Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

Corsair Stairs
Recipe :  'White Soup'

* _ *

`--bad luck cuss!`
- Lost In Bled - * Two Editions * The End Of Enemy -

The ChangeMaker
- StateRighters -
Federal Rebellion [!]
:  Individual Patriots  :  Lone Stars  :
Of One Stripe
~ Perfect Americana ~

                                      --The Change
[The Earliest Confederacy]
* ____________ *

The Crew Of Dozier

- Amnesty Remain :  Loose Noodles -
Teddy Badlands/Paintbox Shoes
'Six Tuesdays'  Pre Apocalypse Painting

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023

Chucksteak Drive
Painting :  'The Last Stamen'


One Eyed Mona Noon
* Milwaukee Debate *
- Dupe Stupid :  More Than Willing Belief :                     
                                                  [Tidy Socials - The No Information Voter] -

/ Rage Identity - Facebook Fingerprints :
The Social Club (Addiction) Which Won't Let Go.` /

                                      --One Eyed

Monday, August 21st, 2023

Monsoon Cherish
- Perseis Said:
`Friendly Helios :  Once Upon Always
(In A Golden Age), He & I Used To Kiss Amiably.`


Curry Favor
- Sin Genesis -
:  What...& Who/Whom To Avoid  :
:  The Devil, Democrats, Liberal Freedoms & Multiple-Choice  :

* _________________ *

sordid portly; it was easy to suspect her of slovenly
- The Ember Of Ardor -

Sing Bee
:  State Of Marriage  :
sullen rind watermelon; picnic closed
- hornet feast -
piecemeal needs

Hodgepodge Fatty
Mea Culpa Ad  `--weight gains you!`
("It's Not Your Fault--Fat Bones/Karmic Genetics.")
P.S. Notation :  `Own It!`
[Inner Soul/Exterior Home]
* ___________ *

Misconstrued, God Could Not Make Sense :  Mortal Error
Our Morbid God Insisting On Mortality
- Renegotiating Quagmires -
`Stink O-Geez!`
- The Role Of Purpose -

Buck Nightwing
- Kept Animal :  Base Name For Pet -
[] Not A Family Member - Animal Pretender []
`Momentary Lies...Who Knows, How True; Tomorrows Shall Be.`
[] Evening Conundrum []
`What's in anyway...?`
- Streets Relativity -

* ________________________________ *

Noire  - Blonde Undone -
'The Tymphany Of An Evening' :  An Esquire Article
:  Stigma EndGames  :

Sunday, August 20th, 2023


Chilly Winklemeir
- NonIntimate Eyes -
: You Show Yours :
:  (Your) Pocket Penis Of Personal Phone  :
- Just Remember, Pushing Your Dog At Others
[Crotch Sniffer Or NOt]
Demanding Attention
A Penile Extension Of Id/
Anthony Wiener Procurement / Preferment
/ Placing Your Phone At Others To Expose /



Each Life But TimeFrames :  Eternal Soul

(Happy Heavens ...Eventualies)

Spectrum Patio
`Once Upon A Time, In Never The Way It Was...
They Remember the 50's,
The Way They Want, Now To Be.`

                                                             --Spectrum P.

Cocomo Faux
`Done Unto Another ... The Devils Division :  Of Others & Self/
Self & Subconscious Self...
Done Unto, One's Own.`
`Oh, Monsoon Typhoon Baja Meld,
Earthquake Exclamation Point.`


Saturday, August 19th, 2023

Cut (Love) Jewel
- `Marriage?  No, (I)Won't Be That Way, So The Neighbors (Are Heard To) Say--
"Cuddling Entropy--His New Wife...Not Quite,
A Stay At Home Girl."` -


Earthe Acropolis
Mosaic Oasis :  Palm Springs Hurricane
- Easter Comes Early w/ Mother Nature's Surly Ressurection -
:  Climate Changed, Segue Sunday  :


Eggshell Coracle
`Bluster Discovered, In A Mouse's Ear...
(The Things A Rodent Hears)
NewsXource / Lemming Falcon :  FOX Or PBS?`
: January 7th To Circa Now - Mute Interlude :
- Inside Qualify -


Friday, August 18th, 2023
* __________________ *

- Wide Hearted True -
as close to a poem as prose could be
- Faded Memories Of Requite -
- Far Away As Hidden Gods -
The Stain Of Involvement
lesser realities; unwilling to trust dreams

Possible Ands
'Last Date'
`(Thank You/For) part of awhile...?  Can't I love you all the time.`


Thursday, August 17th, 2023

- Horizon Skyline -
` more alive than yesterday.`

* __________________ *

The Orphan Lady III
Show Alone :  She Was A One Woman Autobiography.
Ink Penned Fiction Alibi :  Flattering Biography Lies
- A Politicians Soul -
Shirley Chisum Or Sarah Palin  :

                                                                         --OL III

Psychofield Welsh
[:] Fixing History :  Texas Schoolbook Lore [:]
- Miles Antecedent -
:  Truth Believed  :
Empty Imaginary Paradise
Marquee Name Telling Why
:  Parameters Can  :

                                                                  [The Right Wing Knight]


Pinpoint City
Alms Pennace :  Compound Interest Tithed
- Accountants Fore -
:  Passed Gold - (The Past So Afar)  :
Equipped With Fine Print Parenthesis
Texas Schoolbooks :


Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Crustacean Curmudgeon
* - Skeletons Bride -
RIP :  #MitchMcConnell


Yards Moblier
PSA :  `--become someone, be yourself.`


Corporate Bondage
PSA :  `Rise Above A Dream.


Parisian Sands
[] Alchemy Male :  Changing God Into White []
- Spanish (Social) Inquisition -


Shadow Beautymark
- Impartial :  It Is The Holy Spirit Which True Lights -


Book Velvet
`Rise above a dream, reality.`


Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

HOpi YOgi
- UnOrganized Religion -
In The Aftermath Of Path :  Open Terrain :
- In The Aftermath Of Always -
Incarnation Graduation
: Chela Free :


Death Breathy
`UnSurpassed By Dreams...Living Reality.`

* _________________ *

Stature Mansions
DAR :  The Surety Of History
- White Taste - Married To -
: Fragments Of Nobility II :

* ________________________________ *

- Shadow Hopefulness :  Mostly Wary
- God Sinned - :  Echoes Of Christ :  Ghostily Words
Growing Silent Rosaries - Choir Hand :  Prayers UnHeard -
- 14 & 1/2 Cents -
`--true as out of the blue.`
The Places Of Memory :  DinnerTable Shuffles :  Menus Of Course
`--rare diseases.`

Egg Crash Coffin
- Murder Kept Alone, Doing Herself In -
- Island Afire -

                                                                                --Egg Crash

Nicolet Cottles
:  Mascara Aspirations  -  Masquerre  :
`Careless Clues...She Did Not Care To Truly Kiss.`
...& Alladin's Cat Had But One Wish.`


Oasis Stance
`Horrible As Bad...Each Act Gets Worse!`
- Necessities Remains -
Winter Summers - Climate Changed


Kidnap Trepanned
- The Chaos Of Moss :  Conservative Notions; Ingrown Norms -
[] Select Breeding - And The Will To Do It []

                                                                          --Kidnap Trepanned

- Staring Transparencies -

Curry Favor
`Holy Professional!`
- A Self Admission -
:  The Pure Evangelist (Halo Assumed) :


Kittens Starlight
- TeddyBear Scores -
:  Childhood Get Even :
/ Alliance Perforce /


Beveled Moments
- The Love God -
1965 :  `Skip Homlier The Heavy In This LightWeight Fun.`
: Don Knotts The Tarzan :


Parasol Ending
`Georgia Booked...The Inevitible Mug Shot :  Missing In Action--Milk CartonSoul.`
- Every Day A Bad Hair Day 'Neath That Evil Dome -
/ Yesterdays Crook - Tomorrows Nixon /


Monday, August 14th, 2023

Maiden Webben
- DAR -
- Predjudice Formal -
: Uppest Class (Green Conservatives) - / - Certainly MAGANon -
- So High Above The Rabble Red Republicans :
- Dollar & Moral - UnIdentical : Elephant Machine - Two Right Wings


Nothing Past The Moon
- Gravitational Full -
/|/ Scentless Angels Too Close To Earth |/\
Icarus Soul


dDitto Cruciform
: Alliance 24 :  All The Times :
- Culling Premonition -
- The Imminency Of 13th O'clock.`

* ________________ *

\ taking life at the tip of a whim |  Vent Pent Up /
Soothe Remove :  The World A Nastier Place For You

Sable Ice
Fox Entertainment
Half The Fact :  Their Hole News

Dandelion Egos
ANXIETY :  Unformed Fears Held Near
                             {Psychologist Extraordinaire}

* ______________ *

Deeds Gun
- PowderSmoke Law -
The Fuzz Raids :
Winged Monkey Goons -
Marion County Record Subjected To The Rules Of Oz

* ________________ *

- The Basement Of Desire -
* A Protestant's Tale *
: Spilling Bets - The Chances Of Cards & Drinks -

Hipflask Silver
Liquid Nexus :  Where Bottle Ghosts Roam
Bars & Scenes s Of Former Pleasures


Chucksteak Drive
'Adept Clutch'
- Fast As Speed :  TimePiece Immortal Dreams -
The Alone Orphanage 1996-97 A.C. :  In Their Year Of Time Travel
[] 1899 - The House Of Lords ][

* _____________ *

Fiord Spoon/Polli Oleo
PBS Tonight - The Font Of Alarm -
w/ Judy Woodruff
* The Pudgy Old Paul Revere - "Moral WhereWithal."  *
Vail, Colorado


Sunday, August 13th, 2023

Twist Prescriptions
Social Media Algorithms Of Addiction
-  Lab Rats Pavlov'ed -
The Inner Eyes Of Smaller Screens :  Monkey Paws


Just Businessman
Business Certitude` :  200 Proof
Accounting Reform :  Taxes Zoo Proof / Keeping The Animals In Line
[] Ethics Caged []
][ Ethos UnCaged ][

* ___________ *

- The Shades Of Shadow ... Could Not Grow Mortal -
:  Calm Down Child - tRump 2024? [Grover Cleveland Redux]?
President Hoosegow?
UnElectable:  Pokey Presidency But Boogeyman Fears  :

* __________________ *

Beefcake Carved
Beneath The Orange Spray Paint :  Charm UnDressed, The Self Martyrdom
Of Selfishness
The Sense Of Wrong, Embraced By State Rights :
Individual Freedoms Sacrificed.
One Star Among Fifty _  Black Light Subsumed By One Red Stripe


From India
`Practice Smiles
...her intent did not come naturally.`


Gene Misconstrue
- Specific Kids -
:  The Flavour Of Kiss  :

* ______________ *

- Lessons In Mortality -
:  Evidence Enough  :
- Heartbeat Shards -
/ Emblem Anger -  ne Flat Surface, She Full Womanhood /
- Soft As A Plan :  He Meant To Make More :
Easy Sedition/Border Bad -
`Common as coffins, all the mortal dead...`
- vulgar blue eyes -
- soft step anomaly :  Bad Man's Game -
Poem Ending : more alive than yesterday.

West Porcheve
`Puppies Basted--Korean Carnivores!
UnWanted Pound Spawn, International Flavours--Let Them Eat Dogs.`


Rainbo Ponytail
- `Me 'n My Beau :  Close As Posies.` -

* __ *

- Heartbeat Shards -

Saturday, August 12th, 2023

Monsieur Von Due
#18 Linda Caicedo :  Ebony Dark Dream
- Colombian Beauty Playing Her Age -


Japanese Aircraft Carrier
:  In The Guise Of Nature  :
- Pearl Harbor Redux -


Crept Dynamite/Calm Rodeo
Iowa Stumpers
- talk walking on; nothing said -

* ______________ *

'Still Moods'   A Gallery
- Matter Atrophy -
- A Stillproof Tool '  Lingo
- nervous as aggravated pony -
- Your Son's Brother -

Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
'Abandoned Midwives'
- The Peeved Aggrieved Wanting The Neverwas, Once Again -
!  Bent Upon The Restoration  Of All The Worst Parts Of Once Upon.`
- Immersed In The Front Part Of Reason -
Son Of Ago


Married Miss Trite Overload
- Match Catch :  An Aspirational Dating Sight For Sporting Women -
Wishes Compleate  :
Married Miss Trite Overload

                                             --Married Miss

Mix Romance
/ Desperate Ardor - It Wasn't Very Convincing /
- Silent Picture Show -
Witch Hunt Innocence :  Tonight Requires

Once Everywhere
- The Kellyanne Conways Of The Right -
!!  Rivet Smooth - Nevertheless, Not Pure As Truth  !!
- Shadow Soup :  The Murky Mists Of Forked Words -
Surface Amnesia _____ Voting Booth Shallow
( Misdeeds Done )

* ____________ *

Tyronne Union Star Power
- Iowa Field Of Dreams - Different As A Pun -
Non Debate :  The Same Old Severed Stump / A Lack Of Alliteration
: Step Up To World Politician :
Vote ME
- More Than Immortal, Noun A Verb -
Shoots Nary Green : Gun Machines


Egg Avatar
)( Amoebas Touching :  Engulfing Kiss  :  Heartbeat Nouns ()
Egg & Sperm Sacred Kiss!
- Single Cell Duplicate -


Friday, August 11th, 2023

Parisian Sands
Fetal Personhood :  Pregnancy Policing
Before & After / Postpartum All The Time
- Examining Babies First Bowel Movement -
:  NewBorn Test Results  :

* ________________ *

- Midnight White -
 :  Famous Punctuation -  A Course  :
:  Angel's Times :  A Ball Diary  :

Pillage Burn
- Cinder's Wishes -
`There had been no Climate Changed.`


Merciless Evil
- Hawaiian Tears -
Make-Up Tears :  You Didn't Cry Enough Before
- Dessert Oasis Ocean -
Cinder Is Ashen Molten
Volcano Fore  :

* ___________ *

- Common As Four -

Tether Nightspoon
`Token Iago?  Tomorrow Immortal,
If You Can Imagine It.`

* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything :  Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks & Reserved
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages