Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000antiquesflame.jpg)
Wednesday, July 29th, 2020
Cocoa Oak
! Skullduggery!
Skullduggerous !
`Lindsey Graham Projects Blackface Upon
[MeaCulpa On The
The Alterations Merely Digital]
Features Negroid
Candy And
`... & when she died, she didn't know why ...
St. Peter left her
feeling Ten Kens,
without a clue.
Poor Barbie.`
Children's Wallpaper
* The Man Who Shot *
Andy Devine blinks as Vera Miles looks upon old
`If eyes were tears, mine would be oceans.`
[Liberty Valence]
Coffee Vendetta
! Cat On A Hot Tin Roof !
More beautiful than scenery,
Elizabeth Taylor's
stockinged legs;
her back to the mirror, woman out on the limbs,
cuntest tease.
`The second thing about us, Big Daddy likes me...`
Composing Rosaries
! Craps !
`The razor of snake eyes.`
Eye Razors'
Sable Ice
'Dark Invitation'
`Night's not only, for being alone.`
Pomp Drama
`If your clowns roam sanity; they jest.`
[] Immigrant Foundation :
Occupy PORTLAND []
[Son of Jester Interdiction]
Rainbo Ponytail
* Bjork ! *
`I'm the whisper in the water.`
! UnRepentant !
`Guilty of some, want it all to be.`
One Eyed Mona Noon
UnCentrifugal : Southern Senator
Insane as memory's claim : Cotton Ginned ! 1619 !
History Official As Texas Schoolbooks!
--One Eyed
Infastructure Economic Revival : Ressurecting COVID Shambles
Tuesday, July 28th, 2020
Corporate Bondage!
! Another Conspiracy Theory
$ ! Capitol Bought ! $
* `Your pockets velvet velour... Suede Morals.` *
! The Devil Went Down To... !
`A nose is just a nose unless, For Election Purposes, it's Jewish...
then, like minority voting lines, & the disenfranchised
--they grow 'em bigger in Georgia.`
Clarinet Licoricestick
1998 `Widemouths edging Malt Liquor toward Ice Beer;
--faster is better, pole position--
why not just straight booze?`
Dormant Egg
`Etching saintliness; Mother Teresa unsatiated.`
* _____ *
Lyr `Nothing left to discuss, memory makes scars enough.`
Eternal Teaparty
`In Excess--The Decadence Of Sins & Cigarettes.`
[Class Of 1929]
Fiction Naturalized
! Whether Camouflaged Or Plain
: False Militia !
`Mean boys! In their eyes, & in their hearts too.`
Fairy Tame
! `Bulldog Barr : Our
Attorney General
Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Mo-ing Shades Of Justice !`
* __________ *
`Grace's Mom, she had pretty eyes when she was a girl.`
Chipshot Limber
! Atop Destrier !
`Uneven Tilt--Lancelot Sparring With Particles.`
* The Invisible Enemy Victorious *
July 27th, 2020
Corner Chips
* 1619 A Godsend! *
`Arkansas Senator Cotton
says Slavery was
"A Necessary Evil upon which our Union Was Built."
After all (much like himself) someone had to pick Tom.
(Now We Have Migrant Workers)
--Corner Chips
Coffin Crops
! Taken Knees No Longer
Fashionable !
`Ruling Supreme; don't you just know ... Senator Cotton
wants to ressurect Uncle Toms.
Archaic Infastructure : Edmund
Isis Romeo
! Dueling Blonds !
`Margaret Hoover of
Firing Line vs. Kayleigh
Soul Of Womanhood V. The Depth Of A Poker Chip.`
[] `Disguising Lies; Fibs Don't Count...` []\.
Stone Pavillion
|| Scopes (Trial) Sequel
`Humanity Littered Upon The
Fields Of Unscience ...
Spyglass Flowers
! Five Second Commercial !
`You don't hate Joe Biden.`
* _ *
`Trips aren't for fun ... getting things done.`
Goody Kind
`Angel UnTrue--The Devil Made YOU!`
Lightning Chalice
'Harvest Prayer'
Pies The Size Of Childrens Eyes.
Hostess Zero
* Rose Garden Renovation?
`Mulch! Strictly Thorns & Tulips.`
)( Venus Flytrap Censorship
Age Adieu
* Missing Childhood *
`The Rocking Horse Stole Your Heart
... you never could,
have that much fun again.`
Parisian Sands
* Boo's Song *
giving his childhood away
a cigar box of youth
life folded across the fence
[] Boo Radley : Dixie Boy []
Very Valentine
* Post Office *
`There's nothing to tell, if you can't say it in words.`
Sunday, July 26th, 2020
Blood Martyr
* The Facebook Forty
(Percent) *
`Once They Realize He Is Has
Been Hopeless
& The Coming Dimension Of Loss ...
Doughty As Collapse.`
[No Longer Cool To Be Undo :
Sitting Out The Vote]
[Odiferous : The Bloom Is On The Poop]
HIS Second Term ?! [] [] Life
Raft Platform *
`History Coalescing Into Ever After, Without Refrain.`
Teagarden Leaves
* '57 : Lost Payphone *
`Making bedroom eyes on the telephone ...
there's no one home,
no one here, with any name.`
[Class Of 1957]
* ____ *
Crustacean Curmudgeon
$ Swayed Morals $
Squishy as gumdrop; semblance firm.
--'Upper' Crust
PostNote: D. C.'s Patina Facade : Suede
Cupid Childs
* Scattered Crash *
`For awhile, a kiss was a
then your other lip curled,
Out Of Love With Me.`
* _______________ *
soft spies & cinder dreams
'Wit Satire' ... never pasteurized; cheaply discounted.
CW Lyrics ` a feeling that hurts.`
Gingerbox Jumpseat
* ! Mega Over Exposure ! *
'Rain On Me' : Two
Whites Shriek-ily Indulging In Scatless Groove.
Nobilous Morrow
* Undercover Law *
Lightyears Traveling Formal.
Official Incognito.
[Futuristic Planning/In
Charge Of Morrows]
* _ *
`An Elephant's Song, Memories Story.`
`Mommies Lipsticked; Daddy's Big Girl Going Town Tonight.`
`Firebombed my love, rolled me gutter dice.`
`Scared to fall in dream with me.`
Spectrum Patio
`It's ony free, if you don't pay me.`
'50's Kids About To Kiss'
`See me smile--driv-en wild, with taste.`
`Lips of coo, making & I, doin' moon.`
`Couple in a car, let's go far ... as away can be.`
Drive Romantic 'The Son
Of A Honeymoon!'
`The next to last always.`
`What if, what was.`
Horrid Little Obligato
[Wrinkling Pointy-Wormy Fingers @ Goody Kind & The
`Tarantulas Exor-cising!`
[Baby Werewolf]
* ___ *
`Touch & go
Goodbye, when wrong's, the last part of gone.`
Playground Whiles
`She's got her cigarette on, it's smoking...`
* ___________ *
`Making time, second on the fly.`
`Calling you once upon a time...made like us, It's A Goodbye Song.`
"Bruised by used, by you..."
Totally Fine Fesque IV
* Young Republicans *
`Don't vote your Mommy's / Mommies Ticket; Daddy's Clone.`
$ Compound Interest $
`The Riche Propagate Like Yeast ... `
[e.g.; George Jr.est : Pedigree Clone]
{IVY OUGHTA ... He Gets
[Secretary Of The Interior]
Sonora James
`So lonely in my party dress--pink as the blues.
Crosschain Sidewalk
!$! Depth Of Price : A Menu
Of Used $!$
Dollars In : Influence Out
* ________ *
`It's the way you way, won't you?`
Crimson Timothy
* Radio Song *
`Blackened Record ...
God was a blond, 'til She made us.`
Dinky Harbinger
'Last Autumn'
winter golden, apples stored; the snow drifts,
playing about walls & door.
CW Lyrics `Nothing falls like the rain.`
`Your heart half a part of you.`
Crab Snappy
! Stood Ground !
FOX Reports : Armed Protester Shot In Austin :
Streets Of Laredo Justified!
* __________ *
`Every Avenue Of Opinion; Streets Happen In Common.`
Saturday, July 25th, 2020
Curry Favor
Official Intermediary?! *
`Vicars Of God,
sometimes pretend...
Homemake Rosaries, work too!`
Composing Rosaries
* Dear Diary *
`...but I guess those sins have already been committed,
long since repent.
`I'm God's Pearl, Perfect As Breast Without A Heart.`
[The Hard Thirteen :
Craps Player]
Goshawk Roe
* 1950s Cowboys Show *
`Up in down, half out...yet shake of the head, magically
clears blood & bruise.
`Warriors playing death; his hers or yours.
It's a video, Roy Rogers
& Yesterday.`
Baby Pie
`His Duck Walk A Yogi Bear Waddle ...
Heartless Soul,
pmurT tRump
--he's got it all backwards.`
[In Her Primitive State ]
Bedouin Cardinal
! Afoul Clipper ! Barnacles & RagWeed !
`Orlando Bubble Popped ... O ... @ Atlanta Gentlemans Club.
What? Strip City!`
Capturing The Pillows
`God At Her Best!`
`Truth isn't proof, if it's lies.`
`J'accuse! Tethered by windows, that saw only the past.`
Coffin Crops
`Yvlenko dances w/
American General in War
& Remembrance VIII :
`Don't be envious. Some people can live that big!`
[They do it 'cause it's a party.]
Sun In Mountains
* Stockroll, Sr. *
Q : `You know why American Elections are always held on Tuesday?`
A: `Ruled by Mars, Tuesday is The Day To Fire Forth.`
[] Also : @ Work : Twenty-Four Hours To Signature The Week []
Stoolie Vestibule
* Password *
`There are no shadows in Divinity!`
Infinity Pan
! To Rahme !
`Jeddied, an angel is pure as light.`
* White House Secretary Of
Press?! *
`Saint Eloquent? Hair Lipped Verbiage.`
* _______ *
`Debate : Figurative Face Failing To Show Up.`
Monied Wing Of Republicans On Their Moral Counterpart
(Platform Conviction)
`--soft as mush, hard as pap!`
Friday, July 24th, 2020
on Spider Blues
`Diggity don't dog, but what a cat!`
Wedge Ivory
`Conservation? Walrus are not narwhals.
Eat The Entire World!`
Shadow Whispers
* Pretty Litter *
`No Matter The Price--Display Your Beloved's Scat Most Artfully!`
[Miss Nomers` Cat]
Puppet Flesh
`Germ Up & Get Busy...Party COVID Style!`
* __________ *
Smoky Eros Quartz
`Innocence grows old, when it is no longer new.`
--Smoky Eros
White Spice
! Tomorrow's War !
`They needed to test, their toys &
in jungles deeper than Dessert Storm.
`...& batallions take infantry into the field.`
[3B : The Wee Willie Keelers]
voodoo dolls under the walls
... [Tunnel Border] ...
'Eggs & Cream' an album
CW Lyrics : `--the door is locked & the kitchen's
`--the skirt the woman beneath.`
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
Shadow Beautymark
* AOC Vs. The Decent Man
Assault On The Capitol Steps
`He Owns A Daughter Too...`
Comet Jupiter
* A.O.C. Strikes Back! *
Dinosaur To Retire w. Dignity UnTact .`
`Combover Humanity'
Sure To Follow... On November 3rd/January 20, 2021.`
Skate Pearl
* Bunker Presidency *
`Hiding from responsibility ... safely supine, in the cowardice mode.`
* Lost Song *
`It's been so only without you...`
Chocolate Marshmallow
Pomp Drama
* ___________ *
"The Upper Crust is just a bunch of crumbs held together by their
--Fibber McGee [circa
mid 1940's]
Wednesday, July, 22nd, 2020
Heartbeat Rosin
* Diamond Pure : Opening Day
Eve *
`Almost August ... Time To Play Ball.`
[Wee Willie Keelers Pitching
Nudge Homeward
* The Hard Thirteen *
The Alone Orphanage Class Of 2008
Senior Trip
(Kinship Secrets Handshake)
"Place together & twist..."
Butterscotch Circle
Flame Shotfire
! * Tennessee Shiloh : Place
Of Peace : Hebrew Word * !
`The sky higher than the sun could climb.
Nathan Bedford Forrest & The Dying Peach Orchard.
`The Last Shot At Shiloh, Many More To War.`
w/ Tether Nightspoon
Pop! Mobster
* Five Years *
`Scottish Animal Abuse
Sentencing Stiffer Than American
Killer Cops!`
Wednesday, July 22nd, 20202
Earth Acropolis
* Humanity In Progress *
`Doings not done; promises need to become.`
Heart Artichoke
`Don 't want to be caught in, the whispers of wishes that did not dare.`
Longform Holiday
* Campaign Reform *
'Soft Money. Hard Results.'
[$] Evil Citizens United [$]
`Duped In The Glue. Bought Off ... Sticky Wings.`
* ----------- *
J'accuse : No Forefront *
`You stand behind your guarantee, because you're A Stand Behinder.`
`Most politicians are as straight as a new furrow dodging roots.`
* __________ *
`--niggardly quibbles, get real.`
Tuesday, July 21st, 2020
Similie Thimbles
* Neowise : Vaccine? *
`Threading the comet tail of a needle's eye!`
* ___________ *
Sunset Tiers
'On The March To Morrow'
Pidgkin Assign
`--puppy pig dog lamb.`
[To Mitch & His
Hope For Yet Another New
SC Justice]
Stucco Roccoco
* Portland Justice *
`I have many friends of all
Extraordinary times call for feared measures.`
Josef Mohawk
* Moxie *
`You Gotta Be Gutsy As Navel ... Essence Of Birth, To World Politician.`
[] Vote Tyronne []
`A Prisoner Of Free : Her Own Decisions`
Pro Or Anti : `--no wriggle hideaway.`
Monday, July 20th, 2020
Downy Aficionado
New Moon @ 1:33 PM @ 28* 26' Cancer [Phase 119]
Keynote: The intuitive weighing of alternatives.
Sun Also Opposite Saturn @ 28* 40' Capricorn @ 6:28 PM
Saint Augustine's Navel
`Rainbows come true, if you believe in every colour.`
Hostess Zero
* Don't Vote! *
`Stay low ... it's snug in your hole.`
* ____ *
`Fact Fiction--If Not Investigated.`
On Ty `A Boy Big
As His World/Word; Almost A Man.`
The Day After He Leaves Office *
`--time to deposition the wreckage!`
* ___________ *
Danse : Angel Wings Faster Than Feathers.
`Random facts garland popcorn.`
dDitto `Me &
the cinecure.`
`--your sick secrecies!` `Secrets can be pretty.`
* Conservative Freedom / Censorship *
`Guarding rainbows from height.`
'A Jack Webb' : `Flat examination!`
`Heartless! And you wonder why cry reaches no further than your
Sunday, July 19th, 2020
If Maybe / w. Probably Maybe
* Token White Bean *
`Ivanka Pimps For Goya
Black Beans ...
Starkers As Lady Godiva On
The Boardwalk!`
(Less Forgiving Of African Americans)
Kismet Mortal
`Dog eats boy ... deystroy the owner.`
Orange Ball
`I want "A Certain Freedom"
... for Maskless Americans!`
Animus Flaw
`There's No Christmas, 'til Halloween's
Deja vu Doubling Down On The First Wave.`
Beefcake Carved
* tRump Tested *
`By simple cognitive
finds that he is an 'Elephant Snake'
who cries Crocodile Tears!`
dDitto Cruciform
`Hidden as crux; heart of the matter.`
Bee Diamonds
`Play Ball?! Not
Even Canada Thinking Our Game Too Dirty.`
[No Blue Jay Home Games]
PH Atom
* Plastic Apologists *
`Science Standing In The Way Of Ignorance?
| Drone Retread |
Kayleigh McEnany But A
Prettier Sean Spicer.`
* _______ *
`Beyond melodrama, it really is.`
`Catching cost & cogitate...`
`Here to do a few introductory words, anything that preambles...
while killing time.`
`Sell my soul to dream...if it be my own.`
Trent Overcoat
`--nothing compares to do & done.`
! Vote Conscience & Heart !
--Chad Star Power
[Campaign Manager]
The Final O'erve
are all a part of more.`
Human Gravity
--The Final
Cowboy Stories
* Current Election State
"The Straight Of The Matter!"
"Everything Always Happens To Me."
"Everyone's Against Me!"
Accept The Results..."
--Tom Chaney Dialogue
Infinity Pan
* Mean As Fission *
`Hatred Should Not Be A Favoured
Dormant Egg
`Thou Shalt Not Test : Nor Dare ... To Be Exposing Blunders!`
[Shadows Need Light]
Pillage Burn
`Embers & Fires Put Out By Refrigerated
Mobile Morgues.`
[] Presidential Admission [] :
Florida IS
: "More FlameLike".
Saturday, July 18th, 2020
`Time to face dreams w. reality.`
Monsoon Cherish
Tendril curl, damp hair; moist with life, her kiss for the making.
Baby Pie
* Portland Society *
Camo Ghouls In Unmarked Vans ...
`Are There Seedy Mattresses & Windowless Cubicles In The Back?`
* ___________ *
'Do Or Undone'
`Lightning striking now!`
`Beyond Selfish ... dreams without the rest of us.`
* _____ *
Courtly Whorl
* `Stand In The Wind!`
'Kindgom Cause' A Mortal Fortress
`When water was clean & sunlight free ... Golden Age.`
Old $ a
symptom of haughty impatience
butterfly wing fingers untying
`Lots of doing to be done before then.`
July 17th, 2020
Playground Whiles
* Fiscal Models : Get Well
`--penny on the nickle, their business proposal.`
Human Fodder
Shoe Land
`Fifty-Fifty. Man & Woman, Woman & Man.
'E Pluribus Unum'
`It's not so very hard, it's easy.`
'Freedoms UnTaken'
`Tho' Different, The Chrysler Building & Empire State
Are The True American Towers.`
Such You
* KowTowing To The Riche`
`Is it an American trait?
Wishing them extra well--gloating for the overdogs?`
Tail Penny
* Final Resolution *
`Where did the money go? ... & what did they spend it on?`
`Outlaws Gaze
* White House Science *
`Brackish Facts
Ressurected With A New Spin.`
* _________ *
`--jammed parameters.`
`Clowns rearranging given names...
crowns bestowed upon witless brows.`
Mon Clarity | 'Venn Diagram
Economy `Lying On The Plain; Pretending Fields Of Clover.`
Big Head
2020 : `Why Not tRump
Again?! *
`Double Down! Faith leaps, or it doesn't believe.`
________________ *
Wry `Rare as promises.`
`--bullshit bamboozlers!`
* Legalesque?! *
`God promised?! HIS Mind Captured In Your written book?`
Thursday, July 16th, 2020
dDitto Cruciform
* Fallacious If-Then *
`If we didn't test; (then) nobody would be diseased...`
Sable Ice
* Federal Judges w/
Conservative Freedoms *
`Isn't it time to fight? Taking every little loss w. a grain of
will leave us one big tear.`
[] `Freedoms Dying ... esp. since Toby Keith & 911. []
'One World Freedoms'
* _____________
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Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions: We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
|| Original Hashtags
& Characters & Content Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
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