Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Friday, Veterans Day, 2022

Spartagus Barnyard
`My Favorite Wartime Memories?
  Three Day Passes In South Korea :
[] Hard Boiled Hopes []
Me Temporarily Satisfied With
"I'm Penny Parkinglot...I'm parkinglot ready."
'Wait Line Soon'
`Her Amorous Lies, "You G.I...The Taste Of Caught,
In Love With Your Kiss."`


Morgue Tunes
Honoring The Fallen Brave?
Lyra in The Golden Compass :  In Lieu Of His Daemon; The Care Taken
With Tony Makarios' Frozen Bit Of Fish


Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

?Magic Questionmark
`Emulating The Jesus Part Of Christ,                   
                                  never owning your own surname.`
- All Things Are Never Equal -


Los Angeles Oceans
'Tudor Dixon'
`Beauty Warmth (Animate Wry) / All Of Her Hearts In Her Looks!`
`Cold as her first name, but four daughers spawned...`
[] Her Political Epitaph []
`Orgasms  unkindled;
never bearing the warmth of of a son.`

`Except for Kristi Noem--'Jaws Palin' & Ilk but old chapeau.`

* ___________ *

Age Adieu
- 'Secrets Turned' -
`Tin Gods...Made Of, Paid For Mortarboard.`
- Blind As All The Time -
Decoupage Narwhal


Tuesday, Election Day 2022

Horrid Little Obligato
Ruled By Mars - Elections Are Held On Tuesday To Honor War
- Exercise Your Right To Vote? -
`EXORCISE The Right--Vote Liberal!`

* ________ *

Animus Flaw
`Old & New, Moons Come In Twos.`
`The Chalice Of An Aardvark; Holds Animal Flesh.`
All Pound Puppies Are Not Worth Saving
- Every Fetus Is Not A Viable Jesus -
Anothers Uterus ... Is Not Your Easter Bunny Concern
Voting Your Pocketbook Heart
Will Only Get You, To False Heavens...
Soul Is Wholly Your Own.`


- Rahme's Autobiography :  Day Break Scorned -

* ______________ *

- Liquid Determination -
- Redeeming Choice -

Noe Immortal
- Cryptic Love -
: Written In A Secret Heart :

* __________________ *

One Eyed Mona Noon
The Book Of Eli :  As Darkness Cost The Light
- Sacraficing Gods Share -
Printing Winter
Mans Genesis : Burning Autumn
:  Shades Rearranged - Partial Ghosts  :
[] When Mila Kunis Was Still 70's Young []

                                                          --One Eyed
* ______________ *

`Bible Scolds With Empty Hearts...Empathy Unearned.`

Sunday, November 6th, 2022

Pond Bruise
- The wind was dark upon her doorstep. -
Book Sstart by Pond Bruise
Epilogue :
"Pebble In A Pond?  Your Ripple Effect
But Speck Of Dust."
[The Shadow Dropped Prognosis]

* ___________________ *

- Common Golems :  The Imps That Make You Perverse -
`--off by halves; Imbibing Fractions.`

Butterscotch Circle
`Conveniently  sent for punch--your date tonight?  Goody Kind.
--pooch stupid, a cur's Ken.`

Catty Comment on a rival's consort :

                                                   --Butter S.

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

Josef Mohawk
- I Never Had A Princess -
(soft pepper sigh)
`...outside of fantasy.`

* ______________ *

Stature Mansions
`Ghosts & Old Souls, don't know, the insides of my eyes.`
Why would You, even bother to try...                
                        (when)mirror images your only empathy.`

                                          --Stature Mansions

West Porcheve
`Me With You?  Gods In Common...If Your Soul Was Human Too.`

`Mentally Compatible?
So Empty; Any Head Count, Wouldn't Include Yours.

`One Time Date, Lets Wrap This Up...
Just Slip Me The Cookie, Then Go.`


Bones Forelock
`Chip Off The Old Troglodyte--Parentage Apparent.`
- Voting Pattern Quite Similiar -


Friday, November 4th, 2022

One Eyed Mona Noon
`...unless you are the oldest woman;
can't be cute forever.`
`Mortality, so what you promised me,
flawless skin,
never scars entourage.`

                                                          --One Eyed

Sew Buttons
'Thug Button'
`...a surly boy, (I) didn't wanna grow up, with that nickname,
(the) little girls gave me.

`Changed my ways,  changed my face & became a man.`


Thursday, November 3rd, 2022



* __________ *

- Smuggling Fantasy -
- Ranking The Harvest : Debutante Ball  -
Past History :  Taken By The Edge of Been; The Refuse Of Once Upons

Book Velvet
`Old As Stories ReTold :
Second Viewing of Classic Book Or Movie....
One Hundredth Song.`

* ___________ *

Cameo Orbit
- Remedial Hearbeat :  Infant Adult -


Honey Kitchens
- Paste Alimony - The Diamond Ring UnSetting :  Facets UnFold -



Model Gods :  Humanity Digests (Like Bubble Gum)
- Pop Goes The Weasel / Jack In The Box -
`Similiar Gods...aren't we all human stepping into goodbye...`


Sex Critic 'Intermediate Wetness.'
[Push Coupling With Shove]
- Two Moists / No Menage - Fractions Halved Discount -


The Man IN The Moon, Had NO Room For Me...\
The End Of A Girl's Childish Daydreams.
Not gonna thing about that kind of love again...
Advantage Taken Back; Maybe.`


`The Sky Cold With Black; The Day Would Not Be Kind.`


- Feminine Vagaries -
Indeterminate, of moon size.`

* _____________ *

Lingo :  'Digesting Alcohol'

Tukus Urbane
'Lucre Seed' :  'Uppest Class Wealth'


Radio Barrister
! Leadoff Smash--Thor Hammered !
`Crushing the moment like mush?
Not hardly, triple barreling up the bat--Smudged Munchkin
On Third!`

Game Five Opening Lead Two Batters In/Second UnStolen :
On To Innings Bottom 0-1 Phillies Hole.

[Schwarber Ties Before I Can Tweet]


Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Earth Air Spirit (Astro Boy)


West Porcheve
`Going Steady?  Alas, Probably Is Only Maybe...`


Half-Spring Pennymind (& More)
Worst Songs Ever :  'Saturday's All Right For Fighting'
by Elton John
- Beyond The Bounds Of Reality -
'Manless Fisticutts'
- A Sunday Morning Mien -


All Saints` Tuesday 2022

Saint Augustine's Navel

Looking Toward The Moon
- The God's Of Twilight -


Stoolie Vestibule

* _______ *

The Peanut Gallery Dogs May Be Jackals; Or Ugly Pugs.
Cryptic Pasts :  UnEnlightened By Wickopedia Or Texas Schoolbooks
`To The Nth Factor Of Thunder.`
'A Chaos Of Mess'
`Even Tin Woodsmen know...Hearts Require Animate Souls.`

- Too True...Closet Holocausts, Locked In The Heart Of A Forgotten Door -
As Difficulalt As Deeds...Karmic Forgiveness Never Confessional Free.
Blind Faith Not A Magic Adverb.
`That last picture....Three True.`
Devils Tainted ... By Feathertip Sangel Wings.
`In heart with you, if love qualifies.`
`As the good times try to repeat, living in yesterdays want.
Yesterdays kisses aren't (can never be) the same lips.`
`Comfortable Prognosis; smoothing in the latter middle years...`

Appraised Of Gods; She Busied Herself With Footnotes.
'Mortal Grasp'

* ______________________ *

- Old Oaks Shade -
- Magnet Pie -
walls tally round
`Normal Portents...there are always storms ahead.`
lost amidst shrill

Villian's Candyshop
`--martyred by you, Cury Favor.  Crosspiece criminals
flanking your vast ego.`

* _______________ *

Sprinkled like Ausschweitz & Treblinnka, Earthworm Traces
(Whitewashed Faces)
- One Thinks There Would Be Evidence Of Shame -
`...see what happens, when gumption fails?`
`Token Morals; Cautions Tale Did Not Consume.`
`--pushing fact, into dubious corners.`
'The Mother Of Invention, Was Frank Zappa's Aunt.'

Puppet Flesh
`Run Of The Mill Sins...Second Class Citizens;
I'm Not Interested In Lesser Criminals.`


dDitto Cruciform
`Time Chains...History Remains, To Show The Clues.
Alchemy The Synthesis Of Truth

* ________________ *

Papyrus To Digital Print :  Pure Scribes Transfer Words
wanderlust cold
Obstacles Gait/Habitual; he was Lax Lackadaisical.
'Squish-Squash'   a less than flattering nickname
`Cannibalized--my heart is in your skin.`
`God Quantums, If You Are Mortal.`
`Trusting God with your long as they're still your own.`
'Every Nurse'
`The Same Angel...Each One White As Florence Nightengale.`
- God's Wanted :  Humans Did -
Amidst Deity Harmonies--You But The Mortal Sequel.

Bubbles Overnode
'The Peak Of Bannister' :  Prime Wood :  Old $

Guises Won't Expose The Truth False
`Half A Few Thousand Things To Do;  When only Capa ble Of Two Hundred :
Half A Percent
`A lack of fun; cards that won't play anymore.`
`Completely Done ... Just Croak Me, When I Need A Pill Caddy.`

Menacing Heavy Load
'Foreshadowing Flesh Equator'
`Clam Happy In His (Living) Grave; Retribution Done.`
- Rupert Murdock -
tRumps Lips Sphincter Rosebud



`At the stroke of moment, you have to know why.`


Candycane Lattitude
Mannequin borrowed to feel a heart...
Lonely as done, over as gone, two strangers;
love must no longer pretend.`




ForeFootNote :
- Level Smoke - No Bland Horizon -


Protean Animus
'Lovers Broken In Friends'
- They Shouldn't Be Forced To Bear False Fruit -

That Last Picture? :  Three True
'Duty Mice' :  `Scurrying To Vote Their No Abortions`
half-hearted; driven as yesterdays rain
'Pretty Litter' :  Cat Scat Words
`--partial as 1-2-3; steps in order.
Half The Facts/Reasoned Reasons
Jan Six Residue :  Open The Closed Door :  Ginny's Testimony :
She Loved Clarence Thomas, & Not Harry Potter

Scattered Molecules
vulnerable to the vagaries of entropy


Crimson Timothy
sitting on participles; sipping the dainty
The Mad Hatter & Crimson Timothy--Most Of You Invited

'Guilty As Stone' :  Innocence Prepped / A Natural Liar
- Black August -

Windswept Maypole
`Parking The Former Into The Latter...That's How You Integrate,
Temporal Histories/How You Win(d).`

                                                            - The First Orphan Lady -

Angel Knives
Three Dimensional Full :  The 4th & 5th Missing
- Echoes Remind ... Of Visions Unheard -
:  Flat Earth Normal  :  Two Dimensional Shadows  :

* ____________ *

a gnat's attention span
- Named For Forsaken -


Monday, Halloween 2022

Flame Shotfire
Possible Bodice :  Prepuberty :  Girlish Aspirations



Cocoa Oak
`Thurgood Marshall Went To Howard :
His Replacement Sought Marshmallow Hearts ...
Married White Women,
To Purge His Dirty Soul.`
- Soiled Verdicts -
:  Citizens Decided  :
White Privilege (Soon To Be) ReEstablished
- Oreo Graham - Exterior Dirty -


Animus Flaw
`The Devil IS Georgia ... If Football tRumps God;
Elects Johnny Appleseed Dad.`


The Changemaker
`Smiling Jack (Bergman) Is Right:  Coming For YOU!

`The Liberals Will Gettcha, Before You Can Say "Boo!"`

`My Man!`

                                                                              --The Changemaker
* __________ *

'Tongue In Time' :  `Memories edging today alive;
almost feel th etaste of you.`
AutoBio :  `I never was an epicure/gourmand.`
Future Topics Category :  'Roughage Crusts'


On Upon
`So what's the gist?  SugarKiss!`
(to Boy Tragedy)



Baby On
` little coffeepot!
Morning, Noon & Night--I Love--To See You/It Spurt!
- Second Stanza -
`Sentenced to loving you; guilty to the last degree.
Alas; feel needing, much more than you.`


Sunday, October 30th, 2022

Wedge Ivory
'Angels Vendetta'
- Suspected Gods -


Chasing Spaceships/Belayed Mars
Mars Rx @ 25* 37' :  9:23 AM :  Sabian Symbol (Phase 86)
`The revelation of archetypal form & essential rhythm of existence.`

* _________________________ *

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[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags & Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages
