World Politician 2016:  Presidential & Vice Presidential
Vote Write In:  Stay for the results...
Tyronne Union Star Power & Nicolet Cottles
[Perennially 10 & 7 years old when announcing their candidacies on All Saint's Day of 1999 A.C.]

Tyronne Union Star Power


Nicolet Cottles

Most of Tyronne's Cabinet has long been in place:

<>Teddy Fibre as Attorney General             AGAGAG

Teddy Fibre

dDitto Cruciform

dDitto Cruciform        Secretary of State                 ==========

Josef Mohawk     Press Secretary              A quick wit & naughty tongue,  that is sometimes too truthful.                '''''''''

Just Businessman:  Secretary Of Commerce  'Let the buyer beware?!  Let the seller be pure.'                       BBBBBB

Teddy Fibre        Attorney General               )()()()(
Chad Star Power
Tyronne's older brother by two years;  his 12 year old Campaign Manager.
Overall Total                Chief of Accounting            88888888
Tail Penny       The Final Accountant                                  90090909090

Individual Serialized       Computer Drone.               &&&&&
Jet Bubbles                        Vice Presidential Advisor; Nicolet's oldest friend.             oooooo0
Cleopatra's Soul                                                    Spiritual Advisor         //////////

Isis Romeo          Cleopatra's Boyfriend             ???????

Los Angeles Oceans             Freelance Writer         !!!!!!!!

Pinpoint City          Freelance Writer          _______

Kismet Mortal                                 Sergeant At Arms          *****
Seven Egypts           
Kismet's Boyfriend          $$$$$

Book Velvet               Head Librarian          -------
Candycane Lattitude
        Book's Boyfriend          =====

Chocolate Marshmallow            Confectioner          ######

Nobilous Morrow       Futuristic Planning/In Charge Of Tomorrows          @@@@@

Totally Fine Fesque       Secretary Of The Interior          00000

Tether Nightspoon       Vacation Guide          %%%%%

Spoken Sky     Prophetess          !!!!!!!!


Spoken Sky
...One World, Each American A Star.
Vote Tyronne Union Star Power as Write In Presidential Candidate.
Nicolet Cottles his seven year old girlfriend as VP...they've been running since All Saint's Day of 1999 A.C..
MOMENT AMMENDMENT   The Supreme Court must 'Align The Future With Tomorrow...'
Seniors in High School allowed to vote regardless of their age.
[Rush the Vote for Those Qualified...it's their world more than yours.]
MOMENT AMMENDMENT  The Supreme Court @ 4-4:  An American Decision By November First!
**  World Pol Theme   Tail Penny 'The Copper Penny' as 'The Spark Of Individual Soul'
Tail Penny is the last Jr. Accountant in Tyronne Union Star Power's Economic Bureau.
{Bureaus & Drawers within Cabinets}:  Each Over Spiderwebbed Perfectly Enfold.
Tail is the accountant of the final penny...honesty's girl wardeness.
