Character Montages
[A Recent Sampling from The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited]

Apples Duewise

Little Alcoves

dDitto Cruciform

Villian's Candyshop

Rigolette Cotille

Schoolboy's Sorrow

Nobilous Morrow

Deeds Gun

Tyronne Union Star Power

Rainbo Ponytail

Dormant Egg

Squirt Liturgical

Light Breeze

Passing Shards

Killowatts Hurt

Blood Martyr

Pink Hue


Butterscotch Circle

Trent Overcoat

*'The Regulator'*

God Anon


Goody Kind

Ode As Hue

Crimson Timothy

Farm Watermark

'Baby' Trent Overcoat

Miss Nomers

Pinpoint City

Lightning Chalice

The UnNamed Bat


Sew Buttons

Goody Kind

Crimson Timothy

On Upon

Fontish Noh

'Anthony Adverse'

Two Star Horror Movie

Two Star Horror Movie

Ode As Hue

On Upon


Coffin Crops


Cookie Sugars

Pasteurized Wayfarer

Light Breeze

Pillage Burn

Pinpoint City

Bubbles Allure

Beefcake Carved

Blood Martyr

White Spice

Heartbeat Rosin

Castrog Delomain

'Astro Boy'

Money Comes

Stoolie Vestibule

Teagarden Leaves

Fontish Noh

Each Midnight

Nicolet Cottles

RIP Womb

Teddy Fibre

Horrid Little Obligato

Coffee Vendetta

Puppet Flesh

Curry Favor



Vintage Pin