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Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
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Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

____ . `` . ____

Friday, August 9th, 2019

Just Businessman
`We strive for the fairest prices & truest smiles.`

                                                         --Just Businessman
* __________ *

`Mouse or a minnow, both nibble.  Don't you want to big fish!`
`Typical as the world...`
story descrip   `If loved too much; Hardware, A Man's Whore.`
Fashion Commercial   `Catch the fashion & the feel--do now!
Catch the fashion & do!`
`Don't limp Miggy, it's only a leg.`  [ReImmortal]

* _____ *
A Club  `Running a Gauntlet of Gentlemen'

Sun In Mountains
Evangelist Interlude :  Four Ladies   `Like Mary...think Jesus was A Virgin Too.`
`...a handsome stud like him.`
`Probably had half of Jerusalem.`
`--coulda had me.`
All Four :  `Jesus come back!`
`Look you right, left & over!`
`Heart Of Grown'  a diploma
narrator play lead in  `...at the edge of night, there's day.`
Coach Motto   `Second place dreams don't rise to the top.`

Downy    `Alchemy, archetypes that make the pie stew.`
* ___________ *
Wednesday, August 8th, 2019

Sigh Totem
<>  `Gypsy gloves don't love fingerprints...`


Eggcrash Coffin
* Inadvertent Caricature Of VP Pence *
`Crushed eggshell, face couldn't endure.`

artificial gristle      
Gun Patrol
* ____________________ *

Princess to Bag Boy : `Handsome as cab--take me away.`
'Distant Valentine'   `Too much to handle except in a dream, REM loving you...`
'Long Love...Old as a wrinkle, still dating my wife.`
bedtime      tired as murder
Pinpoint on Sinuous  `Grabs the camera like tinder--heartbeat & nipples afire!`
Downy story decree:  `Through the chokes of fantasy, Neptune ruled!`
Of Neptune ... they have a moon you could bring children to.`
tawdry as lost popsicle
war    `Exit wound; pointsetta flower.`
Wallflower :  `Nobody knows...fifth wheel.`
chic as rabies     .    intimate as a dish
apprentice     handy as smile, willing to try
dDitto :   `Don't you tear, the link of Tuesday.`

Fontish Noh
<>  Producer to Actress at a gala, `Flirt with the mortals...`  


Tuesday, August 6th, 2019

Spider Blues
1972 Drug Graffiti     `Strung out as run; nylon tear.`

* __________________ *

curled as pearl, nearly sphere
soon as the piano
Muffin or Orphan Lady   `No need to wishe breathe, if it's there.`
Downy  'A Stolen Opus'  `Solar Mortal...stuck inside the moon.`
Cook     `Catching taste in enclosure.`
*______________ *

Monday, August 5th, 2019

Parasol Ending
'Gerrymandered Supreme Court'    `Edge of portion...yours to carnivore.`


Monsieur Von Due
`Bought off by an oyster's tear.`


Tortellini Aperitif
`How come The Devil's always Italian?!`


Heart Artichoke
Poker   `A nightingale's version of fold; Three Tweets & A Princess Disrobed.`


Twilight Nevers
`Chic as a black man's skin robe.`


Tree Bulb
`Sometimes Wounds Don't Walk...I'm a Soldier Goodbye.`

                                                                     --Tree Bulb
Wounds Walk
* _________ *

* ___________ *
  `Keep the breadbox square, your eyes approximate round.`
`Take this bedside manner, beneath the sheets.`
vex   `Rituals & Icons!`

Money Comes
`Clara Bow, or so...probably cute, in a modern way.`

                                                                          --Money Comes

Truculent Whimsy
UnValentine    `No mas, the way to my heart ain't thru you!`

* _______________ *

1960 Fashion Critic   `Dressed as a Pommeranian thief, anything that furred.`
Poker    `Looped as a goose, without any gander.`
Sports   `Bursting to the free--flying sidelines!`
Argument Decided   `Let her speak her face!`
low on the totem; your life
bitter as mean defeat
Director   `Tease Foreshadowing, Lacy Veils Weaving Interiors.`

Teddy Fibre
`The pressure to fill a hole was purposeful.`  Guilty Impeachment

                                                                      --Teddy Fibre


Sunday, August 4th, 2019

*Francinsense Buffalo *
`Gone far as buffalo, wild extinct...`

`Roving pockets, tithe wilderness...making Indian money,
nickles of long ago.`

* ______________ *

Lukewarm Storm
* to Nectarine Fled *
`Catch me fungo, not real game.`

* __________ *

w/ Dandelion Egos :  `Ambiencing (my) space...my sanity needs to be alone.`
`Coaching your air?  You need Two Penny Deuce of The Milk Bottle Dwarves.`
writer   Robust as hardy, never fugitive, whe was a frank girl.
on plot    `Plausible as an eyelet, engulfed.`
Gene Misconstrue`Barrage of nuclei, getting to the core.`
love lyrics    `...as the archway opens into velour, the inside of her.`
`Rainbow at the end of satin curls.`
`They'll be there tomorrow, blessing another day.`
`Wounded as optional, you take your hurts...`  --Wound Optimal

`A Classic?  Fast as flash w/ 1/2 the stay!`


Morgue Tunes
`There's no Jrs....in the game of war.`

                                                     --Morgue Tunes
'No Juniors'
* _____________ *

`Within reason, I'm going to have to something viciously drastic.`

Mortality Shortcake
`Boneless Lament, 'twas The Ghost Of Gun Control.`

                                                      --Mortality Shortcake

* Sacred 2nd Amendment *
`A Freedom Of Being; Assault Rifle Prayers...
Tails That Tucked In Their Own Assholes.`                                 

'Repub Gun Patrol'
* ________________ *

Similie Thimbles :  EveryWay Past Tuesday...Duality Motes.
Similie's Journal :  'Wingless Dreams, Alone Soliloquies`
`Give me training wheels, not walking chains...wanna childhood again.`
Windows Marry to Dandelion Egos :  `Long as the window hides, sight inside.`
'Closeted In Cost'  an Overall Total Seminar
Gene Misconstrue
`Fuzz on puberty's...Statue Of Liberty.`
[Young Gene : Scientific Me Maturation]
'Two Play Monopoly'  `I'm a strict rigid, when it comes to rules.`
``You're the bank, I tend to cheat.`
`Complete as blue, the sky was...`

Saturday, August Third, 2019

<>  War   `Spit & polish making sure, death would shine.`

                                           --Stoolie Vestibule [Iwo Jima]
* _____ *

Dying Line :  `Doing adieus...I bid farewell.`
Valentine   `Taking time & making it (h)ours.`
story start   `Hot as humid, it was a night.`
Director's Coin :  `Dramas-ticly.!` || 'Dramatic'

Friday, August Second, 2019

War Play   `Vignettes that fit into a petal of ways.`

`                                             --Sophistry

Windswept Maypole
. Faculty .
`Holding time in endeavor...you shall make it there.`


Ode As Hue
. Sake .
`Neat as thimblefuls...getting dainty wet.`

* _ *

War   `Broken Shogun...more than two.`   --Suppose You Lonely?
Kid's UnValentine'  `Catch me caring, the likes of you...`

Leaf Flotille
* Literary Blurb *
`Manuscript Of Form, That Could Not Coerce;
Slow Reading.`


Magnus Pages
* Pork On The Jewish Sabbath *
`Sacri'delic-ious!  Full of taste & shame...every fork impacting bud!`

                                                       --Magnus Pages


* ___________ *

Turgeon Cry
**War * Omniscient Point :  Judging hazzard with marrow's cue ball
...escaping the eight.`

* ________ *

`Toady as only desires....whimming another.`   'Too Evangelist'
'Old Folks So It Goes Card Of Self Admission'
`...dodging decay, with feet of clay...rapidly declining.`
'Mother To Daughter @ 16 & 1/2 :  `Two flings of nouveau, third of wife.
Two mysteries & a solution...three to choose.`
Old Woman'sVexation   `Neutered as ball less drone--eunch stiff!`


Downy Aficionado
`Edges Of November ... Eleven On The Line.`


Thursday, August First, 2019

Saint Augustine's Navel
'The Mastery Of August First'

paced to last a lifetime, with living in between


dDitto Cruciform
. Greenland Warmthed .
`Ice Sublime...if so, the world ready to be crucifix nailed.`

`Driving Deuce...the spots on two.`

Sable Ice
`Kitten with a crouch too velour...purr, purr, purr.`


Schoolboy's Sorrow
`Want your motion more than memory.`
`Kissing sex on the stairway,
                                                    what's inside...?

* ______ *
Feather to young dDitto :  `Crucialed, understanding the molten...
as well as the moment.`
debate    sucked into dialogue, tooth & tongue
* ______________ *

Buckaroo Jody
*Workers Rights 2020*
Mack Cambric   `Banner wages of fodder!`
[A Friend of Buckaroo Jody]


?Magic Questionmark
`Magic calls...all who wand.`

Poker    `Raised the rent high as time, blood ante.`
Poker Drop   `Close the fold, game's over.
                            (Still fledgling eagle; in a buzzard's roost.)
'Resolution'   `Think I'm done trying, another's sight.`
Downy Aficionado   `The Five Of Swords ... how the scheme made mortal.`
'Maybe OK? Card'   `Cloaked, in suppose...we might be, sexes ingenued?`
'Ghost Admission'  `Found an echo, it had my voice...only more real.`
`Receipt a version, you paid for.`
Gene   `So the ladies...two quadrants of fickle, half moons.`
saying      `--busy as seed making it's way.`
Horrid Little Obligato as Barker :  `Robust as Vagabond without Quotient Worry
--see The Working Man!`

Wednesday, The End Of July 2019

Pillow Foray
                           `Human nature, milk & danger...`                   


Amanita Pesquita
`Ringmaster ... always wears The Spiral Bullwhip.`

                                       --Amanita Pesquita

The Orphan Lady II
* 1948 *
`Porridge & bones, both make strong boys.`

                                                       --Orphan Lady
* _________ *

Movie Quiescence Line
  `Rushing roulette, before the balls settled down...we'll later baby.`
Orphan Lady  `How long could windows shine, if never opened.`
`Still God awaiting...whittled my dream down to alive, mortal size.`
* _______________ *

The biggest sin, of a harlequin...to stutter the opening line.`

`Shoot the jester, if he won't fool.`
`Skeleton Harlequins, that feinted eyes.`
teacher    `Review not rote, free each.`
Critic  `It's nice if you want to wipe your tush with a creampuff.`
dialogue   `--time and distance like places.`
story     the soft pad of thugs in the moonlight
insane as a fish without gills
awake     `...a dream ran up my wall, and left me awake.`
OL   `Quaint & acquaintance...treating 'em all well.`
BasketBall   `Fuckin' boneless gnome--taking you uptown!`
`Unburnt...just some white meat.`
young tough    `The fuzz on my peach...not rust.`
`Odd on the circumstnace, you happened to be in.`
`Sweetest plum, one could cherry.`
'Lost Valentine'  `Searching for a surgeon, to cut your heart from me.`
studious   `Close to Constantinople as Byantine.`
blitzed as a turnip   .    Posthumous Posed
An Oracle:  In Olden Day Cracker Jacks
nipples stripped to suckling, bare milk
Downy Aficionado   `Capstones quarried from the highest depths.`

Oasis Stance
`WindSong & SurfVision!`


Solace So
`Talking with soliloquy ... thought it was God.`

                                                               --Solace So

Bump Rotundo
Demos In Detroit :  playing piston, crooked bore

* _______________________ *

`--a good piece of fiction on the truth.`
...a butt nice as high, accessible as twitch.`
'Civility'   `--paw marks, someone climbing toward heaven.`
nothing marvelous could happen, the ballgame done
miscellaneous floorboards making the sky
`Old as once used, neither virgin or whore.`

Snow On Spiderwebs
`That Donald--naughty as a ragamuffin!` votes Evangelist Amour.
# Righteous Ardor

* ________________________ *

`--even fat ugly chicks have smiles.`  --Gene Misconstrue
shattered as contraption
your soul  `A book with pictues & one  line.`
`Doing what we do, full.`
`Trying to write a screenplay without faces.`
just a floating pebble that didn't have to be emphatic
'An Own Directive'  `Going own, emulate yourself.`

Astrolabe` Mideast
 <>  `No one ever loves...the give away.`


Oriental Spider
`...we'll sleep feline.`


Parting Gift Prize
`With Winds Of Own Sun, Each A Christ ... Wings Of Moon, Holy Ghost.`


Tuesday, July 30th, 2019

East Wing
(nuance feeding own danger)
`Wash me like calibre`, work me like some...Pistol Gun.`


Such You

`Taste me on for size, try my sometime...`


Monsoon Cherish
* Republican CongressMen *

`Herded Into Lemming Line;  homely people in an ugly occupation.`

`Rebellious as a frankfurter, Boy Tame!`

* _ *

film noire narr   `...frozen webs, past lives.`

Incarnation Card'   `Hang in there, next life pures...`
'Once Upon'  `Capricious as shadow whisper, 'I loved you.'`
  poser    `....what cacophony ensues?!`
* __________ *
Director   `Give me, a seamless convulsion...`
living serf, tough as chambermaid
Sentence Line `Kill him without qualm, blood fly!`
gnarly as a mauler   .   `Let's whip them like a gnarl.`
war graffiti       lost as a winnow, once alive
war (wounded CO)   `I'm ok--go kill!`
`Touched upon death...like death is your wingbone.`

Monday, July 29th, 2019

Isis Romeo
`Celebrating The Ability To Urban...`


Kismet Mortal
* Texas Beef *

`New Intelligence Head?  Ass kissed far beyond nibble, brown sugar devoured!`

 _ *______*_

`Bogarting wraith roach 'til it was a prayer,` Teddy Badlands grumped.
`She'd critique an Archangel, reupholster Saphiel's wings...`
Call to Individual Arms Card'  `Fingerprint in every exclamation point, dotted i.`
vex  `Beeman's & peonys!`     .     `Art supplies & plastic butterflies.`
`When you end a scheme, it becomes a scam.`
`Bigger games, than nickles & cheese.`
Tough to Moll :  `You look like a doll meant to bend over.`
Downy    `Oval as polished soul, auric whole.`
lyr   `As much as you could remember, of other ways.`
warrior with a homefront saunter
happy as a smile face buttoned down
tough misogynist   `Your legs'll get lonely, if they're not bruised (enough).`
`Downy lost a pound?  Get any thinner & her head'll be gone!`
`Couldn't ... leave you floating in dew, lily pad pure.`

Similie Thimbles
* (if she genre directs) *
`Burn the facsimilie, and keep the feature.`


on Sherlock   `Dying without a label, ash unsolved.`
`Half The Fashion, Twice The Stay.`

Flame Shotfire
`Imprisoned by the ways, tame could be?`

`It'll be a cold day in Hades before I go to hell.`


Jay Pinstripe
. nickname :  Nonchalant Sweat`

`Counting coup with score, copping turf.`
`Hitting HR's deep & frequently--awesome's at the plate!`
`Like an old dog hobbling, skiddin' in the outfield.`

                                                                               --Jay Pinstripe

`The Feathers Of Enable'   A Chieftain's redress ... second stage battle.`
Downy Aficionado (Therapy)
Numerology Colour Patterns as Mandala Combinations Of Release & Regeneration
Movie Blurb   `Two times admission...all the stitches!`
new student     stiff as wordy, he sat in pants
Washing Up   `Good hard water that rasps the soap from your face;
leaves mineral skin.`
Horrid  `'It's extremely hard to find a truly beautiful woman,
but I like to ogle parts.`
`Never assume me, if not willing to pay.`

Light Breeze
. Other Summers .
1968   `Missing you like bread & dough
... (Consciousness Raising).`

                                                                      --Light Breeze

Wind Ornament
A History Lesson   `...& The Whitecaps rode the back of the land,
living off the fear of fat & lean;
tar & flame tanned.`

* __________ *

'Waken Lyrics'  `Wake up the morning with Another's Coloured Eyes
... not the dream you were the night before.`
gossip   `Kissing fast & far, first date lips.`
story   `She never would...surround another cloud.` (Loss Of Imagination)
'Small Game Won'   `...standing on devour,
                                                              in that carrion way, how you love to victor pose.`
blurb    `Impressive Fascination!`
`Simmering Potpourri, boiling old ladies on the stove!`
* ____ *

Sunday, July 28th, 2019

Nightmare Delivered
. Misdirection Tweets .
 `So lovely
, Dog & Pony Snow :  My Fascist, Racist Bigot!`


Silhouette (Alone)
* Mistaken Card *   `Playing me for parenthesis...when I'm your Moon.`




Saturday, July 27th, 2019

Apples Duewise
* Two Boys *
`My Dad's bigger than your Dad!`

`My Dad can beat your dog up!`


Baby Pie
* Actress/ Killer *
`I can do the face that's necessary.`

Baby Pie & Pillow Foray are Earthewildes

Pulse Fuss
`Doctors!` said Pulse Fuss, `little gods who make you well.`
* ______________ *
critic    `Saddest Of The Sensibilities, shouldn't've been produced.`
vex   `Pipe Dreams & Wishing Wells!`

Milky Potpourri
 `All we can hope of roots ... anchors with windows in 'em.`


One Eyed Mona Noon
orphan mathematician

`Principled as antithesis, fully corollaried.`

`Fibrous as corrolary--only if proofed!`

                                                     --One Eyed
* __________ *

distress     Independent Voters  `Holes in her dreams, where reality crept in.`
`Earned The License to Try ... (1st breath to last) my life.`
Limbo ...where time is centuries old.
`Killing widows before they could mate.`
movie line to femme fatale   `Someday fatal, face won't miracle.`
'Growing Up Card' :  `Soft as ribbon towers coursing steel ... a young girl flowers.`
`You better learn to drink alone ... it's  what an artist does.`
A Realization w/ Dandelion Egos`Chicken Little, letting in a little sky!`
* _____________ *
`Nothing but truth comes out of this face.`
vex   `Shoot the baby!`

Friday, July 26th, 2018

`Toys & candy!`

Orphan Of Life

Cream & Seeds/Creme Linger
Valentine   `1-2-3-Forever in love with you...`


Name Me
Reality Shows :  `False Resurrections--all the has beens that weren't.`

* ______ *

down as out, done     undergoing none
swallowing spirals whole
`Simple as wishing well ... if you've penny magic.`
wriggled pleasure, cozy as suppository
lessons bent upon forget
flat aftermath     .     deja vu echoes
naked foreclosure
@ wedding   `I do...I love you win or lose.`
Elephant Pasture    Ideals Compromised
happy as a pasture, beshat upon

On Upon
Border Entry Via Guatemala Honduras : : :           crawling tooth & crumb
: : :   dangeros as suicidal wink
crawling tooth & crumb


Milt Overload
used to rubbing elbows with furniture, Milt was
not counted upon to be the life of the party

Husband to Married Miss, Married Miss Trite Overload;
he was on the periphery of The Press Corp that was The Holywood Vines.

* _______________ *

self narrator   `--picturebook sharp, I still see my memories.`
desc     drug doll on her haunches, blowing air
meeting    `...at the moment of hello, most important person in the world.`
minimalist    `Focal as bowl, one eyed aim.`
premature vexation   `Polliwog balls!  --you muffed the transparent.`
`Where the seed...makes the story.`
piece of obituary, stencil print
`How much past once upon?`
`Kill god, if he has a soul.`
`--accelerating the dimensional.`
laying bricks upon caliper
hunger left inside
apology lyrics   `...ran out of sorry, out of say.`
'Radio Free Christian'  `Cruisin' in Christ ... where's your soul?!`
betwixt nexus & before

Primitive Sin
! Some @ WAR :  `Keep the clerks & bureacrats from playing fat army.`
`Overheard as aftermath, too late the moralists.`

* _________________ *

`...let dreams, where they may.`
in a chance paragon

Printed Nimbus
girls confiding :  `Long ago when far was away & not in his heart...`

                                                           --Printed Nimbus
* ___________ *

`Need some time alone, own as mine.`
`You don't sit & enjoy the all ... 'til it's over.`
in a chance paragon
eating pristine, as if it were wafer
narrator   `The hot smell of mystery, that scent.`
Nodes  :  lost in frictionless
Opening:  `...lost in see, a night of magics, if you'll stay...`  Buy A Ticket
,    small as cotter pin, all the length
too transparent     .     worried as tombstone
Eager Reader :  `Sizzling as bookmarker, can't wait to paperback :
[Hardbound Collectors Edition]

Ice Cream Valentines

`...trying to dress a genie.`

                                                 --Ice Cream
* _____ *

lost in small mirror, oval seen
left with candles which couldn't make the night go away

Thursday, July 25th, 2019

`Fiction worked it's way into fantasy, became real.`


Stands Gravity
`Riding on a surface of name, all marquee.`


Kittens Starlight
Home as omen, come to roost.



Dewpoint Stew
`Not good enough ... you gotta learn to quit when you start.`

[Poor Father Figure:  Dewpoint's Don'ts!]


Crustacean Curmudgeon
'No To Abortions?!'   Cute in conception, a bastard to raise.`

`Worse than puppys!`


Sinuous Shame
Sinuous Shame   `Tasting signatures, stars longhand ...
tuck away a little orgasm for me.`

`Crashes of cream, falling into disrepute.`

* ________________ *

Married Miss Trite Overload
Love Rudders :  Cards Of Anniversary Suggestion(s)
Each To Other :  Post Honeymoon Night, etc.
1 Week   Moon to Year (in conjunction with sex education naiveté)

                                                                               --Married Miss
* ________________ *

`--vassal as vagabond, own man.`
Post-Game Coach   `--we lost our balls.`
<>  athletic loss   `Can't imagine...how dreams can only pretend.`
deliberation     ingesting bones, considering     taciturn
To Teresa Oracle  `You can only do the world, twice in one sitting.`
`Secure in the attention you own.`
`--just an ArchAngel, with butterfly wings.`
Haunting Downy Aficionado
`Pick you up like a stem, and then a daisy...mythos subside.`
charging forth, loose on a lark
short story             Quietly In A Coffee Shop
`I got some treats awaiting me, but not a lot...`   orphan

Pincushion Hats
Civil War Graffiti   `Burning false diamond past its time, Atlanta Gone.`



Book Velvet
[World Politician Librarian]
`--skip church, go to the library.`

`Open Sundays` : `Nobody but me between God ... my.`



Killowatts Hurt
* to Composing Rosaries *
`Fisticuffs?!  Kick a nut off--then you'd have none.`

Composing, `Scraping your face off the floor, putty in my hands.`
*  ___________ *

Downy  `Learning to stop; when moment is over.`
Prayer   `Carry me like a dream, into upper reaches ... carry me like love.`
guilt     used as oblique, own heartbeat

Wednesday, July 24th, 2019

Cocoa Oak
. Devin Nunez .
Stark ... Used Handsome
`Going on like pawn; straight or kill diagonal.?`

`Foot Soldier for the Angry Man Down the Street...`

`Trotting like a dog leashed to air.`

Puppet Flesh
* 2020 *
`Skeletons of lessions...Russian Intent.`

                                                                            --Puppet Flesh

Sing Bee

`Indicting This Sitting/Squatting President = The Long Chew.`

(Proving tRump's guilt is like trying to dissolve gum.)

                                                       --Sing Bee

* _____________ *

Testimony Impressions :  Let Us See The Written Answers Where He Lied;
Should Have Been Made To Testify Live--Not Stonewall Georgia!`
Split Decision      down as out, done     undergoing none
`Puppets dead as prophets...`
* __________________ *

Story    `I know a place where stories go...`

Dialogue  `Been in sex, but never in love...you?`
'Common Man Philosophy'   `Gotta be something, 'lest I'm not.`
'Kitchen Queen' :  looking worthy of a lick
moonlight in the why
Shiva wearing hemline's slaughter.
* ______________ *

Composing Rosaries
* Modern Standards *
`More Than Six Kids & You're A Rabbit Or Catholic.`


Longform Holiday
* Cultural Clash !! *

`Playing The Aphrodite, When Only Venus.`


`Outlaws Gaze
bangs that weren't for sale, she kept them trim


Pulse Fuss
* Ancient Skies `Gods & Monsters` on PBS *
`Bad as Babylon!  Messy as Mesopotamia.`

                                                           --Pulse Fuss

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Maiden Webben
a jester cat worshipping tricksie's fall

* __________ *

`She's too young to kiss, but she things about it.`
debate  `Meshing clashes, tooth & nail hammering tong.`

Saturday, July 20th, 2019

Stolen Space
political vexation  `--packaging bastards in suede!`


Milky Potpourri
* ________________________ *

* ____*

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
Characters Alone Responsible For Their OpinionsWe Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
||  Original Hashtags & Characters Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited ||
*Previous Twitter Montages