Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Halloween Eve Monday, 2023

The Changemaker
Eve Halloween :  She Married Jack PumpkinHead
[In A Civil Ceremony]
He So Temporary; For Eve Is MY Widow Bride To Be...
My Little Hallows Eve.`


Pop Mobster
Speaker House :  Convoluted Conservatism
`Guns don't kill...human hearts do.`
- The Maine Alignment -
|| Empty Prayers & Silent Vigils ||


Possible Ands
Pro Forma Woman
--tidy as a knot, her third eye was never allowed to expand.
[Intuition Was Not Possibilities]


Shy Pandora
Empty White Sheets :  KKK
`Confederacy Ghosts Pretending, They Are Full Of Soul.`

* _____________________ *

Hindsights Parade
`Any War :  How Much To Care :  A Quotient Of Lives.`
Our Wars...Quotient Lives/How Much To Care?`
* _________________ *

Indian Reservations :  U.S. QuarterMaster Providing Half-Lives & Empty Bottles
: Midieval Food Stamps :
- Indigenous Flown @ Quarter Staff -

Jay Pinstripe
- 9th Inning Relief -
Exclamation Framed - It Was A Decisive Pitch

Sunday, October 29th, 2023

Animus Flaw
Mike Johnson of Louisianna :  Speaker Of The 118th Congress
Gunning For Human Hearts--The Demented Assault Weapon
Could Not Find The Soul Of The Second In Line For
The Presidency
Stay ALIVE Kamala!

Dangerous Lifestyle


Pulse Fuss
For SALE :  Evanescent Angel Wings & Trim - 1997  by _______ :
Twenty Four Inches Tall
[Last Centuries Angel Prices]
Heavenly  $37
Guardian $33
Ornamental  $26 +Tax

                                             --Your Heavenly Nurse
                                     Pulse Fuss

Tail P

- Karmic Count -
- time takes every second that matters -
Clean The Balance Sheets
:  Fund The IRS  :
Find/Fine The Guilty - Before Saint Peter Can
As With Capone :  Accounting Patron Saint


Marionette Me
Human Or Not - Promised Me Hearts -
Shadow Pulse - Halloween Valentines . Making Instead
  - Day Made Past Night -
Halloween Hearts

                                                             --Marionette Me
* _______ *

Seven Egypts
- Concertina Deep - RazorBarb Boundries -
- Two-Dimensional Love :  Map Quandries  :  PieceMeal Emmigration -

* ________________ *

Tricky Pummel
- My Political Opponent :  a la A Half-Pence -
Obstacle Entropy -  His Head Couldn't Play Dodgeball With Two Pieces Of Gum.


Death Breathy
Mercury Catches Mars : 10:22 AM On The 11th Degree
- Upon The Plains Of Scorpio - Messenger Wars !
Who Atrocities Whom?
Sabian Symbol
Death Breathy & Sable Ice - Middle School Demons
Painting Sin Red, & It Was Only Recess At Noon

                                                                --Death & Sable

Sew Buttons

:  Preliminary Valentine :
- Macabre Deep - Indigenous Lies - Explanatory Feelings -

`Phase Erased - Let's Get To The Heart Of Sex!

`No?  --dead to me, ghosts don't have scars.`


Teddy Fibre
`Suggestible as proof...`
/ Monies Manipulated /
- Proffer The News -
The Donald's Rump Kicked Back To Queens
Or Into Jersey
- New York Courtroom :  Blue Collar Prison/Permanent Purgatory -
Zombie Martyr Dripping Presidency


Earth Air Spirit
: Proportional Justice : The Prophecy :
Jury Nooses - Mussolini.esque
The Boss Of Proper Facts
Limping Zombie Rot Totters Towards Novembers Finish Line

                                                                          --Earth Air
* _______________ *

- Rich

Saturday, October 28th, 2023

Silhouette (Alone)
`...lies that dream they're true.`

* __________________ *

- Once Upon More :  ReBirthing Shores -
`Their Interior Selves Bitching & Grumbling                       
                     --A Dissembling Yellow Dog On The Couch.`
- Instant Embarassed -
- Lumpy Crumpled :  Red Logic / Prism Artifice-

Friday, October 27th, 2023

Parasol Ending
- Rumour Stories -
- Magdalene Enthralled -

* __________________ *

Lattice Veneer
- young as already become -

* _______________ *

- Late Night What -
- toes long as her nose; stubby monkey -

Alibi Skies?
- Pertinent Urgency / Frantic Obstacle -
More Than Tomorrows Vote


Gizmo Dicey
- Critic At Large -
Skullduggerous Lark :  The Sun Also Rises :
They Didn't Care About WWI
Lady Brett & All Of Them, You Didn't Care For Any Of Them
[Even The Bulls]


Harpsichord Tricycle
Whispers Became - Largest Shouts
One Beats Heart

* _________ *

At Bat :  Inches Big As The Man - Texas Ranger Josh Jung
- rudderless purpose, your windmill heart -

Pillow Foray
- Sex Education -
`Mortar Bricks...If You Can Fill In The Inner.`
/ Building Orgasms /

* _____________ *

- Espionage Waste :  Pinkerton Haste -

Mix Romance
Naturally Refined :  'Her Vote Was Exquisite'
Suburban Sensibilities

* __________ *

Caress Addressed - Call Girl :  Your Home

Attic Grandma
|:| TV Special Forces :  Nerds In Battle Gear |:|
- Camouflaged As Warriors :  Hunting Does & Deer -
! #Animals Shooting Back? !
`Hey Bartender - Yer' Pouring Bubbles!`

* _________ *

Inkling Brink - Finally Cogitation Dawning
Fears Faces with Tears :  Horror MakeUp
A Place In A Moment - Yesterdays Pictured
[Manicuring Memories]
Once Upon More :  ReBirthing Shores
- Conversation Cone -
Rainbows Regulated--They Knew The Colours Supposed To Be
Nature ReMade
The Figment Of Dawn :  Still Darkened Night
Vote UnTrump :  Commiting Sanity
Now/Today & ForeverMore

Stoolie Vestibule
- Olympic Ideals -
It used to be more sacred.`


Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Leaf Folios/Leaf Flotille
- Karmic Dharma -
`It's A (Two) Grain Of Salt(s) World...One For Over The Shoulder/
One Bravely Forth.`

No Lesson Is Random :  Trial By Human
HU = God
Man = Woman :  DuoMortalities
Experience Earns Light & Dark
The Scales EverMore For Four Octave
Heaven Fifth = 37

- Pawning Dignity :  Damning Outcomes -
face down in time, just about over   'Getting Older'
removing gnomes, from their garden homes

Coffin gossip; what the worms are saying this morning?
- face xown / Facedown In Time; just about over -
burnt down stool pigeons


Angel Knives
! !  Pitchfork Advice :  `Wanting Naughtily?!
`Gunshy Devils Don't Bag The Angels.
Shoot Boy!  Shot--Geese On The Wing--Cupid Things
Hunting Season 365 Days Per.
Morals?  That Extra Leap Year Extra Quarter Don't Count.

[] Never Content With Now--RealMans Bust Out (Of That) Limbo Purgatory []
- Hunting Season 365 Days Per Year Hunting Season
: INTERIOR Chorus - Scripted Parameters :


Honey Kitchens
`She married on the bad side of june...Cusping Cancer, anything past the 17th.`
- The Bad Side Of June :  She Was A Baby Jane -
... it rained the night before ...


Kittens Starlight
`Kitten Cloys...Stop.  Overeager girl.`
~ Cat Subtle - Forgetting To Be Your Own Wayward Curl ~
One Last Run In Your Stocking

Fairy Godmother Advice


Purple Advice - Delusions Of Grandeur
- It Was But A Love Of Red Wine -
Aided Heart


Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

Capturing The Pillows
- literal as a nerve -
`Dear Diary:  Date Chopped; I Made A Hash Of Yesterday.
A Blind Setup - Stellar As A Fig

* ____________ *

- Reserved Words -
- Coventries Sins - Starring Kiss Disappears
? <> - Latent Entropy -
- The End Of Enemy -
Vetting Regret :  An Ideological Post Mortem

- `Getting Old ... Running Out Of Sap Stream.` -

Lariat Seraglio
- Twisting The Ruse -
Ankle Deep In Transparencies...
Perhaps I Should Be The Independent House Whip!?

Tyronne Union Star Power
`Once Upon A Dream :  The Equal Rights Ammendment : Circa 1972?'
ERA :  (The ERA) FIVE Reasons It Is Still But
Shorthand For A Pitcher's Prowess
- Idaho - Kentucky - Nebraska - Tennessee & South Dakota
Rescind :  A Wholesome Entire Congress Will Not Bring It Up
For Final Ratification
- Mary Magdelane Eve :  They Can Not Even Define Sex -
- Xex -

White Spice
`Cool as nude, ice cube.`

* _______________ *

alien stark; only shadow
- Volume Pretend(s) :  A Series
- saying more than you could mention, in monotone/moment one -
`Fractured blessings...still carried light.`

Squirt Liturgical
- Surface Soul -
- `Thin deep, as shadow peeled...` -

Pedigree Lucille
: Collateral Harm :
- War Of The Child, Each One A Veteran -

* __________ *

Pardon The Pause :  Wait Obviate
Composing Ghosts:  'Dust' 'Dutch' Interlude
- the subset of dreams which are yours. -
Qualify Diems - Direct Caramel
Twixt Kitten & Cat - Puberty
- Ad Lib Circle -
`Used To Be Stillform...Neo Me.` / Stillform Witness
The Back Of My Hat, Sitting Trend
Soft Season Dreams
Accomplice Liege :  Enabling Evil
Creative Angst :  Stuck In The Middle Of Form, Hung UP On The O...
Two Dimensional Hole
Hidden Somewhere IN Your Car :  Holy Long Ago! Dead Mouse Triage -
;   fast as flash; breakneck pictures

Tree Bulb
Cataloging Memories
Fast As Flash; Breakneck Pictures :  Tickets To Mixture


Heart Artichoke
- She Took Off Her Legs & Put Her Hat On -
Mannequin Mind


Egg Avatar
- Full Circle Darwin...Once pon Scopes...Now Whole-Throated Worship
Of Six Week Biology!`
(Or Even Kiss Integrity - The Mixing Of Sexes)
Adjacent Nexus

Loose Illusions

Windows Cast :  Painting/View Point
- Hidden In Disguise -
Alien Intuition :  She Live To Make Pre-Promises.
Lingo :  Hydrated Purity - Crossword Pants

tough as a bunch; bunches, five fingered kisses


loose illusions, truths sifting

Isis Night
___ Civilians Kissing War...Burden Ever People ___
- Linear Non -


- Papal Rainbows :  Black & White Shadows -
<> - Rumor Stories -
- Late Night What -
- The Death Of Daylight -
- Calm As A City -
Ruby Nude - Nipples Allure
Scorpio Arrested - Em pty Macho Braggadacio :
An Assault Upon Chivalry
`Fizz Flash Slam!`
___ The Bloom Of Alive Bleached In Dessert Coral ___
:  Superluous Feelings - Cuticle Moods  :

Monday, October 24th, 2024

Ice Cream Valentines
- Battleground Wraiths -
The Anatomy Of Evil :  Mark Meadows Immunity
- Fine As Prunes -
- Straightening Might -
Four Ours   `...the wind blowing on time.`
'A Softly Flattering Like'
___ Anxiious Quandry ___

Maiden Webben
`Yes, it's true...`
The Incest Of Preferential Blue Blood Legacy Admissions


Baby Pie
- Plausible Sass -
Extended Engagement :  My MiniSeries

Stoolie Vestibule
- The Conspiracy To End America -
by ______ ?
Nazi Rise :  Parallels Henry Fords Orwell -
- tRumps Rumble Seat -
- Flivver Nation :  TAKEN/Her Hidden Secrets -


Instant Enable - Whiskey, Kiss or TV.
Flipping Channels/Assumed Mantles
- June September Meets Autumn's UnderStudy -
Congress Asleep - Winter Came & No One To Little Red Hen
- MOTHER Will Not Serve Breakfast Dawn -
: Dark As Beyond :



- A Red, White & Blue Costume On An American Indian -
- Deceased Skip Inskeep -
Kept Duplicate
A Previous Johnny
- Hitting Out On The Owl Hoot Trail -
"Don't ever get the gun brand, Johnny.
It burns too deep."
- Kiss Wasn't :  Each Sister -


'Pitton Frills...No Girders; Hardly Underpinnings Of Rushmore.
No Mount/Evil Divisive Molehills.`

- Instigated Ends -
`Dirty Crawl -- I'll See You Shamed!`

Patina Decease

- ?! -
Pitton Frill :  Hardly A Mainstay Of Mount Rushmore
: Lag Time Gone :
* False Fouth Of Julys - Flag DayUnStars *


Teddy Fibre
- Accessible Facts :  Immunity Assertions -
- Big Apple Valuations -
The Ghost Of Plausible Never In His Courtroom.
Guilt Foreordained - Multiple Dooms
- The Rats Restroom / Ship Of State UnClean -

- Volcano Entropys /\ The Edge Of Kept -
Imminent Putsch : Edges OverTaken


- City Matrons :  The Edge Of Kept -

Homegrown Webs


Fontish Noh


Primitive Sin
<>- Big As A Promise -
... She Never Kept Her Eve ...


<>- Six Permission -
Earthwildes Secret Mission
/ Extending The Angles Of Ways /


<>`One Point None...Their North Star Anonymous.`

Monday, October 23, 2023

Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
~ Conjure Genie ~
Whether Crusade Crucifix Cross Or Allah Akbar!
BEWARe oF :  Blessings From A Falsely-Invoked goD.
- Spiritual As An Ouiji Board -
(God Is With Every Soul)


Composing Rosaries
- America Evacuating The Mideast -
:  ALL Pets Left Behind :
`Coffin Kept Quagmire;
Many Humans Did Not Wish To Go.`


Maiden Webben
Menage` A Non :  COVID Killed Society
- The Coffee Table Crowd -
:  Feelings Astray  :

* ___________ *

Pidgkin Assign
- Seas Shells Smile, & Stones Don't -

* ____________ *

Open To Chase
A Witness To Solvency
Lingo :  A Skin Entrepreneur
the rusted-out scroll  /  old words

Francinsense Buffalo
- Too Hot -
:|: Saguaro Goes The Way Of Buffalo :|:
Too Not :  Mankinds Caring


Rainbo Ponytail
- Softballs  :  Poached Eyes -
Pineapples Of Hospitality                 
                                             Calculated To Shard/Calibrated Shards
* [Mandatory] - Company Picnic *


[:] Dice Sombre [.]
Hits The Bottom Of The First

* ___________ *

* Conquer Taken :  Quick Soft *

Lessons Domino
<??+>Shaking Format :  Boot Or Hand
- Equalities Of F0rm


Old $ Money
Taylor S?
`Can't Sing...You Know, She Really Just Talks Her Songs
The Naughty Girl Next Door
Clever Enough To Share Your Lunch.


Primitive Sin
- Bore Among -
Crisp As Her Purse; Lips To Match
Terse Words


Poised Wanton
___ Hostages Taken ___
][ Delayed Ground War ][
- Little Pieces Of Permission |  In The Grand Line -

                                            --Poised Wanton

Superheroes Spacegun
- Hair The Colour Of / Once Upon Strawberry Blond -
: Echoes Mime :
? OutSinging A Two Headed Woman !
- Unsaid - Words Without Time -

                                                       --Passing Shards

Stone Pavillion
--grinning her giggles, she wasn't aware.
Simply could not construe.

Schoolgirls 1946--Don't Be A Recess Patsy.

[Historical PSAs]

Hodgepodge Fatty


`Temptation far as starlight can be...`


Textbook Persian
A Cross Between God & A Nation
My Jesus Yours
The Limits Of Adjunct :  ReLiving Prior Tears -

There's No Such Thing As :  Inside The Pop Machine



Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

Egg Crash Coffin
* 'Half-Pence' On Meet The Press *
`Boots Underground :   Gaza UnEarthed - U.S. Special Forces Liberating
Hostage Wormholes!.`

<>- Iwo Jima II -<>

                                                           --Egg Crash

Each Midnight
`Suspicions Trace...`
- Inimical Still -
! Stepchild Alone !


Monk's Talisman
`God's Purport - As Told By Me.`

                                                                    --Monk's Talisman
* _________________ *

- Hair The Colour Of Once Upon Strawberry Blond -
Whispers Turn To Tears
- Quandry's Ally -

The Snake's Waistcoat

~ Spellbinding The Deluded Goobers ~


East Wing
- Typhoon Haiku -


Eggshell Coracle
Pawn Shop For Old People
Swap Meet Foster Homes

Clarinet Licoricestick
- Israeli Special Forces -
`Look at you ... poking your nose in a wormhole.
Brave As Forever, Iwo Jima II.`
- Shalom Good Luck -
[Pence Would Give A 12 Hour Or  20 Minute Warning]
- Blind As In Kind -

* ____________________ *

* The Calm & The Callow -
A Short Story Of Neophyte Ennui
PURCHASE :  A Modicom Of Order & Sanity - Coin Purse
Chiseled Cogitation - Quizzical Waif
Two Sleuths : Death Devout
Done For Rent
- Score Foray :  A Commanche Raid -
- A PraiseWorthy Bastard :  Of Rare Breedings -
- Carcass Cephalopods -  :  UnderDwellers  :

Wicked Queen
- Pageant Asp For President-esse -
Kristi Noem - The Wicked Queen
- The Slayer Of Sitting Bull (& Geronimo) :  S Dakota Rules -
:  COVID Wasn't :

                                   --Eternal Teaparty

Worn Fable : The Republicans Are Better With The Economy
Myth - They Would Have Let Detroit Die - Putin Win
- Terrorist Variables -
Spin Into Spun - Thetorical Regurgitation - Texas Supplementay Schoolbooks


Saturday, October 21st, 2023

Stellar Onus
Playing Chicken With The Head Cut Off
Speakerless Carcass - Silent Beak
Fascist Skitter - Red Without White & Blue


Pomp Drama
`Seraphim w/out Cherubim / lacking wives, Ents seek air roots.`
~ Putting A Spiral In Clown's Eye ~

'Pedalling With Harry' : "I went pedaling w. Harry one day.
He & my Mother, they were kids once...
as was Curious George...borders travel honorable."



* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything :  Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks & Reserved
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages