Cyber Diary Of
The Alone Orphanage ;
Most Recent Tweets Atop;
To The
& Read 'The Historical
Best Viewed Big Screen
: Theatre Darkened
. ![](0trentovercoat13.jpg)
. _____
Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
Noe Immortal
`Older Than Crime...Sex For Love / Eden Paradise.`
Buys Disguise
UnTruths Embedded : Allowing The Nation To Move On/The Country
To Move Forward With Lies Safely Guised.
Comfort Zones Left Unopposed : Wickopedia Pastures
Upon Which The Lemming Sheep
May Safely Graze.
)( ___ )(
Heartbeat Rosin
- Dominion Legalese : Secrets Observed / Private Largesse -
Remake Redux : Worst Woody Allen Movie Ever Recreated--
The MONEY & Run -
** : Embedded Lies Festering :
)( ____ )(
Egg Avatar
- Unicycle Truths -
O ___ OO
One Eyed Sons Sans Moon : Only Murky Grey - Never Shades Of Truths
- Peach Ripe As Bum -
O * O
Hostess Zero
- Kept Change : Dominion Abdicates & The First Ammenment Is
Further Smeared -
as sound? Only if your voice is true.`
`Outlaws Gaze
WWII Landing Craft
- Pug Henry & Flow Charts Manning Materiale` :
Implementing Priorities -
UFO's Known
* _ *
Orphan Lady II
: PrayerSong :
- `Apple, Peach Or Pumpkin--Wave The PIe, You've Earned
The American Flag!` -
: Diversity Freedoms :
--Orphan Lady II
) - (
Nixon Was Not A Crook--We Should Have Won Vietnam &
Saint Ronald Was Not The Arbiteur Of Contra I Ron / Guilty Of Treason
/ Ensuring The Hostages Would Remain In Iran Until His 444th Day Of
Liberation :
How Phillipino McArthur Of Him /
Of Coke For Freedom Fighters Supressing Peasants ...
* 'Tumbleweed
Blunt' : Of Nebulous Intent
* ___________ *
- Touched With Meaning -
`Destiny! A Bigger Word Than Fate.`
- Alone Salon -
Hopi Yogi
: Centered Peace :
? `Standing ON Your Zero Goal Line--Heart Is The Goal.`
Half-Spring Pennymind (&
- Birds Of Prey -
: Harley Quinn :
Nice Thighs - A One Trick Pony
: Relentlessly Mediocre :
* _______________ *
- rules don't afree, with full realities -
18th, 2023
Master Key Space
- Dominion Fraud -
`Should they Hidden Dismissal ^ Fiscal Capitulate...`
`--piss mush!`w. Regards To Newsworthy Information.
Newsish Pish-Posh!`
--Master Key
* ______________ *
NewsWorthy ? F-facting
statements that never were true.
FOX Screwed!
Jaundice/Guilty Of Yellow Journalism
`Prima Donna? Doo-wop
not--can't hack that old white-jive.`
- eyes horizon; long seen -
`Naked Regulation! Accounting Transparencies!`
- deader than yesterday's smoke -
the point of purpose nearly reached / / / illusion cheaper than reality
false smiles harboring illusionss
wry `--helpless aggregate.`
`Evernew, dawn is her own love.`
`--it always can.`
Patois Piecemeal
`--straight true!`
- Rupert Got Off
: Yellow Journalism Hardens Into Myth -
: Pacification Entertainment Guising As News :
* __________ *
- the promise blur -
`Soon,` said the echo.
`There's 10% of something missing.`
`On the edge of peace, let Hallowed be our Earth.`
a thousand pound posie; fully fruity
April 17th, 2023
Tyronne Union Star Power
* Individual Starlight Consciousness *
- Fifty Freedoms -
Overall Total
- Republican Bugdet -
: ][ CombOverNotions : Kevin Delves Accounting ... Engaging
In ...
Periodic Hostage-ing
- Evidence Evidently/Evidently Evidence - Progress Maybe -
Mix Romance
- Secrets Eclipsed -
(Zero More)
Nicolet Cottles
<> `--fuzzy heartbeat, don't you know what is true?`
- : Wish Upon A Promised Star :
(to Castrog Delomain)
* ___________________ *
`--honesty lies, if she isn't true.`
- with dreams in every eye - a man with common dreams -
`It time allows, time will be.`
filled with prescence; some sort of coalesce
- the world made over into again -
nick 'Grover Won't'
Married Miss Trite Overload
* Freeing Recess : Harper Valley KKK *
--Married Miss
* ___________________________ *
`--I didn't mean to be stalwart with another's valor.`
- God Wonders If You Are The Same -
: Yesterday Tomorrows :
/ Paper Asides /
tiny as miniscule; his head bigger than his trunk
oleaginous gears transposing truths; oily misninformation
Tyronne Union Star Power
`I have many friends of all persuasions.`
Potato Truth
- Allegiance Chrysalises -
: Every Eye Sees :
* __________ *
`Come on! We're getting ready for everythings.`
Bible `You are just paper. You'll bend. SecondHand
Rumor isn't Ironclad.`
`Ripples chained to rills--you think it's all your stream.`
`Melting brains won't gel!`
`Messages don't gather, without seed.`
`Sparkle Remains...Once We Kindled.`
- dense prognosis; murky opaque
Pepper Treewind
whisper winds ~ zephyr kiss
--Pepper / Sunday Postmark
The Exiled King
Teddy Fibre
`--stand adamant, or lost integrity!`
: Dominion! Celebrity Mouths--Make Them Testify! :
`On Trial For Our Times--Never Surrender To Lies.`
][ 'Mist Bear' : `--death less than perfect?
We can not afford betrayals.` ][
* ______________________ *
`--nothing is an excuse for anything.`
- a figment of nonfiction -
`--it's all a pose, for undermining freedom.`
[They Have To Let The Lower Classes Live]
`--right there at the start of twilight.`
Believing Patina : Betting Upon Grown
nondescript angels; urchins really
`--wishes choose.`
`--stars aren't night!`
The UnNamed Bat
Al Capone Accounting
: Crook Hood Of Graft
Ginny-Vitis Mouth - Non Heritage
: Graft & The Need For White Light :
* _____________________________ *
Misnomers, Sometimes 'God's
Apostles' Are But Man's Disiples /
(Mortal Foils)
- Name, Rank & Individualized Serial Number -
False Claims Act : The Laws Of Fraud : Deliberate Ignorance
Sunday, April 16th, 2023
- Mildly Obsessed With NeveryThings,
He Was A Jack Of No Trades -
* ___________________ *
- Masters Of Persephone -
Saturday, April 15th, 2023
Amanita Pesquita
`Never was a time you couldn't remember...
always might become someday.`
Wind Ornament
* _________________________ *
- Rabbit Hearted Lessons
: Qualifying For Life
jump grumpy; often to snap
`...too mush too when.` Opening Narration
`Don't drribble the piddle--out with it, man!`
Lingo : 'Say Or Ain't'
- intense as a Scott -
Golden Calf As Their Altar Of Science
A Thousand Clowns Don't Equal One Jongleur
- Broken In Ways -
Candy And
nice as ice cream, maybe even sherbet
'The Angel Bear'
* __________________________ *
`Forever Ago...tho' but yesterday.`
Insane Rearranged/Tomorrows Sure To Be The Same
Corporate Welfare : 'Larceny Pilfered'
- burning tame -
- tides often flow that way -
`Seasoned Angels--Pepper On The wings, Sugar On Their Tails.`
`Tame Memories...It Never Really Happened That Way.
Altered Alternatives...Glossy Holds Sway.`
`Kisses waiting to see, if you'll come back to me.`
lingo 'Heinie Betty' * 'Petty
Blandishments' * 'Green Violence'
`(It's) God's Problem.`
- `--fact resolved by lack.` -
`--my dyslexia vestiges still transpose sometimes.`
`--if there is a
long run.`
Killowatts Hurt
`C'mon you're fucking the dog with his own cock!` -
: DeSantis - A Reactionary
Wipe : Cleaning Up tRump's
Bum :
* _________________ *
- God
Optioned -
`--too late to wait, already done.`
`--snuggley-wuggly tuck in.` : A Young Girl Playing Doll Mother
Kismet Mortal
- Smoke Blown? -
* ___________________ *
- softer than tone, she meant well. -
said, "Egg or the nude?"
- [Demons
Always Know When]
- & Whom -
* _____________ *
`--here you are, partial destiny.`
fun simpleton, in it for the moment
`--Evil Horde!`
Alfredo Alfresco
`--taste knows when.`
{Poison Cradles}
- Triskaidecagon -
- My Style, Plus Five -
: The Einstein Shape :
Aperiodic Monotile
- A Polykite That Assembles Into Tilings
Based On A Substitution System -
Baby Pie
* _____________ *
- cool old granny--Old Witch Hazel's cousin -
`--Cadillac Fact!`
* ____________________ *
Pincushion Hats
- Revisionist History : War On Before -
: Temporal Whores :
* ___________ *
Glory PSA : `--I don't do self-serving testimonials.`
doubts in the tides
then winter was awash with dawn
lonely hips; selfish sway
(Art) Linkletter Heaven : When God Was Your A-B-C's
Night Stars : A Nurse
`--close as closed, your smile posed.`
- Brothers Way : A Band -
- behind remind, he forgot to swallow -
mistaken; when nip should have tucked
shadows tripping the light
Friday, April 14th, 2023
Call Escrow
: Everyone Knows Everything...Except Intelligence
[Intelligence Excepted]
- Pinkerton Technology -
Goody Kind
To Defend Those Who Can Not Defend Themselves :
- Gun Rights & Fetus Rights -
- An Infusion Of Human -
--Dr. Goody Kind
Heartbeat Rosin
personality big as as a pinfeather -
* _____________________ *
: Full Abound - A Desired (Sometimes) State Of Being :
- creeping seedily; vice taking quiet root -
Tidbit Whimper
``I made my coffee too weak. Perk-perk-putt.
The day is ruined. I might as well die now.
Well, maybe tomorrow.`
- Enervated -
/ A
Nondescript Nothing/NonDescript Non :
Guess I'm Just Passive-Passive /
[] Pallid Coffee Pic Enclosed []
Kidnap Trepanned
Complex Sex : Deeper Than Freud Could Go
* _______________ *
Hell Unleashing Holy Saturnday
`...the devil haunting, has, was & been.
Born There--There Is NO Pathway In.`
- The Shape Of Making
- Notorious Forays -
: The State Of The
Moral :
- Opulent Non : A
Common Surname -
Ghosts Enjoin; when 'Carrion Falls'
: (A Dangerous Place)
Honey Mound : (My
Favorite Place)
Singular Focus
- personality big as a pinfeather -
Deeds Gun
! Gun UnControl !
Noisome Moisture : Crococile Lies / UnFelt Prayers & Moments
Of Silence
(Stretching Years) :
Ineffectual None/Ineffectual Near
ERA : `Plain as name--say mine!`
Gene Misconstrue
`One Size Fits Most? : I (Am) An Indeterminate :
- Let Me ... Let My Be -
][ Take Care Of Your Own Front Porch ][
* _____________ *
'Cesspool Stymie' : Derisive Nickname
`--fuck wad cunt heart! MegaBitch.`
* _______ *
- Once Upon Sex
: A Lothario Reminisces -
- Better Than Friend -
- The Left Hnaded 10%; When Anomalies Won't Go Away, We'll All Be Gay -
- Rightful Waters -
`Better Dead Than Red?! The Devil Is White.`
- not enough stones in the poem : Remembered Sands -
Suitcase Hardcase : Caarapace Shelled Heart With An Aardvarks
Monochromal Miles
The Edges Of Hell (Centered In Your Heart, Upgrade Requite)
shrew furtive; squinting in moderateae light
a fine line betgween dead & gone
sensative as a blush or a poem
overstriving; locked in the size of had
Monsoon Cherish
- Twenty-Six Inches In Seven Hours In Fort Lauderdale -
1,000 Year Event or Every Other Weekend?
~ Tides Do ~
* _________________ *
- soft feel - higher than climb - grumpy disgruntled -
a shrew's chin; Old Witch Hazel nose
`--don't be skimpy niggardly.`
'A Bowl Of Cyber'
disgruntled artifact; shrivveled former
[Stool Spouse]
`--dead as shot in the back, that's how Westerns end.`
my redwood heart too puny for your average Tin Woodman
`--busted noun, don't know how to describe him..`
`Rodent prey...mouse nibble.`
criminal eyes, open to shady possibilities
the end of tending; seeling rooted
eyes poking out with beliefs; eyelash insensative/clean sweeps
stranger like to meet on murky nights,
when things are likely to go bump in the dark
Saturday Anticipating Sunday's Friend; Fully Weekend
The Endless Enamel of Veneer: Soul Camouflage
- ash kiss heart -
old Western soundtrack; birds chirping needlepoint
I am writing, but they are authors (43 years of apprenticeship).
- A Blueprint Of Valor
clipped to the hearth; diction snug as turf
- slicing the length of the wind -
sentient as a teddy bear's wish list
- Lassoing Victuals -
`Let The Winners Win/Losers Fall. It's The Nature Of The World.`
- On The Straight & Narrow As Aunt Jane' Shoulder Blades -
Morgue Tunes
`The World Gets Busy : War Clouds.`
* _________ *
The Rhythm Of The System In His Heart : Corporate Man
- Hospital Newspapers : The Anachronistic Treat -
Kid Simpleton : A
Ragamuffin's Heart With A Scalliwags Mind
dead as hair follicles; cadaver growth
'Processing Bananas' : A Whore's Occupation
newt unusual; verging hemaphrodite; two tails
Thursday, April 13th, 2023
Totally Fine Fesque IV
- Son Personify? (I AM) Not A Total Junior/Jr. -
Spiderweb Terrazzo
: Marrow Brooding Ichor Soul : April Ides :
* ______________ *
- Afford Your Sensibilities -
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