Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](0hostesszero.jpg)
Saturday, March 25th, 2023
Half-Spring Pennymind (&
`--comfortable fun!`
* ___________________________ *
- The Garden Of Deeds -
mildly immortal; he was famous unto himself
: Future Crass :
- Holiday Knives; Mean Repartee, Turkey Guests Equally Carved -
Prior To Naught : The History Of Limbo
Snow On Spiderwebs
`--once I sucked the pus out of your heart, no blood was left.`
* _____________________ *
truncated neck, he wore a cannonball hat
- Civil War Casulties -
- Better Parameters -
shards of popcorn & cracked wheat
- The Orchestra Of Entropy -
the sun would ride, wanton skies
didn't give a rodents crocus for your figments
murky scars which would not divulge origin
Venial Sins Impatiently Waiting For Mortal Graduate
[Little Must Become Big]
- Passionless Evil Is Merely Mute -
* _________________ *
Pitches To God
Rue a la Mode
- Adventures In Limbo
* _________________ *
empty as yesterday's parade
too late to wait; already gone, already been
- Interior Disquiet -
- leavened head; shampoo of flufy -
Corner Chips
Pasta Angelcake
* __________ *
Rumour Bubbles : Each Tween Their Own Cyber Soap
- the bounce is only half the flight -
the brunt of crux; she only cared for bottom lines
`--teapot stint, look at that Tuba Concerto.`
- The Pace Of Show -
- sublime charm, you admired her moxie -
Wherewithal Witheld
Waitress Faces :
An Anthropologtical Study
Boiler Plate Pretend
- Pensive Needy -
moderately wise; a half-wit
`--why aren't I smart?`
- Tea Time Lies -
Japanese Aircraft Carrier
`--kicked ass & erased names!`
Friday, March 24th, 2023
Transparent Gravities
Ghost Pathetique` : 2 Point No : There Is No Going Back To
echoe Shadoe
Shadoes Capture Echoe Soul
* ______________ *
pages rare as equally fair; halves of book
her nefarious smirk gurlging into a lurching brook
The Great Gadsby : ` can't Always/Ever be the way it was.`
'Tiny Traumas' :
The Half-Master Of Fluster.
Paranormal Had Become Commonplace
- Lugnut Almost - (Loose Girder)
Eyelet Nimbus
Sacraficing God To Your Version Of Jesus
* _______________ *
Tailor Made Homespun Flags / UnFurl Your Own
- a spider whispering smoke to expose light -
<> My Uncle(s) Heart : Affectionate Dilletante/Malsuited To
True Fatherhood
The Moon Baton Rouge
- The Tragedy Of Car -
casual fine, glamour was not involved; camoflage deeper than disguise
Spectrum Patio
: Lollipop In A Halter Top :
- baby-sitter cash -
Arbitrary Lancet
<> split infinitive smooth
- Stealth Warriors Must Have Verve & Panache -
[The Holywood Vines Press Corp]
* _____________ *
Angel Echoes
Ghosts Suppose ... They May One Day Become True
* _________________________ *
random as holidays
'Weak Cookie' : crumbs & cowards; decayed moral fibre
~ Immortal Scroll ~
- Dairy Drops -
- Vestige Bestial -
promises crawl; political breast strokes/half excuses
burned out quell
- long sheer -
the squeaky weasel needed new wheels
- Normal Aspirations -
~ creeping the verge of worm ~
Crooked As A Scrawl/Crooked Smear
Paper Played; Her Wedding Certificate Heart
Animus Flaw
/ gave up on proof; blind faith, loose truths /
* _____________ *
steep as Atlantis; an uphill fairy tale
- Her Edge Of Regret Had Never Reached Remorse -
maybe they'll take my tonsils out again
- convincing yourself Jesus always agrees with you (what would I do?) -
Bonded By God (Onionskins) - My Mortal Paper Implemennting -
Death Marking Successful Crosses
Pig Gibble
Rascal From Hell, 100% Purebred Imp
--Pig G.
* __________________ *
- The Limits Of Limitation
- ghosts buying sensations with down payments of none -
- evidence inhand; cadaver stelth -
knobby bumps in the night that were your eyebrows
fitful as an embrasure
close to punury as prosperity
Quid Pro Quo? Your Good Book Only Reader True
Stone Pavillion
...gumshoe goo, he didn't really know waht to do,
when it came to being a sleuth
No clues to narrow The Killing Field; puppy hound, nose all around
--Stone (As A Child)
Note : Odd Sabbatical 14th-23rd
Monday, March 13th, 2023
Token Verlaine
- brave as tame -
: Vichy Ancestry
* _____ *
- The
Tragedy Of Car -
nickname 'Bug Pieces'
flashes of glimmer, errant twinklings
- cherry picking god's will -
Morgue Tunes
- Dead Men Don't Cry -
Film Noir
* _______________ *
- sooner than mood -
bald roots; there's a gap in my hedge
- `God's Throttle? --got a little piss in my ink.` -
- MoonLove Above -
Sunday, March 12th, 2023
Pasta Angelcake
- Last Valentine -
`X's & O's ... Ghosts Enclosed.`
* ___________ *
- time comes true, if you wait (or make) -
fiddle smoke
- Refugees In Nod -
nubile as a mayfly
a little less than heart, mostly blood clot
'Second Date'
Saturday, March 11th, 2023
* Three Year Pandemic Anniversary *
Smokytop Shade
apple pie doesn't grow in the sky -
* America
Is Deeper Than One Flag ... Brighter Than Fifty Stars *
Hodgepodge Fatty
- Combobulated On The Straight & Narrow? -
(Then I wouldn't be a jolly fat boy!)
Ode As Hue
`--faith hopes charity sees through.`
/ Camouflaged Hearts Never Seek Truth /
- Love Triplets -
Old Money
Model Makeover : Wearing Expressions A Mannequin Might Make
* __________________ *
- memories hanging by a scar -
- Friendless Angel -
`--your wishes dishonor the intent of innocence.`
Martyr? Standing Alone On God's Forgotten Crown.
`Why aren't I smart?`
`Rumor Bubbles : Each Child Their Own Cyber Soap.`
happy as harm
- The Bad Part Of Evil
-White Faced Truth'
'Marshmallow Mortal'
`Good As Should?` Saint Peter's Book Report
'Kiss Construe' A Virgin
- Purgatory Amoral -
Overall Total
`Book It, Bank It & Budget It : The Three B's.`
* _____________ *
- no one he knew was near -
Logical : The Heart The Wrong Place To Start
Friday, March 10th, 2023
Smidgen Mixin's
- Recipe For God -
: Capturing HIM In Your Kitchen :
* ____________ *
Poison Cradles
Catteries : Mummified In Lieu Of Edible -
The Egyptians Bred Them Sacrificial
Pope Gregory IX : Papal Anti-Cat Edict : God Hated Cats
- Medieval Beliefs -
* ____________ *
- drifting fixation -
- the choof of animation -
For The Sake Of GROD : Bestial Worship
- Perish By Might -
Homegrown Webs
- Limbo's Heartland -
Menacing Heavy Load
: Criminal Thug :
dumb as a crumb; leftover intellect
* ____________ *
on a no call list & have no interest. Please do not call
You have a pretty voice, but use it elsewhere.`
- Extraneous Knobs -
--but resists.
Two Names For The Monster, Three For The Assasin,
(But) One For The Star
- better than forever, now -
- taking time & making might; grappling with can -
- time worn / time size -
`--used pork chops!`
- bitter screech -
Fairy Tame
- the fate of fairies, to never angel destiny -
Thursday, March 9th, 2022
West Porcheve
- lost in flat, no sign of was -
[I Miss The Mountains]
Shoe Land
`...walking in my clothes; nothing new in The World Of Shoes.`
* ____________________ *
- evening hits the shoals -
False Wisdom/Factoids : `...when they start telling you
things you didn't need to know.`
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Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
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