Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](000elixarlove.jpg)
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Friday, December 30th, 2022
Friday, December 29th, 2022
The Changemaker
- `All Saints' Unlived...?
Jack O'Lantern Lives From Halloween To Advent,
If Purities UnEarned.` -
--The Change
Indignant Indeed; false kerfluffle disguising overlay.
- The Actual Matter
: A Proclaim (or) Mantle perceived --
][ Just In Time, Ignorance Saving Itself From Realize ][
: A Change Of Flock - Curry Favor's Threat
- `Reincarnation? There better be, 'cause I'm not getting
out of this life alive.` -
: Deeds Undone :
: By The Baser Nature Of Man & Woman :
- Crooked Double-Eded Razors -
Aura O'clock
Pure As Remedy : Conjuring A New Year...
Calendars Never Really Turn
* ___________ *
Halloween of '99
- Ever Edge Forward (necessary as abustle, when it mattered little)
: Prone To Petty Extravaganza -
/ Arnold (of General Principle) /
(aware of only the most naked of allures),
Sam knew Aria was
making little impression on so callow Arnold)
<> Pre New Years : Our State Of NonUnion :
Sane Lullabye - Warnings Couched In Prose -
`...little Mothers Milk, & no kinship rhyme.`
Sew Buttons
`...oh, Rotundo Bump.
`Tres Innuendo...How Do-est Protest?
Cocky affectations; overcompensation's.s?
Broken Adorations...`
Q/A: The Electoral Gerrymander :
`Meaninful Reform ? w. Recent Congressional Acts : Tricks Paused.`
Glimmers Of Ghosts, Chasing The Tails Of Might Have Beens;
Deep as The New Year
- Habits Enfold; Comfortably Old -
calm content / comfortably old/ placid knead
bulbous fears; like(ly) to grow wild
obsessions tend
(unnatural sleep)
Obsessions Tend : Whatever Happned To Baby Jane?
- Christmas Now - Dickens Remote -
"Please Holy Spirit, May I Have More (Gruel)?"
* ________________________________ *
paper bent; history altered | False Bookmarks
- 'Opus
Doug' : The Modern Clarion -
- New Adventures In Old
Growths : Neo-Pioneer Adventures -
Initial Impression : `I gave you a lot of kisses with one look.`
Wednesday, December 28th, 2022
Twist Prescriptions
The Lemming Populate That Biblical Believes : Etreme Weather
`...once in a gerbil's generation.`
Tuesday, December 27th, 2022
Infinity Pan
- Advent Storm Elliott -
`Every Weather Event Now Biblical Causal or
'Once A Generation'.
- Prolific Progenitors : Job's Children Scheduled To Multiply -
- Skullduggery -
`...catch you on the flip side of God.`
[One Of Miss Nomers' Imps]
Nudge Homeward
- The Ickabog -
Plainly Absorbed : `YOu Too, Can Be NOBBY BUTTONs' Girlfriend!
[Daily Flowers Upon The Empty MAGA Grave]
Martyrdom To NOtThing (But Hate)
- Hope Of Heaven/Puff Pastries :
The History Books Shall Record--There Is No Treasonous AfterLives
`HELL Is Red!` : WhiteCaps : Psalm 45
Butterscotch Circle
`Well, Well...Goody Kind,
My ArchNemesis.
Nip Tucked & Corners Crossed--Pretty As A Picture
w. A Personality Just As Flat.`
* ___ *
- The
Hermit's Key -
Treats : ` subtle bite/instantaneous enough.`
tension locked
'False Sustenance? : Edibles Are Meant To Be Eathen
`Steps walked, along the cowboy street--gunfire rings out!`
- Blond Faction -
- Scherzo Involved -
broken as bone; a hard half woman
- Mortal Footnotes -
- Once Upon Was -
Deeds Gun
`--checking my gun, listing it twice...either hand & both,
gonna kill,
naughty or nice.
`Feliz Navidad & xMas Married
`Death My Calling Card.`
Schoolboy's Sorrow
`...cloaked in loose, anything could happen.`
- Rape, INcest Or Mortality -
[] Sin Precocious, Entering The Second Grade []
* _______________ *
Textbook Persian
'The Kurds'
mellow as curds; a mountainous people
- toughly rinds -
`Let them live...`
- Textbook Lives -
`The Angels Of Better Days, Now But Ghosts.`
[- Maldor On Deck -]
Boxing Day Monday, 2022
Milky Potpourri
- pallid gifts & cards/Xmas stole your
paper wants & dollar signs, false seasons rule -
ghost of the storm you wore; fury now merely anger
Earth Annapolis/Are Star
- Shiloh's
Child -
memories dead, once you forget
* _________ *
visiting a scar : Our Former Anniversary
the ghost of the storm you wore, fury now merely anger
Flimsy Fray...A Chicken Wing Scuffle
weaning sins from their shame--fully commit!
moody brooder; he was a lover of introspection
`--you scurrilous fart; too furtive to poop.`
`Christmas Past....your smile but the ghost of the soul you stole.`
figments & dust, olden modes gone away; wishes fastly forlorn
'California Normal'
`--you kept the purpose cold; the emotion ack bay.`
- If God Wanted To : An Egocentric Look At My Wishes -
magic postmarks for tardy Christmas cards
peaks must have valleys, if rivers are to surmount
Egg Avatar
- The Robot's Third Eye
Christmas Sunday, 2022
Pincushion Hats
- Creampuff Holiday -
* ____________ *
- Kept In Capture -
limber as a cucumber
lonely share
tiny feet creeping, soft a mouse ears
nervously harried
silent raindrops tell; lessons unheard
` as round, no straight to your love.`
close as stolen poem; our used love
`--your hell a snug corner of My Hades.`
- The Faithful Disgrace
dead as last breath, she never would get well again
Castrog Delomain
`Christ-mas?! When it comes to Jesus
--God the lint on my dust.`
I AM INRIII : The Solstice of The Iron Age.`
Hostess Zero
'Walking Medallion'
`Living Martyr--her heart purple for all to see.`
: Willing To Foment/Calm As Ides :
Another Lawrence Kasdan Western Opus
- Walking Tall & Slow, But Firm Of Purpose : Kevin Costner as Wyat Earp!
: My GRIT TV w. Commercials Movie Review :
- Present As Today -
: Stooping To The Priveledge :
Gingerbox Jumpseat
`--quit boiling the piss out of the ginger.`
: Let Spontaneous Happen :
Sugar Candy Or Coffee?
`...most of all, always is all.`
Eros Hiroshima
`--grown into small, you never became a man.`
'A Father's Admonition'
: Youth Damned :
Homgrown Webs
* `Once In Love...& Then Awakening To Alimony.`
Wedge Ivory
`--a penny for your dollars, bankrupt.
Crypto 1929!`
][ Hedge UnKempt ][
- fate mired in wayward destiny -
The Lost Souls
Initial Viewing : `I'd give her the cream of my heartbeat.` --General Principle
"... if promises made purpose." --Lace
--The Lost
- `If we kissed, forever a
clue...` -
- dance makes lay -
- Deja Vu Again : `
lips swishing, spoken as candy
* ___________________ *
`--you kept the purpose cold.`
`If want comes sometimes.`
`--frick fracked Mother Earth.`
- Texas Tremor Retribution : Eggshell Cracked -
: Purpose UnKempt :
Hipflask Silver
- bottle kept in hand; in case of everyday emergency -
Saturday, Christmas Eve 2022
The Lost Souls
`--clocks tasting tick-tock, when?`
(`It's past an after...`)
Rx Retrograde Lives
- Kept In Capture - seed asleep
Horrid Little Obligato
`--God could only turn & stare, at the wonder of you.`
`Like a breathe of yesterday, you should've stayed gone.`
* _____________ *
`Moonlight without dream, me without you.`
`--snot in the booger anteroom.`
`...if you were forrest, I budding bird.`
West Porcheve
`--never perfect as planned.`
- Robot's Saint -
(Sometimes he didn't know why he said things;
shopping new words, which couldn't be included with today.)
* ________________ *
Harpsichord Tricycle
Pique Nickels
Riddle : `What did the boy melon say to the girl melon, when she
`We're too young, too--we can't elope.`
* ______________________ *
vibrant as a noun
clumsy as a false heart
(ken of womanly zest) `God chooses the skies you can barely,
that's the entice.`
- The Faithful Disgrace
Secret Mixes
100% Homogenized Human
* _________ *
`Thunder wonders...if flame kisses lightning.`
Sam Spade : 'Singleton' `...going places, where there's scores.`
- Kept IN Capture - seed asleep
Friday, December 23rd, 2022
Natty Rumple
* - with a jump & a rumble, shaving the moon close as a whisker -
Santa Nears
[] It Was To Be A Welsh Christmas []
(On Holy Isle of Northwest Wales)
Angel Knives
`Wisdom Divine? After your theological mangling, I doubt
even Soloman could Save Jesus from your mortal clutch.`
* ____________ *
Impetus Farewell : A Christian Carol
`...your faceless God but an echo of MY Jesus.`
wan adept; she was a terminally pallid woman
`Oh Sugar, spice my eggnog!`
fallen inside; hollowed exterior facade
Powerless Farthing
* nipples tip; such a small gratuity
Thursday 22nd, 2022
Jimmy Angel
- Soiled Of Soul -
* angels wanting for white
* ___________ *
- mired in aphorism -
Ice Cream Valentines
fair weather hearts, blow with nebulous winds
--Ice Cream
Bubbles Overnode
'Free as Anatomy'
- Puberty Owned -
('Seed Notions')
* ______________ *
1972 : - adept at prick - [That Slangy Thang] -
- Traffic Six -
Trent Overcoat
breakneck snap; mission accomplished
- The Staging Of Iraq -
Weapons Mass Destructioned : Relieved Of Duty
: Gone Alone :
- 2010 Green Zone -
- Roger On Holiday : Nobody Heard -
* __________________ *
Clunky Mode : `You Stole The Poem, With Fractured Prose.`
`--she's the kind of wish that dreams.`
<> `Evers after, we always are...`
The One Reversed Dying Line/General Sachem
Wednesday, December 21st, 2022
Amanita Pesquita
`Curry Favor [:] Inner Sanctum, His Gate Of Hell Opening Own Mind [:]
memory tangled in scars; none of you good
- 'Stitch Involvement' -
... as scars bore the flesh they worn; revenge simmering,
in love & war, 'til the desserts hold the sand, nver forget;
white light & red blood bound to hold true.`
- A Girl's History -
HandMaiden GentleWoman
meeting God in hidden back doors...
is that any way for a formerly Catholic good girl, to be?`
- Missionary Only -
* ______________ *
`Cheer up Bunky, your smile entombing Shadow Worries.`
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022
Animus Flaw
`Stuck in love, the idol of my heart, is me...`
- No Room For U -
Monday, December 19th, 2022
Anthony Adverse
- The Wish Before You True -
--Anthony Adverse
Sunday, December 18th, 2022
Stands Gravity
`...there's a cost to summer
a price you pay, for sunny holidays.`
Lollipops & Demons
A Bookworm's Heart, Yet The Courage Of A Lord
(Victoria's Spine/No Extraneous Roar)
Capturing The Pillows
- Open As A Broken Heart : Now...My Locket Needing NO Key -
Hopes Exposed : Eyes Realizing, They've Never Seen
- Puppy Love Lessons ...Or, The Inception Of Jaded Fears -
: The Pace Of Time, Allows No Delays :
God Stirring Both Rose & Bramble
Handmaiden Gentlewoman
Passport To God : ! OUR Church !
/Membership Required/
- lurching fables, unable to fit the bill of fare -
: Modern Misapppropriation :
- Bred Of Tears/A Child Of Rape -
harmless broken smiles; bled of malice
- Secular
Events -
the endless, had already run away
dDitto Cruciform
January Seventh/ An Elephant's Prelude
- frank as alibi -
: Honesty Skin Deep/No Bones (Of Attonement)
Lessons UnLearned - MAGA Ahabs (White Pachyderms Of The High Seas)
Fording Oceans, As If They Were Streams
: Every Christmas Eve :
- Denying The
Sound Of Music Is Currently On ABC -
Crimson Timothy
: Bedding Night With Dawn :
- Captured Fashions, They Did Not Know The Day -
[Cloaked Histories]
Crosschain Sidewalk
- Anschluss Lessons -
Dead Mistletoe - The Flag With The Black Spider Upon It
Twitters New Order Usurps : Fascism Tipping God Over Like A
Sleeping Cow
* __________________ *
Each Midnight
- Tidings From God : Immutable Hell Is No Refugee -
[From Karma]
Foresworn Winds; Fate Could Not Control Destinies
: PostCards From God : Holy Water Rain :
- Edelweiss Purities -
1939 : Angels
Dust Destination
--Each Midnight
* ____________________ *
cold as the moon, lovely far aways; sickles full of you
- When Exit Is Ever IN...Around & Around, It Is Time Again -
[Dark Slumberlands : You Nightmare Lost--HereAfter Beware]
- Omens Are Only For The Seen -
`Bread, Butter & Daily Pain (it's) Fatal To Get Old.`
Cornmeal Creams : An Easy Recipe
- quiet as destiny -
- Annonymous Loss -
`Patio'ed! Deck Friendly--Flat-Faced Down!`
- Outdoor Party -
ugly as squat; with a lopsided grin
The Key To Dream, Is Seeming
quite the circus, handy enough for crackerjacks
Sunlight Crumbs, fitting my mood.
Ghosts Coaxing Yesterdays
wiry screw loose; yours but for a mote of attention
Cool Forelock
- Banned & Burned -
Harper Valley PTA 2022
Books & Freedoms Torched--(Not Bras & Miniskirts)
Orphanage Class Of 1970]
* _________________ *
`Faithful Fantasies, which shall never go away;
ever-always, in love with you.`
- some woman; firing on, the blank side of fallow -
half of November over, doesn't make February;
Spring must yearn
- Demon Silhouette : The Diamond Part Of Man -
boiling the bread off of the crumb : - A State Of Situation -
Just Businessman
[] Commercial Bond : []
Merry Xmas : Xing The Christ Out Of
* _____________ *
- segregation among the carrots : the misshapen & impure -
- A
Girl's History -
JPG. Montage
- Portmanteau Shallow -
Bare Bones Lacking The Flesh Of Integrity :
Shadows Perform In Silhouette
the roar of grumble
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