Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000sophistry.jpg)
Tuesday, Novembers End, 2021
The Orphan Lady II
`Fess up! --don't you roly-poly me,
there's a tiger in this bear.`
'Plushy Chair'
`...easy in, couch out.`
Overarching Intent
\\ Introducing Myself //
'Trauma Manifest'
Nicknamed 'O'
authour of Trama
[] What Are Three Of His
Personal Qualities You Admire? []
Two Star Horror Movie
: 'Lost Starlet' / 'Left Of Divine`
`It's hard to be worshipped (or even imagined)
...if you are not real.`
|| VP Schism : John McCain
opened...Sirens Vox.`
--Two Star
Marijuana Cigarettes
pipe dreams mellow as polite lies
Nightmare Delivered
- sandpiper eyes beadying about -
shine devised
Heart Artichoke
Year' : A Youthful Valentine Composition
'Stillborn Love...If You Won't Come Around'
`Baby's ass in an angel's shell...
Come on, be a girl or...
|| Limbo Cupid || Your Cold Makes Me Stone.`
`--shadows talk.`
`...& stars dessert the sky.`
The Solution : Just The Same Rearranged
^ plain yogurt jigsaw puzzle
'Other Girls'
A Kiss Is Just A Loss Wish, If Not From You.`
Of At
`Bathwater baby, don't throw away the end...`
--Climate Change
* ______________ *
in love with pawn
Gizmo Dicey
stout as hardware
[] Weapons Prodigy []
Monday, November 29th, 2021
[noire femme]
`--take your dew away.`
<>`--educating your face.`
<> `Twice past midnight...when spirals unearthe.`
part smooth, her cadence was lumpy; yet pleasing
`No shades of grey...your 'Too White God'.`
Only Book | Angst Grit
The Snakes Waistcoat
An Indescribably Cool Saying (2022)
`Bocca Motor.`
--The Snake's
Puppet Flesh
Pro Forma Caution : Regulation Rules
Never Vagabond Marionette
`The Internet Says! They Say! Who Is Whom To Believe?
Newly Harvested : Omicron Ghouls : Neo Dead
* _______ *
transient silks darker than
worst halfway to
easy waterproof sky
'Sins Of Omission' ` is very easy to never.`
new as croup cautiously
budding the sky a used blue
patience killing time
Potato Truth
(Baby Muse)
on a Nut
`Every button's not there.`
* ___________ *
Castrog Delomain
Prophecy Unfolds
: `Once written, triggers must be pulled.`
hangnail beholden; luck the furthest charm
Pulse Fuss
'Omicron' ___~___ a road with twist inside of turn
'Spirochete Dimensions'
Mortality Shortcake
To Someone Who Just Died
`...loved you like life.`
* ___ *
grew up last, mostly mortal
front seat of a wish
dark as wicked
the stars in the why, they do
`Where did you get that elaborate bellybutton?`
`...two oceans inside.`
Miss Nomers
Notation's : Conception
w/ Schoolboy's Sorrow
Rules Before Bedtime : (Walpurgis Evening 1995)
Hell Carries On : Evil In Her Womb; Second Cocoon
Sunday, November 28th, 2021
Liaison Velour
`...taken in by then, memory again.`
* ______________ *
(crushing velvet; cheap felt)
Such You
`Your love surface wet, never the depth of a tear...`
: `--blunt as a feather in your eye.`
Knowing Student : `Bothe Ends; Down & Quill!`
<> old ladies dipped in dust
jesters & magicians used to get paid
An Appraisal
`--medium high starlight.`
`Wings to keep your back warm, your chest alive.`
The Fool : 'Hobo Lives'
`Bags & barnacles, how we carry our life supplies.`
`Your mouth talking nowhere; silence those pretty lips.`
'Siren Prophecy'
(clarion in the shadows) calling "All UnClear!"
tough as a whisker; the child inside
`He lost; always ending as it happened.`
dangerous as plague, socially unacceptable
`Waiting for dreams that never became...
Waiting tickets, torn in never...quite over you.`
figment ending easy as bled
<> The Precise Age Of God, Is Yesterday
An Instance Of Glue
Stolen Space
Sunlights Coffin : Black Hole
Adept At Opinion
`Common As Happen : AM/PM EveryDay
`Campfire Choirs...aren't always Cowboy.`
Sons Of The Prarie or Bean Farts
Friday, November 26th, 2021
Two Star Horror Movie
Rue a la Mode
`--tasting Pegasus!`
Molecules Of A Galaxy
`Deep Gods, Beyond Cathedral Ceilings...`
Deeds Gun
! Omicron Variant !
Sipping Sixguns : Russian Roulette, Destinys Fate
Infinity Pan
`Hypocrite Lips!`
Mute Fractions Unable To Witness
|| Once Upon : Walter
Cronkite Was The Only News ||
Thanksgiving, The 25th, 2021
Flat Metabolism
`..linear frugal, she did not know
how to truly profligate.`
Superheroes Spacegun
sleek cosmic
--Super S.
Downy Afficionado
<> The Symetry Of Meld <>
* 8 * teflon facsimilie * 8 *
`Next Morning's Prayer : `Boldness prevails! Daylight Darest!`
`Cream Francais,` girlish innocence. `I'm storing up it.
It's softer & nicer & deeper...promises found.`
`They want to play candy.
They want to play...`
They play...their play.`
`--frozen close.
Locked in history, the eternity of second place.`
w. Butterscotch
`The cherry went down...`
'Andromeda Frame'
<> `...& happens, comes true.` a/a?
<> `War Is Hell, But So Are Women...`
<> One Shadow Past Twilight
'Pulpit Pupils' [] Every Two Years []
Proper Hamsters Making The Go Round
() Amiable Creatures : Ephemeral Content ()
Wednesday The 24th, Thanksgiving Eve 2021
Lariat Seraglio
`Pickup Truck Possee : Do Not Resist!
Guilty Until Proven Innocent--Darkly Assumed.
There Is No Self-Defense Vs. Shotgun Rights!`
`Two Flags, MY Stripes Top Your Stars.`
`Life includes, a few bruises...we can't all be,
Eden's Only Apple.`
Teddy Fibre
Deregulation : 'Larceny Loosened'
* ________ *
prehistoric established, as The Human Race
calm paroxysms
a product of stupendous / of batallion
Clarinet Licoricestick
at the end of the movie, the credits ran fast,
& were quickly done
* ___________ *
'Star Crossed Religions Anchored'
Similie Thimbles
'Birthing Ice' old refrigerators laboring to be cold
_____ Castrog Delomain
_____ viz a Mix Romance
`Gee, hard as score,
losing is less than fun.`
Spiderweb Terrazzo
* the dizzy miasma of ... New WORDS *
missing softness, her heart was all muscle & no blood
The Kept Part Of Borrow
& Secrets Revisited
: City Matrons Novels
stay incognito, no need to tip your hand
sans salmon; the love of a chub
somnulent semblance; second act
firmly rearranged | corporeal spanking 'Sans
Beehive Postures
Tortellini Aperitif
Keiffer (Plain) : 4 oz of probiotics before you grumble up
your morning coffee
w. 1/2 oz swig of Mother Vinegar : Better Than Pepto Bismol
Isis Romeo
'Candycane Christs'
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021
Spoken Sky
Once Upon God : On The
Nature Of Deity / Deities
`...& God saved himself.`
`God almost home...`
`...if God became.`
`...all the Gods pretend.`
`...god once above.`
`God without a home.`
`God never takes sides.`
(That's The Devils Province)
'Apocalypse Prayer' `C'mon God, time's almost here!`
Longform Holiday
Villian's Candyshop
`You carve the pumpkin,
to get
to All Saints` Day.`
'Cookie Marker God'
`He's not perfect, but he's human...Halloween.`
`Time rife with now!`
wearing soul for show, it wasn't
go spun around the move
into the movement of motion
`...grown into almost.`
`...& the worlds stood time.`
* <> a/ `...once upon never.`
waltz fancy
'Moves In The Ballgame'
dandling neat; pigeon toes
Fork & Spoon Valentine `...bit by the time of you.
In love, be your second hand...we'll minutes.`
`Only Cruciform, be
everything but your Christ.`
Proposal : `True to do, in love with you...`
dancing toy, machines & hoods / dancing toy, our childhoods
Jpg. Montage
Prophecy : `The wind barely long enough for tomorrow.`
<> `Dawn's Shadow the last to arrive
...daylight all alone.`
Cantos Porcupine
`Paper Rhymes...No Music.`
of The Milk Bottle Dwarves]
<> `Once Upon Never...`
If You Don't Hear This Story...`
Eggshell Coracle
<> `Whip me egg!`
* _______ *
& the world stood time
'Memory Valentine'
Monday, November 22nd, 2021
* Kennedy LVIII *
'Stone Amalgamated' Cogent Coherent, Spices Of Life...`
Coherent As Cogent
Pincushion Hats
`Younger, oncer...`
wrinkles way; body turned to poem
* ____________ *
dawn with aftermath, dawns shadow the last to arrive
'A Subsequent Toast' `In the name of again!`
'Morning Thankfulness'
`Skies big as alive!`
Earth Acropolis
`September Forever, Never Fall!`
Death Breathy
`Once upon never...this story never happened,
unless you care to hear.`
- The Hard Thirteen : 2008 Sr. Class Trip : The Alone Orphanage -
'Frozen Birthday'
`...& slowly, I let the wind blow out my wish.`
`I will let the wind make my wish for me.`
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Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds,
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