Chalkboard Graffiti . Com.
[Imminent Tweets; Incipiencies & Reality Beings: A Baby Webben To Be]

Friday, December 20th, 2013

Smidgeon Mixin's
` To be a Cook; all is all it took. `

--Smidgeon Mixin's

P.S.:  Heirloom Recipes; Archive Homemade


On Upon

whispered restraint turning over
button envelope

Yards Moblier
[An Exercise for Professor FeatherQuill/FeatherQuest's English Class]

GRADE:  InComplete


Hangshadow Curves
[Alter-ego of Shy Pandora]
` All we gotta do is You, then we'll be done. `


Stands Gravity
` Twelve Times the Dream, if You Are Each Hour of the Day
...Each Half of the Hour. `

                                                              --Stands Gravity

'Spiral Within Circle'

Squirt Liturgical
[Bump's best bud gets topical]
'Anna Kendrick; has more ever been made about not much.'


Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Sunset Tiers
[The Alone Orphanage Class of 2020:
Future Second Baseman
of The Wee Willie Keelers]

` --can't dream without sleep.

                                                                  --Sunset Tiers

Lightning Chalice
` Dear God, be there.  I try to tall. `

                                                --Lightning Chalice
                                                [circa New Year's 1865]

Dandelion Egos
[Psychologist Extraordinaire]
` ...a turtles skin. `

Longform Holiday
Self (I) Admission:  ` --too old for facebook or tattoos. `

                                                                     --Longform Holiday

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

Capturing The Pillows
[Stage Direction]   Scamps in pajamas pursuing the night.

Liaison Velour
[The Alone Orphanage Class of 2010]

[Prom Eve 2008:  missive posted, An UnValentine]

`Page Closed...cry like a book; I no longer love you. `


                                        Liason Velour

To which The Past Boy responded, 'Bust Off, I'm done with you.  It's a Wasn't!'


                                             Sew Buttons

Sew Buttons

Passing Shards
Egypt, Egyptian; Cleopatra's Dying Line:
` You want to know?  ...all the pearls us-ed to oy-ster. `

                                                        --Passing Shards


Solace So
I was listening to Portishead awhile ago, and these seemed to be the lyrics,
` Feather Embers                                 
                  SMOKE MEMORIES
                                                                       '--did you wanna too.' `

"It could be sweet."

                                                         --Solace So

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

Pique Nickels
Pique criticizes TV & Paper News:  `Rupert Murdoch & Fox?  --the ashes of crass.`

Just Businessman
` My advice, as gleaned from Spread Portfolio . Com?
Do not invest in hand sanitizers, multi-vitamins, animal hormones,
diet food & drink...oleo, margarine or the stock market...`

P.S.:  It is not really a Triclosan world.   --Totally Fine Fesque III

Stoolie Vestibule
Second Chances & Third Deals--the gOp will always be the Party Of NO;
painting themselves within Naught; refreshing Zero.

` Despite Boehner's recent tiddly wink budget bark, they are Slaves to Primary.
` No big ideals, squinchy values;
they are Reactionary Slaves to Primary.

                                                --Stoolie Vestibule & his Nine Circle Circus

'Nothing Inscribed; The Party Of Not'

Pillage Burn fondly anticipates the imminent arrival of his sister, Flame Shotfire.
...mannequin mean, paint cold; the flint of her sins hard and cruel...
...blood remembers black & white...
...rainbows of white & black...

Pillage Burn

Elixir Love
` ...not dice but dominoes. `

                                                  --Elixir Love

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

Sefl Introduction:  'Living in a penny candy world, I'm Rainbo Ponytail.'

                                                   --Rainbo Ponytail

Miss Nomers
` The last horizon is shadow or shade...? '

                                                                          --Miss Nomers

Saint Augustine's Navel

Moderate Retort:  'Not tough enough to cut the mush!?'
Dagger Shark, Boehner finally Crosses The T-Party.

                                                       --Saint Augustine's Navel

Castrog Delomain
[Evil Solar Mage Of Atlantis]

Signpost:  Washington D.C.
No Baby Clowns Aloud

Nudge Homeward confesses to Los Angeles Oceans,
` The first time I saw your lips, wanted to marry the kiss. `

Nudge Homeward

Rigolette Cotille
` Fascists like to March Insane Cadence. `

` Patty Cake, Patty Cake:  Preening Tiny Lights;
They Fashion Freedom into Smaller Stars. `

` White Dogma Votes/Being Conservative...Feeling so Purely Right. `

                                               --Rigolette Cotille

Retooling Vegetables
` ADM Sponsors:  #Buy Flavor Resistant Tomatoes @ Walmart. `

Pixel Level Truth; They Makeup {& Hide} The Guise.

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Cantos Porqupine
[The Conductor of The Milk Bottle Dwarves]

  `--light the band! `                                                          
                                       ...is his trademark gig opening line.

                                              --Cantos Porqupine

Moonrise Ephemerides
` Michael The Archangel is her Preferred Warrior. `
[The Alone Orphanage Class Of 2012]

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

Hodgepodge Fatty

` --the South`ron half of The GOP hates this man. `

UnWANTED:  Hodgepodge Fatty

.Sandy Hookers Take Aim.Gov.T'kn.Bk.Com.Seminal.Nonsense

PLEASE SANITY:  Let The Fat Man Run
[w. or w.out liposuction:  it's the soul & the heart]

No Guns, Snide Comments or Stray Bullets Shalt' Touch
His Candidacy, Presidential Run.
That Already Strifed Jersey Shore Deserves A Two Year
Free Pass From Global Warming.
Civil Americans Never Face:  Modern Reality.

Be Sure Your Prescience is Reserved:  November 2014; Midterms Ballot Box.

Delia Tie
[Wife Of PoundMoney]

Delia wishes to remind you that, ` The Rich are not too rich--not nearly Riche Enough. `

Bedouin Cardinal
On Friday The Thirteenth, 2013:  At The Newstands:
Saint Francis Was Time's Main Man.

` They put Saltpeter on Dan'L Boone's raccoon tail.
The Govt! laced all gunpowder so our bullets expire in two or three years.
They mean to UnHat U.S., Man.

` --pass the buckskin & beans boys!  F-I-G-H-T! `


`  --still boiling, the pot doesn't need to be stirred. `

--Teapot Boiling

Sports Note: From The Bookies Hideout . Com:

` Nothing so Neandrathal as The Greek Freak.  Giannis` nickname is
more appropriate as 'The Alphabet' or, as he is The Alpha & Omega,
Antentokoumpo may be known 'The Greek Alphabet'. `

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Mix Romance
'The Moon Is Always, If You Can Be Her Man.'

                                                                    --Mix Romance

Spoken Sky
` The Spanish Inquisition (Redux):   [every two years]
Abortion & School Praryer;
They Want Your Morals to Answer to THEM.
...THEY try to make you believe it's still
The Early Ante-bellum of 1864. `

                                                  --Spoken Sky

Monday, December Ninth, 2013

Goody Kind

The Inside Dish by Goody Kind!

(Baby On & Camaro Blond) ?!
` Ambling lie, the skin of their thighs held sex inside. `

                                                   --by Goody Kind

Horrid Little Obligato
` Oh yea,  Miss April...  Cocoa caramel core; she's 100% Pretty. `

                                                                    --Horrid Little Obligato

Noe Immortal
Retro Tweet from The Deep Friday Television Evening of 11.8.2013:

Witnessed! `Dracula, w/ a body that could fuck you to eternity.`

                                                Selfie Admission:  Noe Immortal feels like a bad girl.

Saturday, December Seventh, 2013

One Eyed Mona Noon
` --don't give me no bloody guff!  Forever UnLock Apartheid.
Don't imagine you can, or might, do...OtherWise. `

                               --One Eyed Mona Noon
                                       [The Alone Orphanage Class of 1997]

Pavlov Ratted ! [I admit to being conditioned by human referees!]
When officials toss scoring arms skyward--I
so hate it when automatic replay/review kills instantaneous gratification.

Less Sports than Reality Shows `What will they rule!`                                              
                           --damn their commercial saltpeter on my touchdowns.


Friday, December Sixth, 2013

Earth Annapolis
FACT:  #34 Giannis Antetokounmpo begins his last year of teendom today.
Q:  How tall will he be when he turns twenty?

                                                    --Earth Annapolis

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

Shadow Beautymark
[The Moslem Mati Hari Flower]
Around smooth corners; who'se peeking mirrors?

                                                                        --Shadow Beautymark

Cleopatra's Soul
` Changing Time Into Now...will you Vote on The Morrow.
November of This Election year? `

                                                              --Cleopatra's Soul
                                                               {circa  the first monday; November 2016}

[Tyronne Union Star Power:  World Politician]

One Month Ago Republican Promise/Proposal:
` Come my way, faces whispering decay...only one more,
but one more year `afore
we'll insure you. `

Stockily, blockily it seems
Another Inadvertant Caricature Blossoms too Truth.
Ted Cruz, Jr. as

Slash Fasteye
.ReIntroduced Again & Again.
[The Distant Grandson of  Joseph & Charley McCarthy]
.~~Ted Cruz, Jr.~~.


Friday, November 22nd, 2013

~ ` Husband, Wife & Family Go For A Walk In The Dallas Afterlife. ` ~
[12:30 PM CST]

dDitto Cruciform

` Fools Christ, if they dare to God. `

                                           --dDitto Cruciform
                                       [S of State]

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Sachem & Ariel
` The start, was the part, when I fell in love withe you. `

General Principles Timeless Diamond
(to Aria Pomme de Terre)
[Halloween of 1999 A.D.]

Playground Whiles

` Too many pictures taken & posted.  Of small import;
memories sans pearl, I don't wish to recall. `

                                         --Playground Whiles


Monday, November 18th, 2013

Nicolet Cottles
`   . `..

` ...Time wants an Omen. `


RIP Womb
` The Affordable Care Act ` must become sum' Musl'm Socialistice Obamba.Care. `

                                               --RIP Womb

Book Velvet
'The Republican.zZ/Strategists are great at UnNAMING.`
'Besides being bulwarked by AM Radio Reassurance Hate Talk...
the flip side of 'Why China Can't Invent` in this weeks Time.

                                                        --Book Velvet
______Timeless Ticker Tape______

` The New Improved JumpStart from The Alone Orphanage...
The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
The City Matrons
The D.C. Bees
The Holywood Vines Press Corp
The Wee Willie Keelers
etc. etceteras.
Buy Minute Shards or Full Percentages. `
` 1929 or Now `

` Don't believe Donna Dow:  The Sacred Slaughter,                                              
                                                 is worth Anyware Near Half Of  XVI The Tower. `

                                                          --Spread Portfolio

P.S.:  You don't want to Tarot.


--for The Miniscule; pray to retire @ 8000.     



Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Stone Pavillion
`   `

                                                                         --Stone Pavillion


The Moslem Mati Hari Flower


Saturday, November 16th, 2013

One Eyed Mona Noon
` --we'll meet them where they play. `

                                                   --One Eyed Mona Noon
                                                                    [The Alone Orphanage Class of 1997]

Teddy Fibre
                                                             [shadowed by Corporate Bondage]
? Is it possible The Federal Procurement System & Vested Interests
conspired to deny Universal Health Care for Americans...
when The Rest of The World has such.
Bugaboo The Communists, Unions & Teachers.
{Vindictive 9-11 MisMash}
Exalt The Police & The Firefighter & Trash The Garbagemen
Blue Collar Losers.
Minimal Wages & 30 Hours A Week are their Hallmarks;
Their Fiscal gods Bless The Conservatively Freedomed Amerika.

                                                      --Teddy Fibre
                                                       [Attorney General]


` Government & Technology should nox Mix. `
'Univer.sal Health Care?
Too Each His Earned Own.'


 Snowcone Constable


Friday, November 15th, 2013

Two Star Horror Movie
` Oral Oh!  'Make me...smoke can't hide the flaems.' `

                                                                 --Two Star Horror Movie

Pond Bruise
[on Miss Nomers]

` Snake formal, darkness wears her gowns. `
'Woman in an EggWorld--it depend on Ends or Means.'

                                                                              --Pond Bruise

Miss Nomers
` --always isn't evermore. `

                                                                           --Miss Nomers

Butterscotch Circle
BUTTERCOTCH CIRCLE:   (to Goody Kind; aged 11 pool party)
` --crotchety as a doily, wrinkle your face pug dog girl. `


Thursday, November 14th, 2013
Neptune went direct yesterday at  1: 42 PM EST at 2* 35' Pisces.
Sabian Symbol 3* Pisces:  PETRIFIED TREE TRUNKS LIE
Keynote:  The power to preserve records of their achievements which in
inherent in fully matured cultures.
Keyword:  A Symbol of INDESTRUCTIBILITY.

                                                     --West Porcheve

Possible Thought:  We must pull The Health System into an Alternating Current Age.

West Porcheve

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
` God isn't often remiss; lest` Ulysses Shot; Kennedy Shorn. `

Nova PBS's tonight 10:00 PM EST...tho' it was Central.
                                                               --Earth Annapolis

Earth Annapolis/Are Star


Monday, Veterans Day, 2013
` I fear Dragonflys are going the way of The Butterflys.
Poisoned of Nature, Frogs Married to Toads, Marred Polliwogs...
will Take Over The World. `

                                                --Dumpling Hunchback

Dumpling Hunchback

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

Terra Box Nouveau
` It's just that he has.had Earth Inside; a little Lighte Enside. `

                                                     --Terra Box Nouveau

.` It's almost fifty deaths of JFK `.

Comet Jupiter
` '--feathers pillow, won't we.' `

                                           --Comet Jupiter


` --bring God to a boil and add a tealeaf.
Invoke The Bible or The Constitution;
believe in some fed innuendo.
Los Duty. `

` 'The Right Right Wing.' `
'The Right Wing Right.'


Saturday, November 9th, 2013

The Irish Mati Hari Flower

Thursday, November 7th, 2013


Ironclad Watercolours
` Balanced passion; neither of her lips were sporty. `


Assuage Savoire`

Coy Poignant
[ Pose-Aaged:  Monthe` Three ]
Twit ter Flits Tesla Anomaly: A.C. over DC.
Marvel Tops Direct Current.

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

Spoken Sky
` Why sont?  Wy' Don't You ReMemory`e; Chaco Canyon. `
` It doesn't have to be The Solstice Of Any Year. `

--Fiord Spoon
` You've got to store every ounce of childhood within.                                                      
                                   Forge Spearpoint...next(e)/nexus of womanhood girl. `

                                                              --Mother Earth`e Approves.
[One Must/You SpearPoint]


Monday, November 4th, 2013

Married Miss Trite Overload
` --you don't want to become a victim of bad habits & evil deeds! `
`At least; you won't want to do it without me! `
` Milt Overload, won't  you marry me. `
[--early in their dating]

Scuttlebutt Rumour

`  Fast Food, Minimum Wage...The Poor Eat The Poor. `


Sunday, November Third, 2013

Lariat Seraglio
` Time is Common...if you don't wear it well. `

                                                      --Lariat Seraglio

Hittite Permission

` B. April 14th, 1969:  Brad Ausmus assumes Tiger Hood 11.3.2013 A.C. `
                                      --Sunset Tiers
                                      [I approve.]


Friday, November 1st, 2013



Blood Martyr

'The NBA is the Paupery Most Needing Appeals...Milwaukee gets +3 Saffron Flags;
Kobe Bryant -1, MJordan -2.'
                                                      --Blood Martyr

`  The Bucks would've had one or two NBA Titles, if they'd signed Zaza,
& not Dan Gadzuric, 7 years or so ago. `

                                                                        --Beehive Postures


Thursday, October 31st, 2013

` 'Tonight is not for the naughty...Walpurgis Night, 1995
oddly one-eighth magneto.gravitas y's.' `
` 'In 1995, We, The Evils, Release The Clone Soul`d of Adolph Hitler;
Genetic Impression:  Fascism II Upon Your World.' `
` ~ Tea Party Scenes ~ ` ` 25 & 1/2 Billion their 16 Day Calling Card. ` ~ `

Slash Fasteye
` Alien DNA Tests Just Health Care Came In:  TedJR. is really Slash Fasteye. `                              
                                             ` UnAffordale Messiah.ian.ick Health Care Crap. `
# Ted Cruz is a Jr. McCarthey Iowa Runnin` on a                   
                                                   2:20 AM Saturday Morning Marathon.
Tea Party Paper Tigers...Second Year Kites.


Wednesday, October's Halloween Eve 2013
`Gods & Moonlight, Make Goddesses, & dead graves may be ressurected.`

RIP Womb
` ReVOLUTION `  'We were Friends; shake my hand, say goodbye.'
.  They put Saltpeter on Dan'L Boone's racoon tail.
They mean to UnHat Us Man!

' 'Next Thing You Know We'll All Be Jews Circumcised & Angela
Merkel Bitching About Us Tapping Her Phone.'

--Clarinet Licoricestick

` Without Love & Hate; Stories are just The Bobbsey Twins. `



Stands Gravity


Tuesday, October 29th, 2013
Teddy Fibre   ` Duty is an Obligation. `


Monday, October 28th, 2013

` I Will Be Your Running Mate.  I Pledge Allegiance to Myself,
The World We Live In, The Word We Keep. `
{All Saints' Day, 1999 A.D.}

Nicolet Cottles
[Of Minneapolis]

                                                   --Nicolet Cottles

~ `In The Battle Of Black & White, Every Victory Is False.`
` True Or UnTrue. ` ~


Nicolet Cottles
` You have to, you know, you have to, go fast & far. `

                                                   --Nicolet Cottles


Friday, October 25th, 2013

9:26 PM EST  [Already Dracula is a sympathetic character...
you hope he gets to eat the girl.}
                                                        --Magnus Pages

Scuttlebutt Rumour
` Patience, balance tipped;
Evil Hued; The Affordable Health Care Act...
will be truly subliminal;
Truly True, by All Saints` Day Buddling. `
` Give American Inclusion A Chance; w/out all the petty lobbyist scriptings. `
   ` Somewhat Universal Health Care & Immigration before the year be out.
[It is time to make History; not Piddling.]
99.9% American. `
{Not 110% Neo.Patriotic Sureties}

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

Smokytop Shade
` It's a long time to tomorrow, so we better do it now.

Vote today; with every heart.

Every day's Election Day. `

                                                                 --Smokytop Shade

Smoky Eros Quartz

` 9-11 Fallout `

` Redlight Greenlight; Children in the Schoolyard playing Terrorist Spook
--every nightmare Walpurgis or Halloween. `

` Be here Yesterday. `

                                                   --Smoky Eros Quartz


Flame Shotfire


Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

Castrog Delomain
[The Evil Solar Mage Of Atlantis]

'Scorpio comes in with an Eighth`s Sting.'

                                                            --Castrog Delomain

Possible Ands
'An evolution in fairness and expanded reviews//
//Expanded Views Vs. Fantasy Stats.'
` Games gotta be fast, the NFL is reality slow!  Reviewing Every Touchdown?
Putrid Reviews.
Cough Off! `
` The Moment Of The Game Is Now...Let The Umps Keep Their Jobs From Being Inhuman. `
Who cares about distant technicians Olympic Judging National Skating Angles.
The NFL is way too realitly slow.
Cluster The Umpires! & Give 'em 88 Seconds To Decide.
Turn The Kitchen Timer & Get Faux Off The Burner
                                                     --Japanese Aircraft Carrier


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
'On a date--oblivious to girl fun, that boy won't buy you ice cream.'

` 1920's 'Fancy Boy `

                                                       --Ice Cream Valentines


--Blue Cat Deville


Monday, October 21st, 2013
` Conservative Freedom?  They Ration and Judge and Dole it out Their Way.
Moral Conservatives bear the crust of work; thanking their Rich Wing's
  indecent wage pittances. `

` Two Wishes in Half Worlds. `
` Thine & Thee not nearly so important as Me! `

Snap Axel


Blue Cat Deville
'Becoming Attraction...she's got the big mike of velvet.'

                                                      --Blue Cat Deville


Sunday, October 20th, 2013

` I Am 100.00% Sure...I love you Cocomo Faux. `

                                                                 --Chocolate Marshmallow

Cocomo Faux responds/infers ~~  ` Little Girl Doubts? `  ~

We tend to peruse The Library Of Congress & have come to believe:
A Book Velvet & Isis Romeo Duo Byline:  [World Politician's Cabinet]

` It's all eager collusion.  DAR & The Heritage Foundation...
who wears the biggest ribbons & bows; totes the most fabulous pocketbook. `

` Network Alliances; Chunks Of The Rainbow--you run upon the Pastures Of Follow! `

` Two Year Plots Which Rim UnEvenly. `

` Synthetic Designs Producing Spectral Crumbs; Thirteen Stripes Abandoned. `

`  ADM:  The Nature Of The Future Refined.
ADM:  The Nature Of The Future Defined. `




Friday, October 18th, 2013

The Snake's Waistcoat
Churchill visits Normandy, Yalta & Valhalla,                              
  as 9.11 Bush II flies above Atom Bomb Skies.

` M.I.A.:  --once again defending the conservative borders of Mexico:
Commander In Retreat until Peggy Noonan gave him a Bullhorn. `

P.S.:  1000 Points Of Night :  Alladin Lamp Precedents
Temporal Devil is Akin To The 15th President:
Buchanan before Lincoln.
                                                 --The Snake's Waistcoat

[& Now It's A Southr'n National Holiday; Recruiting Tool]

Two Star Horror Movie

` Crossing The T's; KY's Jr. Senator Mitch McConnel thinks he's Daniel Boone.
Soon he'll realize he's just like IN's Senior Senator Richard was in 2011.

` We promise:  Next Midterm Primary, Ousted Dead Meat;
My Fascist Party Shall Luger Him. `

` --doesn't Indiana touch Kentucky? `

                                                       --Two Star Horror Movie

` P.S.:  See My Appearances @ Th' World War II Memorial.
Appearing for Free.dom--I can see MY America from there.  `

Deeds Gun
` Demonstrating Cap Gun Rights; One Wonders How Many Bowels Would
Have Truly Stood At The Original Alamo.? `

` How Many Would Serve Their County 'til True Veterans?
Do they just want to exhibit fashions of male pearls.?
Gain Preferred Deferments. `

` Neo-Cons 'R Quite Often 'Dentified as ChickenHawks/SquabCunts. `

` Read Shogun, Shibumi & The Shootist. `

                                                                --Deeds Gun

Deer In Sun
`   `

Shadow Beautymark
[The Moslem Mati Hari Flower]


Thursday, October 17th, 2013

` They Conquered by Shutting Down THE Govt. for Sixteen Days! `
` RockGods:  Vote Jr. Cruz 2016.  'Ef The Newly Opening Govt! `


Hostess Zero
`  Yay Hooray! `
` We put a staple in Her Cruise; Off-Centered Voted Wishes; Caesarean Intervention. `

P.s:  'Delayed Liberal HIStory.'

                                                                   --Hostess Zero

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Infinity Pan
` The Ember Part Of Fate Is Dharma. `

                                         [The Alone Orphanage Class of 2013]

` Battleships Engaged...2-2 going into The Morrow; Tigers Tie The Red Sox. `
[7-0 after the official innings five...]

` Poking The Bone, You Gotta Get The Point Across!
Supreme Court Addendum--Vote The Boy Bitches Out In 2014. `

` T & GOP...Two Right Wings Don't Make The Stuffing Of Thanksgiving. `

` Pop Man's Theology...Revisit Cracker Man's BII Movie
produced Outside Of Holywood Halloween. `

` Rereleased soon...January.  Why do anything historical; while niggle may quibble.
They'll do it again; opinion polls wind past elections. `

                                                       --Josef Mohawk

Mineral Spirits

The Orphan Lady II
[circa 1935]


. .

Corporate Bondage

Freckles O'erderve
Death The Price Of Life:  Dust To Headstone; Within Favorite Worlds,
Soul Incarnates Again.
Souls Incarnate 'til Pure.
Every One Of The Seventeen Or Seventy-One Virgins;
Must Be Owned By Reality.
--blind faith in the Bibel is obtuse; I bite my every thumb @ numbscule you'se.
And I*m Louisiana Trois Rivieres` Canadian.
I'm Lonely Hosting; Only Part Of A Family.

                                                     --Freckles O'erderve
Fifty True Stars May Not End:  Won't Settle For, Skittled Gerrymander Sent.

                                                --Assuage Savoire
[The Twins report in circa End Of Civil War.]


