`--nyaa, nyaa! Your gods are polliwogs, not even tads nor frogs.'
`God's Only Got One Appled Eye!`
--Sing Bee
Maiden Webben
#CoolGreeting `--what talks?!`
--Maiden Webben
`--if it's not tour.`
`'Til bank told the note.`
Thursday, October 26th, 2017
At 2:09 PM Today Our Sun Catches Up To Jupiter @ 3* Scorpio | Sabian
Symbol #214:
Keynote: The educative power of ceremonies which impress the
great images of a culture
upon its gathered participants.
Lessons Dominoe
Fats Domino: 'Ain't That A Shame':
`Sometimes We All Die...`
`Five Feet Some With Many Rounds...A Giant In Life!`
--Lessons Dominoe
Monsiuer Von Due
`#GreatUnity? `Presiding
Over Empty (Patriotic) Boxes: Our Romanocracy /
/ $#XLVReigns$ In The #IndianAutumnOfCivility.`
--Monsieur Von Due
Turgeon Cry
`I Named That Black Ho's Dead Husband Without Hesitation!`
SubText: #I Have Proof!
--Turgeon Cry
Moonripples & Killdeer
Instead Of #FiftyStarsOfFreedom
| Many Arrows Of Incitement!!
--Moonripples & Killdeer
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
Gladys Surreal
#GreatUnity: `Stratego
50 Senators & A VP Are #CurrentlyMine!`
`...& I Am Mirror Of Jefferson
McCarthy / Davis Joe!`
--Gladys Surreal
Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
Amanita Pesquita
#GumbyAlphabet & 'The Ultimate
Stretch Five' #MakerThon!
`Less Than 44 Years Of Age Between 14 Feet Tall.`
`Nurkic'd!! #LurkingBeware: Like #TheBoogeyman, Oft' Times I'll
Be There:
/ #34 / Late Game Block!`
--Amanita Pesquita
Mascara Madagascar
Chucksteak Drive
`--you get the twist, that isn't...is not quite round.`
'The Secrets Of Oblong' / A Major 12th To 13th Chord /
`--you roar the door, and make the motor run.`
--Chucksteak Drive
Monday, October 23rd, 2017
Cocomo Faux
`ArmsCrossed: XLVPose: Like It Came Out Of His Nose;
Tho' He Couldn't Hear Good.`
--Cocomo Faux
#RackingUpSenatePelts / 'LiddleBob' & 'PepperFlake' /
Sunday, October 22nd, 2017
Pinpoint City
Pinpoint City: His Opening:
"--sitting atop a pearl, coming at you world."
`--reality gives, what is.`
--Pinpoint City
Overarching Intent
`#MyGenerals? More girl
than Barbie, #TheySentKens!
#MissionFailure, I Prefer
My Niger Heros NOT Dead!`
they couldn't see the wind for the trees.`
--Overarching Intent
Pepper Treewind
Gene Misconstrue
`--I have isolated the dream and illuminated it!`
--Gene Misconstrue
Horrid Little Obligato
`--deeds toward done!`
`Pause won, what would be your next move?`
--Horrid Little Obligato