Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Thursday, July 20th, 2023

dDitto Cruciform
*  Athena Venus  *
In Two Days The Tail End Of The Sun In Cancer Reigns In Venus
At The End Of Her Forward Arc.
VenusRx - 9:33 PM @ 28* 36' Leo [17 minutes later The Sun Enter's Leo]
Sabian Symbol (Phase 149) :  A MERMAID EMERGES FROM

KEYNOTE :  The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from
the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.



9:50 pm |The Sun @ Sabian Symbol 30 Cancer as Venus Rxes

KEYNOTE :  The prestige & conservatism of a long-maintained  heritage.



Earthe Acrop0lis
- Culling Premonitions -
`Vermont Floods, Kentucky Rains & Razor Sharp Texas Heat /
Barbed Elements Tether Tatter...`
[TRANSITIONing; Climate Changing Much As Tomorrows]
][ #6800 :  Orcs In The Afterlives ][


Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
- Beat Hangout -
:   My CafeClubhouse   :


Lightning Chalice
`Life...your eyes have the light.`
- Rainow Spectrums/Blacks & Whites -
Make Your Incarnations Count


* - *

Oreo Cracker
- Isolation & Immigration -
: Border X :
: The Blind & The Elephant :
- Thick Skinned Eyes -
Do Republican Touches, Ever Feel, Our Pachyderm Heart?

* __________________ *

- titty peepshop crass -

Book Velvet
: Homemade BookMarkers :
One Per Book W. Space To Make Notations
Of Significance/Dated Progress
- Final Critical Rating/Number Of Times Read -



Trent Overcoat
: Emblem Tamed : Once Wild & Free :
Citizens United :  Wayward Gerrymander / Supression Voter :
Unfurled Repression :  Fifty Stars Not Worth The Purity Of Light


Tukus Urbane
Lips Quill :  A Disapproval Pursed : Budget Proxy
- Social Spending :  Unless The Dispensation Was Welfare Corporate -


Similie Thimbles
- Vitreous Fine -


Deep Sea
`Pretending Against...78' & 33's
- Guns & Singles, Swift - It's A .45 World -
... Ninety Degree Oceans ...
Coral Bleached :
Yo-Ho-Ho & A Bottle Of None, Perfume Cologne...
Treasured Islands
Now Avalon.`

Bridges Drink - The Polar Cap
- Tomorrow's Memoir -

                                                                   --Deep Sea

Horrid Little Obligato
`God Swears!`

                                                        --'orrid Little
* __________ *

Spider Blues
`Second Hand Gods :  Stasis Bound - Evermore Garage Band.`


Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Crustacean Curmudgeon
- The Sorcerers Of God -
DOGMA :  Worshipping The Uniformity Of God
CatsPaw :  Freelance Intuitions
MIND Vs. Heart
[I Much Prefer The Normal ProForma]
- Religion Sautéed With Hammer & Tongs -

* _______________ *

- an abrupt nod announcind the onset of sleep -
- Scolding The Rules -

Fiord Spoon
Acid Reign :  `--tho' the tides be dark, Your Vote The Little Dutchboy's
finger in the MAGA Fascist Dike.`
- No Mas ... No More 2024 -


The Changemaker
`The soft chance of hard realities...`

                                                      --The Change

Isis Romeo
`Papyrus or print, paper frames could not hold God's Word.`
:  Two Dimensional Truths :


Amanita Pesquita
- Texas RazorWire -
: Mexican Nexus / Swept Perforce :

- 'Skip A Rope' (by Henson Cargill) -
- The Prejudice Of Former, Wanting Still -


Curry Favor
- Stripsearching Memory ... For Play Refrain -
Sacred Saint :  Wasn't I A Perfect Victory


Christen Impart
- Race Remained -
Tortoise Shell Black & White
Rabbit Innuendo
Testimony Obsevered

.\* _________ *

- Feasible Possibilities -
/ Dead Fantasies /

- Harvesting The Ides -

* __________ *

- Pampered Sex -
:  a weasel in lambskin throes :
- as years went by like skies -
~ Ship Of Fools ~
Vivian Leigh (too Lee Marvin) Paraphrase :
"Too busy Lynching Negroes To Have Time For The Jews."

Candycane Lattitude
`Jesus Freaks, Forgetting God Was The One To Adore...        
                          (His Sun) An Exemplar To Emulate With Your Moons.`


  Parisian Sands
Early 1939 :  PreBefore - The World Of Become
Had Not Yet Appeared
- dry as a sigh; sere wistful -

* ______________________ *

windowsill drill; she favoured a very cramped view

Goody Kind
`Fact Testimonial--Dr. Goody Kind Here Toasting Campaign 2024!!
My Donald?  Stethoscopes Know--Diagnosis More!
  Now & Reign EverMore--Save All
Of The Baby Souls!`

                                                        --Dr. Goody

ACT III : True Third Term 2024?!
`As A Play?  --Boring Ambulatory!  How Can He Ante?`
- The Latest Indictment -
The Furthest Treasons.`

* ____________ *

'The Process Of Formal'

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

Tortellini Aperitif
Alabama Representation
- `Negro Canniballs!` -
~  White Gerrymandering  (By Infectious Necessity)  ~

* ________________ *

- horrible atrocious -
* __________ *

`That Flick?  Of Five--Three Star Normal.`
- jet skis; there's something so godlessly repulsive about them -
' Storm Prints '
- Pillow With An Eye :  Macabre Short Story -
'Lake Alone' -  A Chapter
- Quarter Past Fate - Noir

The Orphan Lady III
`Imagination.  Admission is dream.`

                                      --OL III

P.S.:  Postmarked Always
* ____________________ *

Street  Matters  :
Her longing riddled with wishes.
Jesus Christ All Owls
- Isis Woven :  NonFiction -
'Vacant Nativity' :  A Frieze
'Sin Tiers' :  Chapters 'Flesh Sinuations'

Rigolette Cotille
`--you don't know always.`



Theme:  Anti Banana :  A Spider's Topography :
PSA  `--don't because.`
PSA  `Fresh as dream, keep your heart.`
Mario  [Churchillian Repose/Standing Fast As Time]

Slash Fasteye
'Short Story'
- Angels Misdemeanor -
Egg Father & Son (Not Quite Fully Male)
- Did You Eat Your Dreams :  Before They Hatched? -


- Commissioning Spies To Muse -
* ____________ *

PSA  Drinks  `...& a bottle of broken dreams.`  Launching
- The Sport Of Fact -

Hurry Furlough/Bookend Maudin
: Romeo Dreams :  Mannequin Band :

Lightning Chalice
`It's Life ... You Have The Eyes To Light.`


Tork Mallarky
- Ramshackle Nasty - White Trash -
Those Urges, Infecting You Too
Racist Asshole :  Admit YOu ArE One Of Me
- Sphincter Needs -

[(I'm) David Duke Before Plastic Surgery]

* _______ *

Childrens Wallpaper
Jehovas :  Witness To Nothing
: Door To Door Bores :
- At Least COVID Erased Those Pests -

* ___________________ *

][ Prescient March 12th, 2020 ][
1994 AID's PSA :  No One's Cure
Hidden Ceilings - Body Clues
- Kicking dog Trail -
Dreams :  Pillow Chalice

Full Stars :
`Loose As A Cannon, Ready To Snap, Crackle, Pop.`
- Locked In A Time That Did Not Realize -


Animus Flaw
\:/  Full Morals  \:|
- Flawed As The Tail End Of A Parade -


Monday, July 17th, 2023

Parting Gift Prize
`tRump 2024?  As A (Long-Running) Play?  Hinder's Seat--Boring Ambulatory.`
- Rural Ditch/Backwoods Rut--Off Broadway -


Milt Overload
- The Fate Of The Normal -
/ Lacking Destiny /

* _____ *

Puppet Flesh
- tame as delicacy -
:  the innocence of frost  :
- S & M Bondage -

                                                                        --Puppet Flesh
* ______________ *

Secret Woo
`Misogynist! Youthful veal hardening coarsely
--you & your wiener schnitzel eye!`

                                                                                        ['Mrs. Whatsit' - The Sable Mati Hari Flower]

Snap Axel
- Pegleg Pirate Remedy -
`Nair?  Near...put your hair in a spider's web, & you'll grow more legs.`

* ____________________ *

- gone for good, when it's over -
'The Tabloid Family'
Scene:  Roach Foreplay :  Stubby wobbly on a hatpin; she get the last hit;
he sniffs the falling ash.
Blowing out smoke, she nips his fingertip; suckles.
Wife Signoff :  Etc. Hearts

Alfredo Alfresco
A Place :  'Fine Cafe'


Sunday, July 16th, 2023

[] Square Headed Politician-Thinking Like A Box []
`Boy, he's getting homlier by the moment.
By the time his futile campaign is over, he'll have
jowlier cheeks than me.`

`Ooofa, where is the sizzle-snap?
Tired Coinage.`

[The Only Time His Eyes Open Is When He Says "Wokeism!"]
- Liver Echelon :  The Sizes Of Bile -
Too Nuance - He Puts The Just In Justice :  Taming Lesser Gods



Secret Mixes
`Cocaine In The White House?`
Rupert Murdock Put It There So His Carrion Magpies
Would Have A Sunday Morning Crow Topic.`
- SuperClue :  Hunter Did It!` [Referred Innuendo]


Heart Artichoke
[After Her Almost Famous Debut,
Goldie's Daughter Should Have Retired.]
`One Of Something :
Sometimes A Single Pinpoint Of Light Makes A Star.`
- Or At Least A Tine -


Shadow Beautymark
- Ambiguous Space -
Iranian Women - Berlin Walls Upon, Veils Of Face


Soul Folio
Mosaic :  Flattening Phosphogypsum Stacks
Into Radon Roads :  Drive Florida

* ________________ *

Lost Lattimore
: Republican Slate :
- Ultra Mediocre :  Posit Box (es)-
- After All, Dreams Did Want To Become True -
: Missing The Parable :
`For Once Let's Kiss In Broad Daylight.`
           --Simone Signoret
~ Ship Of Fools ~

* __________________ *

- The Stranger's Traces ... Never Could Make Life Whole -

Monsieur Von Due
- Darling Footprints -
: The Lost Bee : End Of Earth / As There Was No Metaphor For Flower -
'Button Cut' :  A Fashion
- Petal Steps :  A Bumblebee's Purpose -


Egg Avatar

- Myopic Violence :  Daring To Be Brutal -
: Biological Rules :
Thou Shalt Procreate

* _______________ *

Horrid Little Obligaoto
- Empty Green -
- Top Drawer Whore :  She Knew All The Gutters -
___ Capitol Steps ___
* Sold Of Soul *


Spectrum Patio
- Barbie Dolls Barber :  Childhood Psychodrama -
- Kids & Dolls Compact -
 Spectrum Patio
: Not A Blog - An Open Diary :


Steppingstone Derby
: Pied Piper Of HamHocks :
Dupe Stupid :  Marionette Mannequins
- Dog Whistle Ears : Rin-Tin-Tin -
The Fascist Shepherd
* Evangelist Prey *


Saturday, July 15th, 2023

Widow's Traveil
`--breathe until you prove your life, then die.`


Wink Marlinda
`--scene of the perfect time.`

* ______________ *

A Dish Of Fusion  'Mama Mia Tortilla'
'Dude In The CowDust' :  Act Of A Play
Chapter  'Pistol Cold'

Friday, July 14th, 2023

Oasis Stance
- Omen Stasis : Tire(d) Rut -
 Paths Ever Followed


P.S. Spaceship
Resurrection :  ... `Way Bigger Than An Easter Basket--
The Bunny Couldn't Hold It.`
- Easy Adoption -
:  Fertilized Cowbird Eggs Delivered  :


Pulse Fuss
- Doom Scenario :  Pound Puppies Steeds For Orc Fetuses -
!  Broiling Hell Raining Tornados  !

* _______________ *

- he was a tall scowl -
:  The Font Of Turmoil  :

Anthony Adverse
`True as words could bloom, 'I Do.'`


Kittens Starlight
`Kiss me in a hug...`
- Kitten Simmer -

* _____________________ *

`Shake the dice, into the palm....Lifelong Heads,  Hearts, Fate...
 The Mount Of Moon, Spilled Upon The Plain Of Mars.`
| Venus Gone, Girl Was Womanhood |
*   *

Monsoon Cherish
`Woman UnGirl...The Moon Stolen From Her Heart.`
* _______________ *

bird's uncommon flight, tethered claw
- affectionate pets, dropping dead with the slap of a fly -
Working like a dog for a bone, long gone marrow.
- the strain of angles clearly wanting -

Bedouin Cardinal
'Baby Stray'
`Lackadaisical lies, she didn't love you anymore.
She barely tries, doesn't love you as much.
`Her lies decorating half truths, my baby's gone alibi.
Proof absolute; no love at all, any more.
`The Promise Of Promises Gone Astray.`

* _______________________ *

Cowgirl to Beau:  `--why bless your little bow-legged heart.`
- Cruel Witness -
: God In Toto :

Rigolette Cotille
`Posies are for girls...roses for women in love.`


Thursday, July 13th, 2023

'Mercurial Serial'  :   A Distinguished Nickname Of Potential Entropy
- Fusion Eternal -


Psychofield Welsh
- Once Loved, Never Removed -
/ Cancer Kiss /
: Lord Cigarette :


Patina Decease
'Bald Headed Evil--Let Them Not Have Sex'
: Fascist Conformity :
- Fetuses To Momma Bear -
: One Bowl Fits All : Goldilox Rules -

--Cinderalla Needs Planned Parenthood's Fairy Godmother
- Free Abortion :  On Demand -
Contraceptions Of Every Kind

Planned Parenthood Turned Outlaw Radical


CXorporate Bondag   10:00 PM
- Hell Follows, My God's Word -
[] Don't Make Me Curse You []
- Inflation Profit Pure -
/ Citizen Corpse United /
: Living Freedoms Lost :
- Karma Captured . In Shadow Songs -

* __________________________________ *

Spoken Sky
- Evenings Awoken -
Saint Around - He Left His Campaign Trail Scent
At Every Political Event
His Personal Functional
- Career Politician :  Surface Soul :  Person Persona -



Wednesday, July 12th, 2023

Tortellini Aperitif
- Mouse's Delight -
Grilled Peanutbutter & Cheese
w. a Pat Of Cream Cheese
/ Whipped Cream Aside Dollop & Maraschino Cherry


Parasol Ending
- Frayed Beauty -


Parasol Ending
- Nude Music -


Hangshshadow Curves/Shy Pandora
- American Vacation Too -
`Myanmar Far...Her Need Was Loquacious.`
][ Sampling HouseWives - No Import Duty If Married
/ One May Find A Lightning Chalice ][


Handmaiden Gentlewoman
`Your Theologies, Master Key Space?
Ugh, that yogurt's starting to get at the edge of further!`
UnSpokeSpoken :  `--criticized mine!`



Such You
- Two By Needs -
`...of company.`


JPG. Montage/Shadows Facsimilie
- Mailbag Shares -
:  Secrets Include  :
Jpg. Montage w. Interior Pods


Josef Mohawk
`Life Chooses.`
[A Breath Enhande Is Worth Two Biological Fetuses]

* ______________ *

Master Key Space
- God Caused -
`Locking Jesus Up Like A Bank,
With Your Picket Fence Of Misshapen Theologies.`


Killowatts Hurt
- `A Perfect Happy Ending--Me Getting A TailPiece Of That!` -
- Wistful Wish : Wolf Whistle Dish -
- `Trifle flayed...` Sew Buttons added  his imagination. -

                                                                           --Killowatts -

Sew Buttons
: Abortion Censorship :  Words/Worlds Crying Upon God :
- Intentions Panacea  :  Seams Modified -


Stoolie Vestibule
Captive Pour -  'BarFly Keno'
- Gambling Clock :  Lotto Ticket Numbers & Bookie Names
& The Track ...
  Fifth Race To The Poverty Of Distracted Addiction.`

* - *

- Broken Pawns  - Terror Bound - Karma Fact -
: Renting Catastrophe :

RIP Womb
- Six Feet From Yesterday :  Residing UnderGround -
`Context Buried - Mortal Was Flesh
The Lord Was God, Before I Came Around.`
- Members Statement -


Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

Orphan Ladies
- Grain Your Own Salt -
[] The Alone Orphanage []

- `If You Don't, Won't's Close As Now...`
- Do Or Don't -



* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything :  Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks & Reserved
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages