.Most Recent Tweets/Contexts Atop; Or
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
. ![](0tethernightspoon.jpg)
Monday : The End Of 2018
Teapot Boiling
: The End Of 2018.
`Red Delusion : Eager
Be Yesterday |\
`Welcome To The Land Of Once Upon.`
Yards Moblier
. Enigma Noire .
2019 Toast : `--too some
* ____________ *
`White House Ghost ... &
Now Was Not Among Us.`
Sunday, December 3rd, 2018
Natty Rumple
. Three Sides Of The Wall .
`Not To Be Opened On Boxing Day!`
--Natty Rumple
__________ *
ICE : Neo-Brown Shirts
Saturday, December 29th, 2018
The Orphan Lady II
`Brat In A Sandbox! Give
him 1.3 Bitcoins 'n let 'im declare victory
--Build Sandcastles
& Legoland
--Orphan II
Goody Kind
Spiteful Git! In a humming economy; freezing $ Federal
Workers $
like Plantar Warts.`
`Doing Government Jane!
Most Democrats Anyway.`
--Goody Kind
Japanese Aircraft Carrier
`A Boy's Understanding Of Love At Sixty-Three :
Stormy Infidelity;
he did her
between the curls.`
______ *8*
`Five Stars When Only Four
Were Allowed;
A Slightly Over-Busy Gem.`
lonely as Tuesday
Established Innocence
: Elusive As Mitch McConnel's Truths
`The Angel You Couldn't Know...She
Wore Chaps!`
Friday, December 28th, 2018
Egg Crash Coffin!
'2020 Pence'
`--running on Turnip Blood.`
--Egg Crash
* _____________ *
The Three Beggars
always make donuts on gamenight of poker.
An Alone Orphanage Casino
: Five
demons risen pray; darkest rites
misplaced/spurious insult
: `--I knew Ferlon Husky
was your favorite singer.`
"...happens to time."
Thursday, December 27th, 2018
Composing Rosaries
tame; soon came back
--Composing Rosaries
Hard Thirteen
. Baby Wees Vs. Midievels
dDitto Cruciform
. Congressional Hearing
talk too fine, nothing edge said
mute with perfume
[A Situation]
`Come January
3rd, 2019 : truth
overripe pushing your nose into mushy.`
`The Weight
Of Nativity`
Every Scrutiny Open To Investigation:
Chestnuts Roasting Open Flames : :
Between Hammer & Rock; Paper Justice Sans Scissors.
Flesh Equator
`Done With Generals!
In Merely Second Year, I Have Reached My Level
--Gassed Corporal!`
|| Hitler's Bunker : : : Miasma
Insanity ||
`Scarecrow Brains...The Purest IQ.
The Best...`
signed /\|\/|\//!/|\
--Your Favorite President
Freckles O'erderve
`Now & Forever : Your Stock Market
... A Shadow's Care.`
Playground Whiles
`Candy in a gambling
way me to maybe.`
Gladys Surreal
`Midnight Bald! White Ref--I'm going to grow
'til I can tuck it in my asshole!`
* ______________________ *
lyrics `Lips becoming tonight...hold me like love, even if
it can't be real.`
Radio Barrister, "First
time to home--sliding in for his first major league run."
narr when the world was spread, not all crammed &
close together
`So wanting to be dreams,
almost lost myself.`
widecomb hairbrush .
gradually scar . in stubborn alcove
alive in love's last crush
. touch soft as
sponge . all of gaunt
Divorce Card : `If ever's for never...`
Ultimate Loss : on
the brim of a dream, second place
Insult `--go
look for a snake, nibble it's slit.`
Wednesday, Boxing Day, 2018
`Tentacles Escaping Fear
... Inkly Squid Evacuating Morals & Abandoning Courage.`
`Ruse Purposed : Every
News Cycle Inkly Mire.`
Buckaroo Jody
Economic Justice!
It Ain't For
You Or Me, Mate.`
`Right To Work Is False State!`
--Buckaroo Jody
* _________ *
Guns Of Saga
Christmas Tuesday, 2018
Scuttlebutt Rumour
. Christmas Intervention
`As The World Played Cosmic
Siren Call Brings Melani
Separate Phones.`
Poised Wanton
`Seven Years Old? Still
Santa Bound?
Aren't You Woman Enough To Believe In Me Yet...
Only UnAmericans Don't Vote For Me!`
`Every Little Girl Must Grow
--Poised Wanton
`Even Intercepting NORAD Calls!`
Call Escrow
. t$Rump's Bogus Forelude
`2020 Dreams Pleased To Pretend They'll Come True...
Won't You Red Feather
Campaign Contribute?`
--Call Escrow
* _________ *
`His Swamp But Modified Scum.
The Best
People Brought To Washington.`
`Ten Year Old Puppies! How Ultra Adorable!`
[Cute As
Used To!]
`Chestnut Integrity: His
Heart Roasting On "An Open Fire;
Hell In Sight.` --RIP Mueller
Tree Bulb
. 'Middle America' .
Christmas Afternoon : `Who'se on The
Cowboy Show?`
* ___ *
excl `--crabby
Little League
"...too young for broken dreams. Someone has to be,
Another's Victory."
Monday, Christmas Eve, 2018
Shadow Beautymark
. Tweet #40,1?? .
`His Scrooge
Eve Tweet Seems So Pathos
Immune :
[] #PoorWe []
Akin To `Checkers`
&/or "I Am
Not A Crook!"
"So Impeachable...Ripe Dust In
Moon Crab
`Flesh Sentient...`
`My Mannequins Are Dancing.`
* ______ *
Rude Host `-it's a
nice chair, butt it.`
fears align
TV critic `--sick
Thelma's Last Line
"--I can blow down skeletons, I'm ready to go."
lyrics `...tasting time, 'til it's alive.`
'Ides Of Threats, God Jests.' --Castrog Delomain
poker `--deal
`Justice Court? Torte
`The First Vote ... The Last Final Flaw.`
floats like a storm without
cute as a munchkin's heartbeat
Sunday, December 23rd, 2018
Earth Acropolis
a postgame loss falling asleep : `...dear dreams, still believe
Beehive Postures
. intimate barter .
`--she's pickable!`
'Vegetable Queen'
endearment Honey
______ *
Downy Aficionado
. 'The Last Square Mile Of
Forever' .
Downy : `In the bank;
memorys are moments you own.`
`Let the dreams become...`
w. 'Waters Well'
* ______ *
writer heart
onward follow
* narrator
'--long past ago.' | some suppositions; embedded
in frame \
It Is Time
To Forget The 2016 Election, Govern
In Now!`
stiffening tragedy |
steady mistakes | current descriptives |
carcass afterfact
girl looking to marry wishing upon a name
your motion galaxy
starlets dying quickly as wilt
critic `Hotter Than
Hottentot!` `Excited as the came!`
Downy Aficionado
`--lives turned half-round; connotations square.`
Dandelion Egos
. Psychologist Extraordinaire`
`One step more than more.`
Patina Decease
`Feet stained in yesterday...we
have undercovered newly
Known To Tonight!`
The Thirteenth Quantum
Is Two Hoops & A Twist!`
--Patina Decease
[Holywood Vines]
Turgeon Cry
`The Holywood Vines Press Corp
... Interviewing Anyone Worth
Their Shade.`
President Trump.`
--Turgeon Cry
Josef Mohawk
`Mick Mulvaney : Acting Chief Of
Tony Cullpepper
1956 : TV Gourmet Approves
: `--you sure earned your
--Tony C.
* ___ *
`--madly in the dark, does every night have to be naked?`
Mona to Mascara `--out here with twilight.`
`...better than entertainment, things & shadows uon the
walls.` --Gypsy Void
writer crushed
commas . diligent fun
. caught on the prowl, live
diary locked
away in my fatal wound
bar lady "--well, Mr. Subnoxious!"
Pinpoint on Toni Childs :
`--broke a decade in most subtle way.` [1993]
Saturday, December 2018
Stone Pavillion
. Druid .
`Welcome To Winter!`
Equinox Solstice
--Stone Pavillion
Trent Overcoat
`Situation Accomplished |
| ISIS Conquered!`
`Open Pin!` [Policy Foreign]
"Largely Defeated!" says he.
Rue a la Mode
`...wishes want.`
Goody Kind
`Nursing Pheromones...
That Virgin Wanted To Burn!`
--Goody Kind
Thursday, December 20th, 2018
Astrolabe` Mideast
. Abdicating Turkeys .
`Encouraged To Rise : We Dagger The Best Arabs;
Kurdish Loyalties Crushed
By U. S. Yet Again.
Israel Abandoned To Iran.`
--Astrolabe` Mideast
`Capitol Intrigue
... One Dessert Dire As Another. ME First!
Keep Arizona Safe From Messicans!`
Warriors Build Artistically Designed Domestic
Textbook Persian
. Wisdom Vanquished .
`The Adult
Dog Has Left The Room :
West Wing Twitter Throne Nearing Elvis Embalmed .`
`Will he even finish his term...? Beware despair; Hitler's Bunker Mode.`
Running Down The Schoolroom Hall, Toppling Busts In His Scurried Wake..
To Control A News Cycle.
Insanity Grows
LooK IslamabaD
. Mission Absconded | tRump$'s
Declared Victory .
`Putin, Erdogan & Isis I So Pleased!`
`Little Rocket Man Broke
Him & He's Been A Pansy Ever Since.
No ... Always Was A Coward -- Incipient Borne As Bone Spur.`
* _____ *
a weasel that will turn you
December 19th, 2018
Drum Shorts/Staccato Pants
`#5 : D. J. Wilson?
He's Four-Fifths White; But Jumps Black.`
--Drum Shorts
Castrog Delomain
Presage Aria Pomme de Terre
to/tasks Pierre del lo' Suave`
Lace Principle :
`Conquering An Iron Age...?
Truly. If you are the morning, where is the
--Aria Pomme de Terre
December 18th, 2018
Spoken Sky
. My Beautiful Wall :
Artistically Designed Steel Slats .
`You wandered
into fact, & never
came true.
Je tu accuse!`
--Spoken Sky
[Billions & Billions Served : 6,000 Lies & Counting]
Sonora James
. Inadvertent Caricature of Sarah Sanders .
Wearing The Velveteen Rabits
Fur : `--lies your face versioned.`
--Sonora James
[Her Purpose : Serving Soft
. masochist .
suffer fitness
[early Wees Catcher]
Children's Wallpaper
Melania? Emulating Taste ... Cupid
Sugars Embalmed | Built To Last
Yesterday |
| The Mannequin Wall |
December 15th, 2018
Buried ? recriminations without afterfate
* ________ *
Chief Of Staff : stalled afterfact, scurrying next move :
Woe Is We : 'Fallback Nick'.
Coach `--you can try & you can do,
but sometimes you won't.`
Victory `--dreamt in
phil `--who knows why but tomorrow?`
Captain `--time is
waiting to move.`
` ... if Casper kissed Humpty
Dumpty ... what would befall? `
Narrator a little
past maybe
runnning down the stairs, my heart beating faster than forever
mad as gas car --Mascara
because was serious
woman-girls vision : sable tuft | 'Boys
Endless Toys'
`--did me had.` Me Too
December 14th, 2018
Oasis Stance
. Mystery
Seam .
`--they need a woman, & you're the lady who
Pop Mobster
`You're not in love, if it's
only want.`
--Pop Mobster
Cole Ember
Facile Vow
`--'til abrade.`
Rote Disclaimer
|| Fine Print
`Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
Characters Alone Responsible
For Their Opinions: We
Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
Twitter Montages*