Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](0patina.jpg)
The Tuesday End Of January, 2023
* _________________ *
full circle, love coming back to night
Hostess Zero
pretty much friend, except when she enemies
* __________________ *
deeply unneat, scatter awry; foam fate
- The
Way Why -
Kittens Starlight
: Ground Rule Dues :
Keep It In The Park :
- Second Base Until Post Tweens -
* __________ *
cocky stating draws devil wrath; etx.; & things are direish
* ________ *
`--more than evermore! Tonight.`
lips like tasted dreams, he imagined
the ides of discontent flower/what the poet said is true
ruthless gods running roughshod over ragtag mortals
her nose inquisitve twitchig like the forepaws of a raccoon or weasel
--vampire tooth, sucking the stuffing out of the dumpling
based alone, atone rolling alone, pebble in the sand
Longform Holiday
'Spat' `--it's just a little true thing.`
`As in nothing.`
* ______________________ *
`Kiss begins...` `This begins.`
broken in apart; split two
Made In Vain, The World Was Her Mirror
checking my gun, listing it twice...gonna kill, naughty or nice
cloaked in loose, anything could happen
caterwaul brat, mostly just snot obnoxious; a typical 4 year old
melting your mind with heart desires
hardware dust; it really didn't affect the inventory
literal as a verb
Monday, January 30th, 2023
Snowcone Constable
! Body Cam Incitement? !
`My Cop Dad, Jester
Interdiction, Would've Considered That To
Be Light Viewing, As Do I, His Son.`
[Me Pop Knew, In The Suppressive Line Of Duty,
All Cops Are Good.]
`We Always Knew, Black Like White; Eat Their Tender Young.
Black & White Widow Spiders Dispose Of ... Their Edible Mates,
Our Post Consummate Feasts.
<> Bigger Thomas (like Clarence) An Unalloyed Soul.
*_________ *
'FleaBird' a half fond nickname
`--forgive me, goodbye--caught in the middle of closure.`
Sunday, January 29th, 2023
Shadow Beautymark
- The Rainbow Of Discontent -
`...where no colour is pure enough--School Boards & Plain Ex0rcisms
- Objects Of Null & Void -
[noire the only shade left, in Texas Schoolbooks]
- Orthodox Gods -
Possible Ands
`--can't we still be then, or would it just be pretend,
never again?`
* _______________
`'s just that, they're mostly only, people I don't know.`
tucked into nod; asleep at the deal; easy had
Pomp Drama
`It's Not O'Clock--Time To Do Or Not!`
- Do Or Undone -
: Sure As A Promise :
Tether Nightspoon
- done done to, and you hadn't a clue -
* __________________ *
- laying in the weeds, about to do a friend -
: Skullduggery :
Equipped With A Portable Gool;
She Was A Catholic Lass Never Needing A Confessional
- Self-Absorbed -
One Eye Open, The Other Not
Stone Pavillion
- The Crux Of The Nub, Detective Clued?
No Roots, Mere Stubble--Roots UnUnsed -
* __________________ *
- laying in the weeds; about to do a friend -
familial skullduggery
`--sometime this some.`
`--you know you can't own her, 'cause she's a Ramona.`
Quimby, By Name
Book Velvet
<>- Distant
Silence - Freedom Unheard
- Censorship Banned -
: Restrictive Wedding Vows :
PTA's Scammed
* __________ *
- punch 'im down, to the nubs of his teeth -
Widow's Traveil
`Early On My Dad Pegged Me
"Excess Ovaries!" His Explanatory Judgement.
So I Tried To Be More Like Him--Became His 'Little Slugger!` -
'Third Ball'
- keeping the secrets, for God's sake -
Animus Flaw
`Ghosts Caught In Silhouette...
...Two Dimesional , Was All They Could Assume.`
* _________________________ *
- tight as destination -
midjudged face
at the speed of god, mortals left behind
- `--limbo kiss, can't stop the shimmy in my hips!` -
brain stubb
- Saturday, January 28th, 2023
Quantum Dwarf
sipping in the crawl, niche secure; wishing life were a cubbyhole
'Morning Winter Coffee'
* __________ *
faster than crass; slick with smarm
Round Nimbus
~ cursive neat ~
: O : She Had A Manicured Aura : O :
* _____________________ *
God never bothers to play mortal hands
weasel sleepy; merely feigned
Silent Cal; tons of words not his mode
- The Upstairs Attic -
- aphorism safe, she didn't believe in opinions (or originality) -
limbo chaos; more than nebulous
plain as a wart; distictive bump
Rainbo Ponytail
Ides Desire...Bitter Pristine; she longed to be impure
it is not always, just a matter of time,
always doesn't always, come true
everafters in the cards? some things undone
sometimes; lifetime love...short as a summer night
wedding scene dreams; Cinderalla never come true:
Princeless Spinster/Nature Kismets
dDitto Cruciform
At The Speed Of God, Mortals Left Behind (In A Litter Of Bibles)
Trent Overcoat
`Cowboys Sans Indians; Warriors Without Enemies;
What Is The Purpose Of Strife?`
- A Child's Diary -
--Trent (As A Youth)
* _________________ *
- free of Jesus; Alternative Christs -
- Religion : Christ in love with purse -
needy become
- Wanton As The One -
Friday, January 27th, 2023
Pond Bruise
- infertile fascination; relegated to fad -
* _______________ *
Goody Kind
`Goody-Two-Shoes Gone Wrong--On The Right Side Of Sin.
Twenty Digits, Ten Fingers & Ten Toes...
Printed Evil!`
--Goody Kind
- The Alliance For/From God -
[Divinities Claimed]
Thursday, January 26th, 2023
Earthe Acropolis
* ____________ *
angels ate the moon & left their scars
the ever edge of temporary
Butt Dialing Ettiquette :
Chastise Your Ass; Allowed One Minute Per Cheek
Kitten Whiffle : An Assumed Name
Fou8r Eyed Gods : Bouble Vision Jesus
layers of lessons un/enfolding Spiral Spool
paper played, sent missives her love never could jump off
the pages; kisses couldn't translate
Solace So
Castrog Delomain
`Puppet strings, are meant to be rearranged.`
- Surface Promised -
* _____________________ *
P{hantasms Borrowed : The Twin Rose Of Soul -Ghost Present &
`--instinct need not be pretty, when it comes to sex.`
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
Penny Coppers
`Rome Was Built In Two Days--God The Laggard (With Six).
Humanity Embraces Coliseum Baccanalia.`
Fox News - Riling The Farm Animals
- Animal Farm Programming -
* __________________ *
He was an ugly rapscallion; more of the brute.
Tuesday, January 24th, 2023
Just Businessman
Ticket Monster
- Corporate Gods : Monopoly Tides -
Algorithm Rules
* _____________ *
- BoxScore Gods : Everyone A Betting Master -
- Whole As Universe -
- awful as common -
nimble as life
trim as a whim; willy-nilly bequests
Bubbles Overnode
Traitor America : Suspected Gunman
|| History Unlearned : Gone On To The Next Whim ||
- News The Most Ephemeral Cycle -
- Jet Bubbles/Seed Notions
* _________________ *
`--ready for price.`
the moo in sight, sstar bright
hearts beating in not/apart (lost roots)
warm as deep night
roses sans bush; once given away : Mother's Aphorism
destiny in a myriad of fate / disguises / tides aligning with ultimate
- Life From Exodus -
- Lingering Abet -
Simplified Gods -
- Box Score Gods : Everyone Should Bet -
badgering asp
solid golden tear
- The Stone Porch Of Gravity
hotplate antsy
- The Kept Part Of Open -
`Stories Proove/Stories Proof...There Are Big Bad Wolves, Hansel &
* _____________ *
- soft as an empty puzzle -
Suspected Gunman : Too Much In The News - Boycott The Gunny
- Capitol Fact
: Verging Through The Burnish -
the rearview mirror of need
Sunday, January 22nd, 2023
Mix Romance
- Uranus Direct : 5:59 PM @ 14* 56' Taurus -
KEYNOTE : The courage needed to meet the crises
associated with social ambition.
Solstice Votive
'Lost Childhood'
`When you were wishes...`
- Before Olden -
* _______________ *
the heat of was, becoming again
- love rekindled -
`If lips can't kiss, heart knows why...`
`How many petals, does your rose?do you rose?`
`...feel the beat against you heart, beat against me.`
wishes in anothers heart / touch heartbeat long
- Anxiety Meds -
- NightTerrors : Fears Categorize in Unmentionable Pigeonholes;
Daily Brought Out. -
- Aria's Death Line -
`Came into tonight, (already) tomorrow's dawn...
Kiss fresh immortal, I love you life...
taken home.`
Tadpole Polliwog
- Missed Date -
`...moon was on time, where were you.?`
Cripple Derringer
` seems like August, time ripe with rot.`
- Short Term Prime -
Deadline June
- Short Term Time -
Autumn Aftermath
Saturday, January 21st, 2023
Cursive Pantomime
New Moon : 3:53 PM @ 1* 33' Aquarius : Water Rabbit Chinese New
KEYNOTE: The need to develop the inner security
which will enable us to meet unexpected crises.
Friday, January 20th, 2023
Miss Nomers
Candleweight Prey : Miss
Nomers, The Goddess Of Stolen Light
- Wanton Jungle -
* _______________________ *
- 24 Karat More -
: God's Device :
inert as a hardened puddle of ice cream
`Young goat! --still just a kid' ain't even in rut yet!`
- fixing God's frailties - : Moral Judgements :
Thursday, January 19th, 2023
Baby Pie
- and he kissed her third eye as if it were a star -
: Unopposed; Placing Divots OnThe Forehead Of The Dead :
- Historical Conjecture -
`Calmly tweaking...obstinance as patience;
Eons Transposed.`
`--jump step crazy!`
`--feel the beat of your heart, beat against me.`
--Bar Slow Dance - Invitation -
smouldering brood; angst emulsified
- Adverb Had -
- Separations Fate -
Normal As Fallacy
Los Angeles Oceans
`FarWheel Round...Now
That Was A Man!
A Worthy Head, Of Any Clan!
How Far You Have Strayed, Goody
Kind, From Your Puritan Gran-Progenitor.`
- For God's Worth! -
- The Witch Is A Saint -
Sam Spade `--scene of the time.`
`Before Olden - When You Were Wishes.`
Kidnap Trepanned
If Kiss Only Reminisces...Future HeadWays?
Post Honeymoons?
Spooked As A Tool : (SUBJECT) - To Another's Use
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
Jimmy Angel
Mercury Direct 8:18 AM @ 8* 09' Capricorn : Sabian Symbol (Phase 279)
KEYNOTE: The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at
the core
of any life situation.
Soul Folio
* ... *
Angels are to be considered personalizations of various aspects
of this
life, and totally subservient to its rhythms and purposes.
Sabian Symbols/Dane Rudhyar
Monsoon Cherish
Zora Neale Hurston : American Experience
* ________________ *
- Swept Ethos -
- Killing Innocence -
AngleWoven -
- A Figurations - One Time
On - Thirteen Plus -
City : Critique of Bible
'Lost Chickadees' A 1920's Starlet
- Pretty Girl Orgasms : Connoisseur Geishas
- Everything Dreams...But Then There's Me.`
-- Already Be
Eternal Teaparty
- Beggar's Creed -
: Eclipsed In Play :
* Giving Evidence - Beyond Cover *
: Waiting For God? Flat Earth ___ A Beggar's Plate :
- Happy Pastimes : Crossward Puzzle Forays -
Christopher Robin, If Not Winnie The Pooh, Too...
Abetting Fable.
`End Of The Month Rent...A Stupid Extravagance.
One might as well just up The Ghost Of Posterity.`
- Mortality's Cement -
- Playground Class : Playground -
skin soft as candyass
Castrog Delomain
- His Smile A Shade Darker Than Fable -
Corsair Stairs
Don't You Know : Your God Mortal As Extrapolating Minds:
Matthew, Mark, Luke & John But Cardinal Winds
Infinities Of Split Opinions
Quadrants Ephemeral :
God Anon
- `If God Wanted - Would You Be, His Eden Fruit?` -
'Only Begotten Son ... Or Even One Of Many.?
Every Soul Individual Fruit?`
* __________ *
- Fiction Performed -
Chasing Spaceships/Belayed Mars
- Sunset Pillows
- : A Homey Resort
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023
Sombrero Guy
`Took The Rear View Off My Mirror;
Never Going Back...
No Way Ever, Back To Again.
The Left Side Of Dead.`
`Stone Cold Dice...Toss A Lonely Singlet & It's A Die.`
* __________________ *
`Caught Like Prison, Pouring French Upon Breath,
Kisses Missing The Freedom Of Your Lips.`
- Two Birds, One Sin -
`What are the chances, forever holds...`
- the thin miles of hopes & rumors -
: hard gave the shaft to me, tough times arrive :
- The Second Of July -
Sadness Composed : Get Ready To Bury Me, I'm Oblong Toast
`SexPot HoneyNice!` 1/2 Spicy Endearment
- `Burl Between The Ears--Knob Dumb!` -
Monday MLK, January 16th, 2023
Dandelion Egos
- Algorithm
Rules -
Sentient Beings & Cyber Puppet Strings
- True Time Late To Arrive -
False Moons, Her Goddess The Vagaries Of Mood
- Algorithms Rule -
* ______ *
- The Choice Of Rubble -
- Body Of Truth -
: Time's Tide :
'Point Of Angst' - 'Pears & Cherries'
'Sans Condoms' - Daring As A Sock Hop
'History UnLeavened' : Gone On To The Next Instead
Sunday, The Fifteenth Of January, 2023
* ___________________ *
woven in the scroll; history tapestries
`--snake in the ass!` Ron
Johnson on Meet The Press today.
- Eve Of The Red Heart
- UnGiven -
'Fairy Dust Commons' : Edge Of Town
Beehive Postures
Beer Ad `--cold purpose.`
* _________________________ *
PSA `--don't drink unless you can be yourself.`
- Ides Of Time -
- Shade Of Alors -
Ad `--taste the should. Try it.`
'The Only Elegant' A Short Story
News Lead In `--stay tuned for yesterday.`
Edge Of God
Rabbinical Sin
- Shadow
Of Time -
Morgue Tunes
- Miss Scarlet & The Duke -
Toe Tag Dead : Exhibit A
* ____________ *
the shadows of shame, headlights in reverse
obvious as the crux
fate laboring; never meant to attain destiny
- Pagan Nativity -
'Chez Bruise' : A Restaurant
PSA Celebrity Worship : `Save a dream, be our own...`
Elegance Bred With Grit : Down As Dirty
`--do it true!`
short story ending : end of woven
Olden Day Newspaper : The Doorstep Times
- Secret Arrest -
Popcorn Ad `--pop-a-dacious!`
- Elephant Nation -
- Pawn Dues :
Nonfiction -
- Memory Tea -
chapter 'Ice Cold Dues'
`...from time into now.`
Saturday, January 14th, 2023
Josef Mohawk
: It Takes An Elephant Village (To Raise The Old Folks) :
- On Golden Non -
Cuts in Social Security/Medicare & Medicaid
- Jetttison The Old Folks! Repeal The New Deal -
[FDR Naught But A Social Communist]
* ___________ *
- Simple Guise -
Honey Kitchens
D-I-V-O-R-C-E :
HomeDrone HouseWife?
--no longer Your Honey Kitchens!`
- No Vegetables--Only Candy Deserves Kisses -
Her Only Sins Must Be White As Cream
--Bridegroom Knight
- Remote Bondage : [The] Silken Tethers [of Convention]
: Must Be Observed -
Kinda Tippsy? Don't Want My Stepford Girl Out Of Control []
Eager For Beaver--As Long As It
Remains, Firmly EnLodged
Friday, January 13th, 2023
Retooling Vegetables
`Save the baby Carrots! (After All) They're Cute As Fetuses!!
Let Them Grow UP To Be Whole!``
Point/CounterPoint -
`NO! Darling Dear...They Are Merely Grown Carrots
Whittled Down To Baby Approximations: The Discarded Outer
Mass A Hog Mash.`
* _____________ *
If-Then : `Thorny Toad! Grab it & it'll pee on
you--poke while it squirms`
- High Concentrations Of God -
Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions : We
Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
|| Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags
& Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
For Chalkboard
Graffiti.Com ||
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