Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Saturday, November 9th, 2023

Lariat Seraglio
`--that smarmy Curry!
                Too cockatoo...
       his every smirky smile a pompadour.`

Gods Choosen Evangelist
- Who Do You Trust?
Why Couldn't You Trust hiM? -



Sans Foolish - The Cotillion Was Dull.

Name Me
50 Stars :  Patron Saint Of The Capitol Steps


Friday, November 8th, 2023

Light Breeze
Phase Erased :  Let's  Get To The Heart Of Sex

                                          [The Alone Orphanage :  Class Of 1977]
* ____________________
- mortal as truth...bound to 1/2 Divine -
medium high starlight
Wallflower :  `See how the dust dances...briquet.`
`I do what I do, & there's no scare in it.`
`When the moon breaks around, crescent soul.`
`--dead to me, ghosts don't have scars.`
- Memories Marking Been -
`--nobody could do Jake!`  Problem Evolved
Angel Refugee :  'Imp Horns'
- hard as the hills; rocks for her eyes -

Oui Acquiesce
- God UnPawned :  Sacred Hearts Tithe Grace -


Josef Mohawk
GrandPa Joe :  The One Parent In The Room -
Maturity At The Helm
- Humanity Within Heart -

* _______________*

Memories Instead - Memories Marking Been
Every Second Making Midnight :  The Death Of Days
dryly refined; her airs were arrid

Nicolet Cottles
`After So Many Years...
2024 Democracy - Built Asunder?
- moth in return; butterfly ides -
Capitol Steps - Freedoms Gutter


Death Breathy
- she flicked her tongue, the quiet asp -
unlovely; her smile feral

* ________ *

Overarching Intent
(Menacing Heavy Load)

- remotely bloody; his hands were others -
Responsibility :  Taken Upon


Longform Holiday
- Nourished Of Taste -
Common Strangers


Wolfgang Poem
- The Corner Of Forgotten -
--Still Devout
/ #HimlerHess /
Lemming Minds - False Witnesseses

* ___________ *

O  Cue Ball Halo  O
Married Miss Trite Overload
- Trying To Subsume, Her Itchy Christ Complex -

- Head & Shoulders Halo!

                                             --Married Miss

Bubbles Overnode
`Getting Cozy - Planning Our Second Date?`
- Once Was Enough -
Stars Require - Distant Skies


Current Congress
- Freedom Of Teach -
X'ed - Sex :  Congressional Perusal
- They Didn't Know What It Was For -



Pond Bruise
Pensive Mysteries :  You Must Not Fail
- Prophecies -


Twist Prescriptions
Bare Analysis :  A Column
- The Devil's Boomcloset :  By Castrog Delomain
- Extortion Remains -


Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Bedouin Cardinal
- The Storm Of Fashion -


Under The Bumps
- Adam's Rib -
`Eve's Doctor'  No MidWives - The Garden Of Man Control


Longform Holiday
- promises, instead of bread -

* _________________ *

- pounding toward obligatory, half a hand -
joker exposed...not yet, saintly fool
in love with mortality; soul engorged
`Building brideless dreams, skyboxes for one...`
- shallow as paper; taken in eyesight round -
Two - Dimensional Understandings
the flutter of broken papagraphs
Jalen Brunson :  Pygmy Troglodyte

Gypsy Void & Spook Waxings
- Casting A Spell -
`Fly wings, butter churn...mortality butterfly.`
`Gambling the moon, penny poker your fate.`

                           --Gypsy V.
* _________________ *

- Mike Johnson :  You wouldn't want to take him into the next Congress. -
- Nimble Parameters -
* - *
Scant Diamonds From Autumn '88
'Waxing The Limits'
`Saltpeter Seer?  Me making up your vision--trundle bed, gravestone furor.`
- when the moon breaks, around crescent soul -
`Full as shallow...air tears purging your eyes.`
`Half moon in aa smile, can you all?`
broken alabaster, pottery soul
cloaked in alabaster, own soul
- when the moon breaks/around crescent soul -
- suffering fashions moment-bound -
kept moments/sideline cheers
welded to time/heart & smile
lovely feather, last flight
faint eyes ghost appraisal     'feather still'

the moon a groom, for the bride
- Circumstance Attends -
Troubador Romance
- ghost disqualified from blood -
- stretching laurels to the clouds - God's hand in victory -
the souveneirs of tears; dried upon cheek
- Discomfit Number :  Rogue Balance Sheet -
`Stronger than I thought, that I was God...`
--Childhood Diary's End
Poser :  `Faces upon the man, which one muxtache?`
- happy to fear, ripple shadows -
- despair wept upon futile -
- `More than less, ripe vine.` -
... mist on a dime, big as flakes ...
- out on the town, own heart -
`Life Tattoo...false vein, pulse or afterlife?`
- frayed as a tear, washed song -
scoring passive in the rain
`In the wind where the shallows don't go.`
- fast upon the winds of time, every breath a heart -
* - *
- Lost Ransome - Stallion Wild -
The Locus Of Smoke
/ Heart Loci /

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

Bedouin Cardinal
- Open woo the wind, a sail had risen. -

* ______________ *

Deer In Sun
Eclipsed Of Golden - Common As Once Upon
Round About God, They Used To Call The Sun.
Jesuses Usurp

                                                     --Deer In Sun

dDitto Cruciform


Parasol Ending
- gussied up the rougee; put on new lips,
to tempt a lover's kiss -

* ___________________ *

- soft as cannon, soft can; pulse amour -
- The Gardens Of Tea -
`...we wouldn't want to, stray from life.`
`--suffer destiny!`
- The Accompice Of Gun - Prefabricated Stolen -
`--eat, eat, eat!`
[Trying For Those Dumpling Contours]
spread word, greased palms
`--memories kissed you 'til you weren't.`
- rudimentary allusions promising more -
- her breasts ransome pearls -
'Vital Hearts' :  Wish Wanting Itself
smile forlorn; robbed of both lips
- lewd allusion -
- last moat, we're getting old
the weight of was
memory scars gravity -
- place where life is time -

dDitto Cruciform
`When we didn't care, because always was...
those were the times,
when always, once upon.`

[Kennedys Dead]
- Stillborn Infancy -
Maggot Democracy

* ____________ *

;   wraith open; eyes inhuman


Puppet Flesh

* 8 * ~  Bumblebees Running On Stolen Wheels ~ * 8 *
- Longhand Cursive :  The Creative Hand -

* __________________ *

'The Cloud Of Boxes' - Here In My Dark Balloon
- wicked allude - the city at time -
5  -  at seaside always
- bumblebees running on stolen wheels -
untidy termites; willy-nilly borings
- UnHinge Derrange -
loping with alarm
- Incubating Dreams -
`--toasted as cooked!`
`Foe Intrepid...tho' the playground still baby acorn.``

Ice Cream Valentines
- wicked allude, youth wins -

                                              --Ice Cream
Miss Nomers
Mordow Dark - Her Soul In Hide

* _______________ *

- root canal tunes -
pudgy jows down to his very toes
- the sunnyside of tide :  Gambler's Ambrosia -
with her smile big as the scarecrow's heart
`Repeat, "I believe in Jamie MacPheter!"
three times, then make a wish!`
fading impressions; underground Gods who couldn't crack the big times
- Given Of Sin -


Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Silhouette (Alone)
Tableaux Faux :  Men On The Menu
- Dating Applications -


Clarinet Licoricestick
- Locked In The Ides Of Now -
TinkerToy Bombs :  Surly Boys @ Play
GOD Was In Heaven Until We Pulled Him Down
- Holy Land -


Deep Sea Noun
___ Flooding Gaza's Tunnels :  w/ The Dead Sea, Or Holy Water?
The Rules Of War--Hostages Incidental.` ___

* ____________________________ *

Blood Martyr


Moonrise Ephemerides
- Black Cat -
`"Boo!"  --with my frown, that's three letters
  warning you off.

- FourMore -


Goody Kind
Parameters Scolding : `NEAT little girls!
Pajamas & In-Bed!
All Tucked In!`
`& Phantom Roam...?
DreamTight - No Astral Projection or Travel Soul!`


Tortellini Aperitif
'Gravity 'Spaghetti'
- Spaghetti Gravity Eater -

* ________________ *

- titan so attired -
'Stained Glass Repetoire' : Higher Realm Saints
ASoft Radio Station Ad :  `--blend of easy, worth listening!`

Mix Romance
Fashion :  Belly Button :  T-Shirt CutOff Half/
Partial Drop - One Breast Portion Exposed
)( Degrees Of Nipple Optional )(
- Inside Out Two Ply -


Monsieur Von Due
AdVerts :  `I didn't know if it was deodorant or nectar...`
'Manly Juices'
Musk or Pheromones/
`Santa Claus enjoys a good beer--Goebels.`

Similie Thimbles
- Garments Pardoning Fashion -


Mix Romance
Wedding Vows
`--equal mix!`


Parisian Sands
`Lusciousest Female!`
- hot as cool, takes your skin
                                             surface deep, diamonds coal
you like it and understand scar -


Liaison Velour
- The Emotional Range Of A Teaspoon -
1:07 In Harry Potter - Finest Depth Repartee -


Protean Animus
A Haircut  'Incipient Fat' / Partly Bowl

* _______________ *

- Kitchen Wish -

Transparent Gravities
/ A Dance /
- Hanging The Laundry Out To Dry -
'CrossStep Of The Clothespin'

* _______________ *

`--the tea beer.`
theme   'Bagging The Falcons'
'Philosophy Poster'  `Everthing is a moment, if you're there.`
Fash   'Boston Casual'
'Pale Rose Casual'
A Look :  'Windblown Dry'
Ad `--carrot juice @ Trader Joes!
Shit Gone Old.`
`107 . Always.`  FM Radio
'The Last Step To Obliquity'

Stands Gravity
'Men In Black' [9/16/1997] :  `--complete & inconsequential.
A Trailer for a BoyGirl Sequel.`


Buck Dairy
`C'mon, dish the breakfast--you gonna
fry that egg 'til it grows bones!`

                                                                             --Farm Watermark

Monday, December 4th, 2023

`Ticking tocks, that's the way of clocks...
Time Held In Two Or Three Hours.`

* _________ *

`--damnit, boiling the piss out of the noodles.`

Slash Fasteye
- His Teeth Clamped; Soft Feral Pack -
BenjaminN - Civilian Retribution For 'Your 9-11!'
- Misguided As America's -
- It Truly Was, Israel's Next Pearl Harbor -

* ___________ *

Placing Charades Upon A Mime's Lips
`Allah Akbar!`  Hiding Behind God's (Supposed) Will :  Mortal Crucifix
Garden Party/Cyber Guest :  Ephemeral Friends (In Digital)
Mortality Fates - Soul Destinies
False Hope Exposed, Memories Banked Before They Came True
Tasks Of Daily Toil; What Am I, Princess Or A Nun?
- skimpy prance -
-  ;  ennui calm; steady as a cadaver's heartbeat  -
: Open Tables - With Hidden Inserts :
- A Bit Too Much : Gaza Aftermath -
- chasing daggers with broadswords -
___ Temperatures Beneath The Equator ___
- Quivver Growth :  Orgasm Expansion -
: UnderGround Gods :  Who Could Not Crack The Above Light :

Castrog Delomain
Droid Program :
:  `--telling you what stuff, in every ear.`  :


Pasta Angelcake
- Cake Space -


Overall Total
: $ :  Artificial Debt Ceilings  : # :
Why Now?
- Bliss Math :  The Barn Door Never Closed Before -
... & A DogBone Radiator Guiding Climate Change.



Sunset Tiers
! Wishing Deed - War Without Steel !
Peace Surcease
/ Earth Sans Water & Air /

* ________________ *

- Primal Fetish -
- Moral Contraband -
mosaic of stolen shards :  Cultural Appropriation
in a forrest of charades, whispers unheard
nickname  'Wart Flower'
'The Search For A Golden Age In An Iron World'
- disgruntled annoyment -
- Arming The Mirror With Eros :  The Putting Up Of Hair -

Poison Cradles
`Seduction old...kitten got her curl.`
- Rocking The Cradle -


Hostess Zero
pearl perfect; her heart a grain of sand

                                                             [A Midieval]


Star Satyr
`Why don't you done?
...wait 'til inside.`
- Truth & Life -

* ______________________ *

- Post Critique -
- short of memorial; not quite an epitaph -
rivers distillation, as tears fall away from shore

Pirate Guillotined


Ariel Pomme de Terre
- Puberty's Cotillion -
- moments soft as tears -
Big Sis Advice :  `Pony trails...hold on 'til moons become.
Look around kisses/aisle of night/own mare...
Patience, life will never another you.
`Feathers hit the ground, before their weight can leave the air.`

Tempted me, that Banana Whore, saying,
" heart adept at keep."

* ____________ *

/\  A Roof Of Tissue - The Homeless Can't Keep The Rain From Falling Down  /\

Sunday, December Third, 2023

Buys Disguise
][ DeSantis : - A Culture Of Life - ][
Armed Forces Abortion Tourism
- Superseding Obama Care -
: SpokesFacing :


The Orphan Lady II

                                                                    --OL II

Poised Wanton
- Holiday Toasts -
`Cupid on the sly, here's mud in your eye...`
'Blind Rape'


Pirate Guillotined
: Impotent Marriage : Wedding Banns
- Empty Karma :  Payments, Never Paid For ...
Incarnation Futures  In Common -

Karmic Bonds :  Redux


Wind Ornament
A Heart Of Mistletoe; Cupid Misconstrued


Two Star Horror Movie
`Imminent Deluge ! I Fear For My Girl,
Terra Box Nouveau...
Living Lowland Trailor Park, She Has No Noah's Arc.`

                                                          --Two Star
* _________________ *

Twin Receptionists :  Caught Deductible - Billing Rigamarole
- Of Mannikan Mold :  Mannequin Breath -
@ Peace With Conclusion :  Karma Kept
- The Ghost Of An Open Coffin -
- * Stars Require Light * -
`Cold Smoke...The Lies You Blew.  Your next girl?
go find someone new as unused; were intrude.`
- Symptoms Of Hope -

Twilight Nevers
: Post Celebrity - Mortal Health :
/ Extending Modicoms Of Fame - Getting Paid /
Cindy Lauper's Skin & Lady Gaga MerePerson
--Pedalling Drugs/Hucksterring Commercials--
Oh, Kareem Abdul Jabbar--
don't tell me about your bald!`

[Let The Old Die As If They Were Still Young]

                                                                   --Twilight Nevers
                                         - Extra Base Muse -



Epitaph Dictates
- Face MisPlaced; She'd Lost Her Soul -
Stone Mortalities / Entre`EnFolde

* __________ *

Nicolet Cottles
- Morbitia -
- Stumply; Yet Her Girth Was Supple -
- Nicolet Cottles Best Friend
[They Play The One World Apocalypse Ball]
Be There :  Halloween Of Ninety-Nine
Were You There


"I'm voting for Kamala...Human True.`"

Orphan Lady III
: Symptoms Of Home :
- Epicenter Maybe -
][ DoorStep Namings ][

                                                   --OL III

Married Miss Trite Overload
Perfect As In-Principle - Her Loves Theoretical
- Worshipping Jesus :  Filial Affections -
Duties EnFolde
][ Yet She Was Co-Chief (With Tukus Urbane) In The Secret Society
That Was The City Matrons ][

                                                                                              --Married Miss
* _____________ *

- Woman Repose/With An Actual Patient -
: Neon Needs :  Barfly Star--I Neet It To Be
- Symptoms Of Hope -
- The Isms Of Mortals -
Dreams Appeased; Never Come True, Never Made It Home

Twist Prescriptions
- Interior Egos -

West Porcheve
- The Escape Of Nativity :  Navel Gazing -
Staying The Duty Tree


Saturday, December Second, 2023

`In my Iron Age Sojourns, my favorite Diva Mortal was Maria Callas.
A Star, even in the firmament of my native Atlantis.
- The Enduring Icon (NPR) -


Mon Clarity

Moral Clarity - Social Consultants :  A Soft Firm - Feeling & Soul

* ____________ *

The Past Of Never :  Reconstruction Histories
- The Maestro of Might : One Wing May Fly For Two -
/ loathing self; inner smiles would not ensue /

Pillow Foray
- silence stalking twilight; the second half of each -
- Big Want Realized -
-Seconds Split -
- The Last Thing Deputized -
- Sugar Wants, What Sugar Tastes -
Big Wants Realized, Soul The Last Love Deputized

Primitive Sin



Playground Whiles
- Alien Consort : Intimations Of Friendship -
* _______ *

Infinity Pan


Secret Woo
: A Creature Of Purpose :
- `Cocktail Party Scuttlebutt - I Was At A Quite Fashionable One Last Night!`
--heard a boasting knave [In Service Of The Other]
Proclaiming :
                                                         --Secret Woo

Monk's Talisman
- Darkness Realizes :  A Lack Of Light -
`Random Demonology?  I Choose D'tRump Everytime :  Denser Than Struddle
- The Devil's Testimony -


Poised Wanton


Friday, December First, 2023

Curry Favor
- God's Choosen -
- Them That Gets :  Four Aces - Superiority's Natural Pedigree -

* ____________ *

- The Hazel Nut Mermaid -
`Conundrum :  You Could Hardly Formalize...Mr. Or Sir.`
`You don't know don't know how?`

Angel Knives
- Divine Instigation - Dickens Politics -
A Tale Of Two Cities :  Blue & Grey ... Red & Blue
: Ever Civil Wars :
- The Advertisers Root -
$ Gamblers Bet $
Political Dibs / Given Words


Flesh Equator
`HardScrabble--I Admire Him!
Floating Balloon Man Gravitas : Humpty Dumpty--Hardboiled Warrior!
Failed Caded; A Street Fighter Never Stepping Upon Reality--
But Avenue.`

- Penniless Horatio Alger ? -
Past Your Memory :  Part Of Scar


Such You
- At Peace With Conclusion ... Karma Kept -


Thursday, November 30th, 2023

`Entrails & Organs--In OUR democracY;                                
                                           there is only One CANDIDATE--DT.`
[] Fact Fictions, When It Won't Come True []


Eggshell Coracle
- A Total Teacup -

* ________________ *

- quickly witty -
more than spore; smile oblivious

Curry Favor :  `Ripe For The Plucking...Plump Disciple.`
- Easter Egg Recipes -
more than spore; smile oblivious
coy blush; her intent was unnatural
- safe as lost tides -

Theological Doubt
`Yea, sure--Monkeys Made Us!`
+ #FetusRules#  +

- Biological Scopes -


* _____________________ *

- Three Aces Productions, Ltd. -
* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything :  Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks & Reserved
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages