Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

______ . . ______
Friday, June 5th, 2020

Hurricane Scream
* Christobal *
`A-B-C...1-2-3...Mother Nature's Surly Mood...


Elixir Love
* To Protest Or Not To Protest *
`If you hear the clock so tame, it's abed.`


Ragged Coaster / w. Rogue Corvair
`Avast, ye swabbies!
`Too little, to late...the lockdown's over...
let loose the germs of war.`


Teagarden Leaves
* Gay Failure [w. an assist from tRump] *
`Richard Grenell gives away Kosovo...Serbian Kiss.`


Sonora James
tattooed eyebrows    under bushy dainties

                                                             --Sonora James

Spoken Sky
* A Seam Metaphor *
vibrating out of our inner lives

* _________ *

`--all the gone of worlds.`

The Changmaker
Those Police, Those Protesters
sanguine as can


* Domination Sarcasm *
`Humble as a wart, our Commander In Deferment.`

                                                      (Catcher : Wee Willie Keelers)

Earth Acropolis
(on Ivanka)
  `...if your goddess wore modesty.`


Farm Watermark
* Appleknockers *
`Does the Pope shit on the bear.`
`No mind the woods.`


Natty Rumple
blessed by nothing ring, Rumple sought closure

                                                                   (of The Holywood Vines)

Longform Holiday
* Murkowski (finally) Gets A Pair *
`By The Light Of Ruin [Besides Senator Romney], She Is
          The Earliest Rat To Leave The U.s.s tRump.`

danger dagger nice; sharp of tooth
`How much does your God cost?`
`10% tithe.`
`Pricey Admission.`
`There's all forms of insurance.`
* _______ *

Shoe Land
'Boo Movement'


`One.  Three.  Don't The Stars...Pure Research.`
'Handprint Ice Cream'


Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Name Me
Pausing Robot : Puppet Covert


Goody Kind
gorgeous snow, frosty lips...                
                                         inching chicklets almost a smirk


Corner Chips
* Progress *
`All the world only going too round...
same old racism.`

  `The world is really trip, had to pop a chance today.`
`Few toasts are perfect.`
`--every toast is perfect, yours was.`
`Christ, you'd think she's my wife.`
`No, she's only your boss.`

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

Once Everywhere
* Reporter *
`--gimmie the fat skinny of the in.`


Hipflask Silver
`Good drinkers know how to drink.
Drink 'til you're full!`


Ice Cream Valentines
* Birthday Candle *
`True, if your wish is angelwhite.`

                                                                   --Ice Cream

Infinity Pan
* White House Grounds *
`Cutting grass in a party dress; masters never let
them out, just for effect.

`Youngest sister knows best.`


Mortality Shortcake
* Posing In His Onlys *
Short Story : Lafayette Square & The Retrograde Bible.
Inverse Narcissism.


One Eyed Mona Noon
* Insurrection Act Of 18-Oh 2020? *
Lit The Calm
Warring On Dawn

                                                      --One Eyed

Pasta Angelcake
* tRump 2016 *
`That was one peeve I never petted.`


Tyronne Union Star Power
`Not just itchy sin, looting is betrayal!`

`It was...an accumulating orgy of years; the dancest of nights.`

Baby On
* Date Hunting *  `--tired of single frictions.`

* ________________ *

`My, my, my...it tastes just like forever.`
`--decent strange.`

`Am I cat or mouse?`  `I think you're an ocelot.`
`Not enough guts to get out & vote...small town
yard dogs & urban laps who pretend their howls.`


Attic Grandma
* Trudeaus' 21 Seconds *
A spetrum from Sgt. Rock to Beetle Bailey & G.I. Joe...
men or women, few want the military on Lincoln's steps.

                                                                                                            [Right Fielder Of The Wee Willie Keelers]

Blood Martyr
* Minneapolis Prosecuting Attorney *
* Blood Causal! *
`...if it had been a gun, & not a knee.`


See Nuit
* XLV's Bunker Inspection *
"I wasn't down--
...I was  there for a tiny little short period of time."

`Tiny Little Short...The Depth Of Your Verity.`

Tail Penny
* Tabloid *
`Looking to marry Tab
, Annette Funicello trying to Gidget.`


`Stripped down to turtle shell, look to your own soul.`

                                                      --Kismet Mortal

Crustacean Curmudgeon
`Internal Republican Criticism'
small mouthings muttering


Liaison Velour
`Let's get doing, the world's no ingenue.`


Married Miss Trite Overload
comprehensive slight

                                                  --Married Miss

Pulse Fuss
reprooved, flesh bitter as repressed

senses without recompence
sin living as it did
* ____________ *

dove velvet embossed
naked foretaste
Mama Daughter    sparring with bird eggs
warm as yesterday's fish; repugnant odiferous
heavy metal fluff
Greeting  `--whatcho' been up to always.`
`Sweet as peace, even if it's only a memory.`
60's Girlfriends  `--you can couch them.`
hard as alibi

Tuesday, The Second Of June, 2020

Villian's Candyshop
"Overwhelming Law Enforcement Prescence?!"          
                                      In a foreign land, we are at war with ourselves.`


Woman Zulu
* "Family?"  "It's a Bible." *
`Parting the protesting Lafayette Park Seas with pomp,
tear gas & rubber bullets,
tRump invades Saint Johns just like Charlton Heston.`


Noe Immortal
`--burning the Devil to her Climax.`


Crescent Moon Slippers
walking haunt


Parasol Ending
* 2019 *
`Remember when time used to tell, what you wanted to hear....?`


Pinpoint City
* Greeting Cool *
`What's the coast...?`


Bee Diamonds
* The Supreme Court *
judicious as a lamb chop


Chucksteak Drive
gears before they were machines

* _____________ *

`All Time Nots!`
Draft Busts
                                                            by Spindly Elm
something partially absolute

Coffee Vendetta
stray cat with her own tail

* ____________ *

creature stray    doubled up in darkness
narrrator   `--grew up loose, grew up her god given rights.`
retro  `--groovy doodle!`
`Sometimes the show only goes on so long,
& you just have to dance by yourself.`
"--chasing the world nadir equator."
giving up   `--dream me out.`
shark sober

Monday, The First Of June, 2020

Morgue Tunes
* Bunker President * Frankenstein Badger *
`Deja Vu : Walpurgis : April 30th, 1945 Berlin.`

Subterranean Human : Adolph Hitler's Last Hours.`

                                                                 --Morgue Tunes

    Lollipops & Demons
`The cornerstone of summer night; wishing upon the first bat,
               one sees tonight.`


Lukewarm Storm
* Gregg Popovich *
`Putting the Spurs to The Donald!  Ride The Piggie Ride!
All you gotta do is make 'im squeal for ten seconds
to win the golden lasso.`


Bones Forelock
`--pus funky! any black one who loots!`


dDitto Cruciform
`As Keeper Of The Globe, I Welcome You Dome.`
Transition : One World Apocalypse Ball


`Free Tests For All!`

                                                                  [Old Money's Doll]

Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
* Friday Night Underground *
`Caught In The Ides Of Always--He's Done, Badgered;
  Akin To Saddaam's Spiderhole, XLV Badgered.`

                                                                              --Gypsy Void
* ________ *

`No more nother than this!`
lodged on personnage            --Stature Mansions
harboring fragility; eggcup breasts
strained as apex knife
`Men eat olives, women prepare them.`
`Dance fast, 'cause sparks hairdo, my 'ead's aflames!`

Sunday, The End Of May

Molecule Of A Galaxy
* Pointless Repartee *
`--whoever thought Cary Grant would die in Iowa.`


Turgeon Cry
toreador pure


Nicolet Cottles
`He didn't grow much, but he grew An Age.`
[on Tyronne]

* _____________ *

Tork Malarky
* Mainstream *
`Evil whining vulture bitchs...The Tit Press!`


Such You
sully wanton; couldn't cat


Hurricane Scream
 * Tempestuous Mime *
riding weave, throe water; synchronicity trying to fit time


Stone Pavillion
'The Straight Story'
* Tara Reade *
dog vocal            she groceries @ Chewy.com

`Bark Fido; Like Jane Doe--Bought Off!`


Saturday, May 30th, 2020

Kidnap Trepanned
* *
"Greeted with the most vicious dogs,
and most ominous weapons."

[Melania's False Smile]

`Rally the boys & girls, Breach The White House
...Which Gave Birth To Rosemary's Baby.`


Los Angeles Oceans
* All Americans *
`Smiling through your mask, can it make your eyes.`


Pepper Treewind
* MAGA Night @ The White House? *
Oh, the damnation's of bedevilment.
Some Camelot...A Moat Of Exclusion & Hate.`


Crimson Timothy
same childhood, half past


Spectrum Patio
her mouth a ripe period

* ___________ *

fading into armadillo
`--disputing darkness, we'll victory.`
grindy down war horse : #40 FB Pete Banaszak
reporter   `Confabulous.`
`--aren't you a wormy little pert?!`
selling dimples & tears
the same girl but a different woman, all grown up

White Spice
beauty youth couldn't hold

* ____________ *

the fettle of prime

Friday, May 29th, 2020

Teagarden Leaves
* Violence Promoter *
`There were no THUGS in Charlottesville.`
[Red Is White & Black Is Blue]

PostNote : "Hate Approves Of This Message."


Anthony Adverse
`America was great(er).`


dDitto Cruciform
* 13 = 1+ 3 = 4 Evil Bystanders *
`One Third Degree Murder...When It Should Be One First Degree Murder;
Three Third Degree Murders In Former Blue.`


___________ * ___________

Thursday, May 28th, 2020

Cameo Orbit
haunted preludes : The Second Wave


Buckaroo Jody
`Too World...`


Baby Pie
* To Milt *
`--given took.`


The Changemaker
wintertime dark      A Presence


Squirt Liturgical
* Dappled Bee *
The Fixity Of Religion  :   Crosspiece Whirl


Buck Nightwing
`...someone to madness.`


Stands Gravity
a false latency


Cole Ember
`All Saint's Day's coming...better get pure.`


Castrog Delomain
`...cry, everyone loves a tear.`


Cocomo Faux
`God's last stand.`


Cut (Love) Jewel
`Before The Pandemic Storm; had enough to forever,
why didn't we?`


Chocolate Marshmallow
`...something happens to become,
something time might allow.`

* ______________ *

Cinnamon Lovely
winds blowing against nothing
drinks & brinks sipping
...not yet be, dreams had to sleep


One Eyed Mona Noon
`...into the East a star unfallen.`

                                                                                 --One Eyed
* _______ *

Fairy Tame
* Couplet *
Bettsy DeVos eating like a bittern,
Pence left bitter as Walter Mitty's shadow.


Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Poison Cradles
* Twitter Fact Check Tags *
Poor Trolls & Troglodytes : The Death Of Free Screech
[Robby The Robot Of Lost In Space Would Be Proud]


`--dirty evil!`
fading to swan
soft tiffany
notched vegetable
`Move the way you do, as if movement was you.`

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

Twilight Nevers
`Goblin on the dot at midnight.`


Mortality Shortcake
* Ozark Daredevils *
`Covid Brew ...
friends marinating.`

* _______ *

`--time collides black & white.`
eyes dryad
`Christ All Might!`

Tree Bulb
earnest as bud


Monday, May 25th, 2020

Hodgepodge Fatty
`Holy Crowds!  It's A ME NOW World!`


Heart Artichoke
* Fearful *
`Losing my faith...now, like my kid thinking
God might be a dinosaur.`


Horrid Little Obligato
* One World Apocalypse Ball *
`Bring your bona fides.`


Pop Mobster
safe as half life moments
* Playing Out The Spades *


West Porcheve
* Open Up They Say :  My Dog Needs A Hairdo *
`Little worlds of currycombs.`


Married Miss Trite Overload
a face you wished to mount

                                                                  --Married Miss

Age Adieu


Vesuvius Sit
* TweetFace Gurued *
infatuated by flatulence

* ____________ *

`...the moon pretending you were her girl.`
* _______ *

cats at a convention of sin
the prescence of adorn
`Afterkick...so you're the little devil in the ketchup.`

Sunday, May 24th, 2020

Spoken Sky
transient sun


Nudge Homeward
`Time to be time.`


Each Midnight
`Bodies Of Worship, Sing Commingling
...The Son Will Kill The Virus.`


* Social Instigating *
`Water wets you with its tide...people tide.`


Animus Flaw
`Way past time, but not yet become.`


Baby On
* Disses Goody *
fetching bombshell, all crust & shrapnel


The Aztec Ballplayer

* Mask Animus *
`I'll breathe my breath on you...
Freedom Of Being, Freedom Of Me.`

                                                                                       --The Aztec
Anonymous Rebuttal :  "--fuck you dead, gone dog!"

Lessons Dominoe
'White Sized Tears'
`--don't know if always, still comes true.`

*  _____________  *

Magnus Pages
* Stock Market Fascinations *
new as clues; brassy buttons, glossy bows...the current darling antidotes



Saturday, May 23rd, 2020

Merciless Evil
`God had September's Clue, October never happened.`

* ________________ *

`--it's the end you imagined, but you didn't know why.`

Crimson Timothy
* Stonewall Troopers *
freaks transparent as sin


Married Miss Trite Overload
* As 2020 Was Born *
`There as alive, eyewitness, I saw the world rushing crash.`

                                                     --Married Miss
* ______________ *

soft as a rainbow's edge, fuzzily
`Choice, each is kismet's bale.`
`--what the only dog!?`
carbonation bubbling her eyes
sudden coal; wonder undone
stubby angels; the day turned to sin

Kismet Mortal
  `Last night wishing, tomorrow could be.`

* ____________ *

wandering similie
`I'm just settling into middle, neither way.`

Friday, May 22nd, 2020

Pique Nickels

* Petulant Child *
`I don't want to wear a mask!`
`Don a diaper then, potty mouth!`


`What to do with Our Petulant Child?
Spank Him in November--Gruel, Crusts & Tepid Water.`

* __________ *

teen critic  `--lamo-tamo!`
`--ham-handed action punctuated by imaginary sound effects.`
hunkily nodding lowered eyes
numb as punkin guts


Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Tadpole Polliwog
`I spent time getting older.`


Moonrise Ephemerides
`A cat has nine lives, the moon has two...The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited.`

* ____________ *

Shadow Beautymark
`The colours keep my knees warm.`


Commercial Ethics  `If stars sell their eyes...still GodLight?`
`I'm not the same with a hat on.`

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Lollipops & Demons
* Republican Senate *
loyalty without flower


Beehive Postures
* Doggish Do *
`There's style & there's styles & there's...
HIS scrofulous hairdo.`


Trent Overcoat
* Sad Couplet *
`Helicopter walking like a burped owl...                                    
              we have met the moment & it has passed.

`Stumbling home like a maggot,
ah, the finish line...
mission accomplished; almost half-time.`

                                         --Trent Overcoat
                                             [Holywood Vine War Correspondent]

Astrolabe` Mideast
* West Bank Peace * Israeli Justice *
silly as a mushroom
wrecked to the moment
"Eve diced."
shadows chasing candycanes


Clarinet Licoricestick
 * Jewish Moth *
Dance Sculpture (Not truly human, Angel w/ one Wing.)

* ________ *

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Characters Alone Responsible For Their OpinionsWe Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
||  Original Hashtags & Characters & Content Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited ||
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