Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
August 19th, 2022

Cocoa Oak
- Lost In The South Side Of Home -
[] Beneath The Railroad Tracks []
Black Districts :  Gerrymandering DeReconstruction
' Social Engineering '


Sew Buttons
- 'Snot Farms' Vs. 'Poop Monsters' -
`I'll talk human babies anytime--spare me bestial discourse!
Can't hack Doting Pet Parents (Wasted Focus).`


Tether Nightspoon

* ____________ *

'The Fifth Epiphany'
- salvaging alms -


Thursday, August 18th, 2022

Kidnap Trepanned
Negotiating The Cost Of Prescriptions For Medicare :  The Common People
vs. Big Pharma?  Nein! To The Inflation Reduction Act--Ron Johnson Does Not
Wish To Punish Uber Drugs.

- Rever Man Ghoul - Billionaire Bogeyman -
: A Gudgeon Of UnPrincipled Parts :
[Manikin Schooled]

...& then we have 'Straight Ahead Herschel'
 Peaching Up Georgia.
Programmed Robot Automan--Crimean Moderate/One Way Charge Of
The Dark Brigade.


Butter Compilation
`Penny Expendable?!  Not Even As Rich As Old Witch Hazel.`
'Tight Budget'


Chucksteak Drive
- Parsimony Protests :  WW II Scrap Drives Vs. The Price Of Individual Transportation -
Individual Pockets Trumping Collective Will


Lariat Seraglio
--  Significant Synapse --

Blue Realize...Delving Moods*
`Impudent Whim--Not Wholly Malicious.`
- Free Will Aborted By Scientific Imperative -
`Tantalize Alive--book her for your private use.`
[Time Taken Realize]
- Merchant Child -
                                --Gigolo News
tougher than dumplings, he had two calluses on his writing fingers
- hot dense fate -
the chance of remote coming true
lacking dexterity, tangle-footed lame
plans stand, whole as yesterday
locked in the bumpy part of smooth

Token Verlaine
MAGA Pith :  Vaguely Remembered Gone; Something To Bitch About
- Inner Peace Stolen :  Disgruntled Aggrievements Fully Borne -


Pidgkin Assign
`Cookies cold...no longer alive.
Freshly ready to eat, My Mother
used to bake them so warm.`



Ouiji Needs
`Moments kept secret, even from themselves.`
* _______________ *
``Mother often said, "Apron strings make a man."`
sharpness undetermined
- God's Last Sonata -
A Nebulous Saying : `--long as Alabama side to side!`
- Ides Realize - Sorting Reigns -
- secrets windows could not keep; they were not interior mirrors -
tempting sham; false eyelashes disguising sight
- promise played, her last straw never touching camel's back -
: Married 'til Death :
'Fruit Pickers Pearls'

Earthe Acropolis
- 'Isosceles Deeds' :  A Diary-ist -
Cobbling life together with Fingerprint Clues.`

Kittens Starlight
doubtfully scrunching her nose & soul

* ___________________ *

Morgue Tunes
`To honor Those Nobly Fallen (Every Year  Memorial Day Weekend),
Taps Our National Anthem.`
- Our Wars (Mostly) Honorable :  John Wayne Still Alive -



Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

Hodgepodge Fatty
Multiple Indemnity :  Hodgepodge Justice Buffet
- Last Year's Annulment Of The tRump Family Charity & $25 Million Fine -
But Legal Presage


Hopi Yogi
- Individual Blossom Incarnations -
`Haunted Christ, Living Up To Jesus Ain't No Life...`


Puppet Flesh
- Jesus Says -
Working Words...All You Do Is Try To Tell.
Listening To Myself; I might as well.`


Rue a la Mode
`I looked Death in the eye & she was mine.`

* __________________________ *

The Bones of Stone   -   UnBroken Lies   -   Inside God :  An Autobography Testify Was   -
- Piously Proving Jesus was Her Gospel Word -
Rabble Road, on the way to hodgepodge.
tangled sweat; enambel armpits
perfect as good wanted to Be...only Me!`
relegating ghosts to lost memory
settling for goods; miniatures bought
sunrise rich
Liquid Stories ... you know how they always end.
An Ingratiating Taste; easy to like.
Bending Under The  Weight Of Gods :  Frail  Mortalities
could you see a 10-cent apprentice
God  dissolved in a  glass of gin
Stock Writer; pd. a penny per noun
- stupid as a prune; wrinkled allegories -
off poor parentage; an appropriate son
ransom gait; hip pointer
Tough Tasks Ahead :  Good luck children, God could have been a mortal to, if He'd wanted too.

Sex & Her Aftermath :  Government Control Of Birth Canals :
Deep Pacific :  Iwo Jima Freedoms Lost
Attic Grandma - 'Threading Threat'  `Promise Travels, Book The Bank.`
Kisses Accomodating Orgasm :  Quivver Permission/Starlight Entropy
tides remiss; one way memories
rnning on a thread with two screw loose

'Fascisms Amorphous Faces'
`Candlelight Kisses...they couldn't see clearly.
- Torches & White Sheets--Hiding From The Light -

`Over my head & up to my years; somewhere limbo in-between.`


Stone Pavillion
rugged keen; being a man


Tork Mallarky
'Poor Liz'
pity arranged in false sympathy


`If Excuses Were Pearls; We'd All Be Oysters.`


Stands Gravity
`The Earth Began To Turn & Awareness Had No Clue.`


Justice Blind & Mum :  5th Taken Ad Nauseum [Stoolie Fears]
White Heart Artist :  Ketchup Pallate
`Token Fealty...but a sacrifice to The Gods Of Loss.`
`...some pretend Jupiter's Sun.`
`Cock-a-doodle-doo--screwed by the pooch!`
`So Far...Pushing Man To Scar!`
Wild Rose Unborn; Tame Geranium :  Marriage Fire...w. that girl?
Domestic Entombment :
Constand Remorse/Squirming Worm As The Story Roams.
`The Apple In My Sky--Eden Aspiration!`
`How UnRainbow! --You Rectal Scrotum!
Trapping Orgasms In Plasticine Memories!`
- Cowgirl Ponied -- Some Of It is Just UPward Fucking!
silhouette worn; embedded sperm : heartbeat nx adult lives mute as worm
Kept Curse :  Legal Eagle :  Druthers Nixxed -  UnWelcome This
turning on a time, nick of dime when two nickles inflated to tenth a bit
'Valvoline Mouth' :  Oily Butter


July 10th, 2022
`On Top Of The Stairwelll Down; Join The Devil w. Me!
Miss Nomers & I--we have to discover Nicolai Tesla's
Death Ray on His 166th Birthday...Standing In His Shoes;
I Hope, One Or Both.`

Honey Kitchens
- Soothing -
`--c'mon darling; you're acting lactate.`

* ____________________ *

Numb Bunion :  My Brain Is An Alien Growth
I Miss Dusk Realize - We Used To Sleep Together

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

Overarching Intent
Unlike Hillary, Who Killed Benghazi--Cold Blooded Assassin!
--I was nicer, even tho' I admittedly Incited Treason :
...Treated those Top Secret Documents Like Unwanted Puppies!`

`Drown The Pound Dregs!`
- American Ettiquette Is UnManly -

                                                      --Over A.

Castrog Delomain
`Stolen Passport?!  :  [Briefly  Borrowed]
Why Would Anyone Even Bother...My Little Brother (The Devil),
Already Owns His Soul.`

`Karma buys tomorrow's tides.`


Cowboy Stories
- Usurped :  Wyoming Cow-Plop Harvest-
[] Cheyenne But A BusStop For Outsourced Hate []
`Dyed In The Wool Righteous--Angry Harriet!  tRump Playbook Bold!
The GirlPoke--Bitch Be Strict Rote :
Mimeographed Soul :  (Copycat Tote)


Noe Immortal
ABC Lyrics :  `Stars may, stars might...shine daylight bright.`
/ `shine broad daylight.`


Psychofield Welsh
- chance acting against itself -


Nicolet Cottles
- A Political Demise -
quiet as yesterday's fallen leaf
  `Consequence Bent!`


Horrid Little Obligato
- Age Eight (Third Grade) :
Initial Viewing Of The Alone Orphanage's Fresh Twin Arrivals -
`Cunt-a-cious!` Adjective : Horrid on Noe or Butterscoth.`
`C-runt Almighty!

`I'm in Boyfriend-Father Love!  Please, please, Ms. Circle Butterscotch,
wait for me post-puberty--High School Graduation Wedding Day Planned!`


Sunday Postmark
CW's Debut Of  Leonardo :  Portrait Choosen
- Weasel In The Woodpile :  Pigments Stolen -
`Best Friends Are Not Always Destined To BFF!`


`Shut The Internet Down; Too Hate Focal
Truths Doctored :  [No Longer Social] -
Instigations Stirred :  Prescripion Always Foment CordialSocial.`
- Light More Than Softened By Darkness -
: A Made For ME Medium :



Hipflask Silver
`Smashed My Crash!  Blasted Landing!`
[] Caught In A Fortran Do Loop :  Buzz Even Harsher The Next Morning []


Marquee Neon
`Me & My Wing Man Seeking
Buttered Skirts
--Out On The Town For A Night Of Social Swirl.`


Monday, August 15th, 2022

Fiord Spoon
`--blind limelight, she lost herself.`


Spoken Sky

* ____________________ *

Remote Joy & Duty Bound :  A Power Couple
'Squamish Nexus' :  Law & The Common Affroted Man
<>`--Each Vote Is Equally Individual.
[Only Once Before/ Were Some Denigrataed To Three Fifths}
as in; `That Darkie, he's a 3/5ths. -- & Wenchs Be Bitches; Not
Even A Fraction Of A Vote For Them!`
Hurricane Tame :  A Shy Horse

Overarching Intent
He Was :  Bumpkin Dumb (Possessed Of An Eiderdown Mind)

--Secret Documents :  Release HIs Test Scores - Cadet Records -
"Russia, it you're listening...supply the bare knuckle ruler answers!"

Stature Mansions
$ A Child Of Commerce $
- `Merchant Heart :  A Child Of Commerce, I Always Vote Republican -

Sunday, August 14th, 2022
'Blind Form-Fitting'

Tork Mallarky?
White Evangelists :  First Kin/Next Generation Of The KKK
`Stolen Crosses...Divinity Borrowed.`

                                --Clone Alone

`A Firm Grip On Quip :  Nothing Original.`
- Gross Derivitive -


XLV Visage :  Sinkholes Surrounded By Divots :  Cardboard Rushmore
Lives Grasped By The Bones
- Short Story :  Tale Of Kept Tears -
`Immediacy--be sure to get your dreams flesh free.`
misplaced     stone in a swimming pool
- A White Lifetime -
- 'ArcAngel'd Daily' -

Dame Amplitude :  Hostess Of Tea Party Origins
- Delving Into The Mad Hatter's Mien -


Genuflecting Fray :  The Collapse O Nun's Integrity
Thoughts Dustbound - (UnImagined)
The Blind Side Of Near Is Far; Heavy Pan Teeter Totter.
'Ilk Redefined'
- A Universe Of God - Rumors Require -
- Stay Parade :  `Vietnam Was Right!  (Our Loss Was Wrong)
tRump True Blue Bloody Red Lawyer.`
`Climate Change Is Cyclical--364 of 365 & 1/4 Days.`
- Existential Clothes - A Child Of Commerce -
- Kept Intact -
`Pro Forma Curiousity :  More than some little amount required
to be human.`
PBS Repeat Compilation :  Preserving Democracy :  Pursuing A More Perfect Union -
* A Trio Of Ideas :
`Unity Is The Lowest Integer.`
`Unless you're zero.`
`Each A One.`

Corner Chips
- Evangelists Say! -
`And I say it like God Planned!  Directly To You.
Take MY Word--True As HIS!`
- God's Mediator Professes -

Pique Nickels
[] Square Dance Quadrille []


Saturday, August 13th, 2022

God Anon
: Impending Investigation!! / Top Secret SCI?? :
- Nein!  Tis' But An Intrusive Kerfuffle -
: It's Already Been Taken Care Of As--Via Deity--
All The Evidence Has Been
Ex Post Facto Declassified By The
`Self Anointed Regulator Of All That Is Right!`
[Breaking News :  Some Stories Born Old!]
- All They Had To Do Was Ask! -


Downy Aficionado
`Reincarnations Due...SeeSaw Lives; Past Scores Are Never Fully Settled.
[Until Each Justice Scale Horizontal Teeter-Totter]
- Babystep Quarters -


Blood Martyr
* Too Morrows *
`Salud!  Times Will Become.`

* ___________ *

<> `Much Better Than Critique : Long PostHaste.`
<*>Existing In Some Place Non


`Get Over It!  Scars Past Their Play Date.
One...Or Some! Lightning Bolts Need Not Define A Life!`

`Your God yesterday's invention.`

Edges Beset :  The Rush Limbaugh's Joseph Goebells Heirs

Apples Duewise
: Eden Come True :  Apples Orgasm :
- Conjure Womb -
: God Adopted For Mortal Purposes :


Friday, August 12th, 2022

Deep Sea Noun
'Crown Hedonist' :  `Warlock Hosting A Hobgoblin Brunch.
He Plays 'em Like Tides On The Moon & Swaying Seaweed.`

Egg Crash Coffin
<>  Seed Idea :  'The Diabolic Egg' : 311  km/Hr. :  1910

                                                                 --Egg Crash

Sable Ice




* __________________
Potatoes won't bake, if toasted on the moon.

Retooling Vegetables
- Wooden Consciousness -
- HasBeen XLV :  He might not drink ...
yet his nose is rotted with false vein divots;
Pinocchio Lies.`

- Turnip Mien -


Poised Wanton
`Safe addictions...but why would you want them?`
- Do Yourselves; Insides & Out -
[] IcosiDodecaHedrons :  Mortality's Dualistic Worlds []


* ____________________ *

`Equipped With Naivete.`  --Agent Witless.
Second Hand; Soft Hand Speed
`Committing Fractions; Partially Loving Me.`
Equipped with naivite`, Agent Witless.

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Flesh Equator
"RELEASE! !!   don't release -
: Or Our Lawyers Will Be Paid To Hate You!`
- "Subpoena Bo-been-a-sz!" -
Brianna Taylor Was A Raid!
MaraLago Was A Hostage Records Rescue! 


Candy And
`Neo-Patriots : Their Only Stripes Red & White;
A Lonely Third
Of The Stars.`

`Lockstep Reich; Their Teaparty Throwing Away Individual Freedoms
& Bathwater Babies.`

`Usurping Uteruses...Implanting Cowbird Fetuses.`

'Flying Stubby Stars w. Pruned Tines`

Windows Marry
`Once comely; gender homely.`

- Neo Edna Ferber -


`Dust Qualifies...if  you merely seach for false diamonds.
_____ Truly Your Own Rubber & Glue ... Swamp Source Of Fake News _____
Catering To Disciples Gullible;
               King Of The Lemmings.`
[- Sequence Sought; Which Came First - The Evidence Or The Clue?
Chickens Afraid To Roost; Warlock Costs
- Broken Dams :  Dutch Boy Kypes! -

- Evidence Garnered :  Merrick Know Longer Milquetoast :
Liberal Galahad -

* _______ *

Death Breathy
: Bad As The Past : You Were Afraid Of Her Morrows :

                                                                                          --Death Breathy

White Dogma
- All Is Forgiven - Destiny White -
- So Says :
: Questionable Fallacies :  MAGA SpokesThing :


Wednesday, August Tenth, 2022

Beefcake Carved
* Diet Advice *
`Sin rich ... it's only taste.`


Los Angeles Oceans
Future Positionings :  [Even UnHung Mike Pence]
Leaving A Trail Of Slug Slime Or GutShot Buck [Gathering About Dead Carrion]
Rebublicans Spring To MAGA Defense : Vulture Scabs Upon Mortal Wounds.
: `Don't Heroes Trod Upon The More Dangerous Side Of The Road?` :
- Limp Aces :  Few Elephants With A Sac & A Pair -



Looking Toward The Moon
: - Three Baby Ravens - Her Ghost Dance Name :

* ___________ *

: The Dark Century Of Form :
* Sacred Intentions *
- ' Pulse Hotel' -  A Painting 'Twilight Stir' - 'Dusk Without' -
* a segment  'Sensuous News' *
'two stitches in not'
God Causes  -  'Impression Moments' -

Each Midnight
CPAC Disiples
  `Non Literally - A True Brutus Must Caesar Him--et tu Mitch?`

                                                     - Baby Vampire -

Pirate Guillotined
: Beware Of :
`Unkempt Corners Where Warlocks Brew Confederate Memories;
Treasonous Conspiracies.`

* ____________ *

`Cold Hearted, In It For The Percentages...Paper Charities,
Her Sum Intentions The Bottom Line.`
`Take a walk in child's time, remember me, remember when...
we used to pretend; husband & wife, kept home.`
- A Weaving :  'Mosaic Affair' - 'Naked Saint' -

Ironclad Watercolours
`My Union Dad's Ballot :  Straight Democrat--Still Good--Now & Then.`

* _________________________ *

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[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags & Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages